Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 218

Chapter 218

“Did you meet him as planned?”

“…Yes, I did.”

“What did he say? Is he repentant for his sins?”

How can one repent for sins they haven’t committed?

Instead of vocalizing his thoughts, the Sword Master chose to remain silent.

Nevertheless, the king seemed to grasp the meaning, scoffing contemptuously.

“Typical of a traitor, not admitting guilt despite the clear evidence? Ha! Even with the evidence right before him, he’s still trying to deny it?”

The “evidence” the king referred to was the poison found in his own cup, the testimony from an unnamed lackey of the assassin’s guild claiming that Logan had purchased it, and circumstantial evidence.

‘And that lackey died after giving his confession.’

Could the king genuinely believe such shaky evidence was the truth?

How had it come to this?

The frustration that he’d never spoken aloud was clawing its way out.

“Forgive me, Your Majesty, but if Logan truly intended to assassinate you, you would be dead.”

“Because you were there! He must have held back from the additional act because he knew you were present!”

“Logan willingly walked into the prison himself. Even I couldn’t stop Logan in that situation. Please, Your Majesty, reconsider.”

“So what are you suggesting! That the rumors on the streets are true, that I staged an injury to myself?!”

His eyes burned red, his pupils shaky.

Clearly, this was not the look of a sane man.

‘How can I possibly deal with this?’

Trapped in a loop of the same fruitless discussions for days, the Sword Master could only beat his chest in frustration.

And that night.

Logan received a visit he did not anticipate.


Steel bars slid open, and as Logan practized meditation against the wall, he leaped up like lightning.

A figure emerged from the darkness into the cell.

“It’s unfortunate to meet under these circumstances, Logan Master. I had hoped for a better situation to speak privately….”

“Who are you…?”

As Logan narrowed his eyes, the visitor bowed deeply.

“I am Cleo Lieberman, the Director of the Inner Palace. Even from a distance, I have seen the Logan Master.”


Logan certainly knew who he was.

It was merely the suspicious circumstances that had prompted him to feign ignorance.

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‘Why is he…?’

According to his master, this man had been at the forefront, agreeing with the king’s statement to punish him.

But the current situation…

“So it is? But what situation is this? Since when does the Director of the Inner Palace have the power to pardon a criminal?”

What game are you playing?

Logan’s piercing gaze swept through the open bars and settled on Cleo.

Seeing Logan’s intent, the distressed Cleo hurriedly waved his hands and then, with a mysterious smile, produced a small key.

“Of course not. I just managed to slip the key away from the guards.”

The key was too ornate for a mere prison lock, glinting with a faint blue hue.

Yet, that’s how Logan knew it was authentic.

This was the only artifact that could unlock the restraints which bound him, specially designed for superhumans.

However, Logan did not waver.

His power, focused at the heart and unlike that of other Force users or superhumans, was too overwhelming to be subdued by such an artifact.

“You’re overstepping your bounds. To help me?”

Was the stoic expression surprising?

Cleo continued hesitantly.

“Yes. I didn’t want a hero like the Logan Master to end his life in such a wasteful way.”

“Is that all? You’re helping me for such a simple reason?”

“I may be insignificant, but that just makes me admire heroes like you all the more. Since His Majesty seems resolute, this is all I can do for you.”

“His Majesty is rigid in his stance?”

“I am not privy to much, but as someone attending to His Majesty, I’ve heard. There’s talk of your execution. I couldn’t wait any longer.”

Wasn’t it you who argued for it?


“If I truly wanted to escape, these bars couldn’t hold me. Leave now. I appreciate the sentiment, but I refuse your offer.”

Taken aback by Logan’s sharp energy, Cleo couldn’t help but step back.

As Cleo bowed and hastened away, Logan sank into contemplation.

‘They’re encouraging an escape. The moment I flee, I’m a traitor. Do they wish me to fight the king? Why?’

Nevertheless, Logan understood that he had the stronger hand in any actual conflict—the power difference between the royal family and the Maclaine family wasn’t even close. If it was a combat the visitor wished, it essentially meant they wanted the king dead.

