RE:BORN Zombie

Chapter 73 Filler

73  Fiery Entry [Terror]

Induce fear in the target and can be lethal if the target possesses a weak mind that can be easily broken.

Level: 3

Mana cost: 50 per use


With this skill in the play, Victor could only wish it also worked the same way he thoutt it to, as that was the key part of his plan. The skill's description said nothing about whether or not the skill affected only a single target at  a time, or exactly how it worked. All Victor wanted was for it to affect more than a single target, as that is the key to his plan.

While observing the multitude of lizard men from the above position, Victor was yet to be found out by his targets, so he thought it nice to do a little dramatic entrance into the place and announce his presence with some sparks.

He looked around, but there was no sizable chunk of rock in sight for him to use his skill on, so he took out of his inventory a weapon he had just recently picked up, a sword. He kept it since he wasn't sure when he would get to have his own weapon, and it wasn't like the ones he already had wouldn't deteriorate. It was good to have a spare at hand at all time, just in case.

Victor used his skill Remote Explosion on the sword, and for this one he put in quite the amount of mana, almost making the sword unstable. He aimed the sword randomly at nothing and threw it below, amidst the lizard men, an surprisingly it wasn't interrupted by anything until it stabbed the ground.

Before the lizard men thought of raising their heads to check where the sword fell from, a loud sound rocked the entire place.



This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com



The explosion created below was truly amazing, as it was way larger than what Victor expected. He originally thought that all he needed to do was create an explosive from a bigger mass, but after the display below, he was certain that size wasn't the only factor. From now on, the best explosives were the ones that had an unstable foundation.

'If only I did my chemistry, I would have figured out something like this from the start.' He thought.

After the explosion went off, Victor jumped down from where he was, and from similar different holes other lizard men also returned through.

When Victor threw the sword, he did so with quite the strength which caused the sword to land close to the middle of the football field sized place, so naturally that was where the explosion happened. The explosion in turn covered a quarter of the entire space. The entire place was thrown into confusion as lizard men rushed towards the place of the explosion to help their people. The waves of vibration created from the epi-centre where the sword exploded also added to the chaos, and as though that wasn't enough for the lizard men, Victor added another.

As he fell towards the ground below, Victor activated another skill that was equally as destructive as the bomb to the earth, and when he hit the floor, he did so with enough force that it was as though another bomb had gone off.




Earlier, before Victor jumped down, he made another investment in one of his skills, and that skill was Earth Stomp.

[Earth Stomp]

Create a powerful wave that travels through the earth, and is enough to destabilize surrounding creatures and collapse weak or small buildings.

Level: 4

Mana cost: 50


With the waves created from the use of this skill, and the ones created from the explosion, by the time both collided, the waves bounced off each other and created another turn of earth shaking rumbles that travelled the whole place and possibly beyond.

After that, the entire play became a massacre. With the lizard men not knowing what had hit them while having an enemy in their midst, but being too shaken and in a confused state, they didn't realize on time that somebody else was with them. Using that brief moment of a couple seconds where the lizard men were confused and didn't immediately attack, Victor started with the activation of the skill negative burst that dealt an area of effect damage and took out a bunch of lizard men at a time.

Victor was enjoying the constant inflow of experience points as he killed the lizard men, and though he felt no particular emotion while doing so, the experience points were much welcome. After he use his skill two more times as he moved from one section to another, the some of the elite lizard men had caught on to what was going on, and so they made their way towards Victor in attempt to stop him. This however would prove futile.

As Victor had noticed, those that were farther away on the opposite side were the least affected, and that was also where the elites were concentrated the most, so as these elite ran towards him, they approached from that side. While they ran towards him, they also brought their fellow lizard men along to settle things, and after they were close to the half way point, a couple metres from where Victor was, he activated a different skill.

Finally, the time had come for him to try out the skill he had been hoping to test out. For this to work, he only needed to activate one skill, and that skill was Terror.

The moment he activated the skill, all lizard men that were headed towards him which would number around 30 fell to the ground, as their bodies crashed down and into the dirt. At the same time, Victor received several system notifications, and that was it, the combo was successful.

[Enemy has been affected by your skill Undead Aura]

[Enemy has died instantly due to the effect of your skill]

[You have killed Elite lizard Man Warrior]

[You have killed Elite lizard Man]

[You have killed Elite liza]

[You have killed Eli]

[You have killed liz]




The plan was for the Terror skill to cause the enemy to enter a state of fright, and since they had showed fear in Victor's presence that was related to him, they died instantly due to the effects of that skill. A perfect combination to create massive death. 'Now, if this skill works over electronics, then I would have become a very terrifying existence.' Victor thought in his mind as he appreciated the successes of his combination.

With this, he had once again gained another way to take care of a multitude of weaker creatures all at once without needing to move himself.

With the mysterious fall of the elite lizard men and lizard men that were attempting to attack  him, the others became wary, and since nobody knew the reason why the ones that rushed forward had fallen, they didn't dare approach carelessly. At this point also, Victor was getting many messages that indicated that people were dying to his passive skill Undead Aura.

From the area furthest behind, two lizard men were seated. They looked old, and instead of weapons, both of them held long staffs that curved at the top. From the design of the staff to the way the others treated them, Victor could take a wild guess that those were the leaders of this lizard men settlement, and the fact that they were holding such staff would mean that they practiced some form of magic. So, as it would be best to do at the moment, Victor rushed for them, but not before spreading tens of pieces of rocks around to other places.

To the others, it might have looked like nothing, but little did they know that those rocks were about to take more lives than those of pig's. Victor was fast on his feet, and appeared before the two lizard men in less than a second.

The remaining elites which were not many at this moment, if Victor was to count, he would say about seven or eight of them were remaining, they rushed to the two elder lizard men and surrounded them in a crescent formation acing Victor in order to block him off he he attempted to come. The rest simply rushed at him.

After using negative burst against the  lizard men that rushed at him twice in quick succession, he didn't need to use his teleportation, as he instantly appeared before the two lizard men elders, completely evading the elites that stood to block his path. He then swung his sword in attempt to take out the elders in one swing, but then his weapon collided with something green, and the two were transported to the opposite side of the place from where they were seated.

For one, if Victor could hear the lizard men's language, he would most definitely be hearing their doubts on how he was able to get behind them, but he wasn't interested in any language class at this moment, neither did he plan to draw out this battle.

"I don't have time for this sort of tricks you lizards."


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