Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

“Has there been no more trouble since then?”

“That’s right. Since the news of your escape, ahem, breakout, there have been no more assaults on the dwarf artisans or raids on the warehouses. Of course, we’ve multiplied our patrols just in case.”

“As expected…”


“Nothing, it’s nothing.”

There was still a need for some more reflection, but the answer to all the worries that had plagued me on the way back to my domain seemed almost in sight.

All the accidents and terrorism that had occurred in Maclaine stopped right after my escape?

‘There must be people plotting behind the scenes.’

The face that came naturally to mind was one.

The middle-aged administrator who had encouraged my escape, claiming he admired heroes.

‘Cleoh. That guy must have manipulated the king, or there’s someone behind him.’

I had no choice but to come to that conclusion.

To think otherwise would be to ignore the king’s extreme behavior.

He had made too many reckless decisions, any one of which could have caused him to lose everything, and he had pressured both me and Maclaine far too much.

It was not a matter of whether he was a sage king or a tyrant, but actions taken without considering the consequences.

‘It means he can’t make rational decisions.’

With that thought, I realized anew that it was a stroke of luck that I had escaped.

The king would have proceeded with his plan even against his mentor’s advice.

Had I delayed a bit longer, a bloodbath and a chase could have unfolded starting from the royal palace itself.

And with that thought, fury rose within me again.

‘Dammit. How did it come to this…’

The grand plan I had drawn up to prepare for the empire’s invasion was crumbling from its very foundation.

My boiling emotions naturally directed my gaze towards the perpetrator.

‘Cleoh. I’ll smash you and your backer to pieces.’

Logan gritted his teeth with all the murderous intent he could muster.

“No more can we tolerate the king’s tyranny. The king I raised to the throne must now be deposed by my own hands.”

“Right. It’s about time.”

At that moment, as murderous intent surfaced in the reddened eyes of father and son, ‘that news’ reached Maclaine.

– The Sword Master has personally declared the subjugation of Maclaine.

For everyone in the household other than Logan, who was mentally prepared, it was truly shocking news.

* * *

“I’ve kept trying to connect, but there’s still no response.”

“Of course, that’s to be expected.”

– If you leave like this, Logan, you’ll truly become a traitor.

Remembering his mentor’s warning, Logan gave a bitter smile.

‘Now that things have come to this, I need not hesitate any longer.’

With a renewed resolve.

The thoughts of those around him were quite different.

“Logan. As much as I consider it, having an open conflict with His Excellency the Sword Master is too risky. If he could be persuaded, we should try to talk to him.”

His father, his face set rigidly, and…

“Lord Logan. Are you confident you can contend with His Excellency the Sword Master? If not, try to resolve it through dialogue first. The cost seems too high…”

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The worried expression of Eileen.

“You’re right. All-out war with the grand duchy is going to be quite burdensome. There will be large sacrifices. I also believe dialogue should be prioritized.”

Heinkel joined in with the rest to chorus the sentiment.

However, Logan firmly shook his head in the face of all their concerns.

“Once he has made a decision, he does not go back on it. The battle is unavoidable.”

With his assertion, everyone around him heaved a collective sigh.

But then.

“If we can just block the Sword Master, we can minimize the damage. If you’re not confident, the knight’s order will find a strategy.”

His father spoke stiffly about a blockade plan for the Sword Master, and…

“As for the Esperanza Grand Duchy… Well, it’s a heavy burden, but surely we’re not unable to fight. The soldiers’ morale is high. Some are even eager for war, having seen their seniors awaken as Force-Users in succession.”

The former head of the knight’s order clenched his fists, recalls the soldiers’ morale.

“The female troops feel the same. All twelve hundred of them are itching for a chance to prove their worth.”

Even Eileen, who’d been looking concerned all this while, now sparkled with a fighting spirit.

Despite the threatening words of the kingdom’s strongest—the Esperanza Knight Order—and other nobles joining the attack, no one flinched.

‘And why should they?’