The unexpected visit from Cleo shattered the image Logan had of him as just another flatterer.

‘Wasn’t he just a power-hungry courtier?’

The more he thought about it, the more Cleo’s true motives eluded him.

What is he up to?

Such questions plagued Logan throughout the night.

‘One thing is for sure—I cannot act now.’

Not moving as the enemy wishes is a basic tactical maneuver.

If the mysterious enemy wants him to escape…

‘I simply cannot oblige.’

Resolved, his emotions stirred once again the next day.

It began with a note slipped under his meal by the jailer.

The code written on it was one Logan had previously arranged with Damian from the Grandidier Liberation Front.

A war? His father?

Startled, Logan furrowed his brows, but the message underneath was even more shocking.


It was a narrative he couldn’t ignore.

But it didn’t end there.

“What is this…?”

Logan’s mind reeled.

An attacker, powerful enough to evade a 6th Circle expert magician, had tried to abduct Hamar?

It was too much for Logan to comprehend, leaving his senses numb.

More so that this was not the end of the developments.

Upon reading the rest, Logan was certain.

‘It’s the work of the king.’

Only the Maclains, Esperanza, or the comparatively weaker royal army could field such talents in the nation.

‘The royal mage tower, too.’

The narrative continued to affirm his suspicions.


‘They’re shaking the Maclains while I’m locked away? The king clearly won’t let this go.’

The situation was pressing for Logan.

Additionally, with rumors of his execution, it was assured his master would not stay passive.

‘Once more, I’ll talk.’

He calmed his restlessness with that resolution.

That night.

As expected, his master visited again.

“Master, what’s the situation? They’re saying an execution date has been set?”

His master, pale, shook his head in reply to the blunt question.

“Who told you such… Ah. Yes, His Majesty’s opinion is harsh. But rest assured, I’m convincing him. Just a little longer.”

“Couldn’t you be more forceful, master?”


“The Esperanza knights alone, if you…”

“Logan! That crosses the line. Forcing His Majesty’s hand is not the way of a subject.”

Logan’s expression hardened hearing his master’s frustratingly typical words.

“Just hold on a bit longer. I’m persuading His Majesty. There will be no harm to you; I stake my honor on that promise.”

With a sigh, Logan bowed his head.

Yes. That was his master.

“…What do you think, master? When will His Majesty release me?”

“I can manage it… hopefully.”

“Before I die, perhaps?”

“Logan. That’s…”

“Please face reality, master. If you rely on mere words to convince His Majesty, he will never release me!”

“That’s not the king I know, Logan.”

“I’m sorry, but it is you, master, who cannot distinguish the situation.”


Anger erupted in the master’s yell, but for Logan, today was not the day to back down.

“When blinded by conviction, one takes that belief as truth. No matter what the truth is, they won’t listen. Such is the nature of religion, ideologies.”

“You’re lecturing me…”

“Master. The moment I am released, I will place His Majesty under house arrest and ensure he never interferes in politics again.”

“You insubordinate!!”

– Ah!

The furious bellow of an advanced Aura user echoed through the dungeons, and outside, the jailer screamed.

But Logan, barely wrinkling his brow, stared back at the master with fiery eyes.

“Is this how a subject…!”

“Everyone will understand!!”

Now Logan’s roar shook the dungeons.

Only a faint moan lingered from the now unconscious jailer, but there was no time for their concerns.

With a steeled expression, Logan articulated his point, his voice firm and clear.

“Everyone will think so. They will see it as the least you can do. Logically speaking.”

“How dare you…”

“Or perhaps they’ll imagine I’ll do worse. Especially His Majesty.”

I wish I could, truly.

Even with the last thought unspoken, the creases on the master’s face deepened.

“You… What do you mean…?”

“Yes. His Majesty thinks if I’m released, it would be his end. As such, he cannot release me.”


[The passage continues with in-depth analysis of the predicament Logan faces, his resolve, and his interactions with his master, who visits him to discuss the future and current events, foreshadowing challenges and decisions Logan must confront.]

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