Reborn: The First Rank "Madam"

Reborn: The First Rank “Madam” – C122

C122 – Military Secrets No Comment

Along the shoreline of the East Sea, a rugged path accommodated approximately three hundred riders. The thunderous clattering of hooves not only startled the birds inhabiting the roadside but also compelled many sizable creatures to retreat deeper into the forest.

After covering another fifty kilometers, the faint sound of crashing waves reached their ears. Gazing outward, they beheld the sight of the azure seawater reflecting the sunlight, captivating the attention of those who had never witnessed the sea before.

“Oh my, it’s breathtaking. It’s no wonder they say the sea is limitless!” A chorus of admiration erupted from the group.

“Easy now…” Lu Zheng gently tugged on the reins, causing his black steed to snort and come to a halt.

The remaining soldiers fell silent too. The individuals who had been expressing awe for the sea moments ago now muted their voices. The scene before them was anything but beautiful.

What had once been a tidy village now lay in ruins, its walls charred, and its tiles shattered throughout.

This was the first village to suffer an encounter with sea marauders. What used to be a community of two to three hundred residents was now devoid of any sign of life, not even a barking dog. Even in broad daylight, the village emanated an eerie silence.

Despite the corpses having been buried, a putrid stench still hung in the air.

Lu Zheng’s accompanying soldiers were no strangers to hardship. After all, they had spent numerous years stationed on the northern border, where they had witnessed even bleaker and more tragic villages and towns.

Hearing about such events and witnessing them firsthand were entirely different experiences. Crane City Prefect wiped away his cold sweat and exclaimed with indignation, “Master Lu, look at this… it’s just utterly ruthless!”

Ignoring him, Lu Zheng raised his right hand high. Instantly, more than twenty soldiers spurred their horses into the ruined village, in search of any clues.

The remaining group waited in silence at the village entrance. Aside from occasional horse noises, no one uttered a word. Even Crane City Prefect maintained his silence.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

By the time it took an incense stick to burn, the twenty soldiers returned on horseback. None of them returned empty-handed. Some carried fragments of blades, others held torn scraps, and a few even carried a decomposed limb.

When Crane City Prefect and the other soldiers saw that severed limb, their faces turned pale, and they felt queasy. They all dismounted and retched to the side.

Disgusted expressions were exchanged among the group as they listened to the reports of the twenty men.

This village had suffered the initial brunt of the attacks. It had been over two weeks now, and much of the evidence had been washed away by several rainfalls. The available clues were becoming scarce.

The soldier holding the half-blade handed it over to Lu Zheng, offering his analysis, “Master, this half-blade doesn’t belong to the villagers. Its blade shape and casting process differ from what’s typical in Great Yang, and those sea bandits even have their own weapon crafting workshop.”

Another soldier presented a few pieces of fabric. “From what I’ve gathered, most of the villagers along Crane City’s coastline wear clothing made of linen and cotton. Even the affluent folks prefer silk and other materials.”

The soldier with the damaged arm felt too embarrassed to show the unpleasant item to Master Lu, so he explained directly, “I noticed a faint mark on this piece of arm. It seems like I’ve seen this pattern somewhere before.”

Crane City Prefect, covering his nose due to the odor, questioned with skepticism, “How can you be certain this must be from a Seagull?” After all, it was implausible for an arm to have a name on it.

The soldier didn’t pay him any attention and replied firmly, “Military secrets, no comment!”

Many soldiers stifled their laughter. In reality, it was quite easy to guess that he must have stumbled upon the severed arm with cloth still attached. Even without signs of a struggle, it was still evident from the surrounding context.

Lu Zheng instructed him to sketch the pattern and then gestured, “Move on to the next one!”

The five villages were situated in different areas. It took Lu Zheng and his men three days to visit all five locations, meticulously inspecting each one to leave no trace behind.

Crane City Prefect, a scholar by nature, was exhausted after three days of horseback riding. His legs ached, and his posture was contorted.

Fortunately, Prefect Lin didn’t dare to quit prematurely due to his concern for Master Lu. He could only grit his teeth and endure.

After traversing the final village, Lu Zheng and his men found a nearby flat area to set up camp. Prefect Lin, who had hoped to return to the city, was visibly disappointed.

“Master Lu, are we going to remain here and wait for Hai Kou to reappear?” Crane City Prefect asked somewhat sheepishly.