Maclaine’s strength had reached powerful heights, deserving of their confidence.

Despite some recent problems, production of Liberatio had already hit saturation, and there were well over a thousand knights.

More than a third of that knight’s order was equipped with artifacts developed by Clayton.

The only possible concern was that the three superhuman powers—myself, Luther, and Clayton—might seem a bit lacking compared to the Sword Master and Wiken Kallia.

“Contrary to external expectations, we have an advantage in superhuman power. Please also keep that in mind.”

“Is that really so?”

“Yes, I am confident.”

“…Alright, I’ll trust you then. That surely increases our chances.”

Luther Kail had been breaking through walls that had stood still for decades by repeating duels with me.

Clayton had progressed to the point where he could easily contend with a figure like the past Juan Douglas.

And I was a special case among those considered superhumans.

‘Maybe I could even handle the mentor on my own.’

With that, confidence overflowed in Logan’s voice.

There were no worries about power.

Only the mental burden of facing his mentor remained.


‘How many talented individuals will die in this clash?’

How significant could the unexpected consequences of the conflict be?

Weighed down by these thoughts, yet when I recalled the looming shadow of the giant in the far west, that weight seemed to vanish without a trace.

The Emperor.

The thought of him made me reluctant to overthink this and stretch out the situation.

‘Even if dialogue is possible, now is not the time.’

If we back down once seeking common ground, we’ll just keep retreating.

There was no time to waste.


“If we must do it, let’s do it decisively. Let’s show the world just how strong Maclaine is!”


With those declared words, everyone’s fighting spirit surged endlessly.

As the entire Maclaine became consumed with preparing for battle, Logan received an unexpected message.



The subtle vibration of mana from his pocket furrowed Logan’s brows.

The source of the pulse was quickly identified.

The small orb-shaped communicator he’d kept on hand in case of foul play.

It vibrated from contact with the one-time, empire-concentrated technological marvel provided by the Second Prince.

‘I was told it’s been rigged to let me contact them, huh?’

As the handsome face of the Second Prince momentarily surfaced in his mind, a distrustful expression creased Logan’s face. He then blew a faint trace of Force into the orb he drew out.

The expected face soon emerged from it.

[Long time no see, Lord Logan.]

“…It’s been a while, Your Highness. To what do I owe this call?”

The situation was not one for exchanging pleasantries, nor did he want to ask why, after giving him the artifact, did the prince himself initiate contact.

Despite the direct questioning, the prince retained a smiling demeanor.

[Word has reached me that Lord Logan is in a precarious situation. I apologize for the unsolicited contact. It was quite difficult to obtain Maclaine’s direct coordinates from another country.]

In a bothersome situation…

That’s quite the understatement.

The prince’s words, which seem to acknowledge the kingdom’s current state, deepened Logan’s guarded stance.

“If things are a bit difficult, it’s nothing concerning, but I’m not sure why that warrants Your Highness contacting me.”

His implication was clear: he wanted the prince to get straight to the point.

[Ah, I did present that communicator as a gift, did I not? I mentioned that should you need assistance, to please contact me.]

“…And where is this heading?”

[I wondered if perhaps you’d forgotten, so I contacted you first. It seems like I can be of help in your current predicament.]

As the wording shifted subtly from ‘predicament’ to ‘current situation,’ Logan looked at the still-smiling prince with a tilted head.

“By help, do you mean something specific? You’re not suggesting the deployment of imperial troops, I presume?”

That would not be aid, but invasion.

‘Or would it actually be helpful?’

If the Second Prince made such a move, the mentor would be forced to turn his sword and join forces again with him.

Maybe the war with the empire would come a bit sooner, but…


‘Such baseless thoughts…’

The potential next emperor of the empire, the Second Prince, wouldn’t be so foolish.

As Logan felt the complexity of his own feelings, the prince once again spoke with a grin.

[Of course not. I wouldn’t wish to exacerbate international conflict, nor would you desire that.]

“Then what is it?”

