Redo! Last Chance for a Dying World!

Chapter 60: Plan

Chapter 60: Plan

"This is going to be tough, even with all of us having Classes now." Filthy got straight to the point. "The two paths both lead to the boss room, but each path is guarded by Level 30 creatures. I was barely able to get a glimpse of the Boss itself, and it seemed to be a Level 35 melee Class."

"The Level 30 creatures each had around 20,000 HP and the Boss had just over 50,000." He finished up with a description of the creatures. "The Level 30's were the larger version of Hobgoblins. The boss, however, wasn't as large. It was maybe 7' tall and had four arms, each wielding a sword."

Everyone in the group began to frown, they were glad they weren't fighting some giant, but the Goblin didn't sound weak at all. Even if their proficiency and abilities had risen, none of them were expert fighters.

"Well, we've come this far. The entire Dungeon has been cleared except for the Boss room. We have to make a choice of whether to proceed or to go back." Geth glanced at Filthy and Zolis who both nodded, looking a bit excited for the fight to come.

He then turned towards the other three. "Hulk, Harris, Farris. This fight will be completely different from our fight with Gourmand. I can't promise that you'll live." While saying this, he looked each one of them in the eyes and waited for their decision.

Hulk stepped forward on his own. "We've come this far, mostly thanks to you. I won't abandon you in the last stretch. On top of that, if we can't finish this, what would become of my family? I won't have my children be killed by some Goblin in their sleep."

There wasn't a hint of doubt in his eyes, he wanted to proceed. Geth shifted his gaze to the two brothers, waiting to hear their decision.

Harris looked over at his brother first, Farris looked back and nodded. They didn't say anything, but the two of them stepped forward in the same motion.

"It looks like everyone understands the risks." Geth nodded and then looked over to Filthy. "Will we be able to lure the two larger beasts away? Where are they located in accordance to the entrances?"

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Filthy thought for a moment and then pulled an arrow from his quiver. He drew an oval in the dirt that Geth assumed was the Boss chamber. Grabbing a few rocks that were near him, he placed them in the drawing and then marked the entrances.

"I wasn't able to get a good view, but I could make out the center areas of the chamber. Against the back wall, here." He pointed towards the back center of the oval. "Is close to where the Boss is."

"There is a waterfall coming down into a large pond, the Boss looked like it was meditating in the center." The shaft of the arrow moved and sat over the other two stones that were next to each other. "The two Level 30 creatures are just standing in the center of the cavern."

"The larger Hobgoblins have no weapons, but their size is nothing to scoff at. They were both at least 12' tall and wearing some type of studded leather armor. Their position is approximately 100 yards from the entrance, the Boss is around 250 yards."

Filthy finished the briefing and Geth stared at the map for some time. "Filthy, Zolis, how fast would you be running at full speed?"

"I could probably cover 100 yards in about 5 seconds" Filthy answered.

Zolis thought for a moment. "It would probably take me 7. If you buffed us with Agility we could probably both knock a second off."

Geth then looked over at Hulk. "You chose the Knight class, where are your stats sitting right now?"

"Well, I wasted some in the beginning so I've got 15 Agility and Wisdom, 25 Intelligence, 35 Strength, and 52 Defense. With my gear included my Strength is close to 50 and my Defense is over 75." Hulk responded.

"Harris, Farris, what are your Defenses sitting at including equipment?"



Geth nodded and looked at the map again. "Zolis, I want you to sprint to the Hobgoblin on the left and get its attention. Filthy, do the same on the right but make sure not to outpace Zolis."

"You will each lead your target back to the entrances that you came from. Hulk, you will be waiting here for Zolis." Geth pointed at the left-hand entrance.

"Harris, Farris, you will be waiting here near the right-hand entrance for Filthy. Alternate tanking the creature while Filthy helps kill it quickly." Geth instructed. "Hulk, are you good tanking on your own?"

He shrugged, "I'm comfortable with it, but I don't think the brothers have quite enough Defense."

"I'll handle that," Geth replied. "Now, just make sure that everyone enters the Boss chamber at the same time, if anyone gets left out, we probably won't survive."

"Filthy, how long will it take for us to walk to the end of the tunnels, and would we be able to see each other from the opposing entrances?"

Filthy answered quickly, "Two minutes at most, and yes it's a bit of an angle but we will be able to see each other clearly."

"Very well, everyone will rush into the room on my third count and start with the plan immediately."

Harris looked up from the small map. "What if the boss reacts?"

"I'll be taking care of the Boss," Geth said. "Just kill your beasts as quickly as possible, I'm not sure how long I can hold it back. When one Hobgoblin is dead, team up on the other and take it out quickly."

Everyone looked up at him a bit worriedly. They knew that he was strong, but they were all essentially the same Level. They all knew that there was no way in hell they could attempt to tank a Boss almost 10 levels over them.

"Geth, are you sure about that..?" Hulk asked him.

Geth just looked at him, then noticed the expression on the other's faces as well. He didn't see what the big deal was. "Yeah, I'll be fine." He shrugged.

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