Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Chapter 30: Family gathering (part 2)

Chapter 30: Family gathering (part 2)

With dinner out of the way, we can finally settle down and discuss the meaty stuff.

"For our nation to stand up against the entire world, we would have to make some serious changes," I said before adding. "Don't get me wrong, it's not like we aren't strong currently for we are the most technologically advanced country in Europe. Nonetheless, it's still a far cry from what I have in mind."

Mom nods. "So, what have you figured out?"

"Well, first of all, we would have to work on advancing our technological might even further. It's so dumb that even though we host a lot of brilliant minds from both the Previous Era and this current one, we still haven't gotten to the Information Age, yet. I want to change that by using the resource we got from Arash, injecting more life into our national industries. Thus, modernizing our nation on all fronts during the 5-year hiatus thanks to the Months of Demons."

I look at mama. "This is breaking protocols but it would be much easier for me to direct the movement if you help me gather our scientists and industrialists, mama. In fact, I think it would be much better if you just bring everyone with a position of power under my command if possible. That way I can personally oversee everything, thus ensuring that all will proceed smoothly."

Mama touches her chin, thinking up something. "Hum... I think I have an idea. Currently, we still haven't installed a person in the rank of Reich Marshal, yet. With your contributions to the country, it shouldn't be an issue if I nominate you for the position in the court. Though I can grant you the rank right now, I think it will be better for you to convince the court members with your talents personally. Are you up for that?"

I quirk an eyebrow. "Reich Marshal? As in the military rank that is only second to your authority?"

"Yup, that one precisely. It's the only job that I can think of that allow you to have the power you requested."

I nod. "In that case, I don't mind giving a hands-on demonstration in the court a few days later. I would like to take the reign before the Months of Demons fully arrive."

Mama acquiesces. "That can be arranged, we will hold court in three days. That much time should be more than enough for you to get up to snuff. Four days later after that, will be the planned Victory Parade also, it will do great to the nation's morale if we reveal you there as our hero and Reich Marshal." She smirks before adding. "Do you think you're ready to bask in the feverish gazes of millions?"

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I chuckle, jesting back. "If I can survive a court to attain my rank, I don't see why I can't do the same with our citizens. They're much more easily tame, in a way."

Mom chooses this moment to interject. "Then what about our allies? For if we are preparing for war against the world, they could come across as our greatest helpers or worst enemies."

I wince, not knowing how to break the news easily to them. "You know, aside from the new friend I made, which is the Ustio Reformist factions, I don't think we have any other ally than them." I said dryly.

They all raise their eyes, their silence prompts me to further elaborate. "The reason why I am saying this is because we can't trust the Rusviet or the Japanese. Both of them have their own agendas and from what I've gathered, they would be standing in our way sooner or later. Especially the Rusviet Union which has been getting bolder ever since they took half of Poland. My Einherjar said that they are rearing up to invade Finland and will be pressuring us to share more of our technology with them soon."

Mama frowned at my words, having had to deal with them regularly in matters of trading before. "Tsk, annoying bastards. If it weren't for our need for industrial resources, we wouldn't have signed any trade agreements with them."

I placate her. "Don't worry mama, we don't have to put up with their greed much longer. Once Ustio is brought under the control of the Reformists, we can form a proper alliance with them to gain access to their colonies. Their Princess owns me that much. If the Rusviets bother us too much, I also have plans to deal with them, leading them to chase ghosts for a while." 

My confidence brings a cheeky smile to mama. "I have a feeling someone will be lacking sleep later down the line."

"That and many more." We both chuckle, much to the exasperation of Bryn and Mom.

Bryn bobs me on the head while mom is doing the same to mama. With teary eyes, we both question. "Ouch, what was that for!?"

"Your inner devils were showing. Now get back to the main topic, what is it about the Japanese? The Shinto pantheon has been our closed ally for some time already. I don't see any reason why we have to look out for them." Bryn said, pulling me back to my explanation.

"That's the thing, it's because they're our ally that we must have countermeasures. Whatever stunt they pull, also reflects on us in the eyes of the world." I stop for a bit to let them ponder. "Meaning, if the Shinto and their ideology of Eternal through Domination decide to start a war on their neighbor. Well, we can be dragged into another untimely war, halfway across the Earth."

My mothers groan with mom massaging her temple. They all seem to know where this is heading.

"How long till they make a mess of things?" Mom questioned.

"A couple of years if we're lucky, four years at best. The Shinto gods have always backed the movement to reattain their Previous Era's glory. Now, with an entire nation worshipping them fanatically, thus granting them some of their old power back, no doubt they would start expanding when the time is right. By that time, Asia will be at the mercy of humanoid monsters. Even with the Shinto gods holding the reins, you can't expect a Nazi fanatic to show mercy to anyone other than his kin. "

"...That's a threat too large to ignore." Bryn grimly added.

I nod at her. "Now, even though we want to wage a war ourselves, we do so in the name of peace and coexistence. Imperial Japan though, what they want is power. Even though the Shinto gods also have peace as the end goal, they want it to be peace under their iron grips. While I doubt they would be stupid enough to rule the populace the way their ancestors did, it will still cause needless bloodshed to enforce their rule."

