Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Chapter 26: Castle Itter

Chapter 26: Castle Itter


A sudden air raid siren is heard across the entirety of Parallel Covert, leaving many citizens confused. Though the confusion is short-lived when the Reichguards swiftly urged the civilians back into their homes or shelters. After that, under the watchful gazes of the populace, the Reichguards march toward Castle Itter and sets up a siege perimeter. The castle, defended by a mere 1000 men, now stands alone, facing an entire division of the most elite armed force in Europe.

Lucifer Rosetta de Venusia, proud Empress of Belkan Reich, is standing at the forefront of the 20000-strong force. Standing next to her is Brynhildr Valkyria, formally the Acting Commander of the 404th Ironblood Division, now the Vice Commander of the Reichguards present in the siege. Picking up her binoculars to scan the castle, Bryn shakes her head.

"They just don't know when to quit, don't they?" She commented.

Understanding her meaning, Lu opens her closed eyes, revealing her glowing draconic pupils. "Then I don't see the need for negotiators," Turning to look at her lover, Lu says. "I will open the door. After that, shoot first, ask questions later."

Sighing at Lu's barely controllable wrath, Bryn motions for the vanguards to recede. She, alongside other mages, deploys many barriers at the forefront of the formation. Then, they all feel their skin crawl, the air singe their eyes while their throats turn dry due to intense heat. The atmosphere trembles around Lu as she gathers a ludicrous amount of mana. Concentrating it in the palm of her right hand, Lu forms an orb of white flame, pulsing intense light every second she holds it in her hand. Holding her right hand in front of her chest, palm upward to let the orb float above it, Lu says grimly.

"May the Mother Goddess has mercy on their souls for I shall have none." With her words as a cue, the orb pumped with days worth of mana flies straight to the castle. Faster than the eye can see, it breakthroughs layers of barrier on the traitors' side, before impacting the castle gate.

The result is cataclysmic as the orb expands, sucking in oxygen at a rapid rate before exploding into an extremely high-temperature explosion. The blast completely destroyed the gate while collapsing the Northern and Eastern wall sections. As the traitors are using the walls as their primary cover, the pressure wave kills off many of them. Those that are lucky enough to survive obliteration in the blast radius, soon die a painful death of the subsequent rarefaction that ruptures their lungs in minutes. The ones at the fringes fair better if you think suffering many internal, invisible injuries, including burst eardrums and crushed inner ear organs, severe concussions, ruptured lungs, internal organs, and possibly blindness... is your cup of tea. Well, at least they live to tell the tale about surviving a thermobaric explosion. That is if they don't get executed later, though.

The entire city of Covert watches in muted shock when they see a mushroom cloud rising above Castle Itter. For a few, they're reminded of the warring time of Ragnarok as they tremble to contain their fear. Lu and her army stand in silence for minutes, waiting for the aftermath of her attack to settle down. Bryn takes the chance to wipe a bead of sweat from Lu's eyebrow. "You should rest up, leave the remainder to us." She advises.

As Earth, or to be more precise, the Will of the World is still adapting to mana, it implements a strict restriction on how much mana one person can hold. This means that if Lu has enough mana to destroy a planet before, her body can only hold barely enough to break a castle. And even that takes time to muster up unlike the standard fireball or ice bolt spell. To say that Lu is tired is an understatement, yet, she can't show her weakness in front of her mortal enemy. 

"Don't mind me, finish up the rebels at soon as possible." Lu turns to Bryn, putting a hand on her cheek. "And when you get to the leaders... Bring me to them."

Nodding with full seriousness, Bryn responds. "Your words are my command."

Turning to the officers behind them, Bryn says but one word. "Attack!"


Pushing forward with extreme prejudice, the Reichguardsshows no quarter for the struggling enemy. The surviving traitors are trying their best to stop the Reichguards, yet, find themselves on the back foot. The thermobaric explosion cost them a large portion of their strength. And since they're surrounded, they can't relocate soldiers from one flank to another. Leaving what used to be the main gate to be crushed by tank treads of the Reichguard. Sparing no mercy to the disabled elves at the fringe of the blast, the Reichguard Panzer IIIs drive over them without a care. Leaving behind puddles of meat pastes and blood. Pointing their 75mm cannons upward, they fire on the wall sections holding the traitors.

