Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Side Story 10: 8492nd (Part 4)

RM Side Story 10: 8492nd (Part 4)

Once the sounds of battle die down, Gentiane has deemed it safe enough to peak out from the secured command center. Not just her but many of the human staff also dare a look, all flinching at the debilitated state of the base they have called home. Plasma burns are dotted along the broken perimeter walls while their singular airstrip is filled with craters. The only things that are still relatively intact are the base's inner area. Even that though, is not completely unscathed from mortar shells. Gentiane coughs uncomfortably, the air quality has taken a turn for the worse after the conflict.

Suddenly, the sounds of jet engines are heard overhead. Gentiane looks up, seeing their saviors of the day circling like protective angels. That description is fitting, considering their aircraft design and paint scheme appear to be dissimilar to the current mainstream fighter jets. Gentiane then hears footsteps approaching her, turning around, she spots her adjutant Centaureissi, G36 for ease of address. 


"Master, all Echelons have reported no further Sangvis activity. The battle is over." The stern maid gives her a small bow while still holding her imprinted weapon close to herself. Hearing that confirmation, Gentiane allows herself a smile of relief. "That was good to hear, G36, thanks. How's the status of our girls out there?"

G36 nods, answering. "We have taken nine casualties, thankfully, their cores are recoverable. While the rest of Echelon 1 to 3 sports a variety of light injuries. My Echelon 4 is still at 100% combat effectiveness, however." G36 then levels her glare at Gentiane. "Master, I must advise you to send Echelon 4 to the frontline next time. We would like to do our part in protecting this base too."

Though the glare from G36 is harsh for most people, Gentiane knows that it contains no negative feelings behind it. Rather G36 is designed with poor eyesight, one of the reasons why her imprinted rifle is the G36.

"I understand," Gentiane answers with a smile, though a part of her fret the moment G36 will be sent back into the field. You can't blame her to be a bit protective of her lover, ok? "The next time a field mission comes up, Echelon 4 will be spearheading the job."

Hearing that, a shadow of a smile appears on G36's pearly face before she performs a curtsy. Gentiane can only shake her head at the ever-so-dutiful maid in front of her. Their short moment is interrupted when another girl joins them, it's their logistics officer, Kalina. Due to the hastiness of their situation, Kalina has nothing on her but a brown jacket and a blue skirt. She is armed with an AKS-74U, however, and she passes Gentiane a headpiece. Though tired, Kalina's voice still contains a trace of upbeatness in it. "Commander, Avalon Squadron just called in. They reported that Sangvis' signatures are minimal, we're in the clear for now, I think. They do request to speak with you though."


Smiling, Gentiane takes the headpiece. "Thanks, Kalina, can you help me organize the recovery effort while I talk to them?"

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"On it, Commander! Hey, G36, help me out with this." Kalina turned to the maid, prompting the maid to nod and follow her, not without leaving a few words behind though. "If you would excuse me, Master."

Gentiane nods at G36 before putting on the headpiece. After making sure that it's connected to the pilots, Gentiane speaks. "Avalon Squadron, this is Commander Gentiane, do you read?"

A beat later, Morgan's confident voice comes in from the other end. "This is Morgan, we read you five-by-five." She then stops for a second before saying. "Not gonna lie, the situation back there wasn't pretty for you, no? The whole base is basically shot up and knowing that you're a PMC, it will take a pretty penny from your company's pocket."

With that joke hitting straight at home, Gentiane can only smile wryly. "Fortunately, we held off with your support. Otherwise, more important things would be lost. I can't thank you enough for that."

Gentiane then hears a chuckle from the other end. "Say, if you want to express your attitude, how about you give us clearance to land? Not gonna lie, while the Arias is a joy to fly in, we still need to stretch out legs sometime."

After Morgan said her intention, Gentiane immediately gives her approval. "You will be welcomed warmly here then. I have no doubt the girls will be wanting to greet the heroes." However, the smoking battlefield brings her back to reality. "That said, the airstrip is a mess right now. I'm not even sure we will be able to bring it back online in a day. Are you bingo on fuel? How about I divert you to another sector?" 

