RE:BORN Zombie

Chapter 87 Auction Begins

‘Seems like my control is improving,’ thought Victor, as he stopped some inches before the man.

Though the man was wearing a black suit and black inner shirt, in fact everything he wore was black, Victor could swear that he would have been able to see the sweet all over him if the shirt was say white.

The reason the man was still alive even after Undead Aura was activated was simple. Victor could control the undead aura a bit so that it didn’t affect the man. The thing was that some time ago, Victor had realised the need for him to find a solution to his passive skills being.. well, passive. Back in the dungeon, he never had the need, or a reason to think about it, as it was purely survival of the fittest. No one was trying to be the other’s friend. Outside though, Victor found some of his passive skills to be a bit of a burden most of the times. One of these such skills was his Undead Aura..

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

When Victor would try to interrogate someone to get information, the person would simply die, and he would end up having to go the harder way. It was becoming annoying, and clearly an enormous burden to him. With that, Victor started looking for a way to fix this. Of course, he asked the system, but that was useless, as the system itself had no useful answer to his question, and he was left with his own brain to figure it out.

After some days went by and Victor had thought about it, he finally came up with a very plausible theory. Maybe the thing holding him back was that he had always thought about his own strength and skills as something related to a game, and because of that followed game mentality to deal with them, and that was why his thinking was so shallow. When it came to doing things independent of the system, the most he had done would be activating skills without the help of the system, and really, that was it. Victor’s conclusion was that he needed to be more independent of the system, and just like magic, it turned out to be the answer.

Victor began by changing his perception of how he viewed his skills, and instead of just seeing them as mere skills he could use, he put them as his powers, at the level the others in this world he was in referred to theirs. Just like everyone else, Victor decided to at least for once try to train and learn more about his powers or skills and see the results that would bring. Just like magic, the results were really what he expected.

Instead of just simply activating his skills and deactivating them if needed, Victor took time to study each skill by seeing how they worked, how the energy flow simulated with it, and many more. He was fascinated by what he discovered. The large part of the achievement came from studying his passive skills, which were his aim from the start. Victor found that there was more he could do with these passive skills than just wait for them to activate automatically whenever a trigger was activated by something.

In the end, the result of all that training and experiment to improve gave him more control over his own skills, and since he had yet to focus on his active skills, he didn’t know what to expect from them since he felt there was nothing to do when it came to them. With the Undead Aura, he could at least select the target of the aura, so that it doesn’t affect others as much, but he still doesn’t have full control over the skill so his control over it is limited. AT least now he can choose the target of the skill. For now, the skill still affects those who show fear towards him within a certain range(which happen to be a very wide range), but if he does not make you the target, then the effect is only reduced, and he cannot lower the effect on those he targets. The only thing is that even though the skill is not made to target one person, that person would need to be at least level 75 to survive, and then not everyone is the same, so that is only a requirement.

‘Sucks that I have to actively try not to target others for this to work,’ Victor said in his mind as he grabbed the man before him by the shoulder and placed him on his feet. “Go inform your boss, and drop my bracelet before you go. I don’t want to go find him myself.” He said as the two fiery tattoos beneath both of his eyes burned brighter for a bit before he returned to his seat.

The man who immediately ran out of the room couldn’t help but curse his terrible sight of not predicting someone with such a look and burning tattoos on the damn face to be powerful. He could only wonder what the guy’s level is and how he was going to evaluate him for his boss.

In the end, Victor got to meet the person running the place, and though he wasn’t the overall boss, he was the boss of that branch and a couple others. He was also invited to attend the auction by the boss, and he was going to get a whopping 70% share of whatever the bracelet sells for. Victor wasn’t a bully, so he went through normal negotiation with the boss, even though he could just force them to agree. At least it led to him getting an invitation.


That brought Victor to where he was now, sitting amongst the crowd while the auction was about to start.

‘Err, I hope I find something good enough here. Not like I think anything is going to be better than what I can find in Ramok’s stash.’

Quickly, the auction started, and Victor immediately recognized the host, after all, it was the same person he almost made shit himself earlier that night. ‘Did he actually shit himself a little? He’s wearing different clothes. Gotta say though, the previous suit looks better than this one a bit,’ Victor commented in his mind.

To start the auction, the host thanked everyone for coming and, with a quick introduction saying his name, which Victor now knew to be Bryce Mortem, the auction begun. Surprisingly, the underground market turned out to be some kind of complex family business that was run by many big families. This Victor found out after meeting the boss of this side of the market, Mark Mortem, Bryce’s brother.

All this didn’t matter to Victor though. Whenever he thought of coming to a fantasy world or a world where superpowers exist, he never thought himself one to sit around with others and play politics, and he would not do that now. For Victor, there is another way to power if he so chooses, and that is absolute power no one can stand against. They can be fifty families if they like, but as long as he possessed the strength, they would have no choice than to fall before his feet.

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