Reborn to Be A Beast Master

Chapter 31

C31 – The Chain of Contempt Between the Examinees

Nightbay City ranks among the top ten major cities in the commonwealth. Beyond the prestigious Nightbay Academy, the city is home to numerous first-rate Beastmaster Academies. In stark contrast to the obscurity of a small city like Lakeshell, Nightbay City boasts a renowned reputation across the commonwealth, with a particularly vibrant pet culture. Beastmasters, a rare sight in other cities, are a common presence in Nightbay, though many are students from various academies.

Shortly after arriving in Nightbay, the bus came to a halt in front of a stylish, expansive hotel. “We’ve arrived. Let’s get off,” announced Feng Hao, a teacher from the front row. “Nightbay Academy has arranged for all examinees to stay at this hotel until the enrollment assessment concludes. All examination-related activities will take place here. Unless necessary, please refrain from leaving the premises,” he instructed.

“Let’s proceed to the front desk for check-in,” Feng Hao continued, leading the students off the bus and into the hotel along with another teacher.

With two days left until the examination, the hotel was already bustling with students, primarily from cities far from Nightbay. They had arrived early to preempt any unforeseen issues.

The arrival of Xie Yang and his group sparked a flurry of hushed conversations among the students. “Here comes another group,” one murmured. “Which city are they from?” another inquired. “I recognize them. The bus that dropped them off had a Lakeshell license plate,” someone answered.

“Lakeshell City? That’s just a small, third-tier city, isn’t it?” a voice questioned skeptically. “Do they even stand a chance at getting into Nightbay Academy?” another pondered aloud. The news that the newcomers were from Lakeshell quickly dampened the interest of many students, some of whom couldn’t hide their scornful looks.

Indeed, there existed a hierarchy of disdain among the examinees: those from large cities looked down upon their counterparts from medium-sized cities, who in turn looked down upon those from small cities. Regrettably, Lakeshell sat at the very bottom of this pecking order, a position cemented by the harsh realities of demographics. The larger population and abundant pet resources of big cities meant fiercer competition and, often, superior candidates.

Candidates who emerge from such challenging environments often possess greater strength and talent than those from smaller cities.

Their confidence is well-earned.

As whispers of discussion swirled around them, the students from Lakeshell High couldn’t help but flush with a mix of anger and embarrassment.

Some were quick to rebut, but Feng Hao intervened.

“Don’t bother with their words.”

Feng Hao soothed the group.

“The admissions test speaks through strength. If you truly can’t stand the thought of giving in, then prove yourselves with strong performances in two days’ time. That’s the most powerful rebuttal you can offer!”

His words immediately eased the tension among the students.

“Yes, the teacher’s right!”

“Those folks aren’t necessarily better than us!”

“Forget everything else, Xie Yang alone could take them all down!”

“Exactly, we’ve got Xie Yang!”

Heads nodded in fervent agreement.

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Anyone familiar with the worm tide incident wouldn’t question this.

Despite the ban on Strange Objects in the admissions test, Xie Yang’s pet boasted the prowess of a third-rank beast, enough to outmatch 99% of the candidates.

The big-city examinees who sneered at them stood no chance against Xie Yang.

With this thought, the group’s spirits lifted.

Bai Tian, Moo Shuqin, and Zou Xinrui couldn’t hide their pride.

Unbeknownst to them, Xie Yang’s pet had evolved to the fourth rank, a fact that would surely astound them.

After checking in at the hotel front desk, Xie Yang and his companions stowed their luggage in their rooms before regrouping on the ground floor to head to the restaurant for lunch.

It was the peak of noon.

The hotel’s dining hall was bustling with life, filled to the brim with vibrant young men and women.

“It’s so crowded here.”

Bai Tian remarked, scanning the room in astonishment.

Moo Shuqin chimed in, “I’ve heard this year’s applicant pool for Nightbay Academy is much larger than in previous years, nearly five thousand strong.”

At this, Zou Xinrui let out a soft gasp, her lovely face clouding with concern.

Nightbay Academy typically admits about a thousand students annually.

Considering this year’s applicant numbers, the acceptance rate hovered around twenty percent.

Despite the seemingly high admission rate, it’s important to recognize that the applicants were already the cream of the crop from high schools all over.

Each one of them was a standout in their own right, with exceptional talent and strength.

To rise above such a group and secure a spot at the academy was no small feat.

“Alright, let’s put that aside for now. First things first—let’s eat.”

Moo Shuqin gave Zou Xinrui a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

Together, they smoothly steered the conversation away.

Lunch was served buffet-style.

Xie Yang and his companions grabbed plates at the counter. Once they had selected their food, they sat down to savor the spread.

The restaurant was bustling, but their group—a trio of girls and one guy—couldn’t help but stand out.

The girls were particularly striking in appearance.

Bai Tian, with her snow-white skin and delicate features, drew many admiring glances.

Mostly from boys who looked at Xie Yang with a mix of envy and jealousy.

“He’s got it made, surrounded by pretty girls even when he’s just eating.”

“Why am I stuck with just guys around me?”

Xie Yang paid no mind to the stares and continued his meal with composure.

The restaurant’s offerings were admittedly quite tasty.

Suddenly, Xie Yang sensed someone nearing. Looking up, he saw a chubby boy with a plate in hand approaching.

The boy was around their age, beaming with a friendly smile.

“Excuse me, may I join you for the meal?”

The girls paused in surprise. Xie Yang, eyebrow arched, gestured to an empty table nearby.

“There’s a spot right over there, isn’t there?”

The chubby boy scratched his head, still smiling, “I was hoping to get acquainted. You’re the Lakeshell examinees, aren’t you?”

His question sounded more like a statement, his tone sure.

He clearly had done his homework on Xie Yang and the rest.

After a brief once-over, Xie Yang gave a nod, “Have a seat.”

The boy’s face lit up with joy as he took the seat next to Xie Yang, a few places down from the girls.

“I’m Di Feng. What do I call you all?”

Di Feng was naturally sociable and wasted no time in getting to know them.

Xie Yang and his companions introduced themselves one by one.

Moo Shuqin, brimming with curiosity, inquired, “Based on what you’ve mentioned, you’re interested in meeting the candidates from Lakeshell. May I ask why?”

With a sly grin, Di Feng replied, “I’ve heard rumors about a high schooler from Lakeshell who aced the Apprentice Assessment at a superior grade. I was hoping to gather some intel about him from you all.”

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