Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 248 General Toothpick's Determination


With General Toothpick taking the lead, the group of hunters were unstoppable as they bulldozed their way through the gangsters.

They did not hesitate to slaughter these bad seeds of the society.

They were not their real targets though; their real targets were hidden.

The subsequent success of the Clown Society on this fateful day finally managed to prompt the leader of the Hunter Union into action.

Few people knew that the leader of the Hunter Union was a female.

Due to a lot of considerations previously, Master Hunter Lydia did not actively take part in anything related to the Clown Society. But as soon as King Tom's death became viral though, this Master Hunter changed her stance.

She did not take part in the mission directly, seated inside the most exotic room inside the Glory Dome, this warrior lady sat like she was waiting for someone.

The daring moves of the Clown Society already ruffled feathers, feathers that were originally content with staying dormant. This warrior lady had no doubt that Jon Stones' death sent ripples of shock through the pinnacle superhuman circle.

Sooner or later, she would be contacted.

Though she remained in her room, she lent her help in another manner.

By giving General Toothpick a special alien mechanic scanner that she salvaged from a battlefield decades ago, the chances of the General fishing out the hidden cells of the Clown Society increased.

Just 4 minutes after they rushed into the streets, General Toothpick was alerted as he looked at the alien machine on his hand that looked like an oversized axe with an antenna.


The machine beeped loudly as it detected the use of machinery.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

General Toothpick's eyes flashed as he looked to the right only to see a tall building that was clearly built by Elementalists. Like most nearby buildings, this building was deserted but the strange fluctuations came from below the building.

"Underground!" This General growled through gritted teeth.

Having witnessed his warriors being slaughtered by the mighty Red Dragon and the army of Frost Giants, his rage was already at a peak.


None of them waited, they rushed into the building.

General Toothpick's Pugilist energy-empowered fist tore a hole into the ground as the secret hideout was exposed. Inside, a group of psychopaths were in the process of disguising as gangsters to go out and further fan the flames of chaos.

They were startled at the sudden intrusion.

They were not given the luxury of recovering though.

"Summoner Ability: Beast Plane Summoning!"

Christensen, did not hesitate, he directly called Frigga. After 6 months of recovery, this mythical beast already recovered to the pinnacle of the Grade D realm. His arrival decreased the temperature in this area even more.

"Special Summoner Ability: Beast Integration!"

Christensen gave his last orders to the Frost Wolf as he dived from on top it and fused with the Snow Fenrir instantly after it came from the beast plane.


Frigga roared loudly to announce his presence.

Instantly after fusing with the Snow Fenrir, as the incredible power flowed through his body, Christensen remembered his master's teachings as he channeled the energy properly to access the incredible abilities of this mythical beast.

Instantly after noticing the raid, the first thing that the leaders of this secret hideout did was an attempt to smash all the alien machines that they worked with.

These machines contained sensitive information about their plans.

Christensen had no intentions of letting them have their way though.

"Special Frost Ability: Atmospheric Freezing!"

For a brief moment, everything froze, Christensen acted again.

"Special Frost Ability: Atomic Cancellation!"

By aiming at the leaders, this incredible ability worked it's wonders as these warriors started fading into dust. Before they could brute-force their way from their frozen state, more than half of them were already dead.


General Toothpick's fist burst another's head into a bloody mess.

Instantly, the hideout turned chaotic as the psychopaths tried to escape. The hunters and the players were not about to let this happen though.

[You have activated Pugilist Ability: Pugilist Burst!]

[You have activated Warrior Swordsman Ability: Rising Stardust!]

Raining Sword's slim and extremely sharp sword briefly vibrated before he charged forward, all 3 psychopaths did not survive it, they were killed in one attack.

His Pugilist energy exploded mightily as all 3 enemies were annihilated.

[You have completed 1st Series Milestone: Kill a psychopath of the Clown Society!]

[You have received 1 Chain Mission Point!]

[2nd Series Milestone: Kill 10 psychopaths of the Clown Society!]

Seeing the new Series Milestone increased this pro player's motivation. All around him, his teammates also did their best to hunt the psychopaths.

One of them impressed him, compared to the first time when Ghost Sentry just came under his tutelage, this player was now a much better swordsman.

Ghost Sentry's one-on-one combat techniques were now highly refined.

Raining Sword smiled but his smile soon froze when he saw a familiar sword light, he turned his head only to see a familiar face charging in.

"RAINING SWORD!" This player's voice boomed.

"Hahaha…, you're still as shameless as ever".

"How dare you try to take all the good stuff only for your team?"

While he laughed and spoke, Desert Gust's momentum was not stopped in the slightest as this Berserker's broad sword slashed with the fury of a Giant, bisecting 2 psychopaths in quick succession as his teammates followed.

Raining Sword's eyes twitched. "Shameless bastards…!"

"Hahaha…, that's my name so long as I can get some sweet experience points, no hard feelings bro". Desert Gust paid no attention to him.

Seeing his rival's efficiency, Raining Sword could only swallow the irritating feeling down his throat as he grabbed his swung and dived into the fighting again.

In 2 minutes, no psychopath was left alive.

General Toothpick did not stop as he led the charge outside again. This General was determined to hammer the psychopaths for their guts.

Unlike in other shelters, another reason that caused the greater chaos in Dragon Shelter was the Frost Giants. After the events in the Dragon Tower, King Nagakin led his warriors into the shelter as he spread more chaos.

The Frost Giants killed hundreds of humans before reinforcement came.

King Nagakin was a Grade C powerhouse but at the instant that he saw the Snow Fenrir, this Frost Giant dared not gamble with the future of his race.

He was already satisfied with what he did, he ruthlessly withdrew his warriors from the battlefield as they retreated deep into the North.

While they retreated, General Toothpick did not stop his aggressiveness.

This General led his warriors to sweep through the whole shelter.

Despite their efficiency, there were more psychopaths and hidden bases, and there were even more gangs who were ready to stall their momentum.

Today was going to be an extremely long day.


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