Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Chapter 25: Home

Chapter 25: Home


Berlin Imperator Air Force Base, night time, three hours after the Siege of Arash ended. Even though it's in the middle of a chilly autumn night, the entire Berlin capital is lit up like it was Christmas.

An entourage of Reichguards and armored vehicles are surrounding the airstrip. Up in the dark sky, visible only by the Anti-aircraft searchlights, are dozens of Bf-109s and Bf-110s. The entire city is under military lockdown in preparation for the Princess's return, not even a rat can escape scrutiny. For the average Belkan citizen, this is a shocking sight. Many can only peer behind closed windows as the army stops everybody from getting out of their homes. Some are wondering if the city is under attack, though if that was the case, the warning siren would have been sounded. Despite being confused, the civilians are very cooperative with the government's actions. They hold hope that things will return to normal soon.

Back at the airbase, a bewitching woman is standing next to another of comparable beauty. Though they're the VIPs, none of the Reichguards dare to stand in the ten meters radius around them. As for the reason why that happens, take a look at the ground and you'll understand. The ground is molten lava! Courtesy of the bewitching woman, failing to keep her rage under a lid.

To calm down the volcanic air around them, Hel puts a calming hand on her wife's right shoulder. Her chilling touch brings Lu out of her dangerous thoughts. Shaking her head of platinum hair, mixed with strands of ruby red, Lu sighs before reigning in her out-of-control mana. Soon, the lava solidifies back into the solid ground while the stench of sulfur fades away. Unknowingly, the Valkyries in the Reichguards heave a sigh of relief. Noting in their heart to never piss off the Empress and praying mercy for the souls that enraged her.

Lu turns around to face Hel, her lover's obsidian-colored hair still somehow shining in the night. "Thanks, love."

Patting away Lu's loose strand of hair, Hel smiles lightly. "It's fine, dear. I know you embody all 7 sins and you have all right to be angry. Yet, what would our daughter think when she sees her cool and dashing mother being this unbecoming?"

Smiling wrily at Hel's words, Lu responds. "Yuki will have an existential crisis if that were the case. I never show my wrathful nature to her, after all."

"Right? So instead of mopping, return to the confident figure we've grown to love, alright? Don't worry, I will heal her up to normal in no time."

"Umu." Nodding at Hel's encouraging words. Lu realizes she desperately needs the support of her loved ones at times like this. Thankfully, Hel has always been there for her.

Suddenly, a Valkyrie approaches them. "Your Majesties," Bowing towards them, she says. "The plane carrying Her Highness is about to land."

Seeing Lu waving her hand in dismissal, the Valkyrie excuses herself. Lu and Hel then turn to look at the left end of the airstrip. There, a white He-111 with red cross markings is approaching for landing. Trailing behind the transport are Bf-109s on escort duty, four of them are flanking the side of the aircraft. Of course, they are not going to land but rather keeping watchful eyes on the surrounding sky.

A minute later, the wheels of the Heinkel make contact with the ground, softly as the pilots pay extra care to their passengers. Slowly, they ease the aircraft to a halt some 20 meters away from Lu and Hel. Cutting off the engines, the chief pilot informs the passengers that they're safe to disembark. Before the doors are even fully opened, an armored motorcade is already fast approaching the aircraft. Lu and Hel disappeared on their spot before turning up next to the Heinkel.

The first to appear are Erika and a few of her squad members, they salute the Empresses before spreading out to secure the area. Coming out next is Bryn with a crestfallen expression. Seeing her lieges, she nods at them before turning around to help carry a stretcher. On it is Yuki who's being sustained by life force from the nearby healers. Even though Yuki's wound is somewhat covered, Lu can't help but make a fist, struggling to remain calm. "Those bastards will pay..." She mutters darkly.

Running up to the stretcher, Lu lets Hel performs a full diagnosis on Yuki, while she moves up to Bryn. Putting a hand on Bryn's shoulder, she says with a stern voice. "Come with me for a bit." Le's expression leaves no room for refusal.

Knowing that Bryn calmly nods before leaving other medical personnel to assist Hel. She then follows Lu to a far-off corner of the motorcade, where Lu suddenly turns around and slaps her. The slap was strong enough to knock her onto the ground, causing Hel and many to turn and take a peek. While Hel sighs with a shake of her head, others wisely choose to ignore the commotion.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Being knocked down, Bryn sits up with one hand supporting her body while the other wipes a trace of blood from her mouth. Suddenly, Bryn's chin is being lifted upward by a regal rapier made of fire, forcing her to look up into the pair of glowing amber irises. Bryn can only let out a tired smile when she sees Lu's glacier expression. "For what it's worth... I'm sorry." Bryn says in self-blame. "It's my fault that she's in such a state, I've messed up badly by not changing up our route. The enemy knew and used it to get to Yuki."