The explosions rock the entire castle as elves and humans alike are falling everywhere, that or being crushed under piles of rocks. With the chance presented by the force at the castle's main gate, the other flanks intensify their assault. Soon, many holes in the walls of Itter appear under relentless attack from both inside and out. In no time at all, Castle Itter's walls collapse completely. Making way for Reichguard infantries to storm inside. Learning from the tactics of the 404th Division, platoons of winged soldiers raid the castle from the sky. They land on top of fortified towers and rooftops of buildings inside the castle's courtyards, clearing out enemy holdouts. Thus preventing allied forces from being hit from the high ground.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Thanks to the coordinated effort from both the sky and ground. It takes only thirty minutes for the Reichguards to start attacking the Keep. By this time, the traitors have regrouped and fortified the Keep with whatever firepower they could get their hands on. As both sides exchanged fire with each other with a multitude of tracers and magic spells, a task force of elite Valkyries landed stealthily on the Keep. Lead by none other than Bryn herself, she waves a hand for others to plant the explosives.

For this operation, Bryn has ordered the armory to make special breaching charges according to a blueprint Yuki made in her spare time for fun. Though Bryn has an inkling that Yuki has made them so they can use it in this specific scenario, not just as a pastime interest. Moving on, with the charges in place, the Valkyries flies back a short distance. After thirty seconds, the charges, placed in a spherical formation, explode. This collapse a part of the roof down on the unsuspected elves. Using the chance, Bryn and her Valkyries dive down, gun-blazing.

Forgoing a submachine gun, the Valkyries opt to use the full-auto-capable C96Es and bladed weapons. The firepower of the 9x25mm bullet proves more than enough to kill an undefended soldier in one shot, elf or human alike. While using a melee weapon allows them to engage the enemy with swift deadliness in the confined corridors of the Keep. Bryn is using a similar loadout as the rest, a C96E and silver one-handed sword with ruby red handle and scabbard.

Utilizing the element of surprise, Bryn and the Valkyries start kicking down doors, killing those that resist while incapacitating those that surrender. By incapacitating, I mean shooting off their limbs or cutting their tendons. If they bleed out, well, that's their fault for dying.

Soon, the group completely clear the internal barracks and armory of the Keep, not sparing even the medical bay. Thus cutting off further manpower and munition that is reinforcing the frontline. To ensure the swift defeat of the enemy, Bryn leads her Valkyrie to hit the defenders from behind.

Charging ahead, Bryn soon arrives at a tower. There, she sees a few elves and humans using their machine guns to suppress the Reichguards. Motioning for the Valkyries to move on to another set of targets, Bryn will clear the tower solo.

Sprinting forward silently, Bryn fires the last of her bullets into the backs of the machine gun crew, killing three of them. Putting away the empty pistol, she brandishes her blade, now softly glowing red, before cutting a human soldier in half. His corpse leaves behind a noticeable charring smell.

Bryn slides to the ground to dodge a bullet from a Kar98 and with a swipe of her wings, she jumps at the dastardly elf. Running her blade through the throat of the elf, Bryn hears the man gaggle while her blade cauterizes the wound. Not wasting any time, she swings her blade sideways, leaving his head barely attached to the body.  Hoisting the rechambered Kar98, courtesy of the dead elf, Bryn fires a shot at another one's head. Thus blowing his head away into pieces, painting the gray wall behind him red.

Dropping the rifle, Bryn rushes deeper into the tower, swinging her blade Goddess knows how many times. Each time her silver blade shines is each time a charred corpse is left behind. Still, Bryn is suddenly halted at a corridor where the enemy has wisened up. The traitors are using an MG-34 as an overwatch, waiting for Bryn to appear. Though it's not the first blockade she comes across, this one is protected by a layer of barriers. Conventional bullets won't be enough.

Scanning the Keep's layout, Bryn notices there is a set of rooms running parallel with the corridor, ending right next to the little blockade they set up. Curving her lips upward, Bryn starts conjuring up a spell. Said spell is a holographic illusion, one she learned from Yuki herself.

A few seconds later, a lifelike projection of her appears. Bryn sends it to walk into the ambush while she runs stealthily into the rooms she spotted. Reaching the end, Bryn looks at the wall section behind which the enemy is standing behind. She reloads her C96 before putting a hand on the wall to use an ice spell. The spell will lower the temperature of the wall till it's breakable with her bare hands.

A moment later, the traitors fire their MG-34 and whatever guns they have at Bryn's illusion. While the illusion is fading away in specks of blue light after many bullets have hit it. Bryn breaks apart the frozen wall with her fist before running through. She fires three well-placed shots at the heads of the enemy before pulling her blade out in a horizontal swing. Her quick strike cut off the head of two more human traitors. Done dealing with them, Bryn kicks down the door at the end of the corridor. Behind them are the last soldiers still alive in the tower, still busy engaging the Reichguards outside. With an emotionless gaze, Bryn points her C96 at their back.