Gentiane thought that Morgan and her wingman are running out of air time. A logical deduction for who knows for how long Avalon Squadron has been staying in the air. Much less performing combat maneuvers on their behalf. Surprisingly, Morgan says this. "Ah! That won't be needed, Gentiane. I can see that you still have a few helipads operational, Aria and I can just touch down there."

Wait, what? "Hold up, Morgan, aren't you using a jet? The runway is busted, how can you even taxi to the helipads!"

Morgan just giggles at that exclamation. Not offering much explanation, Morgan announces over comms. "This is Morgan and Aria, we're coming in for landing. May want to clear the helipads for ut, Gentiane."

"Damn it, girlie!" Gentiane shouted before running back into the command center, spotting Kalina who is directing the clean-up crew with the tactical map. "Oi, Kalin! Avalon is going for a landing pattern, I want a reception party at the helipads stat!"

"Wait, what!? The runway is scrap!" Kalina responded, befuddled due to the strange situation.

"I know! My thought is that the aircraft a VTOL-capable. No time, I can just hear their engines right now. Send an Echelon my way!" Gentiane said before disappearing behind a doorway. The last thing she can hear is Kalina shouting. "Echelon 1 is available so they will be helping you out!"



Despite the late notice, Gentiane manages to set up a perimeter around helipads with the aid of Echelon 1. Together with the five-girl fireteam, Gentiane watches as the pair of supersized fighter jets lower their altitude and speed. From the corner of her eyes, she can see members of Echelon 1 chatting excitedly about the arrival of the heroic pilots. This is especially true for FN SCAR-H, who is nonchalantly chattering off with FN SCAR-SC, the younger sister of both SCAR-H and SCAR-L. FN SCAR-L, their leader, can only shake her head at the antics of her older and younger sister, while she herself clasps her assault rifle tightly, just in case. The last two members of the team, FN HiPer and FN P90 can only smile wryly at the team's usual atmosphere even after a hard-fought battle. They too soon join the fervent talk about the pilots, much to SCAR-L's chagrin.

A gust of screeching wind stops their discussion, however. The two aircraft have reached a low enough altitude that their combined swivel nozzles and lift fans have created a whirlwind that almost sends the lighter SCAR-SC and HiPer flying. Luckily for them, SCAR-H and P90 hold them back while SCAR-L rushes over to cover Gentiane with her coat. She is honestly thankful for the action as the wind is a bit too strong for her liking.

Once the wind blast has settled down, the bodies of the aircraft revealed themselves as they perform their shutdown procedure. Having stand up close, Gentiane can't help but whistle at the payloads these things are packing, even if half of them are expended. Unlike Gentiane though, SCAR-L is a bit more wary of the newcomers, even though she is sporting a light smile.

Finally, after a long thirty seconds, the cockpits open up with their armor panels retracting first. Then, from the confine of their cockpits, two women, dressed in their black pilot suits with foreign markings, jumps out from their aircraft. Their helmets, being high-end and fully encasing their heads with a protective layer and a large polarized visor, offer nothing in terms of identification, judging from a shake of SCAR-L's head. 

It's only at this moment that Gentiane realizes that something is missing. While they did nail the landing perfectly, Gentiane can't help but facepalm at her lack of oversight. 

"Hey, Commander, I think we forgot to bring a ladder for them." SCAR-L took a jab at her commander, unhelpfully so, but still paying attention to the women. Gentiane rolls her eyes at the playful way SCAR-L put it.

Detecting that the pilots have safely vacated the aircraft, the Arias close the cockpit on their own. They will only be accessible through the use of an encryption key that only Morgan and Aria know. Now with their boots on the ground, Morgan stretches her back, pointing her arms upward while Aria steps closer to her, patting the shorter girl on her shoulder.  

