Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 149 Orc Warlord Zeke

Like in the Core Protection Alliance, that morning, for the first time in years, the headquarters of the Pugilist Academy was without their talisman.

Jon Stones' presence made the Pugilist Academy a powerhouse.

The name alone was a legend in Planet Darvis.

It was what made the Pugilist Academy a deterrence to all other organizations in this planet, the title of the strongest Pugilist was no joke.

Despite the absence of their leader, there was no disruption in activities in the headquarters as the academy and the army continued functioning.

That morning, Richard was sent on a patrol mission to the Orc tower.

As one of the most well-protected locations in the headquarters, Richard was only qualified to patrol here due to his recent promotion in the army.

Alongside the 3 other warriors that were sent here, they chatted.

"I still can't believe we were allowed to patrol here on our 2nd day since promotion, our luck must be heavenly". The only female in the group said as she could not mask her excitement.

"I've only ever seen it from afar, I've never been this close to it".

After getting close enough, alongside the others, Richard admired the majesty of this tower. Standing at 300 meters tall, the Orc tower was the 2nd largest building in Planet Darvis only behind the tower of the Ancient Dragons.

As the others admired the sheer size of the tower, behind them, Richard slowly released the strap of his sword.

The next moment, he took a step as he hit his 3 companions on the head with the sheath of his sword, expertly knocking them unconscious.

Richard ducked as soon as he knocked them unconscious as he observed his surroundings, making sure that he was not discovered before dragging them to a corner. He cut tree leaves from a nearby tree which he covered them with.

After this, Richard patted them before entering inside the tower through the door. All soldiers were forbidden from entering the tower except Jon Stones himself, but today, Richard broke this rule.

As soon as he locked the door, he drew the familiar circular occultic drawing on the ground as he performed the descent ritual.

Richard cut his wrist again as he let his blood drip down on the ritual ground.

He closed his eyes and muttered some words in Ancient Darvis.

"Descent ritual…"


Unlike the descent ritual in Palm Island where the Blue Master had to sacrifice his life and those of his subordinates, Richard was a Red Master and was stronger, he didn't need to kill himself to enable the descent.

With a slight shift in the space, Clown descended in the tower.

Like in the Palm Island, Clown was cloth in a black robe and a black hood. Only his fiery red eyes that glowed shone from beneath the hood.

Richard bowed to pay his respects. "Clown the Almighty".

"Rise up, you have done a commendable job".

As he spoke, without hesitation, he was already levitating deeper into the tower as Richard rushed after him. Unlike when he descended in Palm Island, he masked his aura completely this time, alerting no one of his presence.

Clown searched around the tower for 15 minutes impatiently before he finally found it, the space node that led to the plane where the Orcs inhabited.

He grinned. "Finally".

"That old geezer has kept me waiting for far too long, finally".

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Curious, Richard finally asked. "Is old man Stones really as strong as portrayed? I've never felt threatened around him as much as I feel around you".

Clown turned to face Richard. "You're too weak to feel his threat".

"After I just became a Grade C superhuman, when I was younger and more hot-blooded, renowned as the warrior who would become the strongest in the planet, I challenged him to a duel and fought him".

He kept quiet for a few seconds as if he was reminiscing. "He beat me in 5 seconds".

"That old geezer is not an opponent that we should antagonize now".

"Wait till the right time and then he'll die".

He finally jumped in through the node.

Richard hesitated a bit but, in the end, he jumped after him.

This was an unstable plane; the skies had red fractures snaking through it like the world would soon come to an end here.

This was the half-destroyed plane where the survivors of the Ancient Orc Empire were forced to after the Cataclysm.

The population here was not much but they were all Orcs.

The young Orcs played in the massive valley, hitting their massive wooden war hammers against each other as they engaged in play gladiator battles.

As they played, the airspace suddenly shifted before them.


2 strange creatures fell out of the crack in the air.

The young Orcs were startled but they were not afraid as they held their wooden war hammers and glared at these creatures warily like they were rare beasts, they separated into a formation as they circled them.

"Tsk". Clown licked his lips and ignored the young Orcs as he inhaled the air of this plane.

