Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 179 A Spar With The Hero (V).

Chapter 73: A spar with the Hero (V)

Kein's POV

"I'll be the judge of it. May I roll your pants up?"


Avery lets the princess roll her pants up and we could clearly see the damage the armor did being worn around tightly in her skin. I've had many knights wear armor with at least protection inside but this girl didn't have any of it.

All purple with red swollen color, a few dried blood in several wounds and marks.

Rose's worry could be clearly seen being shown on her face. Her hands wandered through the skin gently putting pressure on the skin, "This is..."

Avery shakes her head looking over at her wound and shrugs like it meant nothing to her at all.

"Others had it worse, ever since living the life of a hero and going on many quests with adventurers you get to see their battle scars and stuff. I've heard stories and tales on where they got them! Compared to them I would think this is nothing." she told us and I held back my hand smacking her head for what she said.

Instead I decided to take it upon myself by holding onto her leg and holding it in my hands, slowly I gripped it of course I'm not a monster it was just a firm squeeze just to break that little tough girl façade of her.

Avery tried her best to look tough when I held over her wounded leg but slowly her true face came out and cried in pain. "Ow! Ow! Stop holding it! I can tolerate the pain when I stand up but not this-"

"Are you an idiot? Just because others have suffered worse it doesn't mean you need to, harming yourself this way... Rose, please tell me you can heal this." I looked over to my lovely girlfriend with hope that she would be able to handle this much and she nodded in reply looking over the wound.

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"Not to worry, love. I can heal this and I assure the hero would feel a lot better after she goes through the healing process." (Rose) have her hands wander around the armor strap finding the buckle tongue, removing it and when she did at least on the inside skin we got to a point of relief seeing that there wasn't much to heal.

"Do you remove your armor when you go to sleep?" she asks the hero who thinks on her answer.

"Umm... only when I do remember to remove it?" (Avery) answers really badly, so there are times where she doesn't take it off? No wonder its swollen up to this point. "Due to exhaustion I just... plop myself into bed forgetting I still have my armor on."

The image of Avery just going to sleep with these made my eyebrows furrowed in worry. I didn't have much other words, fearing that it might come out offending again but thankfully someone else was there to give some needed lessons for the girl.

"Miss Williams, may I give you some wise words that someone has told me." (Rose) starts looking at the hero so fondly, the same look she gives to children back at the orphanage when she explains something that they couldn't understand.

Watching Rose interact with her, she sees the hero as a child she cares for.

"Scars... may be a symbol of victory and honor by defeating an enemy, but you are scaring yourself in a different way. You are hurting yourself, would you think... that it was earned properly that way?" she continues to ask, letting the girl think for an answer herself.

Scars... speaking of them I have many. All either earned from simple mistakes, some were there before I even took over Kein's body. The recent ones were from the military academy. From my head, hands and legs.

All over there was bound to be one.

"But- technically I'm wearing armor to protect myself... isn't that honorable?" (Avery) defends herself confidently but it doesn't seem to work.

"What I mean is the responsibility that comes with it. Some of your scars are earned and some are not... the ones on your leg only forming from wounds from letting your skin be suffocated by metal, does it not hurt?" (Rose)

Avery's eyes look away in denial. "I-It doesn't..." she answers trying to sound tough but there was a moment of hesitation.

"Truly is that your truth?" the princess asks rather persuasively not believing the girl has told her the truth yet.

"Fine... for some reason I can't lie when it comes to this one. It does hurt a lot but I force myself onto the pain because that's what I've always thought of cool adults do." (Avery) answers with honesty how it really hurts, only wanting to imitate the 'cool' figure of adults that hurt themselves.

"Cool adults for me are one's who don't hurt themselves." I laughed a little with my answer because of the irony of it. "Good thing in my eyes you're not an adult yet."

Rose gave a satisfied smile raising her hands up with a magic circle glowing above the wounded leg.

"[Heaven's Healing]." she chants and my ears perked up from hearing the spell that I wasn't familiar with.

"I never saw you using that spell before." I sat right beside Rose just hearing the new spell she did. The only spell I've known her to use was [Heal].