Smiling in a self-deprecating way, Bryn grasps the Rapier. Ignoring the burning caused by the hot blade, Bryn points the tip of the rapier to her heart. "If my death can soothe your wrath and my guilt, then know that you need only press it forward."

Sharing a look with Lu, Bryn silently awaits her judgment. If she dies, then so be it. Even though she was manipulated by Yuki, Bryn blames herself for falling into such a trick, causing Yuki harms on her watch. Bryn's only regret is not being able to spend more time with her little Princess.

Taking in the sight of Bryn's calm acceptance, Lu breaks her cold facade at last. "Tsk... Seeing you like that," The rapier in her hand dissipates before she drops down, pulling Bryn into a hug. "how can I bear to punish you?"

Lu puts a hand on Bryn's back while the other casts a spell to patch up her right palm. "We all make a mistake sometimes. Me, for approving Yuki's shenanigans, and you for losing your touch. Yet," Hoisting Bryn up before leading her back to their vehicle, Lu adds. "if not for you and Yuki's effort, the war wouldn't be so heavily in our favor. And though our little girl is injured, she is now in the safe hands of her mothers and yours. Knowing our girl, she will be screaming at us to pick up the slack she dropped."

Bryn just obediently follows Lu, she's still lost in her world. Sighing, Lu once again turns around, only this time, she pulls Bryn into a deep kiss. Her promiscuous action stuns Bryn, on instinct, she reciprocates the gesture though only for a short while. When she reboots her brain, Bryn pushes Lu out of the way, screaming. "What was that for!?"

Smacking her lips, Lu comments. "Taste refreshing, very nostalgic." She smirks before saying with arms crossed. "So you still have feelings for me, after all this time, that's very flattering, Bryn. Nonetheless, I tasted a stray hesitation in your emotion. Let's see, you have a budding love for someone, O ho~! That someone should be very close to us too!"

Leaning into Bryn, Lu whispers her hot breath into her ears. "It's a given that you're still attracted to me and Hel, so that leaves only one suspect. Yuki~!"

Lu snickers at her ex when she sees Bryn turning a shade redder. Nevertheless, they can't be dilly-dallying around anymore. Crossing arms with Bryn, Lu pulls towards Hel. "Come, we can talk more in the limo."

Seeing that, Hel shakes her head at Lu's antics before following them inside the car. In her hands is Yuki now being held in a princess carry. The W150 II and the entire convoy roars to life as they make their way to the Grand Sanctuary of Berlin. Looking over at the unconscious Yuki, now being given a lap pillow by Hel, Bryn asks. "How is she?"

Hel opens her closed eyes, her hands still caressing Yuki's gray hair while she replies. "For now, nothing life-threatening, no infection, no hard-to-fix internal injury. Once we get to the Sanctuary, I will proceed to remove the fragments there and flush her system of any poisoning. Don't worry, though she will be out for a few days, Yuki won't have any brain trauma."

Letting out a sigh Bryn doesn't know she has been holding, she says. "Thanks, coming from you, that's the greatest news I've heard these couple of days."

Smiling, Hel replies. "It's but my duty, both as a mother and the Pope of the Yggdrasil Pantheon. Patching up my daughter is part of my holy missions."

Sitting from the sideline, with a hand on an armrest supporting her chin, Lu lightly smiles at their interaction. She opts to let the two lovable ladies catch up with each other while she ponders in pleasant silence. Though she isn't showing it outwardly, internally, she is mad with the flame of revenge. Having received the classified package, sent by an Einheri before Yuki's arrival. Lu has perused everything and she now has all the justification she needs to do what she does best. And that is purging the traitors in holy flame, of course, it can only happen when Yuki is safe and sound.


Grand Sanctuary of Berlin is a holy site that surrounds the root of World Tree, it's there that the Yggdrasil Pantheon spread its teaching across Belka. Primarily built out of ivory white material, the Sanctuary is a stark contrast to the Obsidian Castle in its coloring and function.

While the Castle is the nexus for the governmental bodies of the Reich to gather, thus, deciding the country's future. The Sanctuary is the undisputed spiritual leader of the Belkan people. It's at the Sanctuary that the most brilliant minds of the Reich gather in pursuit of academic, magic, and spiritual studies. And from this, many ingenious inventions and theorems are spawned, improving the life of Belkan citizens by leaps and bounds. There's no other place in the world that can achieve such a harmonious blend of wilful scientists, stubborn old mages, and hyperactive clerics. Truly fitting for the name Sanctuary.

