Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Omake: Wrapping up (R-18)

RM Omake: Wrapping up (R-18)

Gentiane rolls all over the bed, unwilling and unable to fall asleep after everything that happened earlier today. Sitting up with a huff, she reaches to grab her phone, left on the bedside drawer, and checks the time.

"1 in the morning..." Gentiane said slowly before stepping off the bed, finding no discomfort in getting away from it. The girl then turns on the lamp in the restroom, proceeding to wash her face before taking a look at herself in the mirror.

Gentiane won't lie, rather, she will admit that she has been comparing herself to Morgan. The commander with a few years under her belt finds herself lacking against a figure that is both younger but somehow is better than her in every single way. Morgan is just... perfect. Aside from the fact that she is pleasing to the eyes and easy to approach. The temporary combat pilot of Base 794 had a veteran aura, and a wisdom befitting such, yet, still retain a hint of mischievousness to keep herself fresh in the eyes of others. Her talents extended far beyond what I girl her age should have. She was also very resourceful and brave, willing to do tasks that most would find themselves hesitating. And that confidence of hers, Gentiane can't help but guess where she gained that trait from. Morgan always seems to be sure about what she's doing, never faze in front of any surprise. In the face of an ever-changing battlefield, the pilot had shown to be extremely accurate in her judgment calls. Making it so that Gentiane even learned a few things during the days they spent near each other.

Seeing the less-than-spirited expression of herself staring back at her, Gentiane sighs. "Yeah, you have no energy at all, huh?" She then wipes her face with a towel before heading out to put on the pants she discarded... somewhere.

Finally, after five minutes of searching around, Gentiane finds what she is looking for. The commander then alights from her quarter, intending on taking a nightly stroll. 

The more Gentiane compares herself to Morgan, the more she is invested in getting to know the younger girl. The wandering gaze she kept directed at the pilot didn't escape her current lover and adjutant, G36. It was why G36 and a few others, including Morgan herself, had sprung a trap at Gentiane, one that she should have been able to see from miles away. But what the trap did, ultimately, is confirm that Gentiane feels more than just platonic curiosity about Morgan. It was plain for all to see that Gentiane had fallen in love, and even Gentiane couldn't blame herself for this one. Morgan was the embodiment of everything she aspired to become. The fact that it's G36 herself that egged Gentiane on to confirm that feeling also didn't help. 

But when Gentiane had settled down and admitted to it, Morgan had gone to faraway lands, her homeworld. Her sudden departure, even with their brief farewell, left a bittersweet taste in Gentiane's mouth. It's why she is now wandering, intending to find something or someone, to distract herself. Or perhaps, just a powerful knockout drink will suffice. Finding nothing that needs her attention, Gentiane has no other choice but to head to the base cafeteria. That drink is ultimately needed, huh?

"So it would seem..." Gentiane muttered to her own thought while going down a hallway. 

Earlier yesterday, even before daybreak, weather installations from all over the world had recorded a freak superstorm. Appearing over the Carpathians, the superstorm proceeded to cast countless lightning bolts, obliterating anything beneath the storm cloud and seconds. Nobody knows how many bolts of electricity were released, but they know that what happened is nothing short of a localized apocalyptic event. The energy readings they got were off the chart and had this occurred over a populated area, it would be total annihilation. The freak superstorm only dissipated after an hour of non-stop destruction, and only after a whole mountain range exploded into an unrecognizable mess. Many theorists proclaimed that it could have been a mysterious Collapse radiation phenomenon but only the top brasses of both Neo-Soviet and G&K know just what sort of adversity have mankind evaded. To get the full picture, however, only members of Base 794 and G&K commanders in chief are privileged to that.

Safe to say, the existence of the 8492nd Avalon Squadron has been kept on a need-to-know basis. The world isn't ready yet to hear about another world. The only good thing to come out of this mess is that G&K is approved of increasing their military budget and the removal of firepower restrictions to counter the new Sangvis threat. But somehow, Gentiane doesn't find it's enough of a tradeoff for her missing pilots. She would rather have Morgan and Aria hanging around the base like the past few days.

So imagine her surprise when Gentiane pushes open the doors to the cafeteria, only to see Morgan in a bartending outfit, prepping a drink nonchalantly while only the light of the bar provided her with illumination. Turning to see Gentiane with her one good ruby red eye, Morgan greets her. "I was thinking whether you would come here or I should bring this to your room. How are you feeling right now?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Bring her fingers to pinch the bridge of her nose, Gentiane says aloud. "I must be damn stressed to hallucinate right now..."

