Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 213 Undercurrents

Having went ahead of his master and his senior brother, Blade dragged the chariot housing his master's goods before the players.

Whispers already filled the air though they tried to keep it muffled.


[Special Monster Triad Trade Fare:]

[Available Goods: Summoner class knowledges, Elementalist class knowledges, Pugilist class knowledges, sub class knowledges, weapons, gadgets, armor, potions, and pills.]

[Trade Duration: 1 hour.]


As soon as Legolas set up the trade fare, all the hundreds of players that were present received notifications from their virtual interface that made their eyes light up excitedly, they were hyped for it.

Their only complaint was the time.

"Only 1 hour?!"

"Sh*t, we have to be fast".

During the last trade fare, Christensen was the one in charge of organizing the players and attending to them so they could get what they wanted.

This time, it was Blade's turn. Christensen and Legolas got to relax inside the chariot as Blade stood under the hot sun attending to the enthusiastic players.

The only boon that made this process faster was that having received Legolas's permission, through their virtual interface, they could easily access all of the goods that were for sale and their prizes.

[Iron Sword: Deep Piercer]

[Quality: Uncommon]

>Attack: 68-102<

>Defense: 35<

>Durability: 120/120<

[Weapon Ability: High Penetration!]

>High Penetration: When activated, high penetration is triggered that grants the sword the ability to pierce deeper through flesh or any other obstruction, increasing weapon damage depending on how deep it pierces<

[Remark: A sword with similar specialties to a lance.]

[Price: 40,000 Darvis Credits and 100,000 Experience Points.]

I am the Sword God's eyes widened in ecstasy. Like Ghost Sentry, this was a player who came to Dominator with extremely high ambitions, he wanted to become a pro player and play professionally for a big game club.

Ghost Sentry already fulfilled his dream but as for him, not so lucky.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Since Version 1 launched, he kept his steady grinding to accumulate experience points and slowly level up while looking for opportunities to get ahead.

When he heard of Legolas, he was envious, he wanted to also benefit from the NPC but Legolas was too far away.

And since the growth cap of players in Version 1 was the Grade E realm, he was not powerful enough to traverse the wild since he was even still a Grade F superhuman then.

He thought he would keep on longing after Legolas without getting any closer to fulfilling his dream for the whole of the version, but one day, everything changed, like Legolas, a hero also emerged in his region.

The Monster Triad's areas of activity were closer to his shelter.

Optimistic, this player stayed hopeful for 4 months waiting for the Monster Triad to come to his shelter. During this time, he amassed on experience points.

It was easier to get experience points than Darvis Credits, this was another reason why Legolas and the Monster Triad became so popular among the players.

Now, he could finally reap the benefits of his patience.

I am the Sword God spent all his experience points and money on the trade fare. He was not the only one, other players splurged their money and experience points as they rapidly purchased before the time interval would elapse.

Inside the chariot, Legolas's interface kept on lighting up with notifications.


A player has purchased a potion!

You have received 700 Experience Points and 20 Darvis Credits

A player has purchased a basic Summoner class knowledge!

You have received 10,000 Experience Points and 2,000 Darvis Credits

A player has purchased Uncommon grade sword: Deep Piercer!

You have received 100,000 Experience Points and 40,000 Darvis Credits


As the virtual interface notifications kept on lighting up, the smile on his face widened, Christensen curiously looked at his master.

"Why do you do this?"

"Huh? Legolas turned to look at him.

"This? Why do you do it?"

Legolas turned away. "To get money, of course".

Christensen looked at his master with that are you serious look. "We literally just bagged 100,000,000 Darvis Credits from a single rich kid mission like you always like to put it, is that not enough for you?"

"Tell me the real reason why you do it".

"You won't understand". Legolas chuckled.

"Just tell me, I may understand".

Legolas turned to look at Christensen. "Do you want to know the reason so bad?"

"Yes". Christensen answered sincerely.

"Then overtake me, become stronger than me".


"The day that you get strong enough that you save me from death, I will tell you". Legolas chuckled as he saw the expression on Christensen's face.