This would be a new one for me and it's healing Avery's leg at a fast rate. Small particles of light were covering all over Avery's leg.

"This is one of the great spells that only royalty may be able to do. Being able to focus my magic, knowing what part of the body heals and the right kind of treatment to make it better would help." A few minutes after casting the spell, the leg seems to be getting so much better.

"I couldn't use this when I was still covering my identity as a commoner, a maiden of light serving the church. I was afraid you would've uncovered me quickly that way so you're learning new things about me today." (Rose) smiles warmly in my direction and I smile back feeling the tip of my ears turning a little hot, watching over her doing what she does best.

I'm rather envious many could experience the perks of healing rapidly like this, natural medicine and ointments were the only thing that would hasten the healing properties of my body.

Though not that jealous, without magic I can get to feel Rose's lovely hands over my skin when she applies ointment in my body and whenever I was indeed of a bandage she would always have some when we were together.

"You guys flirting in front of me is making my heart beat fast... I'm growing jelly on how because you have each other. So cute I ship it and you give me the material of knight x princess light novel materials-" (Avery)

Well our intimate moment was over, Avery went on excitedly about light novels and talking about them with Rose who got interested wanting to learn more about our world and cultures.

"It sucks how your kingdom bans them though. Even boy's love books- I can't even find them. I could only buy and read stuff like that on [Sprivanto]." (Avery) with her saddened look, I understand her pain of not finding any good gay books nowdays in this kingdom.

The fact that we still have to smuggle and hide them from the church is irking me.

"Miss Williams, if you'd like you can visit the royal library when you have some time. I have many books similar to what you've told me. They've all been smuggled in from [Sprivanto], surely I'm sure you'll definitely like them." (Rose) tells her while her focus never left the wound continuing to heal.

"A rebel princess we have here- dare smuggling in those books when your kingdom literally hates them." (Avery) raises her hand for a thumbs up looking over to me with a smirk. "She's literally a keeper dude."

"You don't have to tell me. I already know she's a keeper." I replied wholeheartedly to the hero's comment. You'll never see someone else this kind and beautiful! I would bet my life on it, if Rose dares enter an earth pageant she'll me taking the crown home.

I could see Rose's lips trying her best not to smile even wider.

"...I'm trying to focus over here, don't make me blush." (Rose)

Soon it seems that Rose was done with her healing and Avery's leg looked as if it was good as new, this time we didn't tease her so she could focus properly on healing her. Avery looks over the new state of her leg feeling bewildered.

"This is- a bit weird. I haven't seen my leg looking this pretty in a year." (Avery) curls up her toes a few times and I pat her back. Her legs were simply better, and it feels like she was breathing better too.

"Next time don't be stubborn and just ask my lovely girlfriend here to help you when you need it." I tell her proudly looking over the said lovely girlfriend.

No wounds, no marks, and even the dried blood was gone.

Rose's full power of her magic was different from what she would show me before, from seeing her heal small cuts, bruises and the common cold this level of magic was amazing to watch.

She takes in both of our compliments and smiles in answer. "Thank you both for your compliment and I will mostly be available at random times but if we do meet and you're in need of healing I'll be there."

"I owe you one, your highness. You guys were right- this does feel better." (Avery) takes back her armor that was plopped on the ground and I thought she was going to put it back.

"Please remember to not put your armor back in..."

I didn't realize a few hours had already passed with all this talk and experiment if the bottled potions would even work on me. The heat and sun were settling in, so I decided to cut Avery's visit short.

"Well then lovely chat but we don't have much time, I have to get the princess back inside the estate to say goodbye to our daughter before I escort her back into the kingdom." I held Rose's hand seeing her expression change into shock, forgetting that she still needs to go back home and talk with Cecilia about the current plans we have.

"You're right! My sisters must be both worried! Especially Cecilia... Oh I hope the light clone I left is still there but seeing a night has passed I doubt it." (Rose) covers her mouth looking worried, the whole night we were gone they have the right to worry.

I was banging her in my office at that time.

Avery nods in understanding, "Oh cool! Cool! Sure get home safe- and wait what you have a daughter?"

Not another one...

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