It's at such a Sanctuary that Yuki's admitted into a hospital ward. There, the best medical team in the entire Reich is taking care of her together with Hel. Pacing outside the ward with a heavy smell of disinfectants, Bryn has lost count of how many times she has sighed and the circles she has made. Watching her from the sideline with a twitching eyebrow, Lu finally has enough. "Oh for the love of everything holy, can you sit down for a moment woman!"

Directing an anxious look at her Lu, Bryn can't help but retort. "How can I do that when she's still in there!" Pointing a finger at the medical ward before directing it at Lu, Bryn says. "Better yet, how can you be so calm!?"

Putting her hands on Bryn's shoulders, Lu forcefully pulls her to a chair before dropping her on it. "That's because I've full faith in Hel's skill and that the Mother Goddess will bless her Chosen One. Now, be a good girl and stay still for a bit. Damn it, Bryn, you're anxious like it's your kid that's in the ward. Though trust me, I know that feeling."

Bryn's about to stand up and say something but the stern gaze from Lu keeps her in the seat. Giving up with her back resting on the chair, Bryn says with a sigh. "Maybe it wasn't that far off, considering I've watched her grow up till now." Stopping for a bit, wondering whether she should say it or not, Bryn hesitates before continuing. "That and I've signed a soul pact with Yuki. Probably the main reason why I am now so anxious."

Bryn's words shocked Lu into silence, mouth agape. Thankfully, aside from them in this corridor, none other are presented. Letting out a rueful sigh, Lu sits down next to Bryn before crossing her arms, asking. "Since when?"

"The day we arrived at Arash," Turning to look at her ex, Bryn adds. "and before you ask, I offered her everything and I really mean everything. Death won't do us part." She softly whispers the last sentence. Yet, Lu's ears can pick it up just fine.

"... You both are unbelievable."

Bryn smiles wrily before clarifying. "Though we weren't in the best of mind at that time, we don't regret it. We've discussed it together and come to terms that we're both important to each other."

Taking a deep look at Lu's amber eyes, Bryn slowly moves her hand, holding Lu's palm in a gentle squeeze. "The feeling she gives me is just like you two. A feeling of home and that my desires will be fulfilled in due time. I gotta admit, even though she was adopted, Yuki is strikingly similar to both your and Hel's antics sometimes. Sometimes spoiled, other times serious, a few moments where she's plain mischievous. All the while never losing her confidence." She chuckles at the last part.

Lu is the same, feeling funny imagining a combination of her and Hel, leading Bryn around the battlefield. "What can I say, she's a little Devil..." She smiles proudly at first but loses her touch a second later. "Yeah, that was a bad pun."

Directing a warm look at her ex, similar to the way how you look at a kid, Bryn responds. "You don't say." Before she leans on Lu's shoulder. "I miss this feeling."

With her right-hand holding Bryn's palm, Lu moves her left to pat Bryn's silvery hair. This earns her a comfortable groan from Bryn as they sit in pleasant silence for a few minutes.

Lu waits for a while before speaking up. "So, will you return to us? Not gonna lie, our nightly activities have a little less spark without you around."

Frowning, Bryn sits straight to bonk Lu in the head. "No horny. Must you break the peace we just had with your lust?"

Pouting, Lu says back. "In my defense, you're too hot to be taken by someone else!" She stops before adding. "Though it will be hot to see you and Yuki get together. Oh my~, just imagining the forbidden love between a teacher and her student gives me the shiver." Lu looks at Bryn with a feverish gaze.

Though Bryn does entertain the idea sometimes, having grown closer to Yuki ever since they started their journey. She can't help but blush when Lu said it out loud. "You're unbearable!" She started punching Lu multiple times, lightly of course.

Laughing at the emotional side that Bryn only showed to her loved ones, Lu jokingly says back. "I give! I give! Goddess damn it, woman! Must your punches have to inflict +10 holy damage!?"

Scoffing at her words, Bryn crosses her arms before looking away. Chuckling wrily at her action, Lu pulls Bryn into a hug. "So? The offer stills stand."

Resting her head on Lu's ample bosom, Bryn sighs before replying. "After spending time with Yuki, and the conversation we had before... I guess I truly look at Yuki in that light." Looking up into Lu's amber eyes, Bryn says. "It's wrong, but I am attracted to her. No, I am in love with her. Yuki makes my Valkyrie heart beatings much stronger than you too combine. And you know that a Valkyrie heart never beats until it meets its destined one."

Faking a hurtful expression, Lu says. "Ouch. You wounded my pride for saying that my daughter makes for a better lover than I am."

