Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 136 Special Ability Unlocked

Captain Aegon knew that Legolas was strong, but never in his wildest dreams did he expect the Summoner to be this strong.

The show that he just witnessed completely changed his perception about summoners. 'So, Summoners can be this strong'.

The other warriors of the Vanguard Squad experienced almost the same feeling that he experienced, they were awed by the strength of this warrior.

Their respect for Legolas already grew a lot when due to some reason, he accepted Altan's quest to help them. Legolas saved them and they were grateful, but this show of strength from him increased their respect all the more.

Looking at the silhouette of his master as he looked at the distance where Maggie escaped in, Christensen felt a feeling of pride erupt in his heart.

'This is my master'. He thought as a foolish smile lit up his face.

He clenched his fists. 'I still have a long way to catch up to master'.

After the rampage by Max and Maggie, only 4 warriors of the Hero tribe were left. Apart from the severely injured Tribe chief, Elmort Dale, and his son, Arthur, there were only 2 other warrior survivors of the Hero tribe.

Despite their tragedy, at this moment, all of them had looks of respect and awe in their eyes as they looked at this Summoner.

Just a few seconds ago, Max and Maggie were in the process of soloing and killing them all, but fast-forward a few seconds forward, here they were.

They looked at Legolas like he was a god.


Your Favorability with Captain Aegon has increased by +80

Total Favorability: 130

Your Favorability with Captain Aegon has increased to Friends status

Your Favorability with all members of the Vanguard Squad has increased by +50

Total Favorability: 100

Your Favorability with all members of the Vanguard Squad has increased to Friends status

Your Favorability with Tribe Chief Elmort Dale has increased by +100

Total Favorability: 100

Your Favorability with Tribe Chief Elmort Dale has increased to Friends status

Your Favorability with the surviving warriors of the Hero tribe has increased by +70

Your Favorability with Arthur Dale [Blade] has increased by +50

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Your Favorability with Christensen is at the peak of Outmost Respect!


They say warriors build bond through battles and this proved it.

In the blink of an eye, Legolas's favorability in their eyes increased in various degrees. After saving his tribe, and later saving his life from sure death, Tribe Chief Elmort Dale already saw the stranger warrior as a friend.

Only Blade was a little harder to woo.

One of the greatest traits that Blade was known for in Legolas's previous life was his integrity and honesty, he was also rarely deceived or persuaded.

Blade respected Legolas's strength and he was grateful for him saving his tribe and his father, but that was all, this warrior didn't think of anything else.

"Ugh…" Elmort Dale groaned as he tried to stand up.

His 2 remaining subordinates that survived helped him up.

On standing up, he bowed before the warriors of the Vanguard Squad, most especially Legolas. "I will never forget your help today".

"The Hero tribe always pays its debts".

"If we have the chance in the future, we will surely repay this debt".

Captain Aegon smiled as he exchanged a few more words of pleasantry with this Tribe chief. Of course, he tried to persuade him to evacuate to anyone of the major tribes but like expected, Elmort Dale refused.

For the next few minutes, they checked for survivors. As soon as Max and Maggie escaped, the remaining Titans also left.

After checking for minutes, they saw no survivors and were finally ready to go. Throughout, none of them spoke about Legolas's display of power.

Legolas was frustrated. 'The heck!"

'You're not f*cking telling me that I did all that for naught right?!'

As they were about to leave, Legolas finally spoke. "Tribe Chief".

Elmort Dale turned back to look at him.

"During this battle, I saw a lot of potentials in your son. Though I am not a Pugilist, I know a lot about superhuman strength and I have a lot of connections".

"Under me, Blade can blossom to fulfill his full potential".

"Stuck in a desert, he would not be able to realize his potential".

Elmort Dale raised his eyebrows. "You're saying?"

"Yes, if it pleases you, I would like Arthur Dale to become my student just like Christensen".

"No!" Arthur answered before his father could.

"I am not leaving my family, neither am I living my tribe".

