Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 231

Chapter 231

Rick’s brief communication, without enough time for long words, prompted many thoughts in Logan’s mind. And it wasn’t just Rick making his thoughts complicated.

“No issues.”

“Good work.”


After receiving the salute from a knight, Logan stepped out of the communications room and was approached by a face he hadn’t seen in a while.

“Sir Henkel?”

“My lord Duke, you’re here. I wanted to see you about the soldiers’ quarters.”

“The soldiers’ quarters?”

“Yes. We’ve been using confiscated estates of the nobility and the accommodations of the existing Royal Guards and the palace guard, but it’s a mess, not organized at all…”

Logan watched Henkel speak fervently. A loyal servant who lost his force and right arm for his family. Despite everything, he was grateful for Henkel’s passionate involvement in family matters, but he also felt sorry.

Perhaps sensing Logan’s intense stare, Henkel tapped on his empty right shoulder and chuckled.

“I’ve gotten used to it. But if you keep staring, I might feel a bit embarrassed.”

Seeing such spirit in Henkel, it seemed inappropriate for Logan to keep apologizing, so he smiled subtly and nodded.

“Ah, my apologies. Please handle the matter of the quarters as you see fit.”

“Thank you.”

Thank you… this passionate vassal always moved Logan.

Without thinking, he impulsively responded.

“I should be the one saying that.”


“Don’t forget that me and the family are always grateful to you, Sir Henkel.”

“Ha ha, you flatter me too much. Besides, I’m quite content. The life of a knight is not the only path for me.”

“I know. But still, you’ve lost too much.”

“Indeed, the frustration and emptiness at the time were beyond words. Running down one path my whole life, it felt like my life had collapsed.”

“That must’ve been tough.”

“But when I adjusted my mind, I saw many other paths. Now I’m at peace. Though, I worry a bit about you, young master.”


Logan was confused by the unexpected topic, but Henkel’s subsequent words made it impossible for him not to take them seriously.

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“Aren’t you only looking down one path? You don’t hesitate to accept challenges, however reckless they may seem to others.”

Logan couldn’t just let those words slide. Indeed, after his return, he’d undertaken countless gambles, knowing full well that a single failure could lead to ruin.

‘I always choose what seemed best at the time.’

Even as he tried to rationalize his risky decisions, he couldn’t overlook the harm they caused to the individual in front of him.

“Now there are many lives depending on your decisions, young master. I’m not asking you to give up your goals, but maybe consider a different, safer path.”

“Ha. It seems I’ve caused you quite a bit of concern.”

“But you’ve also achieved much. In retrospect, my comments might’ve been presumptuous. I apologize.”

“Not at all, I appreciate your advice, Sir Henkel.”

The conversation ended there, but Henkel’s words continued to resonate with Logan for a long time.

Also, concerns from others like the dwarf who ran a magic workshop in Taren—

[“Master, you look troubled. Whatever’s on your mind, didn’t you always make decisions based on profit? Why not keep it simple?”]

—enthusiastic support from a merchant who was conducting business in the empire—

[“Oh! So I will become the owner of the imperial commercial guild? When will you ascend to the throne?”]

—and the request from a stepmother who was more concerned about the well-being of her own child than the fate of the family—

[“If you become king, could you help look into the whereabouts of Lonian? I’m really counting on you, okay?”]

These voices, whether Logan wanted to hear them or not, kept resurfacing and deepening his dilemma.

Even Patrick who returned from subjugating Orlando Ferhi immediately sought Logan out.

“You’re still troubled? Of all places to ponder…”

In the vast space of the empty royal hall, father and son faced each other, and Logan’s father smiled leisurely, lifting Logan’s spirits.

“Isn’t it funny to worry after everything’s already done?”

“Not at all. Important matters must be decided with care.”

“You’ve already come to a conclusion?”

Logan’s eyes widened at the confident response.

“Of course!”


At his father’s determined answer, Logan felt the weight of his decision increase. If his father, the head of the family, had a definitive stance, he was ready to consider it. But then he heard—

“I’ve decided to trust and support you, no matter what you decide.”

That provoked a bitter laugh.

“What does that even…”

“It’s right to be cautious and choose wisely for important matters. But once you’ve decided on a direction, shouldn’t you move forward unhesitatingly? So, which is it? Have you chosen a direction?”