Pouting, Bryn retorts. "Don't twist my words, damn it!"

Kissing Bryn's forehead, Lu chuckles before saying. "Gosh, you're so cute to tease. It's fine, I understand your reason for the soul pact now." Looking further beyond the medical ward's doors, she continues. "Yuki must also feel the same way. Treasure her, alright?"

Bryn scoffs. "That's a given, she is too precious for me not to. And from now on, I won't fail." Directing a determined gaze at Lu, Bryn promises. "Yuki is my everything." And for the first time in ages, Bryn's sapphire eyes swirl a trace of golden light. From them, Lu can glean a mad obsession with the one notorious Valkyrie.

Smirking internally, Lu knows that Bryn will stick to her words. She is shocked when the swirl disappears and Bryn speaks up in a meek voice. "Join us..."


"I say you both are welcome to join us you oaf!" Bryn says louder before putting a hand to cover her mouth. She doesn't want to disturb the operation in the ward.

Chuckling at her cute action, Lu asks. "Is that the proposal from the first wife to us, wanting us to join Yuki's harem or something?"

Bryn explains with a finger scratching her blushing cheek. "Well, it stems from the fact that Yuki is very clingy in bed. Every night, I can feel her tremble with loneliness. It's the reason why I am always near her whenever possible." Rolling her eyes at Lu, she says. "And it's not like I don't know about you and Hel's obsession with your daughter. Yuki jokingly made a bet with me on who will make the first move between the two of you. I don't think that she will be against the idea of us pursuing a love relationship with her."

Lu guffaws at that. "Hahaha~, so she does know! That's good, now I can be more open in my endeavor! Take that, Hel! Our daughter gave us the green light!"

"What greenlight?" The doors to the medical ward open, revealing Hel in a doctor's attire. In response to her sudden appearance, both Lu and Bryn says at the same time. "Nothing!"

Some things are better left discussed discretely. Lu and Bryn agree to a mental consensus.

Being none the wiser, Hel pulls off her facemask before directing an amusing gaze toward the hugging couple. "So while I worked my bone to make sure Yuki doesn't have any sequelae, you lot were flirting out here." She said with a scary smile, making the pair shudder. Still, Hel lets them off the hook, for now.

"It's good to know you're back with us, Bryn."

Smiling at her words, Bryn says. "Yeah... Is she fine now?"

Nodding, Hel answers. "She's in a coma, not the bad kind so she will wake up after a few days." Pulling out a container holding the fragments of the .55 caliber bullet, she adds. "Thankfully, the impact was kept as light as possible so it didn't cause any irrecoverable brain trauma. I assume it was your doing?"

Nodding, Bryn waits for Hel to continue. "Anyway, she is perfectly fine. Though we're still currently trying to find a suitable donor for her eye."

Relaxing their tensed shoulders, the pair can rest easy now. "Thanks for your hard work, Hel." They stand up to pull Hel into a hug as gratitude.

Hel reciprocates their feeling before turning around to look at the person that just come out from the ward. "Aponia, anything you want to talk about with us? You've been having that thoughtful look ever since you see Yuki."

"My apology, Empresses, Lord Valkyrie, but I must speak about the threads of Her Highness. If I may..." She bows, letting her blond hair fall to the side.

Lu gestures at Aponia, a well-endowed woman in nun clothing, to continue. With Aponia being the strongest seer currently, Lu and the others know there must be something important she wishes to discuss.

Having received their permission, Aponia directs her blue eyes upward to say. "As you've known before, the Princess used to have a very linear fate line. So linear in fact that it was like the line was planned, every single step of the way. But now,..."

Noticing her hesitation, Bryn frowns before asking. "Has it changed?"

Nodding to the Valkyrie's words, Aponia answers. "It has changed, so drastically that you cannot compare it to the old one. The line has splits to encompass the entire world. Gone are the predetermined path, now, the Princess is truly free." Aponia clasps her hand in a prayer gesture. "The Mother Goddess has blessed us by intertwining our fates with Her Highness, and I have no doubt others will also be sharing theirs with her. Together, we will help the Princess achieve greatness."

To say that they're shocked by the revelation is an understatement. Ever since Yuki was adopted, her linear fate had proved to be a point of contention in their little family. As with such a fate, one basically doesn't have a choice in their life. They brought it up to Mother Goddess Yggdrasil before, but she only says that it will be resolved in due time.

Now knowing that Yuki is truly free from the shackle of fate, they all feel hopeful for her future. Suffice it to say, her life from now on will be a fair bit steamy. That and some more worldly excitement to follow, gotta spice it up a little, you know.

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