With them dismounted, Gentiane is surprised to see that one of the pilots is of a shorter stature than the other with both clearly females. Usually, in an air force, a minimum height limit is put in place to recruit due to health reasons. Wherever they're from, that restriction must have been very different than the one in Neo-Soviet. Whatever the case, Gentiane must now step up and have a chat with her guests.

Here's hoping that they're as amiable as they were in the air.


Through the private comms channels established by our flight helmets, Bryn, AKA Aria, asks a good question. "Say, how should we introduce ourselves to them?" She points her thumb at a group of girls that are approaching them, headed by a girl with pastel pink shoulder-length hair that is wearing a maroon trenchcoat. That girl is probably Commander Gentiane that had been talking with us.

"While it's possible for us to give them our real names, I doubt we will be staying here long enough for it to matter. I say we just give them our callsigns and see how it goes from there." I shrugged, earning a nod from Aria before we both depolarize our visors.

The group of six soon approach us with four of them staying at a comfortable distance, no doubt not wanting to spook us. This leaves Gentiane and a girl with dirty blonde hair that is wearing a coat of similar color, to come to us. 

Raising a hand, Gentiane greets us with a welcoming smile, one that is mirrored by the armed girl next to her though there exists a trace of wariness behind it. That's a good thing to have for I will be disappointed if they trust us too easily.

"Hello there!"

"Commander Gentiane!" With Aria giving me a tap on the shoulder, thus signaling that they hold no ill will, I remove my helmet and gloves before grabbing Gentiane's offer palm for a handshake. "I must admit, you look just as nice as your voice!" I said with a sincere smile. That was the truth for Gentiane has a sort of battle-hardened beauty in her, not losing to the obvious androids or even those ladies back home. Without even looking, I am sure that Aria is analyzing Gentiane for her worth, her being silent means that she is showing her approval of Gentiane.

The sudden compliment seems to knock the wind out of Gentiane's sail, however, her cheeks flush and she has to force out a cough to cover up her blunder. The android girl that is next to Gentiane and I can't help but snicker at Gentiane's expense. Though Gentiane is quick to recover and shakes my hand with a confident grasp. Interestingly enough, her palm has obvious calluses, she seems to have held a firearm for an extended period of time. "Since you have already known of me, I dare guess that you are Morgan, the one who has been raising Hell on Sangvis." Gentiane then turns to look at Bryn. "And that is probably your flight buddy, Aria?"

Aria nods with a small smile but leaves the talking to me. "Right, callsign Morgan and Aria, and you may address us as such. Although you will have to excuse us for not giving you our real names. For us, this is uncharted territory, after all."

Hearing that, Gentiane nods without a change in her expression. "I will not poke my nose into others' business then. It's the least I can do to you two for saving the girls' and our collective asses' back there."

Giggling at the blunt way she put it, I respond. "Hearing you said it that way, I have a feeling we will be getting along just fine." Gentiane offers me a knowing smile in return before turning to the android girl next to her. "Right, and this is..."

"SCAR-L, I presume? My guess is that your name is tied to the weapon you're holding?" My interjection seems to have caught the android off-guard as she is now turning to look at Gentiane. 

Gentiane nods, explaining. "You're not wrong, Miss Morgan. She is a T-Doll, and with her imprinted weapon being a SCAR-L, she is named as such. She is a World War 3 veteran and is the leader of my first Echelon, fireteam FN." SCAR-L gives us a nod at the introduction, to which we return.

Though we understand what her meaning is, Aria and I can't help but raise our eyebrows, sharing a look. "T-Doll? A sort of Android then, though they feel a bit more advanced than what I know of." Aria said, clearly referring to the Previous Era. "Speaking of feeling, Morgan, we will be having a chat later about our... abilities."

I nod understandingly, having come up with an idea as to what she wants to talk about. Gentiane and SCAR-L, while confuse, are polite enough to let us finish our short chat. Knowing that our attention is redirected back at them, SCAR-L steps forward to add. "Miss Morgan, Miss Aria, on behalf of Echelon 1 and the entire base, I offer you our gratitude for saving us in our time of need." SCAR-L is just about to make a bow when I step in, holding her hands to stop the gesture.

