Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)

Chapter 189 School Opening (III).

Chapter 75: School Opening (III).

Kein's POV

Everyone who was planning to go to the school had already finished dressing up, looking so formal. Father was wearing a similar pairing suit with mine, and Vivienne- who was left to be tended with the maids was wearing a little version of the school uniform for show.

Vivienne who sees me staring at her with a smile decides to flaunt her new clothes that she got from I assume, Father because he's really looking so happy with flowers around his face while clapping.

"Oh! How cute you are, my granddaughter!" (Baron Hills) tells Vivienne as he picks him up, throwing her a little before catching her quickly. "Kein, don't you think she's so lovely?"

"Moma! Moma!" (Vivienne) was slightly kicking her feet and I could recognize the new shoes we bought from the last time we went on a trip. "Hehehe!" she giggles looking so expectant of praise.

I coughed a little trying to hide a smile.

"Yes she is lovely." I told them and I offered up my arms to take Vivienne to which Father gave me the girl looking heartbroken but nonetheless he gave me Vivienne in the end.

Father stares at Vivienne and suddenly he snaps his finger telling me to go on to the carriage for he'll be following behind. "Well you two go ahead first I forgot something from my office I'll be quick to grab it."

"Moma~" (Vivienne) was awfully cuddly and clingy. I held her back carefully while her hands were holding my shoulder. While she started muttering things I couldn't understand. "Watdog!"

I had to think if what I was thinking was the same as hers, but I feel like she was trying to tell me... Hotdog?

"I don't know what a watdog is- but if you draw it and tell me if you want it I can try getting it for you." I told Vivienne while we walked across the halls of the house going out to get inside the carriage.

Do kids at her age look for something otherworldly?

While walking I could feel many of the servants stare as if they were melting watching Vivienne and I.

I decided to ignore their gossips of attempted whispers but their voices was too loud for me to not catch.

"Oh... milady looks so nice as a husband."

"Don't you mean wife?"

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"Oh shush she would be lovely as both."

I could feel my ears turning a bit red from their flattering words but- I'm not sure if they're right. "You're too late, don't you think the guest from yesterday was milady's you know-"


"Yes, so get your mind out of the gutter before you get hurt. Geez come on and let's go do our duties."

"Hey- why do you look mad though?"

"Shut it, I'm not mad."

The two sounded like they were arguing but I made sure not to butt in and just decided to go to the front of the estate where the carriage was waiting for us. It was certainly a luxurious black carriage with the family crest of a dove showing pride in its glory.

The coachman- I was actually surprised to see Alfred taking the rears.

"Alfred! You'll be coming with us?" I ask him, while having Vivienne in my arms. He nods, putting up front his most strict posture while holding the leashes of the horses.

"Of course, milady. Master Hills and you will certainly be busy with the school affairs you'll be needing a sitter." (Alfred) tells me, reminding me that I can't be with Vivienne in the time where I'll be having a meeting and I agreed with him.

The school opening will have many opportunities to talk to people who are willing to invest or serve as partners to us once I give them some of my irresistible charm.

People who own farms, have access to grounds good for hunting and other more things.

I'll be quick with it so I can have some quality time with Vivienne and father.

He looks down a little seeing that the little one Alfred was going to take care of was staring at the horses so intensely wanting to ride them- or-

"Moma no wings? Horsie?" (Vivienne) asks as she eyes the horses who were snorting and I nod.

"Yes those are horses, they're not like Vanilla who has wings." I tell her imagining a carriage being pulled by a flock of Pegasus to which I'm not sure if it would be safety wise to do but it would be a cool thing to see and fixed with magic.

"It no hurt when they pull?" (Vivienne) frowns looking sad for the horses and I couldn't help containing my smile, feeling that Rose would've loved to hear that question coming out of Vivienne.

This little one has a kind heart.

"I assure you the horses are well taken care of, they're fed daily and kept up to exercise so when they pull the carriage it doesn't hurt them." I pat Vivienne's head, after that she believes my words and she doesn't look sad when she looks at the horses.

"Not to worry young miss, it is as milady has said. We do not tolerate animal abuse in our estate. Master Hills is a man who takes care of his family and pets." (Alfred) gave the last push of reassurance because Vivienne was smiling being asked to put down wanting to hug the horses by the legs.

"Down!" (Vivienne) demanded and I shook my head, keeping a firm hold on her waist.

