Reborn to Be A Beast Master

Chapter 11

C11 – Everyone Was Shocked

When the Ice Crystal Soul reached the fourth tier of the second rank, it could easily overpower a Spirit Wolf at the first tier of the same rank.

Now, having ascended to the sixth tier of the second rank, the Ice Crystal Soul found battling a Wilted Beast at the first tier almost effortless.

Yet, Qin Ai and Shui Zhongzhen were oblivious to this fact.

They had anticipated a fierce clash between the Ice Crystal Soul and the Wilted Beast.

To everyone’s astonishment, however, the Ice Crystal Soul dispatched the Wilted Beast in mere seconds!

The onlookers were left agape, their faces etched with disbelief.

Qin Ai sighed deeply, coming to a realization that he had grossly underestimated Xie Yang, the young man in question.

He had assumed that due to Xie Yang’s youth, his pet, despite being second rank, wouldn’t be of a very high tier.

Clearly, he was mistaken.

Judging by the ease with which the Ice Crystal Soul vanquished the Wilted Beast, it was at least at the fifth tier of the second rank, if not the sixth.

For a brief moment, Qin Ai and Shui Zhongzhen exchanged looks of sheer amazement, their eyes wide with shock.

Second rank pets had appeared in previous Apprentice Qualification Assessments, but they were mostly at the first or second tier, with the strongest barely reaching the third tier.

The Ice Crystal Soul’s prowess at the sixth tier of the second rank was unprecedented.

The difference of a few tiers might seem minor, but the implications were profound.

At just eighteen, Xie Yang possessed a pet of such caliber—a second rank, sixth tier powerhouse.

His abilities and potential would undoubtedly draw attention even in the most opulent cities teeming with Beastmaster prodigies.

“He’s truly formidable, beyond what anyone could have expected!” Qin Ai watched Xie Yang on the screen, his eyes sparkling with admiration.

“It looks like our local high school is about to witness the rise of a new genius,” Shui Zhongzhen murmured, nodding in agreement almost instinctively.

Xie Yang’s abilities truly surpassed what he had anticipated.

“Do you think he can make it through the Super Level Difficulty Assessment?” Qin Ai suddenly inquired.

Shui Zhongzhen’s brow furrowed, a look of hesitation crossing his face.

Just minutes before, he would have dismissed Qin Ai’s question with a sneer, utterly unconvinced that Xie Yang could conquer such a formidable challenge.

But now, his certainty wavered.

Having seen Xie Yang’s strength eclipse that of his peers, Shui Zhongzhen found himself reconsidering.

After a lengthy pause, he finally spoke, “It’s tough to call. While Xie Yang’s prowess is remarkable, the adversaries in the superior grade’s latter stages are formidable. All I can say is that he stands a chance of passing the exam.”

Qin Ai nodded, choosing to remain silent thereafter.

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They turned their attention back to the screen as the fourth stage commenced.

This time, the challenge was a Ferocious Claw Monster.

Many had already emerged from the Land of Nothingness.

Those who had triumphed radiated joy, whereas the defeated were visibly disheartened.

“Damn, I was so close to defeating that pet!”

“I never imagined even the lower difficulty would be this tough. My opponent was a first rank, sixth layer beast.”

“I’ve failed again this year.”

“I made it! I’m now an apprentice Beastmaster!”

The speaker couldn’t hide his pride, drawing envious looks from the crowd.

For them, becoming an apprentice Beastmaster, though the entry level, signified a significant milestone.

With the title of apprentice Beastmaster, their prospects looked promising.

The newly minted apprentice Beastmaster was eager to boast further, but stopped short as the person before him gaped in disbelief, as though they’d seen a ghost.

“What on earth is that?”

“A Ferocious Claw Monster!”

“That’s a second rank beast, isn’t it? How did it end up in the apprentice assessment?”

A chorus of shocked voices erupted around them.

The apprentice Beastmaster turned, puzzled, and in the next moment, his eyes too widened in astonishment.

On the central display, two beasts were locked in a fierce battle.

On one side stood a pet beast with the ethereal grace of an Ice Fairy, a creature unfamiliar to the onlookers.

Facing it was the formidable Ferocious Claw Monster.

An ordinary attribute beast, the Ferocious Claw Monster’s strength could ascend to the third layer of the second rank upon reaching maturity.

How could such a formidable beast appear in an apprentice examination?

What was happening?

It didn’t take long for someone to recognize Xie Yang.

“Wait a minute, look, isn’t that the student who wanted to take on the superior grade challenge?”

“Yes, that’s him.”

“This is a superior grade level assessment!”

“Exactly, see the symbol in the bottom right corner? This is the fourth checkpoint.”

“It truly is superior grade difficulty; to think a Ferocious Claw Monster would show up at the fourth checkpoint!”

The revelation sent a ripple of shock through all the participants.

In a superior grade assessment with only five checkpoints, here they were at the fourth, already facing a second rank, third layer pet beast.

What horrors could the final checkpoint hold?

Yet, what truly astounded them was Xie Yang’s performance.

His pet was trading blows with the Ferocious Claw Monster, even gaining the upper hand.

This meant that his pet was certainly of the second rank, and its level was undoubtedly above the third layer.

Xie Yang’s strength far exceeded that of any other participant present.

“He’s incredible, his pet is actually overpowering the Ferocious Claw Monster!”

“I knew anyone brave enough to face the superior grade had to be skilled!”

“But you were just mocking him for overestimating himself a moment ago!”

“Which high school does he belong to? His strength is remarkable.”

“I have no idea. I’m familiar with all the top students from the local schools, and he’s not one of them!”

Everyone watched Xie Yang on the screen, their faces etched with astonishment.

They could never have guessed that the young man they had deemed “arrogant” was in fact a prodigy possessing a mighty second rank pet.

At that moment, Bai Tian, Moo Shuqin, and Zou Xinrui emerged from the Land of Nothingness.

Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui barely had time to dust themselves off before they embraced, jumping and shouting with joy.

“I’ve passed the apprentice assessment!”

“So have I. Now we’re both apprentice Beastmasters!”

“Tian, how about you?” Moo Shuqin beamed as she turned to Bai Tian with the question.

Bai Tian nodded, her face alight with an irrepressible joy.

Clearly, she too had passed the assessment.

And not just any assessment—she had conquered the more challenging higher-level test, reaping rewards that far surpassed those of Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui.

But almost immediately, Bai Tian’s smile faded as she turned her anxious gaze to the screen.

“How’s my brother doing?”

Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui were reminded to check as well, and they quickly looked up.

They, along with the other participants, were rooted to the spot in astonishment.

Displayed on the screen was the Ice Crystal Soul, having just vanquished the Ferocious Claw Monster. It floated next to Xie Yang, its low cries filled with elation.

Xie Yang responded by gently patting its head in commendation.

Then, echoing through the void, a chilling mechanical voice announced,

“You have passed the fourth stage. The challenge continues!”

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