Mama interjects. "So Japan will be a major obstacle sooner or later. The way their government works greatly contradicts our new objective." She sighs, adding. "I always thought that Amaterasu, in a way she is also your aunt, is too ambitious, you are only further reinforcing that fact. I just hope the pitfall she receives in the future can be filled."

"There's not much we can do now. It's not like we can just renege on our supposed ally." Mom adds her analysis. "Unless they're the one that makes a mistake or two, that way we can slowly distance ourselves from them."

"I have a plan, it's just that it will take time to implement. I would rather focus on developing our nation in the next few years before we make any major moves. Before that, it will just be some background movements and clandestine operations, maybe some skirmish at most." I said.

Bryn suddenly pats my head. "At the very least, no nation would want to displace a large portion of their army, not with the Demons running about their territories. Thanks to that, you will also earn some much-needed respite from your constant-overworking state. I will make sure of that."

Mom chuckles. "Was it that bad? Her being on the frontline, I mean?"

Bryn rolls her eyes before lightly pinching my cheek, causing me to pout. "You have no idea, I forced her to sleep and eat many times. This girl needs constant supervision otherwise she will work 24/7 nonstop. A true workaholic."

"I'm not!" I refuted, my face a bit red from embarrassment.

Bryn deadpans at me, seemingly about to reiterate some of my work periods. Not leaving her a chance to hit me while I'm down, I change the subject, much to the amusement of my family. "Moving on! Although Rusviet and Japan will be a threat, it won't be till much later down the line. Right now, it's important to put Ustio under our ally's control. Their Princess pledges to help us in our endeavor, so long as she can be the rightful Queen of the land."

Mama leans back, resting her chin on her left hand. "Is she to be trusted?"

I nod, clarifying. "She is, and competent too. Has a knack to persuade her people, and managed to gather a sizeable armed force of her own. Though back then, the situation forced me to relegate them away from important positions. If it's worth anything, the girl is also a lesbian." I chuckle, suddenly remembering a conversation I had with Princess Rosa. "She said the first thing she will do is legalize same-sex marriage."

That earns a snicker from mama. "The girl has her priority straight, that's for sure."

"That she is. Back to the topic, during the Months of Demon, while we're focusing on national development, they will be in charge of defending their allocated territory. Of course, that won't include Arash or White Rock, more like the lands around them. That way, they can still recruit manpower from the populace while we are free to defend our interests in the area. Regardless, if we're to make them an effective fighting force, we can supply them with surplus equipment once we start modernizing our military."

Moms and Bryn agree. "That can easily be arranged, though how will that Princess pays the wage of her troops?"

Of course, even if we all fight for a righteous course, a man and his family gotta eat too. "We have more than enough cash laying about so we can hire the civilians and help her pay the soldiers. That way, we can get fresh blood in the workforce while also tipping the scale at the negotiation table in our favor, later down the line. Ustians have always been renowned for being good in their crafts, I don't see why we should not make use of the unemployed ones."

Mom nods in agreement with my explanation. "We may need to vet them just in case, regardless, it's a good idea to as you said. The long-term benefits outweigh the possible cons."

Bryn, though, presents a problem. "We still need to revamp our intelligence agency, though, letting them run like before won't be cutting it. I think dear Yuki has an answer for that also."

I nod, saying. "That is on the very top of my to-do list. The old bureau will be torn down completely, being replaced by the new Office of National Intelligence, ONI for short. They will be headed by none other than me with the core executives being the Einherjar. If there's one thing they excel at in this day and age, it's clandestine operation. You've seen firsthand how their intel had helped us. Though I'm open to discussion if you want to input anything in the new agency."

Mama shakes her head with a smile. "That won't be needed, your answer is satisfactory. With you being the upcoming Reich Marshal, letting you have direct command of our spies is a must."

I smile back, thanking her. "Thank you for believing in me, mama, mom, Bryn. I promise to repay that trust by making our country the greatest there is, rivaling nations from the Previous Era." I bow at them, further emphasizing my promise.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Bryn shaking her head while patting my back, while mom put a hand on my hair, caressing it. Mama, on the other hand, laughs good-naturedly with pride mixing in. My family showers me with love and warmth until I flush red from overdosing on them.

"With that out of the way, mama, when can I see my new sister? I'm dying to hug my new pill- *kehem* sister."

*Pfft* "You're just about to say pillow, aren't you. Don't worry, I get the feeling. As for the lass, she was having a medical checkup and is now resting. Aponia should be watching over her by now. You can pay her a visit in a day or two after you're cleared to walk."

I smile. "That's great then! Can't you all believe that? I now have a sister I can dote on!"

I and mama then start fussing about my new sister, with her showing me a picture of the girl. Mom and Bryn watch on with exasperation at our antics. The entire medical ward is soon filled with our laughter and joy, curving up the lips of the guards and doctors outside. After all, who doesn't want their hard-working lieges to have some family fun?

All in all, it's a fun day for the entire family. A day I will surely cherish.

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