[You may not know, but I have some talented individuals who aid me, despite my meager self. Among them are those with exceptional skills. If Lord Logan wishes, while I cannot say about the Sword Master, it is possible to assassinate that Storm Sword superhuman.]

As the prince mentioned ‘assassination,’ his voice dropped significantly, and upon hearing this, Logan’s expression hardened.

‘Assassinate a superhuman?’

Certainly, if another superhuman were dispatched as an assassin, it wouldn’t be impossible.

Yet superhumans prideful enough to stoop to assassination remained in question, and if an imperial superhuman were to act within the kingdom and be discovered, it would be tantamount to direct imperial invasion.


“You mean there are those capable of killing a superhuman who are not superhumans themselves?”

[Ha. As if such people are commonplace. If that were the case, His Imperial Majesty would not pay such attention to Lord Logan.]

“Then what?”

[I can only say there are individuals, not comparable to Lord Logan, but still, those who, when combined, have the ability to accomplish such tasks without leaving evidence.]

Protected assassins capable of killing a superhuman.

‘If he’s confident enough to boast that, they must possess such capabilities.’

Logan’s expression naturally darkened, and a chill sweat ran down his back.

Instantly recalling a certain group he’d only heard rumors of in his previous life, he felt the Empire’s strength raise the hairs on his neck, but he maintained his composure.

“Hmm. And what reason do you have for offering such assistance?”

[Ha ha ha. There’s no underlying motive. Just remember my goodwill, and we can continue to nurture our friendly relations. It’s good to help each other out.]

To Logan, the prince’s words translated to:

– I’ll later demand a far greater price than you anticipate.

A chilling expression.

And as the conversation lengthened, something about this small communicator felt off, as Logan sensed a mana pattern atypical from usual devices.

‘Caught on film, maybe?’

If footage of him soliciting the assassination of a national superhuman by an imperial was to leak…

What would be the repercussions?

Even if victorious in the war, the outcome would be anything but positive.


“Hmm. I appreciate the gesture, Your Highness, but I must decline.”

[Oh? That’s regrettable. It’s quite a dire situation for you, isn’t it? I didn’t take you for someone who’d prioritize pride over gain.]

“Ah ha ha. You’re mistaken. If I weren’t a man of pride, why would I have rejected His Imperial Majesty’s offer?”

[Hmm… Do you genuinely intend to decline help because of your pride?]

“Not pride but confidence. I am certain that with just my power and my family’s, we can prevail.”

[Hm. I see. If you’re so insistent, I understand. It wouldn’t be right to force unwanted aid upon someone.]

Still, the disappointment on the prince’s face revealed something more.

Regret over an uncaught fish?

[However, the empire and I truly regret that a hero like you is enduring such trials. I respect your wish for no assistance, but please always remember these sentiments.]

“Of course.”

[And if things don’t go as well as your confidence allows, you are always welcome to reach out to the empire. His Majesty will once again offer the same, and I shall actively support you.]

So you too think my house will lose, huh?

As Logan sneered inwardly, the timing of the whole situation suddenly felt off.

‘This timing for such communication…?’

2nd Prince’s face began to overlap with sneaky Cleoh’s silhouette.

Even if Cleoh was connected to the Second Prince, there was currently no evidence, no action to be taken.

‘…Time will tell.’

With the unexpected shadow of the empire cast over him, Logan felt a renewed pressure, turning it into fuel to stoke his zeal.

“I appreciate the kind words, but that won’t be necessary.”

[…Best of luck to you.]


No longer wishing to extend the conversation, Logan clenched his hand.


As fragments of the crushed communicator scattered, a faint blue mana dissipated into the air.

Watching with relentless determination, Logan turned to Dwayne, who stood to one side.

“The preparations are complete. Announce it throughout the kingdom. We will oust the tyrannical king and establish a new Grandia. Any noble who answers the tyrant’s call will face Maclaine’s revenge.”

The declaration marked the beginning of the second civil war.

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