Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 186 The Beast Lost To History

Only King Nagakin and a few other high-ranking military warriors of the Frost Giant race had access to the most important history of their race.

Over a millennium ago, the then reigning King of the Frost Giant race had his first encounter with the world outside Planet Darvis.

The gigantic spaceship wreak was the first thing that descended in Frost Giant territory. In it were the first signs of humans, this was when the truth became known to the Frost Giants that life existed outside their planet.

King Olirium protected the humans and gave them territory to stay and procreate, he wanted to make peace with the aliens and study them.

That was when humans first came to settle in Planet Darvis.

Apart from King Nagakin and the few other high-ranking military warriors of the Frost Giant race, only the surviving Warlord of the Orc race and a few of the strongest humans were the survivors who knew of this important piece of history.

What others didn't know was that just 2 months after the spaceship wreck, something else fell from space and also landed in Frost Giant territory.

The gigantic mythical beast was dying and was on its last breath.

With its remaining energy, the Frost Giants witnessed something greater than them as this mythical beast created a portal to the Ice Elemental plane.

For the first time, they knew about the Ice Elemental plane.

By opening the portal, the mythical beast was able to save its life as it hid in the Ice Elemental plane to rest and recover. Having witnessed this incredible scene, King Olirium kept it secret, only known to his most trusted warriors.

Since then, the search and hunt for the mythical beast started.

King Olirium believed that finding it and taming it since it was weak and injured would herald the real golden age of Frost Giants.

With it, he believed that the Frost Giants could build an Empire that would lord over all other races, even the Ancient Dragons and rule Planet Darvis.

Unfortunately, King Olirium searched to no avail.

He searched till he died without achieving his goal, and the next King, King Nagakin took the role upon himself.

His decision to migrate his race to the Ice Elemental plane to escape the 2nd cataclysm was also motivated by the mythical beast.

Now, for the first time in over a millennium, the Frost Giants finally found their first real track to this beast. King Nagakin put all his resources to follow the trail and it paid, after such a long time, the mythical beast was found.

It hibernated thousands of meters deep inside the snow.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The beast had hibernated beneath Yeti territory all along.

The Yeti Monsters were a social group…

Their main territory where their Elder lived was harmonious and peaceful since they fed on only snow and mana crystals, and no other predator dared to swagger into their territory.

Unknown to them, after years of planning, the Frost Giants infiltrated their territory. The hibernation spot was directly beneath the Yeti Elder's ice hut.

To avoid startling him, the Frost Giants took the stressful route and started digging deep to the hibernation spot from far away.

After years of digging, they finally made it deep enough.

Their only uncertainty though was that they didn't know the current state of the mythical beast, and this was what f*cked them from behind.

Thousands of meters deep beneath the snow, the temperature was freezing, and it stayed like that all year round.

As the ice offering him the cold needed to recover slowly melted away due to the Frost Giants, his sensitive body detected it.

When the layer of ice directly covering his body was removed, this was when his sensitive skin was finally irritated and this mythical beast finally awakened.

After a millennium of hibernation, the mythical beast awakened.

It's movements as it slowly woke up from its hibernation sent real earthquakes wrecking through the beast plane.





When it finally roared, the whole Elemental plane was taken by storm.

The roar was not without power, a massive surge of frost energy followed the eruption. All the digging Frost Giants that were close by did not survive the frostbite despite their affinity as they turned into blocks of ice.

The reaction was sudden and unexpected, King Nagakin may not have expected it but he knew beforehand that getting the mythical beast would not be easy and was why he prepared his army on standby.

The floating roar of another beast challenging the mythical beast reverberated the next moment, but no one paid attention to it.


"Injure it and restrain it!"

This was Yeti territory but King Nagakin already forgot all his misgivings, for the mythical beast, the Frost Giants were willing to take every risk.

With incredible momentum, the Frost Giants charged deep into the snow through the hole that they already dug as they intended to corner and restrain the mythical beast before it could fully recover and come out to free space.

Their actions were calculated but they forgot something, this was not their territory but someone else's, the Yeti Monsters didn't settle here for settling sake.

As soon as he heard the roar, the Yeti Elder instantly understood.


Today seemed to be a battle of roars, the Yeti Elder's guttural roar reverberated through the world of snow like the beating drums of war, and every single Yeti far and wide responded to the roar of their elder.

For the first time in centuries, the Yeti Elder left his ice hut.

"Nagakin, you have overstepped your boundaries!"

This old and gigantic Yeti stepped out of his ice hut. With each step, the ice element itself seemed to respond to him, as a Grade D Yeti, this was a predator at the very pinnacle of this Ice Elemental plane.

The Frost Giants did not back down, Nagakin had no intentions to.

"You've occupied the wrong territory all along old chap, give it up!"

Nagakin grabbed his War Axe as starting with slow steps, he started jogging towards this gigantic Yeti. "Amon, lead the warriors, make sure you capture it!"

He barely spoke before another roar reverberated.


After this roar came a large booming sound that eclipsed all the others. The next moment, a massive earthquake took place as the ice started shattering from its very core like something extremely powerful was coming out of it.

Nagakin's eyes widened. "He fully woke up so fast?"

The next moment, the mythical beast broke out of the ice.


Debris, snow, and ice filled everywhere after the breakout.

When everything finally died down, the culprit stood on top a massive ice rock as his powerful green eyes filled with menace observed everyone present.

This beast was massive, far bigger than Leo.

Its black fur stood as a sharp contrast to the surrounding white of the snow, its ears stood as sharply as antennas as its menacing green eyes watched even as it growled, revealing its set of teeth that seemed sharper than sharp itself.

It's claws even in inactivity were already shattering the ice rock that it stood on top, they were sharper than the sharpest sabers.

It had the body of a wolf but far more gigantic and menacing.

King Nagakin's eyes narrowed. "A Snow Fenrir!"

Due to King Olirium's brief encounter with the beast, he didn't know its race, only knowing through its aura that it was a mythical beast. King Nagakin and his subordinates were the first Frost Giants to see the mythical beast.

The Snow Fenrir's green eyes after observing glared at the culprit that disturbed its healing hibernation, it growled as the temperature turned chiller.

The next moment, the sound of someone bowing to the ground reverberated. The Elder of the Yeti race bowed. "Lord Snow Fenrir!"

King Nagakin's eyes narrowed. "You know him?"

Then his eyes finally widened in understanding, everything started making sense but neither of this was able to stop his already burning ambition.

By now, they all already detected the current level of this mythical beast. Despite hibernating for over a millennium, the Snow Fenrir had only been able to recover its powers to the pinnacle of the Grade D realm.

"We stand a chance!"

"Frost Giants, stand with me and let's claim our price to Dominion!"

After his greeting, the Snow Fenrir turned to look at the gigantic Yeti as its eyes remained in a glaring state.

The Snow Fenrir said only one sentence. "Death to all disruptors!"

The Yeti Elder stood up as his originally blue eyes turned red, he conjured a gigantic Ancient Ice Spear out of nowhere the next moment as he stared at the Frost Giants. "A debt owed is a debt that must be paid".

He turned to his Yeti subordinates, they understood their elder's intentions without words, instantly, all the Yetis became tense, instantly entering war state.

An oppressive atmosphere filled the air.

For the first time since the Ice Elemental plane was separated from the main Elemental plane, a full-blown out war was about to start between the 2 ruling races.

A feeling of doom filled the air all around the Ice Elemental plane.

Just the trigger was needed to start this destructive war.


For the beast illustrations, go to my discord server through this link

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