Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Side Story 17: 8492nd (Part 11)

RM Side Story 17: 8492nd (Part 11)

Two days before commencing their deep-infiltration mission, members of Echelon 1 and Morgan are standing around a makeshift lab. Gentiane and Aria are seen standing on the side, watching on curiously as Morgan trades information with HiPer at a rapid pace.

"Explain to me, what is a Neural Cloud?" Morgan asked while reviewing the stream of data shown on a computer screen. Said computer is hooked to the spine of HiPer, who is sitting on a bench. The girl herself seems a bit flustered by the fact that her Neural Cloud, her 'soul', is exposed under Morgan's inquisitive eyes. Nonetheless, HiPer volunteered to be inspected, she has to muster on if she wants to fulfill her end of the bargain.

"Neural Cloud is the AI system serving as the mind of T-Dolls." HiPer said softly as she winced when an embarrassing memory was turned into a data format for Morgan to see. Thankfully, Morgan didn't make it weird by commentating, but rather analyzing with a calm gaze. "It can be compared to our 'soul', or our operating system. And because it's data at the end of the day, Neural Cloud can be transferable to and from a mainframe to protect a T-Doll's memories from being lost if they are destroyed during operations. Meaning the doll's memory can then be downloaded into a new body. However, Neural Cloud backups are usually made outside of combat since they require massive data transfer, so the Doll will lose their memories from events after the backup. On-the-field backup to portable hardware is a possibility but the storage must be recovered."

Morgan stops looking at the screen when she hears the explanation. "If a Neural Cloud is equal to a soul, a digitalized one but is still one nonetheless, then do I need to say that it's a very, very bad idea to interfere with a soul."

Instinctively, all the T-Dolls and even Gentiane flinch at that, their reactions haven't gone unnoticed by Morgan and Aria. Frowning, both pilots turn to HiPer with Morgan goes on to urge in a stern voice. "HiPer..."

HiPer proceeds to scratch her cheeks, chuckling wryly. "Well... Much like ordinary humans, dolls can gain experience in combat, the longer they spend in sorties the better bonded they are with their weapon, on top of tactical knowledge, thus making them more effective at combat. This is why preserving their Neural Cloud is important. But the average service life of a Doll is only 20 years, and this is because of their Neural Cloud degrading. Degradation happens whenever a doll's body has to be constantly repaired and or downloaded to a new frame. So in a way... every time a doll dies... it does actually 'kill' them."

While Aria sighs at this, not sure what to say about the fate of the Dolls, Morgan coldly says. "They lost their sense of self."

HiPer and the other Dolls nod, with HiPer going on to say. "While Neural Cloud degradation is not preventable, a T-Doll that has begun to show symptoms related to degradation is usually retired to the civilian sector. This does extend their life expectancy by years, not needing to be constantly serviced after combat."

Shaking her head, Morgan adds. "It still doesn't change the fact that Dolls are made to die in the place of humans, no?"

HiPer goes silent at this as a stifling atmosphere sets in, accompanied by a sigh from Gentiane that basically acknowledged what Morgan said. Gentiane then says. "Dolls, even with personality traits and are acting no different than humans, aren't subjected to the same laws as us humans. Most places still treat them as disposable tools, unlike G&K where we welcome them as comrades and family. Of course, there are bad apples here and there but we try our best to discard those. Here in G&K, even though it's mostly the Dolls that are fighting in the frontline, we never, ever, treat them as disposable."

SCAR-L nods, adding. "Gentiane spoke the truth, Morgan. Echelon 1 had experienced war and we had seen enough Dolls being blown up. Serving in G&K is a vacation compared to the time back then. Whenever possible, G&K will even go out of the way to rescue abandoned Dolls in hostile territories."

SCAR-H, who is leaning on an equipment rack, smirks. "The shining beacon in a brave new world. That's G&K's motto and what better way to show it than to successfully field a never before seen paramilitary group?"

P90 smiles, swinging her legs while sitting on a chair. "You may not know this, but in territories that we controlled, the civilian populace does treat us better due to our daily interaction with them. So I can say that G&K is slowly but surely changing the way the world works."

SCAR-SC adds. "Yeah! And we will keep on supporting G&K, so long as they fight the good battles!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Both Morgan and Aria share a look at their reassuring words. Ultimately, the pilots can only smile wryly, feeling that their situation is similar to their home in another world. Morgan then shrugs. "What can I say? If you're fine with what you're doing then who are we to judge? The best we can do is aid you when we're able to."