Logan struggled to respond to the probing words.

Patriotism… I just wanted revenge.

The indelible memories of his previous life guided him here and changed much. He protected his family and his house. The drive for revenge from his past life should have been lost. It should have been.

But Logan could still feel the seething rage within him.

‘It’s a foolish thought, I know.’

But he couldn’t forget the times he was trampled and dragged through the mud. He longed to shred his tormentors into a thousand pieces.

Acknowledging this emotion made it impossible to trust his choices. Were they rational decisions for the future, or merely driven by personal vengeance? He didn’t know himself.

His father seemed to understand what was on his mind as he patted Logan’s shoulder with a knowing smirk.

“You saved the family, brought us all here. Without you, we’d have fallen apart several times over. Everyone believes that.”


“Thus, follow your chosen path this time, too. Don’t hesitate to move forward!”

It seemed his father already guessed what choice he had made. With a heavy heart, Logan watched his father’s retreating figure.

The predominant advice from his close associates was fundamentally the same.

– We trust you.

That’s what made it feel even heavier.

‘It’s all maybe just my selfishness.’

Unable to voice that thought out loud. And he couldn’t postpone his decision forever; the time to decide was steadily approaching.

Alone in the empty royal hall, Logan’s gaze toward the throne was uncertain, unable to find a direction.

* * *

Another grand assembly was held in the kingdom’s royal hall.

“…Thus, we, the lords of the kingdom, have gathered our will and present it to Lord Logan McLaine. Please kindly accept our wishes and usher in a new dynasty, a new era!”

With those words, Adam Morgan presented a large, black wooden plank with white-etched names and seals of noble families on it. Although some might regard it as merely ceremonial, this declaration of the nobility’s combined intention was a symbol of immense power, effectively controlling all of the kingdom.

Not just the nobles, but six more figures made their appearance. Clayton, followed by the leaders of the five great magic towers, approached the front of the royal hall and bowed to Logan.

“On behalf of the tower lord of Golem Tower, Clayton, and the other tower lords of the five great towers, we have come together to support you, Lord Logan. All the kingdom’s magic towers will also support you. Please make a decision for the new era.”

Following Clayton’s bow, which ignited excitement among the watching nobles, the thoughts running through their heads were varied.

‘Of course, a new dynasty.’

Most nobles thought.

‘But the kingdom has lasted a thousand years; wouldn’t he leave its legacy intact?’

A few nobles hoped.

And even as all their gazes turned to Logan, his silence persisted.

‘What’s he doing?’

The initially tense nobles began to look at each other, sharing their anticipation.

“Lord Logan, please make your decision.”

Count Roberts Floyd, with a constant smile near Logan, bent his head towards him.

Logan finally showed a reaction, opening his eyes for the first time since the meeting began. And as he was about to speak with everyone’s expectant eyes on him…

“Hmm… I…”

– Sir, Sir Feliks Esperanza, Grand Duke, he’s here!

The panicked voice of a knight came from the doorway.



“Why’s the Grand Duke here…?!”

The hall filled with murmurs, and the previously locked doors burst open, revealing a figure entering.

The once shining golden hair was now half white, and deep wrinkles crisscrossed the once firm skin that didn’t match his age. His faltering steps and slightly pale complexion broadcasted that he was not yet fully recovered. Yet, who could dismiss this old knight?

“The real Grand Duke?”


“What’s going on?”

The noble’s eyes were drawn away from Logan to the former symbol of the kingdom’s knighthood. And Logan himself stood up abruptly, staring at his master with unsteady eyes.

The Grand Duke fixed his gaze on Logan and took steady steps towards the elevated seat. The nobles instinctively moved back as he walked past, not by choice, but by the oppressive aura that grew with each step.

“What is this… Serious business?”

“What’s going on… Knights, do something!”

In the ensuing clamor, the once-retiring knights rushed to protect Logan from the Grand Duke, forming a shield.

Facing each other across this barrier, the Grand Duke and Logan locked eyes; a moment of quiet ensued. The calm blue eyes finally bowed to the troubled red ones.



The Grand Duke planted his sword into the ground and kneeled on one knee.

“I, Feliks Esperanza, swear allegiance to the new sovereign of the kingdom.”

The unexpected declaration changed the atmosphere in the hall completely.

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