RE:BORN Zombie

Chapter 81 Informant III

“Alright, step one is done.” Victor said, as he puffed into the living room of Larry’s house, which had now sort of become his house. He would bring Larry out so as to have company around, but Larry requested to be within Victor, saying something about being or feeling more comfortable there. Victor had no use for him at the moment, so he had no problem with that. With that, the house had become Victor’s, in a way.. many ways. As for now Victor was unsure if the guy he just basically tortured into giving him the details concerning the informant would do something like warning the informant for anything like that, so for now it was 50:50.

Since finding an informant was partially done, Victor focused on what he wanted to get, as in the information he actually wanted. He wasn’t stupid not to have thought of the possibility of his presence in the city being known, but then again he wasn’t an important person in any way, and he could only beg that he didn’t stand out too much because of his appearance. For now there still wasn’t any way for him to hide the fiery tattoos. He would also want to keep himself hidden as he had no knowledge about the laws of this city, or country, whatever he would refer to it as. If it was ok for immigrants or refugees to live around why doing jobs, then that would be great. Honestly, only a prick would ban something like that.. right? Either way, Victor decided that keeping a low profile was going to be his best bet, and by low profile he meant being as nonexistent as possible.

With the idea of secrecy in mind, Victor concluded that the only dungeons he would be able to enter were unregistered dungeons where the government and similar associations wouldn’t be concentrated, or even pay no attention to. No matter the direction he was going to head down in the future, there was one think Victor knew he required the most, and that was power. If nothing else, he desired overwhelming power that would place him leagues above all others, securing himself complete safety, to an extent.

The next day came by, and Victor dressed in clothes that covered every single part of his body stepped out of the house he was in, and since all other houses around weren’t story buildings, there wasn’t much rooftop he could take advantage of, he had to just use the street. The man from the previous night had given him the name and the place, but he didn’t give him directions. Using the available GPS device Victor acquired, he was at least sure he had a chance, that was why he left home early, so he would have enough time to look for the place and be there on time..

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It took some hours, since Victor had to act normal outside and couldn’t just run around the place. Fortunately for him too, the dressing he was now rocking wasn’t bad, as it blended well with the crowd. Seeing as this was a city was one that housed many hunters, seeing weird dresses every now and then was totally normal and raised absolutely no suspicion. After some hours, Victor finally got to the place, and as he took a quick glance at his watch, he could see that he was a few minutes early, he made it quite on time. He sat down slowly at the spot where he was to meet with the informant and then, he waited.

Five minutes later into the agreed time, Victor was actually wondering of the person was going to show up or not, and just then someone walked passed his seat from behind and sat on the one right in front of him. They were sitting on chairs that were positioned close to a park, and each of these chairs had a table in between them, some other settings had more chairs, but this one only had two. Anybody familiar with this kind offsetting would think it belonged to a restaurant, but it didn’t actually. At least not these ones.

The person that sat on the seat before Victor seemed to be a lady, and she wore a hat that blocked her face in a way that Victor would actually have to bend his head and try to peak if he wanted a clear view of her face. With an overall coat to match the hat, Victor could very much shake his head at the memory of Inspector Gadget, but then again, that was just a thought.

“Are you the informant?” Victor asked, as he raised his head enough for the other person to catch a glimpse of his face, that is if she could even do that. With the hat covering her eyes, Victor could very well disagree that she too was unable to see properly. Not that he was complaining though, as he himself was pretty much the same. The only visible part of Victor’s body was the space from the mid bridge of his nose to the middle of his fore head. The mask he wore and the hoodie covered the rest when it came to his face.

From the small gap, the lady could see the two fiery tattoos that ran down across Victor’s eyes, and apart from that, that was all.

‘What kind of freak do I have to deal with this time?’ The lady asked in her mind after noticing what she identified were tattoos, or maybe some glow in the dark kind of makeup? Honestly, that wouldn’t be the first time somebody spotted such dressing.

“Yes, I am the informant.” The lady responded, and Victor could hear an accent in her voice. Honestly, he had no idea just how similar this current world he was in was to his original, but then again, it didn’t matter. He wasn’t here to study language nor ethnicities and religion.

‘I’m pretty sure she was given information on what happened with the guy from before, and maybe there’s another factor at hand, as if not so she wouldn’t have showed up to begin with.’ Victor said in his mind, while deciding to cut to the case and not dilly dally with unnecessary small talk that had no importance.

“What do you want to know?” The lady asked. Honestly, it was a bit unusual to be called an informant, like some kind of spy that worked for the government, but whatever. If it brings in money, then put up with anybody… or so the saying goes.

“I would like information on unregistered dungeons, preferably one that are closest.” Victor said. He would have opted for one that were a little far off from the city, but then there was no need for now.

“Hmm, that information would cost a bit of money, I assume you know this much?”



It took no time at all, and under five minutes the negotiations were done, and Victor now knew the location of one unregistered dungeon. But parties didn’t ask of the others identify, and apart from the money and information, there was no other transaction between but of them, neither did they try to get each other’s identity. Though Victor was sure they people running this information network will try to get some information on him, he wasn’t in the least bothered. It was not like they would be able to find any thing anyway. Victor also set a scheduled meet with the lady providing the information some time later a couple days after that one.

Now that he knew where the dungeon was, there was no need to return home, Victor just walked casually towards the side where one of the gates that led out of the city was located, and going over it, he left the city. Going through the gate would only invite trouble as he had no means of identification.

The dungeon in question was just a D rank dungeon, so for now Victor wasn’t expecting much out of it, but it was a start. The accuracy of the provided information and what he could end up finding were in question, so Victor just took it for now and headed there.

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