Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 225 Chaos In The North!

King Tom sat on his throne chair with a poker look on his face.

"Cough…!" He coughed violently the next moment, but an attendant was close by as the young man diligently wiped the blood away from his mouth.

King Tom twisted his lips in distaste. As a King, he was supposed to enjoy life, everything was supposed to follow his whims and be as he hoped, the whole planet was supposed to listen to him and serve him so why this?

For the past year since he became King, he took advantage of his privileges and lived his most extravagant lifestyle. Now, he was suffering its consequences.

The doctors said that his sickness was caused due to too much sugar intake.

"How dare they not have a cure for my sickness?" He clenched his fists angrily. "They're squandering the money of the kingdom".

"They should not be paid!"

"They should all be sacked!"

"Their families should all be arrested and tortured!"

"They should all be flogged in the public until they find the perfect cure!"

At this moment, he was supposed to be in his room enjoying his life again on his comfy king-sized bed but he had to come here again due to the news.

Apparently, after 6 months of being content with staying in the dark, the evil terrorists, the Clown Society were now out in the open intent to cause chaos.

He sneered. "Just wait till my father's mourning ends, I'll deal with you all".


The next moment, the door to his throne room opened again as the Hand of the King, a middle-aged man rushed in. "Your Grace, more news…"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Tell me what is happening!"

"Yes, your Grace".

"The psychopaths struck first in the Eastern Continent where they released the Trolls…"

"Trolls?" He interrupted. "What Trolls? What are Trolls?"

"Umm…" The Hand of the King scratched his head.

Seeing this action, King Tom was even more infuriated. "You've been hiding important information from me!"

"How dare you hide any information from me?!"

Bremer was used to the King's tantrums, he waited for a few minutes for King Tom to calm down before he continued. "In essence, the Eastern Continent was attacked first and has now been engulfed by chaos".

"What is the leader of the Summoner Academy doing?"


"Good, continue".

"After the Eastern Continent, the psychopaths appeared in the Western Continent next, they released the Orcs".


Bremer allowed him to calm down. "Now, reports say that 2 of the leaders of the terrorist group and another Grade C enemy are now embroiled in battle with the leader of the Pugilist Academy".

This was the last info that completely screwed the nut in King Tom's head.

"…" He shook in anger.


"He dared defy me again?!"

"I ordered that no one should fight the terrorists until the mourning period of my father the previous King is over, how dare he defy me?!"

"These are my orders, tell all the Grade C Superhumans in the planet to mobilize under my orders and capture Jon Stones".

"He has committed treason against his King!"

"Yes, your Grace". The Commander of the Royal Guards who had been silent since replied at once as he left to fulfill the orders of his King.

Bremer silently looked at King Tom for a few minutes for him to calm down, then he dropped his last piece of information.

"The terrorists didn't stop there, they have also taken over the Northern Continent by storm by unleashing another of their allies, the Frost Giants".

"What the hell are Frost Giants?!"

Bremer threw the book down then he looked at his King. "Your Grace, even as we speak, thousands of civilians are already falling victim to the terrorists".

"3 of our Continents have already been caught in the flames of terrorism".

He paused to organize his thoughts. "Is it really advisable to stay so rigid and adamant in keeping your pride while letting thousands of your subjects die meaninglessly when just a single word from you can change the tides?"

"…" King Tom paused in shock as he looked at his Hand.

The next moment, he chuckled then he glared at Bremer. "You too?"

"You too dare to defy my orders?!"

King Tom sprang out of his throne and drew the sword of one of the nearby royal guards as he charged towards his Hand with a livid expression on his face.

Seeing the charging King, Bremer was already resigned to his fate.

He closed his eyes and muttered. "For Planet Darvis…"

"For humanity…"


Bremer lost his head to his King who he swore an oath to advise.

Total silence befell the throne room, even the eyes of the doppelgangers through which the sworn royal protectors protected the king flickered.

Christensen arrived to see a North that was already engulfed by chaos…

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Led by King Nagakin, the Frost Giants and the powerful Red Masters of the Clown Society led their followers on a rampage across the North.

They slaughtered with impunity, not caring if part of their victims were civilians. Blood flowed in the North, dying the white snow with a tinge of red even as the cold of this continent slowly started turning hot due to all the death.

On top Leo, Christensen watched everything while straying away from the center of the battlefields to avoid being drawn into battle.

The orders of the Hermit were ambiguous but he read his own meaning to it. 'The Hermit ordered me to go to the North and see if there's any anomaly going on, this chaos is definitely an anomaly but it's not the main element'.

'The psychopaths can't definitely be aiming to cause only chaos by slaughter, Clown is more intelligent than that, they definitely have a motive'.

'I need to investigate and find out their real goal in the North'.

By keeping a safe distance from them, Christensen followed them even as the battle became more intense. Another peculiar fact to him was that despite the maniacal slaughter in his territory, the Hunter Union barely reacted.

It was like they did not care about the loss of life today.

There were a lot of variables going on through all the chaos that indicated a lot of things, Christensen could not pinpoint anyone of them though so he only went with the most obvious one, King Nagakin.

King Nagakin definitely had a motive as he led the charge in a direction.

After an hour and a few dozen minutes of slaughter, King Nagakin made his way to one of the prime pilgrim locations in the Northern Continent.

"The Dragon Tower!"

Christensen narrowed his eyes. "Is this their target?"


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