Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 182 Lords Of The Ice Elemental Plane

"King Nagakin, can we trust a human?" Amon questioned his King.

The King of the Frost Giants looked up at his most trusted advisor, then he turned to look at all his subordinates that followed him to the negotiation.

All around him were Frost Giants.

Most of them didn't have armor and were regular Frost Giant warriors, but a sizeable number of them wore armor and wielded powerful ice weapons, these were the elite Frost Giant warriors of his kingdom.

At this moment, they camped in the open very close to the portal. This was where the last negotiation with the Clown Society was made.

King Nagakin was a burly Frost Giant, bigger than the others and also looked stronger. His horn was armed with a golden ancient armor covering, his frosty beards were long and fierce, overall, he looked like a boss character.

He turned his head to look at his most trusted advisor again.

"Amon, I've spoken with the Clown, I know his type".

"He's a crazy man who is filled with ambition, not only that…" He grinned. "I've lived over a thousand years, and in my time, I've witnessed different personalities, Clown is a big baby".

"From my interactions with him, I can accurately guess the events of his life".

"He's a genius who was probably overpampered by his master which led to his crazy personality. His master noticed his change too late and, in his bid, to correct him, he began treating him too harsh which bred rebellion in his arrogant mind".

"To prove his master wrong that he was right, he rebelled".

"He went rogue and that's probably when he founded his organization".

"From what I've seen, he really believes in the order of chaos but his real motivation all along is proving his master wrong".

"All he wants is acknowledgement from his master".

King Nagakin stood up. "If we play our cards right, we can emerge as the winners and even if we don't, I'll make sure we don't face extinction".


Nagakin looked at his advisor. "Our race became the only fully surviving Ancient race of the 2nd cataclysm, I led you all through it and enabled us to settle in the Ice Elemental plane, do you think it was a fluke?"

"…" Amon was unable to reply.

"In just a few decades, I led you all and we became the Lords of the Ice Elemental plane which is a position we've held till now".

Nagakin looked into Amon's eyes. "Do you think it was a fluke?"

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"No". Amon looked down.

"Good". Nagakin patted him on the shoulders. "Cheer up brother, support me like usual and the Frost Giants will live through this to see better days".

"Yes, my King".

"Round up the returnees, we're returning to our territory!"

As soon as the King's mighty voice reverberated around this camp, majority of the Frost Giants like arranged stood up as they soon followed him and matched deeper into the thick world of ice of the Ice Elemental plane.

They left an elite squad of Frost Giants to guard the portal.

A few dozen minutes after King Nagakin returned with the other Frost Giant warriors though, the portal glowed brighter indicating that it was used.


3 humans, a squad of Foxes, a Nightmare Beast, and a Frost Wolf jumped through the portal as all the eyes in this Frost Giant camp was attracted.

In the blink of an eye, Legolas, his students, and their beasts were at the center of attention, all eyes were on them and definitely not friendly eyes.

The Frost Giants were originally confused at the unexpected sighting, but their leader, the Frost Giant Captain left by King Nagakin was the one who understood the situation first as he roared loudly.

"Intruders, round them up and kill them!"

As he roared, the Captain of the Frost Giants already grabbed his enormous ice War Axe as he erected a blue glowing Frost Shield around the camp.

"Calm down". Legolas reassured his students before they could freak out.

With calm eyes and a slightly racing heart, he observed his surroundings.

From what he could already see, this was a Frost Giant camp and probably where the negotiations took place. He already guessed to meet something like this before they entered the portal and was the reason for his unhurried reaction.

His eyes calmly scanned his surroundings as his brain calculated.

'15 Frost Giants, 10% chance of victory in battle'.

'45% chance of success to escape, he holds the key to the Frost Shield'.

Legolas's eyes focused on the Captain. 'Their leader is the key'.

Legolas's eyes shone as soon as he arrived at the perfect plan.

"Blade, lead the charge, aim for their Captain".

"Christensen, support him on top Leo. In the Ice Elemental plane, Leo is our strongest combatant by a sizeable margin, use him wisely".

"Predator, support the both of them".

"Roar!" Predator roared as his blood boiled despite the cold here.


At the second where Legolas started giving the orders, Blade already started executing his part as he unsheathed Poseidon's Fury and exploded forward with speed. His target was of course the powerful Frost Giant Captain.

Christensen mounted Leo instantly as he went after Blade to support him, Predator was already hot behind their heels as he supported them.

Legolas turned to the Foxes. "On me, we keep everything stable, bide our time and wait till the window of opportunity opens".

Redmane took charge of the Foxes. "Defense and opportunist formation!"

"Roar!!!" Zorro's roar reverberated through the icy world like thunder.

As soon as their Captain moved, all the Frost Giants also moved. They grabbed their weapons as without hesitation, they attacked the intruders.

Legolas and the Foxes were prepared for them though as they tightly defended, with Redmane at the helm, the teamwork of the Foxes was crazy.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

They defended tightly, giving Legolas the freedom to continue observing and calculating while patiently waiting for the window of opportunity to open.

Thud! Thud!

Blade's legs hit the snow with the momentum of a rampaging Bull.

Mid-sprint, his Master Pugilist and Swordsman talent triggered. Against an opponent who favored melee combat, he was at his best. And with his Precognition talent, he was the worst opponent to any melee combatant.

Before contact with this gigantic Frost Giant, Blade remembered his master's words. 'Speed is their weakness'.


Even before the Frost Giant Captain swung his gigantic War Axe, he already predicted it as he evaded it ahead of time while going for the leg.

The sound of Poseidon's Fury clashing with the thick ice skin of the Frost Giant reverberated like the sound of 2 steel swords clashing.

Metallic ringing sounds reverberated as like a leaf, Blade floated around this Frost Giant, predicting all his moves ahead of time and dodging them even as he continued nipping away at his crazy defense.

This was when Leo, Christensen, and Predator arrived.


Once both beasts arrived, the Frost Giant Captain became even more helpless. Despite his incredible strength, with his opponents knowing his speed weakness and deliberately targeting it, he could do very little.

Leo soon froze his right leg with his incredible frost powers after a fierce struggle between them.

The Frost Giant Captain struggled to free himself from the frost.

As soon as this happened, Legolas's eyes shone as he recognized the window of opportunity that he had been waiting for. Breaking through the Frost Shield with their strength was impossible, the Captain was the key.


You have activated active ability: Beast Plane Summoning

You have activated active ability: Beast Integration

Beast Integration Successful!

You have fused with Bran

[Base Control Level: 35%]

[+6% Base Control Level from hierarchy!]

[Intermediate Summoner Knowledge: Enhanced Leadership Detected!]

[+15% Control Level!]

[Overall Control Level: 56%]


The loud cry of a Raven reverberated the next moment.

Before the Frost Giant Captain could react, Legolas flapped his wings as he descended with the momentum of an alien jet.

He easily evaded the Frost Giant's attack as he made it to his neck where the key was stored inside his necklace. On landing on his neck, before the Frost Giant Captain could react, he grabbed the blue crystal and crushed it.


Instantly, the sturdy blue Frost Shield shattered with a loud sound.


Legolas flapped his wings as he rose into the skies.

He bombarded the Frost Giants with Iron Feathers and Void Spears, buying just enough time for his students, their beasts, and Lucky's Gang to escape.

With one flap of his wings, he disappeared into the icy wind after them.

The Frost Giants lost the intruders, they were stunned.


For the beast illustrations, go to my discord server through this link

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