Morgan chuckles softly at the exclamation but ultimately beckons Gentiane to come closer, an invitation that Gentiane doesn't refuse. No matter how many times she has rubbed her eyes, the commander of the base must finally admit that the Morgan in front of her is the real one. She is just about to speak something when Morgan presents her drink to her. It's a bubbly bluish drink that looks very refreshing in her eyes right now. 

"Cobalt Velvet. Bubbly, classy, and burning, on the rocks and mixed." Morgan explained with a smile. "Come on, savor it. You deserve it after everything we put you through."

Gingerly, Gentiane picks up the stemless wine glass containing the glistening blue liquid. Gentiane takes a sip of the drink and is immediately wowed by the flavor and feel it offers. "W-Wow... It's like-!"

"Like Champagne that is served in a cup that had a bit of cola left?" Morgan giggled, earning the same from Gentiane. "Yeah, the drink receives that impression a lot."

"But it's a good one~!" Gentiane said before happily enjoying the content of the glass. Morgan, on the other hand, rest her upper half on the bar counter, enjoying Gentiane's content expression. Surprisingly, none say anything, pleased with the current quiet but soft atmosphere. It isn't long before Gentiane finishes her glass, a forlorn look is seen on her face as the commander caresses the rim of the glass while looking at Morgan. Seeing a thousand thoughts running behind Gentiane's eyes at a thousand kilometers an hour, Morgan smiles softly before putting away the empty glass. Then, much to Gentiane's shock, Morgan reaches over and pulls on the white shirt Gentiane's wearing, bringing the commander in for a deep kiss.

At first, Gentiane isn't sure how to reciprocate the sudden advance but when Morgan's tongue starts dominating her own, the commander fights back. A tug of war is fought with their lips and tongues as strands of saliva appear whenever one makes a tactical retreat. But after a couple of minutes, Morgan is clearly losing the fight, partly because her switch is flipped, partly because Gentiane is now towering over herself as she presses the advantage. Finally, in one adept movement, Gentiane pulls Morgan over the table and into her arms, with one of her hands groping Morgan's bum as she rests it on the bar. At such an aggressive move, Morgan can't stop herself from leaking out a cute yelp, serving only to fuel the inner beast of Gentiane. Understandably, Morgan lost the battle the moment she was taken into the arms of the beautiful beast. Gentiane only relents when Morgan is struggling to regain her breath.

The commander of the base seems proud that she has bested Morgan in something, at least. "Consider this as payback for the kiss last time. Morgan~!" Gentiane drawled out her words while leaning into Morgan's nape, leaving behind kisses and hickeys as she worked her way to unbutton the bartender's attire.

Imagine the glee Gentiane feels when she hears soft gasps and moans from Morgan as she lays her hands on the latter's pretty bunnies. Soon, Gentiane finds herself pressing her face into Morgan's bosom, inhaling her aromatic body scent, and teasing and sucking on her nipples. Droplets of lewd fluids have soaked through Morgan's pants and Gentiane can imagine she too is having the same reaction right now. And while it may be a bit of trouble to clean up the mess later, Gentiane has already thrown caution out the window and Morgan is very much the same when she hugs Gentiane's head, pressing her closer. 

While it's an enjoyable experience to fondle Morgan's breasts, Gentiane wants to see more of her. As such, Morgan lets out a short gasp as Gentiane pulls both her pants and underwear down in one smooth motion, the commander clearly has experience in adult matters thanks to her maid. Seeing the hungry slit, dripping wet onto the floor, Gentiane smirks before laying another kiss on Morgan's lips, saying. "You're so precious, Morgan." She then eyes Morgan's body in all of her glory, the latter blushes at the attention but it only seems to excite her lower half more and more.

And with her needy flip switched on, Morgan dives into Gentiane's embrace, surprising the commander as she is forced down onto her bar stool. Draping her arms and legs over Gentiane, Morgan works her hands to remove the commander's shirt, getting as much bare-skinned contact as she can. Understanding the unvoiced needs of her smaller lover, Gentiane is quick to help discard her clothes. She manages to remove her pants halfway when Morgan stuns her by creating a pink magic circle on her hand. Morgan then pushes it to Gentiane's lower body, forcing a change in her physiology. A change that makes Gentiane gasps in wonder as it replaces her clit and turns it into something else, something much, much better in Gentiane's opinion.

I guess we all know where this is going at this point in time.

