Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine's Daughter

Chapter 72 - Danger of the taller tree in the woods

Chapter 72 Danger of the taller tree in the woods

At the beginning, He Danggui never planned to use Yingying Powder to maintain her beauty. After all, there was no need for a ten-year-old girl with a pink and soft skin to maintain youth. But she met Gao Jue’s sister-in-law at Tu’er Town last time, a totally strange girl who looked at her face with sharpness like a knife and firmly believed she was a coquette to seduce her brother-in-law. It was really an undeserved catastrophe!

Back then, Gao Jue, Chan Yi and her were walking on the street separately with a distance of more than 2 zhang, and never showed any intimacy. However, Gao Jue’s sister-in-law immediately regarded her as the enemy and treated Chan Yi as the transparent air. What did this stand for?

When she was having a meal at Qunxianlou Restaurant, it occurred to her that in the previous life, there were many unnecessary hostilities that she could have avoided. The reason why they hated her so much was that they were jealous of her because she had the extraordinarily beautiful appearance. The hatred towards her under the first impression grew stronger and stronger. Similarly, it seemed that Luo Baiqiong was the first one who hated her because of envy and then became hostile against her forever.

Then she married into Lord Ning’s Mansion. The first day, she was splashed the hot tea by Princess Xie; Concubine Gu beat her at the alley on the following day; on the third day, a swarm of bees of Lady Wintersweet flew into her room… She couldn’t figure out the cause of these events. They all were women, but why did they do such vicious things to her? Though she shared the same husband with them, she couldn’t choose whether to marry someone or not. What’s more, since she got married into Lord Ning’s Mansion, she was kept as a secret and the so-called husband even didn’t know her. When did her steal the love and care from their husband?

Later, when she had experienced a lot, she finally understood that they were taking preventive measures. They wanted not only to stop her from stealing their husband’s love, but also to let her not be a threat to them forever. This was why “an outstanding person must be envied”. If she were plain or ugly, they wouldn’t even look at her for one time, not to mention hurting her all out. Alas, a lot of enemies going against her was out of respect. When they raised the dagger with their noble hands and stabbed it into her chest, maybe she should feel honored.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Immersing in her thought, He Danggui noticed a familiar funny voice. She lifted her head up and immediately recognized the owner of those bright eyes. He was Bai Yangbai! It was so strange that no matter how Bai Yangbai disguised himself with his exquisite disguise skill, He Danggui could always identify him. Zhu Quan also learned some disguise skills from Bai Yangbai, but he only learned a small part of that. However, when Zhu Quan disguised himself, He Danggui was unable to identify him as her husband who slept beside her last night.

In the previous life, she hated this old crook who lied to her all the time and tricked her to amuse himself. Since he often used the same tricks many times, she began to feel numb, but he still enjoyed it. And the second strange thing was that when she ran into him at the restaurant, she felt a weird excitement, which made her mind blank for an instance.

Then, she found an excuse for this excitement. That old liar opened her mind! Disguise skill! Yingying Powder!

Yes! She was happy and excited just because she thought of Yingying Powder due to his disguise skills! As for that old crook, she still despised him.

Although she didn’t acknowledge him as her master, she learned some disguise skills during the process of working for Wuying Tower. Even she didn’t learn more than Zhu Quan, her natural make-up skills as women had compensated the gap on her skills, so her disguise skills were gradually better than that of Zhu Quan, the old liar’s student.

If she had a plain face or ugly appearance, her enemies would not focus more on her face. Of course, she couldn’t disguise herself too much in case everyone in Luo’s Family wouldn’t recognize her and kick her out of the door. Then Yingying Powder popped in her mind. The color of this cosmetic powder looked like the skin of a person who had a weak body, so she could use this powder to change her facial color. Ordinary face powder, lead powder or the Qise Powder invented by the old crook had no effects on beautifying one’s face, and the skin would become worse and finally some spots would appear because the skin couldn’t breathe after long-term use.

Through 5 years’ firsthand experience in the previous life, she was certainly sure that Yingying Powder had a light texture and would never cause those troubles. It would be more effective when she used it throughout the day than only at night. Therefore, becoming “ugly” now was to be more beautiful in the future. When she had her own family, when she didn’t rely on anyone and when she killed everyone who had ever killed her, she would show her true face.

The wind from the east blew He Danggui’s cyan shirt with white gauze and her black hair. She felt that she was a fairy now and could not help smiling.

Her eyes looked smaller and her nose and mouth looked bigger after the special embellishment. This was just because the color of Yingying Powder changed due to the slightly different amount used in different areas, which caused the visual illusion. Her nose and mouth didn’t really become bigger or smaller. However, the biggest change was her complexion which changed from the attractive color of white and pink to tawny, showing that she was weak. This color really matched her image of “a doormat depending on others for a living”.

Of course, she was still a beauty because her features had no change and also didn’t have important and ugly elements like big moles, hairy nevus, scars, pockmarks and birthmarks. The so-called ugliness was just because she was a fabulous beauty like a china doll in the past. If others compared her with Luo Baiqiong who was “a beauty in Luo’s Mansion”, most people would think the girl with sallow face was still more beautiful.

However, the Second Mistress Luo and Second Miss would be very happy when they saw He Danggui became ugly... Thinking of this, He Danggui smiled again. Her eyes under the long lashes were like a stream of water in the ancient well, glowing with a cold and jeering light. No matter how much the appearance was dissembled, the eyes were difficult to change and thus became the only flaw for a master of disguise.

Huai Hua was obsessed with that pair of eyes. After a long time, she remembered her question, “My lady, why are you not as beautiful as before?” She was afraid that He Danggui was unhappy, so she added, “I mean, you still look beautiful now. Compared with the past, you’re not very beautiful now...”

“Third Miss! Third Miss!” Mammy Tang’s voice came in the distance, “Why are you standing here? I’m about to go up the hill to pick you up!”

He Danggui turned to look at the carriage with red roof and purple curtains from a distance. Seeing Mammy Tang excitedly leaned out and waved toward her, He Danggui smiled and waved too. After a moment, the carriage pulled up and the carter first jumped out to avoid. Then Mammy Tang came out. She was so anxious that she was nearly stumbled over the rail. Chan Yi hurried to help her. Then a young woman and a dowager who was about Mammy Tang’s age came out when curtains were lifted.

Chan Yi also helped them down one by one. That young woman with a blue, slinky and floral skirt of thin silk jumped out the carriage and helped the dowager down with Chan Yi.

Chan Yi stared at the dowager who didn’t dress with jewels indeed. Although she just wore the straight and Han-style clothes under a sleeved over-dress with gray collars, with a cloak of the same color, people would think that she was a dowager at the first sight. She had an oval face, long eyebrows and sentimental eyes, with the dignity showing in her each action. It seemed that she was a fascinating woman when she was young, despite the trace of age on her face.

Chan Yi was confused and turned to He Danggui. Then He Danggui walked two steps forward and seriously prostrated herself before the dowager, saying in a clear voice, “Grandma, Danggui worships you. May good fortune be with you!”

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