Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 184 Hunting A Yeti Monster! [1]


You have discovered a rare beast: Yeti Monster!


Rustle! Rustle!

Like usual, the icy wind roughly blew through the white world of the Ice Elemental plane, submerging both animal life and the few plant lives in its embrace.

At this moment, at an isolated part of this Elemental plane, a group of huge monsters that looked like Apes moved through the white world of snow.

This was a Yeti family of 4, the Alpha male, its Alpha female, and 2 young Yetis.

Compared to normal Apes, these huge monsters towered far above humans in size, almost rivalling the gigantic sizes of the Frost Giants.

This family seemed to be having a casual stroll through the snow.

Probably bored, the Alpha male Yeti occasionally slammed his massive and powerful arms against the snow, breaking the ice apart and causing mini-earthquakes that shook the ground across a region of meters around them.

This casual action from the Yeti was what made this area isolated, no other beast dared to draw close after witnessing such raw power in display.

The strange thing though was that the young Yetis ate the snow that their powerful father scattered after hitting the ground, and they also seemed to be enjoying it.

From his first glance, Legolas already detected their levels. While the Alpha male and female were both pinnacle Grade D monsters, the 2 young Yetis were both Grade E monsters.

"Tell me about them". Legolas turned to look at his student.


"I know, before engaging any beast or human, know him first". Christensen completed the sentence for his master as he smiled.

"Shh…" Blade hushed them but Christensen only smiled.

"No worries, I already did my research, hearing is not their best trait".

"So, what do you know?" Legolas asked impatiently.

For the first time, he was meeting a beast that he had little to no knowledge about. Christensen clarifying things would do a lot to help his ministry.

Christensen dared not keep his master waiting. "I only encountered them this morning but I was able to track them far, even making use of my incredible abilities to back-track their trails to their other families".

"Like the Frost Giants, they are monsters with a social order. From what I saw, I guessed that they probably have a Grade C Elder that protects them".

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"They feed only on snow and mana crystals".

"Tell me their weaknesses and strengths". Legolas corrected.

Christensen nodded. "I don't know much about their strengths since I've not seen them in an actual fight, but as for their weaknesses, I already know some".

"They have low eyesight and hearing, they detect mostly through vibrations. Apart from that, nothing else really, and unfortunately, they don't have the weaknesses of the Frost Giants, they are fairly fast".

"Aha…!" Christensen smiled. "Lastly, they have a weakness of curiosity especially the Alpha male".


Legolas folded his hands and glared at his student. "Good job".

"You successfully learned nothing about them".

He didn't reproach Christensen for long though, he focused back on the Yetis. "Do you have a plan?"


"Good, go for it, we'll only intervene if your life is threatened".

"I appreciate it". Christensen smiled as he left his hiding.

After receiving help from his master on numerous occasions already, for the first time, Christensen was determined to do something himself. He wanted to prove to his master that he was really grown up now and could do things himself.

Taking from his master's playbook, he had plans in place, not just one plan.

A main plan and multiple contingency plans as backup to react to different scenarios.


The soundwaves of the Shadow Hound's bark traveled through the air as they smoothly entered the vibration detector organs of the Yetis. The Male Yeti's hair stood on end first as it turned to look in the direction of the Hound.

It squinted its blue eyes to look once, then it turned away uninterestedly.

'You dare?!' Brutus didn't agree to this suicide mission from his master originally but the disinterest from the Yeti angered him, he felt challenged.


The Yeti looked again, then it snorted threateningly and looked away again.

This time, Brutus was flaming with anger. 'You're really asking for it'.


The soundwaves of Brutus' bark traveled through the air like thunder.


Brutus did it this time, the Yeti was angered, not only angered but it was also amused and curious. For a long time, few beasts dared to cross its path, it was curious to see this beast with balls of steel that dared to cross its path.

Without hesitation, this Yeti charged after the Shadow Hound.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Brutus was stunned, tracking this beast with Christensen, he already saw it sprint but not at this level. The speed of the Yeti at this moment was completely off the charts as this Hound panicked for the first time.

He almost turned invisible but Christensen was observing.

'Don't do it, stay brave and lead him to me'.

Brutus turned around without hesitation as he charged away, his speed was nowhere a match for the Yeti as it easily started closing the distance.

A few distance away, the Alpha female Yeti protested angrily as its husband ran away due to curiosity.

Clearly, this was not the first time the Alpha male did this, she was about to lead her younglings there but she was attracted by something else.


The jingling sounds of mana crystals falling and colliding with each other reverberated, even before she could understand, her younglings already charged towards the opposite direction to go feed on the mana crystals.

​ Between her husband and kids, this female Yeti easily made her choice, she charged after her younglings.

This presented the ideal one-on-one situation that Christensen wanted.

As the Yeti's powerful legs collided against the snow one at a time, spreading vibrations through the ground, Christensen rapidly calculated its speed and momentum. The next moment, he jumped out of his hiding.


Bam! Bam! Bam!

Christensen jumped out and pulled the trigger, the G-96 pistols roared loudly as they battered at the exposed face of the Yeti who growled in reply.

The Chaotic Mana bullets could do very little against ice, but it's mana-disruptive abilities was something that Christensen already grew to cherish.

As soon as the Yeti saw the human, it understood as its rage exploded.


Instantly, the Yeti turned Berserk as its calm blue eyes turned a fiery red.

"Oh sh*t!"

This already went out of his plans but Christensen had no intentions of turning back, he pulled himself together and rolled under this massive beast.

Under it, he pulled the trigger again, rapidly hitting its thick skin with bullets. Though the bullets had a hard time penetrating its sturdy skin, they were still a nuisance as the Yeti bent down to deal with the little rat.

Instantly after it bent down, the plan started for real.


With a swift whooshing sound, Leo pounced with frost energy following him. Due to the Yeti looking down, it was unable to react as this Frost Wolf grabbed it by the head before sinking his teeth into its neck.


The Yeti roared in pain as it thrashed about but Leo did not let go.

Apart from biting it, Leo also froze its 2 legs as its mobility slowly reduced by the second. As this happened, Christensen no longer shot at it, he followed his plan as he rapidly scaled the massive body of this predator.

On getting to its head, he placed his hand on it as he closed his eyes and focused. It was this activity that angered this Yeti even more.

It growled as blue frost emerged out of its nose the next moment.



The massive Yeti monster triggered a chain frost explosion.

Leo could not keep his balance on its back, neither could Christensen as they were both flung away, Christensen coughed blood as his full-proof plan just failed.

Thud! Thud!

After feasting on the mana crystals, the female Yeti already detected the ambush as she started sprinting towards this location with her younglings.

Seeing this sight, Christensen sighed as he cracked his head.

"F*ck, easy mode just failed".

"Why does it have to be f*cking hard mode every time?"

Though he complained, he did not despair yet as his face became serious the next moment. "Leo, Brutus, contingency plan B24".

Brutus went to work instantly.


The Shadow Hound and Christensen disappeared from sight.


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