"No we can't put you down, you might startle the horses-" (Vivienne) immediately stops squirming looking at me like she understood giving a sad frown and that made me feel a little bad- but I assured myself that it's for her own good so that she doesn't get hurt.

"But we can pat the horses by the mane, just don't pull too hard." I tell the little girl holding her out to one of the tame looking horses and let her pet them. "Hehehe! Horsie~ pat pat~ hug?"

Vivienne turns her head back to me in question. "These are tamed and trained friendly horses so it should be alright."

Father was certainly taking his time but soon after he arrived with a gasp. "My granddaughter is patting horses! Kein what are you doing! How dare you do this without me included!" he yells over and that certainly got me awake.

He walks over to me, his figure being taller looming over mine casting a shadow to Vivienne and I.

"Gwanpa?" (Vivienne) asks so cutely looking over father in a confused manner.

I on the other hand was a little afraid because this was the second time this happened- "S-Sorry father!"

"No this is perfect! Stand still!" (Baron Hills) orders me looking so mad but I can see the excitement in his eyes while he takes out an expensive looking Kamera model from  his [Storage Ring].

I noticed it and I recall Lenard has something like that too back at his estate.

"Is that a Kamera? And when did you even buy it-" I asked father who proudly nodded, posing in to take a picture as he waved his hands a little.

"Yes it's a Kamera and I bought it a few months ago before it could be sold out. Now do it again- move closer so Vivienne can go back petting Luis." (Baron Hills) points at the horse that Vivienne was patting its soft mane before.

Father made sure to name each one of his pets. I couldn't even remember some of them due to how many pets he has roaming around in the forest.

"Do you even know how to use a Kamera?" I asked him, looking concerned because I know people his age- well I am suspecting that he doesn't know how to use one.

"Yes, do not underestimate your father! Now pose so we can take a picture and be on our way." (Baron Hills) ordered and Vivienne had to get close to the horses petting it again, the Kamera shutter clicks with a small light flashing in our direction.

The horses were startled but thankfully they didn't go on a stampede and only neighed loudly in confusion.

"Hold!" (Alfred) had to pull the leashes and for safety I immediately moved away from the horses holding Vivienne's head for safety.

Baron Hills looks over to us in worry. "It flashes light when it's used?"

"I think there was an option to not have that." I tell my father who scratches his head slightly looking guilty.

"I suppose I skipped that part of the manual but thank goodness both of you are safe." (Baron Hills) sighs a breath of relief. The Kamera slowly prints a photo of us being in there, letting Vivienne pat the horse and I supposed this works like the average vintage Kamera back in my old world.

I'm impressed.

Baron Hills takes the photo and smiles so widely giving it to us.

"Moma! Me!"

Vivienne's reaction was rather precious, her blue eyes twinkled seeing us both in the photo. She wanted to have it for herself but I was afraid that if she did it'll be crumpled and destroyed so the best she'll be having is seeing it. "It's a very wonderful photo."

"Technology in these parts are improving, these Kamera inventions are rather handy to make memories and being able to look back on them is just wonderful." (Baron Hills) looked at us both and smiled.

I couldn't help but smile so widely looking at the photo where it was only Vivienne and I. "How about a family photo of us three?" I suggested and father's face immediately beamed in happiness.

Alfred got down the carriage for a bit as I instructed him on how to properly use a Kamera. He managed to take a quick grasp on its use, the next thing we knew we were posing in front of the estate.

"Everyone please look this way, yes... I will press the button now."

Alfred presses the button and it clicks. The sudden flash of light surprised all of us but the photo turned out so well that father told me that he'll have it framed in his office.

I wanted another one where Alfred was in it. Even if he protested I didn't agree so I grabbed the nearest maid I could find leaving her startled for a bit and taught her how to use the Kamera too.

She fiddles with the buttons and edges, worrying not to let it slip her hands and fall knowing the thing costs more than her yearly salary.

"A-Ah! Okay everyone please pose!" she tells us four and we did our best keeping a stiff position not before-

"I... need to weewee." (Vivienne) tells us that she needed to pee and that's where I couldn't help myself from laughing.

"Pfft! Hahaha!"


The flash blinded us for a second, once the photo was printed the maid gave it to us and we admired the photo of us four together.

Another family portrait gained before our trip to the school.

One day… Rose will be part of it too.

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