Christensen sighed. "Well, I believe I can do it".

"Don't forget today, when I overtake you, you must tell me".

A few minutes later, the 1-hour duration finally got elapsed and like he wrote, Legolas did not listen to the pleas of the players as he ruthlessly ended the trade fare. The reason why he limited the time to an hour was important.

Today was the day for another grey world gathering which would commence in 30 minutes, they all needed to get prepared and be in attendance.

15 minutes later, Legolas was in an inn with his students.

As soon as they all sat cross-legged and closed their eyes, Legolas secretly tapped the grey apple tattoo that was on his wrist.

The next moment, his consciousness left his body.


Having kept up to date with everything that transpired in the grey world more tightly than before, Legolas didn't have a long conversation with Aaron.

They went straight to the point and set the stage for the gathering.

A few minutes later, he pulled all the members of the gathering in.

Bzzz! Bzzz!

"Good morning, your Excellency the Hermit". The cheerful voice of the Star reverberated like usual as she concluded the ritual of the first greeting.

Her voice always brought with it a cheerful and optimistic vibe to the gathering. As soon as she extended her respects to the leader of the gathering, the others followed suit as they respectfully bowed and greeted.

Since there was no new member this time, they went straight to the first phase of the gathering where the Emperor took centerstage first.

She already reported to the Hermit through his prayers in the previous month but to also inform the other members of the gathering, he said it here.

"More unrest has been detected among the Undead Titans".

"Since our clash with them 6 months ago that drove them back, we seemed to arrive at a delicate balance that both sides acquainted to".

"Though they've not attacked yet, in recent weeks, more activities have been detected in their city, our scouts dare not go too close due to the danger involved but we have a lot of reasons to conclude that they are planning something big".

After the Emperor gave his own information, the Star followed his lead. "Over the months, I've gotten a firmer grasp over my family".

"Just a week ago, one of my father's spies returned".

"According to him, there's also unrest in the royal family".

"The King is reportedly ill and is apparently showing no signs of healing".

"Taking advantage of this, the King's eldest son is already causing a lot of unrest in his bid to horde all the power after the death of his father".

"My father fears this might cause a civil war if the King dies now".

After the first 2 members gave their own accounts, the other members of the gathering also gave theirs. From their travels around the planet as assassins, Legolas and his students already also detected a lot of anomalies recently.

In the end, the Hermit concluded on one thing.

"It seems the Clown Society is about to finally commence their real revolution".

A chill spread through the grey world as the almighty Hermit said this. Having established a reputation through most of his words coming to pass in the real world, every member of the gathering already grew to idolize his words.

"Before giving my orders, first I want to congratulate all of you".

"All members of the gathering are now above the Grade E realm".

All eyes instinctively turned to look at the Star.

Despite the grey fog obstructing complete view, at this moment, the others could still feel the pride and sense of achievement radiating from the Star.

The others were happy for this achievement, they congratulated her.

After the congratulations, the Hermit finally gave his orders. For today's gathering, the Hermit already interchanged the time for the 2nd and 3rd phase of the gatherings due to the necessity urged by the Clown Society.

"Emperor, I am giving you a new mission".

"Venture into the Ancient Titan City and give me a better overview of what is going on, I will help you through your journey".

"Yes, your Excellency". The Emperor bowed respectfully.

The Hermit turned his godly head. "Star, keep a keener eye on any news related to the royal palace, I want you to actively search for information about it now, I feel something pivotal would happen soon".

"Yes, your Excellency". The Star bowed respectfully.

The Hermit turned his godly head again. "Magician, you shall go to the North and search if there is any anomaly going on there also".

"We need to know the Clown's plan ahead of time to defeat him".

"Yes, your Excellency". They all replied.

After this session, the transaction phase finally commenced. Unlike previous gatherings, the transaction was not much this time around. As Grade D superhumans, they no longer needed as much random goods as before.

What they needed to grow now were far more exclusive and targeted.

They were all rare goods.

After the transaction phase finally came to an end, without hesitation, Legolas finally called an end to the grey world gathering.


All the members' consciousnesses were returned to their bodies.


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