Regressor, Possessor, Reincarnator

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Julius! Julius! Julius!


All hail the Reinhart family!!

When Allen had finally left the sewers, the battle between Julius and the mercenary group had come to its conclusion. The news of the duel had already spread throughout the streets, and people were chanting Juliuss name.

It was a sight to beholdeveryone cheering with such excitement.

Ah, its so loud.

Incongruent with the wishes that Vestla had expressed to see the festival, she complained quietly, disliking the noise.

...Do they know how loud theyre being?

Keeping in mind that it would be difficult to respond to her, Allen immediately handed over the captured bandits to a nearby soldier.

Take care of them so they dont die.

Yes, sir!

There are traces of them in the waterways, so you can take care of the rest.

But where would they be?

Ive marked the location on this map.

Ah! Understood, sir!

Allen handed the soldier a map he had drawn on as he exited the underground waterway. After giving a salute, the soldier dragged the bandits away, still groaning about their wounds.

They would receive bare-minimum treatment before being interrogated.

You said youd have some free time after this, right?

Hm Probably. Why?

Fufu, its nothing.


Allen quickly headed for the manor.

Julius was going to show off his achievements, so he needed to boast his own too.

* * *

A few days later, the whole story came to light.

The mercenary leader revealed the whole truth on a platform in the town square as a result of Juliuss threats. In front of the public with a face of apparent humiliation, he confessed that he had received a secret request.

Well, then. What about all those people who lost their family members to Young Master Julius?

That was also a lie.

He had brought in the victims who had appeared to shout malicious lies, but were actually normal people who had nothing to do with Julius.

Additionally, he confessed that while some of the city was left unguarded, a swarm of bandits would be allowed to attack the manor via the underground waterways, causing a tremendous sensation.

Is everything okay now?

Are we in danger?

The citizens were upset and confused, and just as anxiety spiked in the population

Sir Allen has caught the bandits!

Allen had sensed the anxiety in the air in advance, and announced that he had subdued the band of bandits himself. The uproar subsided immediately, the people of the city relieved.

Wow. Sir Allen I knew he could do it.

Both young lords are superb. The duke must be proud.

Sir Allen took down the bandits so the festival wouldnt be ruined

Hearing this, the mercenary leaderwho had already been forced to confess the truthbecame dejected. At the knowledge that all of their plans had failed, he realized that he would have no more chances at escaping.

When he was finally asked who the culprit was, he unhesitatingly gave the name of the nobleman who made the request.

As soon as the mercenary leader uttered the truth in front of the public, Gaielle dispatched both the knights and soldiers.

The mastermind had been caught.

L-Let go! Do you know who I am?!

He had been demoted from nobility a few years ago.

He said that he had been promised an astronomical sum of money for stealing a special item from the trove.

Who made such a request of you?

Well, I couldnt see their face

As soon as he had been captured, Gaielle decided to execute him.

There was a good enough reason to do so. He caused a major disturbance during the festival and plotted to disgrace them. And rather than a nobleman who would be protected by royal law, he was nothing but a fallen noble.

Moreover, nobody could stop the duke in his own territory.

S-Sir, youre making a mistake. If you kill me, youll regret it


Just like the rest of the mercenaries, the leader wouldnt be able to avoid his judgment. 

P-Please spare me!

I didnt know anything! Please! Please!

B-Boss, I told you we shouldnt have done this one!

They poured out their pleas, despair, and resentment as they died.

Those who knew nothing said that justice had triumphed, praising the family and enjoying the festival. Those with thoughts expressed their doubts. The deep thinkers remained silent on the suspicion that there was a purpose behind raiding the duke's treasure trove.

The harvest festival resumed, and through the results of the failed raid, the duke was able to show those around him that he was still competent.

The streets echoed with the cries of Allens and Juliuss names, and residents and travelers alike happily enjoyed the festival.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In the midst of it all, someone had been forgotten.


The unoiled hinges creaked as they opened.

The guard retrieved the key that opened the door, looked into the darkness, and said, Come on, you dumbasses. What if they dont fall for it? Tsk, tsk.

Oh, stop. Those stupid bastards wont figure it out.

When another guard told him to quit it, he muttered to himself for a while before shouting with an annoyed expression, Thats true, but Tsk. Whatever. Come out already!

Thud, thud.

Up until a few days ago, he thought he could get revenge for his family and make them pay. Yet what had actually happened? He had become nothing but a fool who had been tricked, criticized for having been stupid at best.

In the end, he hadnt done any harm to Julius.

You should be glad that Sir Julius took care of you. Anyone else and they wouldve given you the death penalty, you know.

Stop, please. What do you know.


The sound of his tongue clicking made his body recoil.

Callon raised his head to look at the expression of the adults he was with.

Having shared the same pain, they could call themselves comrades; their expressions were dark.

Ackan said that wed be able to do it

They were the same adults who had told him that there was hope up until a few days ago, despite being locked in the cold darkness behind iron bars.

Their faces were painted with terror, as if they made a grave mistake.

Hurry up and walk!

Those who had been slowing down accelerated. Callon followed them up the stairs.


The guard leading them turned the heavy doors lock.


After opening the very heavy door, fresh air and warm sunlight greeted them.

Nothing had happened.

Driven into the streets, they dispersed without need of disbanding. Callon felt that the vitality of the street did not suit him.

He was frustrated, but he couldn't help it.

I have to go back to my brother.

His footsteps followed quietly behind him as he left the city.

* * *

* * * 

Just as other families do, the Reinhart family raised butlers for lifelong servitude from generation to generation through a systematic education starting in early childhood and indoctrinated loyalty. A know-how built by the family for generations.

