Reborn to Be A Beast Master

Chapter 25

C25 – Powerful Level Five Soul Arrow

Under normal circumstances, Xie Yang would only need to stall the Death Bell Dealer and wait patiently for rescue. There was no need for him to exert himself to slay the fourth-rank ferocious beast.

Yet, Xie Yang had an inkling that defeating the Death Bell Dealer might unlock some sort of achievement. It presented an excellent chance to decipher the patterns of achievements.

With this in mind, the moment he activated the Bursting Seed Card, Xie Yang resolved to take down the Death Bell Dealer.

His decision left Moo Zhen and the others dumbfounded.

The adventurers exchanged bewildered glances, at a loss for words. Despite the Ice Crystal Soul gaining the upper hand against the Death Bell Dealer, they doubted it could actually finish the beast off.

Moreover, they anticipated a lengthy battle. Surrounded by innumerable Death Bell Beetles, the outcome of the fight remained uncertain.

Given a choice, they would opt for the more cautious approach—simply holding off the Death Bell Dealer seemed viable.

After all, failing to kill the beast and getting killed instead would be disastrous.

But Xie Yang’s strength was undeniable. No one dared to openly question or mock him.

Instead, many speculated that he had additional aces up his sleeve, perhaps even a second Strange Object.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Hardie finally asked Xie Yang, “Brother Xie, do you have another Strange Object?”

“No,” Xie Yang flatly denied.

He possessed a Bursting Seed Card, but it was a one-time use item for pet beasts, and it was of no use at the moment.

Xie Yang’s denial only deepened everyone’s confusion. Without any Strange Objects, how did he plan to defeat the Death Bell Dealer? Was he intending to go toe-to-toe with the beast unarmed?

Xie Yang offered no further explanation. He simply summoned his personal panel and reviewed his Soul Techniques. The Hundred Beast Slash and Thousand Beast Slash had netted him a total of 800 achievement points. After accounting for the points spent on enhancing the Ice Crystal Soul’s growth, he had just over 700 achievement points remaining.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Xie Yang immediately spent 100 achievement points to level up his Soul Arrow to level two.

To upgrade the Soul Arrow (level two) further, it would take 150 achievement points.

Undeterred, Xie Yang pressed on with the upgrades!

The Soul Arrow (level three) demanded 200 achievement points for the next upgrade.

Xie Yang didn’t stop; he kept on upgrading the Soul Arrow!

To reach Soul Arrow (level four), he needed 300 achievement points.

And for Soul Arrow (level five), a whopping 500 achievement points were required.

It was only after achieving level five that Xie Yang finally ceased his relentless upgrading.

He then lifted his gaze to the distant Death Bell Dealer.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hardie and the rest had been closely monitoring Xie Yang’s every move, utterly baffled about how he planned to take down the Death Bell Dealer.

As soon as they noticed Xie Yang spring into action, they sharpened their focus, eager not to miss a thing.

With everyone watching intently, Xie Yang extended his palm. In front of it, a silver-gray arrow of Soul Power materialized out of thin air.

“Soul Arrow?”

The crowd was momentarily taken aback.

It had never crossed their minds that Xie Yang would resort to a Soul Technique to confront the Death Bell Dealer, especially not the Soul Arrow.

The Soul Arrow was among the most fundamental and widespread of Soul Techniques.

Out of the ten Beastmasters present, nine were adept at wielding the Soul Arrow.

They knew its strength all too well.

Given Xie Yang’s youth, he likely had only recently begun practicing Soul Techniques. At best, they figured he had honed his Soul Arrow to level two.

Such a level would suffice against first or second rank ferocious beasts.

But against a fourth rank ferocious beast? It would pose no threat at all.

What good could it possibly do?

A wave of disappointment washed over the onlookers.

But in the very next instant, the Soul Arrow at Xie Yang’s fingertips launched forth. It blazed across a hundred meters like lightning, striking the Death Bell Dealer’s carapace with unerring precision.

An explosive boom, akin to a cannon detonating, echoed in their ears.

Amidst the resounding blast, the Death Bell Dealer’s tough shell burst open, sending blood and gore flying.

Overwhelmed by agony, the creature let out a mournful howl.

Meanwhile, Hardie and the others stood frozen, utterly astonished by the spectacle before them.

Could this truly be the might of the Soul Arrow?

Its power surpassed that of a cannonball by a wide margin!

For a moment, everyone was in disbelief, questioning if their eyes were deceiving them.

“Can this really be a Soul Arrow?”

“I believe it is.”

“But its strength is unbelievable!”

“I’ve never seen a Soul Arrow with such force!”

The crowd was in awe.

Xie Yang’s formidable Soul Arrow had taken everyone by surprise, including Hardie.

“The level of this Soul Arrow must be at least five!”

Hardie, a seasoned Bronze Beastmaster, had a deep understanding of Soul Techniques.

He recognized the level of the Soul Arrow in just one glance.

After over a decade of study, his most advanced Soul Technique was merely at level four.

Xie Yang, so young, had likely been studying Soul Techniques for less than a year.

Yet, he had also mastered Soul Protection and Soul Power Impact.

Despite this, he managed to elevate his Soul Arrow to level five. His aptitude for Soul Techniques was simply astounding.

“He’s incredibly powerful!”

That thought involuntarily crossed the minds of all the adventurers present, Hardie included.

Xie Yang, oblivious to their thoughts and unconcerned, was fully focused on aiding the Ice Crystal Soul.

The level five Soul Arrow was significantly more potent, yet it still required ten points of Soul Power.

Additionally, this Soul Arrow incorporated several new techniques for multiple releases.

With over a hundred points of Soul Power remaining, Xie Yang decided to conjure ten Soul Arrows at once, launching them all at the Death Bell Dealer.

The Death Bell Dealer, with its massive and sluggish form, couldn’t evade in time and bore the brunt of the Soul Arrows’ assault.

In a flash, copious amounts of blood spurted from the creature, accompanied by its piercing screams.

Seizing the moment, the Ice Crystal Soul struck.

Within moments, the Death Bell Dealer was riddled with wounds, its defeat imminent.

The outcome of the battle was now unmistakable.

Xie Yang ceased his assault, refraining from deploying any more Soul Techniques. The Ice Crystal Soul took over to finish the fight.

Shortly thereafter, with a final cry, the colossal Death Bell Dealer collapsed, forming a pool of blood beneath it. It wasn’t long before it lay dead.

The Death Bell Beetles bore witness to the demise of the Death Bell Dealer, plunging into a state of panic. Numerous beetles hastily opted for flight.

Others simply scurried about aimlessly where they stood.

Gone was their previous synchronized movement.

The canyon’s airspace resonated with the incessant shrieks of the Insect Beasts.

In stark contrast, the adventurers fell into silence.

All eyes were fixed on the unfolding spectacle, with everyone too stunned to regain their composure for quite some time.

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