Lu Zheng gave him a skeptical look and pondered how Prefect Lin had managed to pass the examinations. “Did Prefect Lin really believe that Haikou would strike at the same place twice?”

Lin Zhihao let out an embarrassed chuckle, fully aware that he had posed a rather foolish question. He decided to move his legs and take a seat on a large rock nearby.

Following a satisfying meal and an hour of rest, Lu Zheng convened a meeting with several deputy generals to discuss military matters.

Lin Zhihao was eager to join their discussion, but the soldiers barred his way with the familiar explanation: “Military secrets, no entry allowed.”

Prefect Lin, a prominent figure in Crane City, had faced numerous obstacles in recent days. Even a low-ranking soldier had the audacity to confront him, leaving him deeply frustrated but unwilling to lose his temper.

Master Lu had gained notoriety throughout the entire Great Yang due to his numerous victories on the northern battlefield.

While the people of Great Yang held deep admiration for this war hero, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease when they considered the lives lost under his command.

Inside the tent, Lu Zheng paid little heed to Prefect Lin’s mood. He unfurled a map of the Great Yang, encircled the five problematic villages with a pen, and then stated, “Share your perspectives.”

Lu Zheng had assembled his finest soldiers for this mission, intending to capitalize on this southern expedition to deal with the water master. He had entrusted these individuals with the task of eliminating the water master.

Soong Hanlin, Lu Zheng’s trusted aide, was the first to speak up. “I’ve conducted an investigation and discovered that the recent activities of sea bandits have been concentrated around Crane City County and its coastal areas. Could it be that their base of operations is located in this vicinity?”

Soong Hanlin used his hand to draw a circle on the map, providing a rough estimate of the location.

A fellow officer chimed in, “That seems plausible. Although the sea bandits might choose different landing spots, they’d likely select areas in close proximity to their base. Our challenge lies in the lack of a map detailing the islands in the sea, making it difficult to locate them.”

Another officer added, “Considering the number of individuals they dispatch each time, their island base is undoubtedly substantial, with a sizable population. Moreover, those young men and women they’ve abducted, over several generations, would have become self-sufficient.”

“So, if they use distinct attire or exhibit different behavior from the Great Yang, can we establish a network of spies along the coastal areas? If we spot someone wearing unfamiliar clothing or displaying unusual conduct, we can follow the trail and locate their base, ultimately dealing with this group of reprehensible miscreants!”

Upon hearing this suggestion, many present nodded in agreement. Lu Zheng, seated upright, offered his perspective, “This approach would demand a considerable amount of time and effort.”

“Hmm…” A sense of gloom hung over the group. Then, one person suggested, “Why don’t we split up and explore the open sea? Finding such a vast island might not be impossible.”

“But where’s the boat? Who’s the expert in navigation? And how many of us will embark on this journey?” Every word spoken by Lu Zheng cast a shadow over the initially enthusiastic deputy general.

Everyone fell into thoughtful silence. Finally, Soong Hanlin mustered the courage to inquire, “Master, do you have a plan?”

Lu Zheng glanced at him and replied, “Our adversaries are the elusive sea bandits. Attempting to locate them by boat in the vast ocean would be a suicide mission. However, if they come ashore, we have the upper hand. We can entice them to come ashore.”

“Entice them ashore?” The eyes of everyone in the group sparkled, then clouded with doubt. “How do we go about enticing them?”

“Considering their consistent timing and locations, it’s likely that individuals with extensive knowledge of the coastal areas have been aiding them,” Lu Zheng explained, outlining the general strategy.

His companions quickly grasped the plan after a few more details were provided. Their faces flushed with excitement.

Soong Hanlin grinned and remarked, “Once we’ve eliminated them and commandeered their boat, we’ll save some funds for the treasury.”

“If we can successfully eliminate them and raid their stockpile, we’ll not only save funds, but also…”

Lu Zheng interrupted him with a light smack, cautioning, “Don’t assume that everything will proceed smoothly. While you excel individually, getting on a ship could be a different challenge. Make sure seasickness isn’t an issue.”

A few landlubbers scratched their heads, looking somewhat uneasy.

Lu Zheng’s elite soldiers were all proficient swimmers, but it remained uncertain if these trusted generals could adapt to combat on the water.

He struck the table, asserting, “Starting tomorrow, you will commence training in swimming skills. If you can’t outperform the soldiers under your command, you’ll avoid any unnecessary embarrassment.”

The group’s expressions turned serious as they responded in unison, “Understood, as you command!”

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