Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 6 Sub Class- Beast Tamer

2 weeks later.

After the dream awakening, things once again changed for Legolas in the Summoner Academy. Following tradition, after the awakening, their scheme of work in the academy changed to training in preparation for their main class.

The ideal age for supers to choose their main class was 15 though geniuses could choose their main class at a much younger age once they had enough stats.

The more time passed, the more it also became evident that he was different from the previous Legolas but no one could refute it, he was still Legolas.

Quinn Baron felt more pressure from his elder twin brother, something that he had never experienced in his whole life.

From the first day that he started showing promise, Legolas already knew of the attention from high places that he attracted but he did not care about them.

During these past 2 weeks, Legolas trained hard with the other students, increasing their basic stats in preparation for the ultimate main class years later.

Also in the 2 weeks, Legolas like all other students acquired his first sub-class.


Sub Class: Beast Tamer


+3 Charm, +2 Mystery, +1 Intelligence

[Passive Abilities:]

- Call of the Wild: You now have a natural affinity with the wild. Your awareness, stealth, and instincts while in the wild have been amplified.

- Jungle Cruise: When triggered, this passive ability temporarily increases your dexterity, vitality, and intelligence by 10% while in the wild.

[Active Ability:]

- Beast Tamer: You now have the ability to communicate with beasts. You have a low chance of compelling wild beasts to fight for you.


With the beast tamer sub-class, the students were no longer weaklings. Now, they did not just rely on their stats to fight but on their tamed beasts also.

With this sub-class acquired, the restriction of no duels among the students was finally lifted. In the past 2 weeks, not less than 10 students already challenged Legolas to a duel but he rejected them all.

He would only fight in a duel if it was a gamble and if the stakes were high enough to compel him, only high stakes could arouse his curiosity.

Until the stakes were high enough, his time was too precious for that.

Apart from training and acquiring his first subclass, in the past 2 weeks, Legolas already took a lot of time to think about the Special Developer Package that he got. Till now, he still couldn't get a definitive answer.

He didn't get a definitive answer but all that didn't matter since today being 2 weeks since the last gathering was the day for another gathering.

Legolas prepared ahead of time and once he was asleep in his bed, he gently tapped the grey apple tattoo on his wrist and his consciousness disappeared.

Once he arrived back in this grey world, Legolas took his time to observe. He soon discovered that he also had restrictions in this grey world.

He could only explore a few meters from the starting point before it felt like he just walked into a thick fog that held him back.

He felt that he could access more once he got stronger.

All in all, Legolas did not learn much about the grey world like before. Once he gave up, he turned his attention back to the evil spirit who was now as quiet as a mouse after spending 2 weeks in this grey world without being able to escape.

"Let me out!"

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"Shhhh…, you're making noise".

"I said, let me…"

"Cover his mouth".

Once Legolas ordered it in his mind, the shadows moved and the evil spirit was gagged as he could no longer speak. He protested to no avail.

Legolas ordered the shadows again and conjured his throne, the round table, and the chairs again before looking down at the evil spirit. "You know I can't let you live rent-free in my world".

"Shameless! You are as clueless about this world as I am".

"Shhhh, no noise please". Legolas gave a last warning. "Tell me how I can exploit you, anything I can do to benefit from keeping you alive".


The evil spirit was infuriated. "You think I'm a whore?! You'll have to get over my dead body before you can take advantage of me".

"Fine, let's do it your way. By the way, I am a certified zoologist".

"Huh, what's that?"

"What are you doing? W-wait…, wait, ahh!"

10 minutes later, the evil spirit was now barely recognizable. "You dissected me? You f*cking dissected me? When do zoologists dissect? I've never felt so weak, huhuhu".

"Shhhh, stop crying already, you said you can do what again?"

The evil spirit sniffed. "I was a pinnacle Grade A Elementalist before I fell. I lost all my memories and treasures, but I at least have my mana. With my mana, you can have access to unlimited mana at least until you get to Grade A".

"But I can't use mana now".

"You'll do once you acquire your main class".

"Nice, deal!" Legolas agreed to the proposal instantly.

As a veteran player of Dominator, Legolas knew how important mana was for a summoner. With unlimited mana, he would become literally invisible in most aspects against other supers of his grade.

As Legolas prepared the grey world for the gathering, the evil spirit suddenly asked. "Tell me, you're not a 12-year-old, right?"

Legolas revealed a wicked smile. "Guess".

Bzzz! Bzzz!

"Good morning, your Excellency the Hermit". Unlike the previous time, the beautiful lady's cheerful voice reverberated as she did a curtsey.

The desert man was much more reserved. "Your Excellency," he greeted.

After 2 weeks of time to think everything over, both of them already arrived at different explanations for this unknown entity.

Though their explanations were different, they had something in common, this was an entity that they absolutely could not mess with, and hence their current reactions when in the presence of this entity again.

The desert-man employed measures to prevent illusions and mind-invasion but seeing himself, here again, he sighed in resignation.

The Hermit's dignified voice reverberated from the throne. "Welcome to my kingdom again, the Emperor and the Star".

"In 2 weeks, I was able to recover some of my memories".

After rehearsing the personality that he wanted for the Hermit over the past 2 weeks, now, Legolas's acting skills were put to the test as he spoke.

"First, tell me about the outside world, what era are we in?"

The Emperor spoke first after stealing a glance at the Star who was shrouded in shadows. "Your Excellency, we are in the Apocalypse Era".

"The leading organizations of this era are the Elementalist, Summoner, and Pugilist organizations".

"Then, you're a member of the Pugilist organization?"

The Emperor was shocked. "How did he know my main class?"

The Star was even more shocked. "The Emperor is a Pugilist? I'm so envious, how can I get a main class? Dad and mom prohibits me from training, perhaps I should ask the Hermit, he seems all-powerful".

The Emperor felt vulnerable and exposed more than ever before but not for long. "I was really foolish to think I could hide things from an existence this powerful".

​ Looking at the powerful Elementalist spirit that groveled at the feet of the god-like existence told him all that he needed to know about him.

Seeing their reactions, Legolas determined that he achieved a bit of his goal. He didn't want to go further least he broke character and exposed himself.

"Understood". He finally replied to the Emperor.

"I don't have a serious purpose for this gathering for now, but I will take it as an information center for the time being".

The Emperor cleared his throat. "You mean like a place where we can exchange information for payment and get benefits in return?"

Legolas smiled in his mind. "I'm beginning to like this guy more and more".

He didn't reply, he deliberately kept quiet to flow with the personality that he envisioned for the Hermit, he gave a silent approval like a God who passively responded to the prayers of his subjects.

"Thank you for this platform and the great opportunity to be a part of it, your Excellency the Hermit".

"Thank you, your Excellency the Hermit". The Star was startled and not about to be outdone, she chimed in and also thanked the Hermit.

Like he already planned, Legolas did not reply to that.

This was when the Emperor asked for permission and once he got it, he turned to chat with the Star for the first time. Through the little chat, they were able to understand a bit about themselves.

Also, they benefited from each other after engaging in some trades.

A few minutes later, Legolas spoke. "The meeting would be adjourned now".

"Yes, your Excellency". The Emperor and the Star obliged and left.

Once they left, Legolas began sweating bullets.

[Warning, your mana substitute- stamina has been exhausted!]

[You have been booted out of the Grey World!]

Legolas found himself back in his bed with a biting headache.

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