Richard felt a little unwell all of a sudden as he touched his nose only to feel blood, he was surprised but Clown spoke before he could.

"Your constitution is too weak to survive here beyond 2 hours".

"Let's go see their leader".

They barely walked before they heard heavy thudding sounds.

8 massive green Orcs with armor, wielding Battle Axe and War Hammers sprinted to this location as they surrounded them in no time.

Their leader hissed as he looked closer at them. "Humans!"

Clown grinned. "You know us, good, take me to your leader".

"You have no right…!"


Clown moved so fast that his mechanical left hand already grabbed the Orc Warrior by the neck while his right hand casually flicked his staff.

"If you know about humans, then you also know about Elementalists".

"With one flick of my staff, I can incinerate you into ashes".

"Take me to your leader".

This Orc Warrior stared bravely at him without fear, he grinned. "Human, coming here was your mistake, you'll never leave here alive".

Clown chuckled. "You're a foolish one, they say I'm a crazy one, nice fit".

"Well, you'll die for your foolishness".

Without hesitation, he flicked his Elementalist staff.


Mid-swing, a pair of powerful hands grabbed the staff. Within the timeframe of milliseconds while this staff swung, this Orc was able to sprint over from an unknown distance, arriving right on time to save this Orc Warrior.

Clown turned to look at this warrior as he grinned.

"I take it that you're the leader here".

The Orc turned to look at him. "I am Orc Warlord Zeke, the only male survivor of the cataclysm and leader of the Orc survivors, what are you doing here human?"

"I take it that Jon Stones didn't send you here".

Clown raised his eyebrows, clearly surprised. "You've met with that old man?" He laughed as he rephrased his sentence. "So he came here to visit you, what did he tell you about the outside world?"

This Orc Warlord calmly looked down at him. "What are you doing here?"

Feeling the grip of the Orc, Clown already knew that this was a Grade C Orc that he had no confidence in defeating alone, he smiled.

"I came to negotiate".

Inside a wooden house, the home of the Orc Warlord and Chieftian.

Clown grinned on seeing the surprised look on the Orc's face.

"You want to help us return home?"

"Yes, Planet Darvis is not meant for only humans, it's also your home".

This Orc Warlord's eyes narrowed. "Why?"

"It's simple". Clown calmly looked at him. "I just want the natural chaos back, chaos is the nature of the universe and how it should be".

For a minute, the Orc Chieftian looked at Clown's eyes after he said this. In the end, he detected no lie, he sighed. "You're more sincere than Jon Stones".

"It's to be expected". Clown laughed.

"Do you know how I survived?" The Orc Warlord suddenly asked.

"I don't even know what the cataclysm is".

The Orc Warlord sighed. "According to my Emperor during our reign, the cataclysm is an occurrence every few hundred years in Planet Darvis that wipes out all super life away from the planet".

"We don't know what causes it, and we can't stop it either".

"The last cataclysm was worse; all the foundations of the main Empires were destroyed. I reckon I was the only super from my time that survived".

"My Emperor used a special ability of his to create this unstable plane, barely saving me. He entrusted the survival of my race to me since the humans were sure to take advantage of our downfall to rise to power".

"Since then, I've stayed here as I rebuilt my race".

"Apart from me, the Emperor also saved 20 normal female Orcs here for me. I married them all and together, the Orc race survived".

Clown grinned. "You're a vigorous Orc".

"So, what is your decision?"

"I will become your ally".

This Orc's eyes gleamed. "I will help you restore the order of chaos".

"Good choice". Clown started his iconic maniacal laugh.

After that, alongside Richard, they finally left this plane.

20 minutes later…

"Ugh…" The warriors groaned as they slowly roused to life.

As soon as they remembered what happened, they sprang up as they looked at Richard who was standing before them. "What happened?"

They were shocked on seeing Richard injured and bleeding.

"We were attacked by a Bald Eagle with space powers".

"You 3 were knocked out with one attack".

They all blushed as their faces instantly turned red.

"I barely survived after managing to pursue it away…, cough…" Richard collapsed on the ground, alarming the others.

They rushed him back to the army ground for treatment.


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