That was how their butlersin charge of various administrative tasks for the familywere raised.

However, there were instances in which outsiders would also be hired in.

One of such hires was Gardell, one of the houses butlers. He was an excellent butler who had never caused even a single problem in his decades of servitude to the family.

Now, rather than retiring for his old age, he had taken a step back from his butler position. Though, nobody ignored him. He was deeply respected, despite coming in from the outside.

Hinell, youre looking like youre in better shape. Youve cleaned up nicely too.

Bidun, hows your sick brother doing? You used the herb I gave you? Im glad.

Tina, you look lovely today. Hows your relationship with Cain going?

Gardell smiled kindly and greeted everyone he encountered while walking through the halls. His kind, benevolent character made him like a grandparent to the other servants. Not a single person in the manor spoke ill of him.

He slowly walked into the room with a warm smile on his face.


As soon as the door closed, his expression was wiped off his face.

There was already someone waiting in the room.

Youre late.

Wine-colored hair trailed down to her waist accompanied by a beautiful smile.

Even as she grew older, she remained a charming woman.

Gardell bent his knee at her reprimand.

Im sorry, Lady Eliza. I didnt expect Young Master Allen to improve so much.

...Allen? Hm, so he grew that much during his training?

She had been glaring coldly from his late arrival, yet it loosened up after hearing the news about Allen.

Yes. Although only for a moment, he managed to sense my presence. If it were someone else in my place, they wouldve been caught.

The news of Allens overwhelming growth had eased the tension for a moment. However, until that time, Gardell had never thought that he would get caught.

He couldnt believe that Allen had found himsomeone who was once one of the Dark Kings.


Eliza looked amazed, then pouted her lips at her recollection of Allen only a month before.

He said hed come to see me four times a week, but he didnt.

With all due respect, Lady Eliza


I am a tad suspicious of his sudden growth. Perhaps he


She immediately refuted Gardells thought.

Allen? Well I was a little suspicious at first, but

Eliza recalled the first time shed met Allen.

He isnt like Julius.

She had called Allen in to confirm it, checking everything. His habits, tone, speech patterns, values, and personality. It was a little different from what she knew, but it was still Allen.

However, things werent entirely clear, so she found out even more by keeping Linbelle and Inellia by her side under the pretext of training them.

The innocent women didnt even know that they were providing her with information about him.

It didnt matter even if they did.

Whats wrong with a mother wanting to know about her child?

Gardell remained silent in response to her declaration.

If thats how she feels, then so be it. She must be aware of something that Im not.

So Allen is fine. And what about Julius?

Young Master Julius is I can say that Ive examined him thoroughly. Compared to a few months ago, hes completely different.

Subtle changes in gait, pitch, subconscious habits, and even his preferences. These may have all seemed to be only minor clues, but to assassins like Gardell, they were credible evidence.

That was why he was so sure.

He is a different person.

Hearing Gardells report, Eliza closed her eyes. Lots of emotions rattled around in her mind, but she didnt let it show. It still wasnt the right time yet.

Well have you found any of the people who tried to mess with Julius, no, that other person?

...My apologies. I sent everyone to pursue them, but found only one lesser nobleman who appeared to be giving orders.

And you?

I found some people who seemed to agree with their cause, but they didnt appear to be connected to them.

So youre saying that you couldnt find the perpetrator? Gardell, dont make me demote you.

With that, Gardell bowed even lower.

I was able to find a lead, fortunately. I started tracking it, but


They were headed towards the Great Desert.

A smile formed on her lips.

Oh the Great Desert Then that means

They were with Galshdin Academy.

Eliza understood why he stopped trailing them. The Academy was a place with lots of technology. It made sense, with the Academy being the place where at least two of the Top Eight were permanently stationed. It would be a waste of a life to try to break in.



She looked at him, and Gardell lowered his head.

The bandits capabilities far exceeded my expectations. If the attack were to have progressed any further

His identity could have been revealed.

Gardell stated his expectations without exaggeration.

Eliza could tell what he was talking about. So she understood his actions. It was his instinct. If he wasnt sure, he wouldnt have gone.

That was the essential nature of the Dark King Gardell. And that was their promise.

There was another curious fact.

You were strong enough to handle them all at once?

No. I couldnt kill dozens of people at once without appearing. I didnt reveal my identity. Because that was the promise I made with you, Lady Eliza.

Despite Gardells cold words, Eliza didnt even do so much as raise an eyebrow.

Such conditions enabled her to use him, a Dark King, as an invisible sword for decades, so what he said was correct.

Then theres nothing we can do. A lot of people have gone missing in the pursuit of the truth behind this incident.

Otherwise, the bandits would have been dealt with without Allen needing to come in at all.

Then does that mean that there are people who had predicted this?

Elizas eyes curved like crescent moons.

Her son had changed. Her husband had changed.

Something had been trying to use those around her unbeknownst to anyone else.

So, was it necessary to stay put any longer?

Gardell, send out invitations for me. Id like to meet with my friends for the first time in a while.

Her new son had made a lot of money, it would only be right to have some fun with it.

Didnt she deserve as much, playing the role of stepmother?

High society Oh how long it has been.

If you cant do something alone, then you have no choice but to borrow someone elses strength.

She waved her hand, and Gardell quietly left the room.

Left alone, Eliza quietly dusted off the armrests.

A number of things came to her mind. Of happy daily life, of peaceful days, day after day. Now, that routine had fallen apart.


She would have to stay busy from now on, taking part in high society, displaying their luxury, and secretly pursuing her goals.

Despite the uproar ringing throughout the city, her own surroundings were silent.

Like the calm before the storm.

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