"I understand, Miss SCAR-L, and please, no need for a suffix, all of you. I doubt I can stand much of the stiffy talks for long unless it's required." I blanch at the thought of being treated with too much respect again.

SCAR-L chuckles at that, now with her suspicion dispelled at we really don't have ill intent. "Then you can just call me by my name, SCAR-L. As for my real name, I think we will have to get a bit closer to share that." SCAR-L gives me a wink, to which I return with another before we both share a laugh. Oh, Aria I sure will get along with the people here. They've been nice so far and their aura of veteran is hard to miss.

Gentiane, who is standing near Aria, sighs in relief. "Thankfully, you guys are much more amicable than I expected."

Aria just smiles, saying. "Oh, you really have no idea. Morgan is seeing herself in the two of you, being leaders in combat but retaining a lay back attitude and all. You three will hit it off in no time."

Gentiane raises an eyebrow at this. "So she is the same as us, a commander of sorts?"

Aria explains. "Marshal of the Belkan Reich, meaning she is the second-in-command of our nation with the right to overrule our two Empresses' decision if need be."

As soon as Gentiane hears that, her head swivels over to me, looking as if I had grown a second head. "... You and I will need to talk about your identities very soon."

I snicker at this, saying. "Soon, yes, but for now, why don't you introduce me to the rest of the girls? While I do know their weapons, I need to get to know them on a more... personal level."

My jesting sure grabs more than just the attention of SCAR-L. She lays a hand on my shoulder, looking at me straight in the eye. "Please take it moderately." She advised with a no-nonsense attitude.

I chuckle, prompting both Aria and SCAR-L to sigh. "No promise."

Soon after, I am introduced to the rest of the team.

The very nonchalant and cryptic older sister of SCAR-L, sharing her trademark blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. SCAR-H's hair is tied into a ponytail, unlike her sister who let it flows freely a bit past her shoulders. She also has a coat, white in color, and is draped to her waist.

Being SCAR-H's battle buddy and spotter for the sniper rifle T-Doll, FN HiPer is a pistol T-Doll with black hair, tied into a left-sided ponytail. She is wearing a white business skirt and a black shirt with white arm sleeves. Atop her head is a white beret and a gray combat harness is her choice for carrying additional supplies for her team. She is soft-spoken and her golden eyes betray her obvious interest in our aircraft.


Up next is the youngest of the SCAR family, SCAR-SC. Sharing her bigger sisters' hair and eye colors, SCAR-SC differs in being shorter and petite. Yet, she seems to be very swift on her feet, running around us with surprising quietness to her steps. Not surprising when her weapon is a suppressed subcompact carbine using .300 Blackout. Aside from that, she discards her sister's coat for a low-profile gray jacket and a blue-tinted combat visor for intelligence gathering. Using the latter, she is analyzing us with a childish curiosity.


Last but not least is FN P90. If SCAR-SC is an expert in infiltrating and gathering intel, then P90 is the go-to for distraction duty. Like a squirrel, this brown hair girl runs around while trying to trick us with her realistic holographic displays. Sadly, P90's opponents are Aria and I, we easily beat her in her rigged guessing game, much to her annoyance. Seeing P90 being defeated, so much so that she sulks and pouts in a corner, the rest of her team laughs at her expense. Regardless, we soon move to comfort her, not wanting to upset the squirrel of team FN.


After that, Gentiane sorts us out with two empty hangars that are relatively intact. We then momentarily taxi our aircraft beneath the roof of the hangars before securing it for possible tampering. Like I said, this is uncharted territory so we have to make sure nothing can go wrong. Aria has been helpful in this for she has secretly deployed a few barriers, which should be more than enough to provide us with forewarning.

Once done, Gentiane and Echelon 1 lead us inside their command center. The day is still long and it's there that she will be giving us a briefing about the state of this world. I have brought along a military tablet so hopefully, we can get our tech to work with them. If not, then it's just make it a bit more annoying, that's all.

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