Firing off her last seven rounds in quick succession, Bryn claims the life of the seven remaining enemies. Pulling out another magazine from her vest, Bryn reloads her C96 before turning around. There are still more sections in the Keep to be cleared with the great hall will be leaving for last. Knowing the opponent, Avera, no doubt the woman will be there waiting for them.

Lu will be dealing with her soon.


Sitting on her throne, Avera can feel every shock and tremble made by the raging battle outside. Far away, albeit a bit muffled, death cries and dying words of her loyalists can be heard. Some beg for mercy, others hold on to their firm belief of supremacy, even until their last breath. The latter brings a smile to Avera's face, knowing that they were true believers in her distorted elven supremacist cause.

Ironically, whatever power she gains by building such a faction, all will be handed to Elysia in due time. An Elysia that holds no bias towards any races, rather, she shows them love and caringness befitting a High-Elf. 

Avera lightly smile with closed eyes. She imagines a world where her faction is put in power with Elysia at the helm. There, her loving daughter will have whatever she needs to change the world. Making it great again according to her promise to the Ruler. Such a world would be a dream come true for Avera.

"If it comes to pass, that is..."

Avera opens her eyes to look at the double door across the throne room. Behind them stands the last of her loyal guards, now laying in their pool of blood. The blood even seeps under the door, darkening the green carpet leading to the throne.

Putting on a cold smile, Avera knows that her time has come.


The door swings open with Reichguards running inside, their steps create pitter-patter sounds when stepping on blood. Flanking two sides of the throne room, dozens of muzzles are now pointing at Avera. Still, she never bothers to look at the Reichguards, they're not worthy of her attention. Rather, Avera keeps her eyes beyond the door, waiting for the visage calmly approaching.

*Step* *Step* *Step*

Echoing clearly across into the silent hall, the blood on the ground part way to greet the fair Empress of the land, alongside her attendant. An air of sulfur and heat rush up to overwhelm Avera when the new arrivals step into the room.

Not disturbed, Avera stands up to perform a curtsy the Elven way. She put her left foot slightly behind while bowing. Her left hand is put behind her back while her right is put on her heart, making a fist.

"It's an honor, my Empress. You flatter me by coming here in person."

Coming to a stop ten meters away from the throne, Bryn standing behind her to the right by two steps, Lu replies. "For what you did, it's right by me to come and meet you, face to face." She crosses her right hand beneath her bosom while the left rest on it, her left palm caressing her cheek as she looks around. "Nice architecture you have here. Befitting of the old Elven Royalty should they still exist. Sadly, the place is a bit unkempt."

Smirking, Avera replies. "I strive to impress, Your Majesty. Although it has been desecrated, as you can see, it takes little to no effort for you to clean it up."

They then share a look before both chuckles. Yet, their eyes betrayed their murderous thoughts. The atmosphere tenses up while the air itself seems to vibrate as the two leaders are having a battle of will. Bryn puts a hand on the sword hanging on her left hip, readying herself in case Avera rushes at her liege. The two keep the staring contest for five minutes straight, ignoring the Reichguards moving about to secure the rest of the Keep. It ends when both Lu and Avera just shrug with a smile on their faces, Avera says.

"As expected, you're not only one competent Empress but also a great mother." Pulling out her emerald-colored saber with a floral hilt, Avera places it in front of her chest. "Even I, feel myself lacking in front of your figure. Yet, I find that I must stand up to challenge Your Majesty for one last bout. Lest I make everything I've done, meaningless."

Lu materializes her flame rapier before swinging it to the right, leaving behind a trail of sparkles in the process. "To be honest, knowing you for so long, I am pleasantly surprised to see you not sporting the condescending attitude. Such was your trademark for a while, no?"

Smiling wrily at Lu's remark, Avera clarifies. "Well, the clown has to keep up his act to the last moment. My time has come to dispense such meaningless acting."

Squinting her eyes, Lu says. "As expected, you're a woman with a purpose. Though I can surmise your reasoning and even respect you for it, you still crossed a line that you shouldn't." Lu now loses her smile. "I now judge your soul as guilty and your soul will be sent to Hell by me."

"... The time for talking is over, so it seems." Showing the side of her blade at the Lu, Avera says. "This blade is coated with Weeping Ivy, one nick from it will send you into an eternal slumber. Whoever draws first blood, wins. I trust you have no issue with that?"

Rather than answering, Lu lets her blade glows a shade redder. The blood from the ground starts floating before fusing into her blade, causing it to let out a visible bloody aura.

"The Blade of Sinners, a fitting weapon for this occasion," Lu commented, earning a nod from her opponent. "one nick from it will send a death curse to your heart."