"I am to be the next Tribe Chief, I am obligated to stay and protect them".


Though Legolas already expected it, he was still disappointed. He had a lot of other argument to persuade Blade, but knowing that he would reject them all, he sighed before shaking his head. "What a pity…"

He barely finished before a loud sound reverberated.


Captain Aegon's eyes turned sharp. "A Titan…, a Warrior Titan!"

As soon as they turned to look at where the sound came from, their eyes widened, that was the direction where the civilians evacuated to.

"No…!" Elmort Dale roared as he rushed in pursuit.

His warriors and his son followed him without hesitation.

Captain Aegon did not hesitate also as they followed. On top Predator, Legolas also followed them as he sent Bran to go ahead.

Before they got there, through Bran, Legolas already saw everything.

Elmort Dale collapsed on the desert in tears on getting there.

Thud! Thud!

The thudding sounds as the Warrior Titan escaped turned fainter by the second, what was left in its wake was death and destruction.

Not a single civilian or warrior survived the Warrior Titan's rampage.

While they fought against Max and Maggie, following the twin Saber's instructions, the psychopath that escaped from the Vanguard Squad in the previous village went after the civilians and he left no soul alive.

Blade and the last 2 Hero tribesmen also collapsed on the ground as they wept, they were inconsolable as the warriors of the Vanguard Squad just watched.

The scene was bloody and sad.

Elmort Dale grabbed the purple cloak, the last relic apart from the blood that was left of his beautiful wife as he wept bitterly. He no longer looked like a Tribe Chief at the moment, his sorrow already made him lose the demeanor.

Silence reigned as the last survivors of the Hero tribe mourned their tribesmen, only their sobs reverberated rhythmically in the desert.

2 minutes later, Arthur no longer cried as he stood up first.

He turned to look at Legolas with bloodshot and sad eyes. "Can you help me seek revenge?"

Legolas kept his silence as he looked at this warrior.

"Help me kill those 2 psychopaths and I will become your student".

"Please, help me avenge my mother". He clenched his fists as he forced back the tears that threatened to fall down his eyes.

"Help me get my revenge against the Clown Society".

His eyes gleamed maniacally as he made his decision. "If you help me get revenge, I promise to serve you for eternity with all my heart and my soul!"

Legolas quietly looked at this young man, then he looked down at his father who was already wiping his tears, then he declared solemnly. "I accept".

"I will help you take revenge".

"Then help me take revenge against those 2 psychopaths now!"

This was all Legolas came to the desert for, he was not about to miss it. He gave a well-thought out excuse to Captain Aegon before deciding to leave with Blade to kill Max and Maggie.

Christensen would follow him of course.

Captain Aegon and the others decided to continue their mission of saving the other small desert tribes.

Legolas turned to face the Tribe Chief again. "Tribe Chief…"

"Don't call me Tribe Chief anymore, I am no longer one". Elmort Dale finally stood up as he wiped off his tears. "I am now an avenger".

"I respect my son's decision".

"As for mine". His eyes gleamed sharply. "For the rest of my days, I will hunt down the Clown Society and its members to avenge my wife and my tribe".

"We will follow you". The last 2 survivors declared their support.

With that, the party finally parted in 3 different directions.

Christensen led the way to track the Twin Sabers as he summoned Brutus, but just as he went to work, Legolas's virtual interface lit up.


Christensen Exclusive Special Ability Detected: Scent Tracking

[Requirements to unlock Character Special Ability: Stay alongside Christensen and watch him make use of his Scent Tracking Ability 50 times.]

[Unlock Progress: 50/50]

[You have unlocked Christensen Exclusive Special Ability: Scent Tracking!]

>Scent Tracking: When activated, your nose sensory abilities become as sharp as a ninja hound, few things can miss your sensitive nose<


Legolas turned to face his student with a smile. "Christensen, it seems I won't be needing you to track them again, go help Aegon and the others".

"Why?" Christensen was confused.

"I think my tracking abilities just upgraded".

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