Lowering her arms to cup Morgan's elastic behind, Gentiane spreads them out slowly, earning a heated exhale from Morgan. Laying another gentle kiss to nullify any potential discomfort Morgan may have, Gentiane slowly position Morgan's important place above her newly erected meat rod. Then, stick her dick into crazy she goes.

Gentiane feels her mind blanks out at first, being bombarded with never feel before sensations. The tip of her cock was enveloped slowly, making her grunt out in low growls. Then comes the vagina walls, slowly embracing her rod with wet, pulsating warmth. Such fresh pleasure makes Gentiane cums in a heartbeat the moment Morgan's pussy swallows her cock to the base. The young commander almost falls out of her stool as her back arch, firing thick streams of semen deep into Morgan's vagina while her own female sex excretes its own lewd fluid. The hot baby batter seems to push Morgan into a sudden climax also, having been teased by Gentiane earlier.

After a whole minute of basking in her first-ever post-nut clarity, Gentiane can't help but think that every life choices she has made thus far are correct. She is truly blessed to have this opportunity. 

The commander is shaken out of her thoughts when Morgan's pussy tightens as a reminder for her to move her still very enthusiastic member. Gentiane chuckles when she gazes at the dazed and needing expression that belongs to none other than Morgan. Nonetheless, she complies, utilizing both her hips and arms to move her large cock in and out of Morgan's vagina. Wet, slopping sounds can be heard in the cafeteria as their fluids mix together, being pushed out onto the floor by the pistoning movement of Gentiane's magical dick. Their panting grows louder, lewder, with each thrust from Gentiane's hip, and just before the commander cum for the second time, Morgan subconsciously locks their lips together, blocking out any excessive sensual screams they will make. And when Morgan's walls clamp down hard, Gentiane has no other choice but to go deep into her cervix, pumping the next full load that Gentiane has to offer. The semen completely paints Morgan's inside white, eliciting hot gasps from the younger girl as she hungrily sucks on Gentiane's lips while extracting all the baby batter from her meat rod.

Suffice it to say, Gentiane receives a sensory overload. Enough to make her black out after her double ejaculations, four, if you count her vagina climaxes too. The last thing Gentiane can hear is the sensual giggles from Morgan and her accompanying words.

"Yuki, my name is Yuki, my dear~!"


Morning comes, and Gentiane finds herself back on her bed, very refreshed and well-tucked beneath a blanket. For a second, Gentiane thinks that last night is nothing but a sexually wet dream. That is until she feels a phantom ache in her lower back, it's when she fully remembers everything and blushes heavily at that. More than that, she warms up at the thought that Morgan had caringly carried her back to her bed.

Suddenly, Gentiane notices a few crates at a corner of her quarter, crates that weren't there last night. So, like the good commander she is, Gentiane pulls herself together and investigates despite the lingering pleasure and pain. Opening them one by one, Gentiane is surprised to see ten sets of Morgan's enchanted thermoptic camouflage capes and exoskeletons. On the last crate she opens, more like an ornate wooden box, Gentiane is amazed to see a beautifully ornated silver Mauser C96 and a similarly colored drinking flask. She picks up a letter, attached to the inner layer of the box, and reads.

"Last night was a very memorable experience, not just for me, but hopefully for you also. Nonetheless, I must apologize for leaving on such short notice, my world needs a person to conquer, and that one is me. Though I hope that the gifts I left behind can soothe your longing for me for a while. These are the improved versions of what I made for Team FN, you can handle them however you see fit.

 I will make sure to give you all a visit whenever I can. From your beloved, Yuki.

P.S: Don't freak out but I just remember something. It's possible that the anomaly while taken care of by Aria and me, will still have a lingering effect on your world. As such, there's a high likelihood that my daughter, who is going by the name Viola, will be paying you a visit in the near future. She is a good girl and can be entrusted with the fate of your world should the situation calls for it. Take care of her for me, alright? I love you, Gentiane~! :D"

Reading to the end of the neatly written letter, Gentiane doesn't know whether to cry or laugh or should she just freak out as the letter has advised her not to. But ultimately, Gentiane only chose to hold the letter to her heart, silently shedding a drop of tear while smiling with a melancholic expression.

"See you later, Yuki." Gentiane hoped her words could reach the girl full of magical surprise.

After a few moments, Gentiane prepares herself for a new day. Her stature exudes a never before seen vigor. "Now then, to put these magical gears away and find more about that daughter of hers, Viola. Though she seems too young to have a daughter, who am I to judge with all the magical mumbo-jumbo being a thing nowadays." Gentiane chuckled at that last sentence. 

It's a very memorable experience indeed.

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