They trade one final look at each other, seeing the conviction in their eyes. Then, without a signal, both charge forward.


Meeting blades at the halfway point, sparks crackle in the air before both sides disengage. Avera then sends out a flurry of slashes from her saber, aiming to overwhelm the thinner rapier. Calmly facing the assault, Lu uses her blade to parry the blows to the side. Her lighter blade allows her a much faster response time than the heavier saber. Avera knows that so each slash she sends out much be measured carefully, lest Lu has a chance to riposte. Just one small cut equals death, after all.

The duel rages on for a couple more minutes with Lu still maintaining her defense. Ever since the start of the battle, Lu hasn't sent out any thrust at all. From a bystander's perspective, you may even say that she's in a disadvantageous position. Yet, Lu and Avera know better than most who are winning. Beads of sweat are already appearing on Avera's forehead, she is losing stamina quickly. As for Lu, her cold facade still hasn't cracked one bit.

After a few more engagements, Avera makes her first and last mistake in the duel. She fails to control her strength, overexerting it in a vertical slash. Lu seizes the chance and diverts the saber straight to the ground. Having no choice, Avera is forced to abandon the blade to dodge an incoming thrust to her heart. Then, she pulls out her backup dagger to parry another thrust from Lu. Being forced on a constant retreat with each thrust from Lu, Avera is being backed into a corner with no place else to maneuver.

Knowing that her end is nigh, Avera does the unthinkable. She waits for Lu to thrust before slashing her dagger heavily on the rapier, making it barely miss her side. Then, using her left hand, she grasps the blade thus making Lu unable to use it. Ignoring the black curse markings heading up from her bleeding palm to her heart, Avera goes in for the kill. Unfortunately for her, Lu already anticipated such a move.

With her lips mouthing. "I win." Before settling down for a cruel smile. Lu watches when the dagger is stopped by her sharp metallic tail. Before Avera can react, Lu flourishes her tail, flinging the dagger and Avera away.

Avera hits a wall, hard, with her dress torn up by Lu's draconic tail. A line of blood is seen running across her abdomen. The Sinners' curse is also eating its way up to her heart. Her life is running on a timer.

Despite that, Avera chuckles. "Fair and square, I've been defeated."

Lu strolls forward leisurely, her heels echoing in the now silent throne room. Pointing the tip at Avera's heart, she comments. "It was an interesting fight, no spell, no trickery, just pure physical prowess. You sure lost your touch by forgetting about my tail, though. Have I kept it hidden for so long that people are now forgetting that I'm the Devil?"

Smiling wrily at Lu, Avera asks. "So? You want to finish it with a thrust to the heart, or I will die a slow and painful death by the curse?"

Curving her lips upward, Lu answers. "I would much prefer the second choice."

Avera knows that's her punishment, being eaten inside out by the curse once it reaches her heart. Even that is a light judgment for what she had done in the past, however.

Yet, it's not her fate to die today. Oh no, Avera still has some uses for the Reich.


A silvery slash appears from the side, cutting off Avera's cursed arm while Lu dodges to face the sudden intruder. In response to the attack, all the guns now train at the white figure that just appeared. Bryn presses forward to step in between Lu and the new arrival, guns, and sword at the ready. No one noticed how the figure managed to get into the middle of the throne, even assaulting Avera right under their noses. Lu and Bryn frown when they register the fact. The person smells like trouble.

In response to the wary gazes, the figure bows with her platinum white hair cascading to her sides. "Greetings, I am Alina." Straightening her back with her sliver scythe's pommel stabbing in the ground, Alina continues saying. "I am an Einheri, serving under the Princess of Iron and Blood in the name of our Mother Goddess, Yggdrasil. And I've come bearing news."

Though cautious, the way Alina introduces herself lessens the intensity of Lu's and Bryn's stares. Lu waves for her guards to stand down, letting them keep watch on other angles instead. 

Opening her mouth, Lu says her query. "An Einheri, what news that is so important enough for the Mother Goddess to deploy you as a messenger?"

Shaking her head, Alina directs her dark brown eyes at Lu before saying. "Not the Mother Goddess, she is taking a bystander role for today. Instead," From Alina's left palm, a green magic circle lights up. Because of it, Avera stops bleeding from her abdomen, and even the wound from having her arm cut off is closed. The woman barely managed to scrunch up a smile on the sideline while Aline continues speaking. "it's the Princess herself that ordered me to come here."

"She is awake!?" Lu exclaimed in pleasant surprise while Bryn sported a light smile.

"Yes, and though this may sow discontent with you," Alina brandishes her scythe, her eyes showing a dead seriousness. " Her Highness asked me to keep the woman alive."

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