"Having said that," Morgan then returns her attention to the computer, typing rapidly at the keyboard. This also prompts the other Dolls to peer in closer to see what she's doing. "Let me start by saying that your Neural Cloud, well, calling it your soul is not a figurative way of speaking."

"What do you mean by that?" HiPer tilted her head in question. The others are also interested, with Gentiane and Aria stepping closer to Morgan's workstation.

Ruffling her hair with a rueful sigh, Morgan explains. "I reacted badly when you compared your Neural Cloud to a 'soul' for a reason, you know? And I will try to put this in the easiest way to understand but I do apologize if this goes way above your heads."

Taking a breather, Morgan then says. "For a soul to be regarded as one, then it must have one's identity, personality, and memories. A soul must also be able to transcend physical death, surviving as immaterial until rebirth. Another thing is that a soul is a concept and it can exist in everything."

Morgant then gives the Dolls a look. "Now answer me. Do you have an identity?"

Hearing the seriousness in Morgan's tone, the Dolls can only nod obediently. Each of them, even if they're artificial, they know that they're real and they carry their given name proudly. They became unique when they set out for the world.

A hint of a smile is presented on Morgan's lips while Gentiane and Aria take the spectator seats. The latter two feel that whatever's going to happen next is too important for side commentators. Morgan goes on to ask another question. "Then, do you have a personality?"

The Dolls return another nod. Each of them favors different things and has their own dislikes, but share a solid bond with each other all the same. They have their moments of tears, their moments of happiness, and even a moment of love for some... Such things aren't possible if they're just standard mass-produced automatons.

Nodding positively at their assertion, Morgan continues with a full smile. "Now, do you have memories?"

It's at this moment that all of the Dolls share a look, confirming something non-verbally. After that, they turn back to Morgan, each sporting a smile of their own. SCAR-L represents them to say. "Of course, we all have our memories, precious ones that we will never, ever want to forget." SCAR-L gestures to herself and her team. "We are a family and we will never leave behind one another or discard the precious times we have together."

Echelon 1 expresses the bond they have in different ways. SCAR-H jumps and hugs SCAR-L from behind while SCAR-SC drapes an arm around HiPer while fist-bumping P90. Their show of camaraderie earns them warm gazes from the pilots and Gentiane, with the latter feeling very proud of her Echelon. Morgan then claps her hands together. "Then let me finish the rest for you. With your neural backups, you can't truly die on a battlefield, being able to revive by using another similar vessel. This is like a dumb-down version of a rebirth cycle but is one nonetheless, and it's for you only. And with the soul being able to exist not just in inanimate objects, do I need to say more?"

The Dolls chuckle with Gentiane and Aria letting out smiles also. "No, you don't, Morgan. We do have souls." Unknowingly to the Dolls, the conversation has removed a weight from their hearts. Perhaps in the future, this very talk will do more than just ease their spirits.

Morgan nods, going on to say. "Good, it will do you great to keep that in mind. You're unique, you're not just mere machines. Even when the time's through, your journey won't end. It's merely a beginning."

Though they acknowledge what Morgan said, HiPer can't help but raise a question. "But Morgan, what is the meaning behind you saying those words?"

Morgan smiles before pulling up a visual representation of HiPer's Neural Cloud for them to see. And it was beautiful. "Why, huh? It's because there's no better way to treat your degradation than to reinforce your sense of self."

Others may not know but HiPer knows her Neural Cloud better than anyone. She is dumbfounded when she notices that her Neural Cloud is a lot more active than before. "J-Just a single talk can improve my Neural efficiency that much!?" HiPer exclaimed in shock. "Then does that mean that the other-!?"

Morgan laughs. "That's right! I haven't checked them but I do think that their Neural Cloud will be much more active than before. From what I can gather, you all have fought many battles, and have seen things normal people shouldn't. Your Neural Clouds are all tired. I will hazard a guess that sooner or later, your team will start to experience the symptoms." Morgan then turns to Gentiane, suggesting with a serious voice. "It's why I will advise G&K to set up regular meetings with expert psychologists for the Dolls. I have no idea why you people haven't thought about this to improve the mental healthcare of the Dolls despite your saying that you treat them as family. As a human, it's possible for one to suffer PTSD, much less a Doll fighting constant battles for you. Need I say out loud that you are hypocrites, failing to even notice the glaring issue in your modus operandi?"

Hearing the sudden cold tone directed at her company, Gentiane is just about to protest when she catches herself in time. Mulling over Morgan's criticism, Gentiane must agree that they have sorely overlooked an important aspect in taking care of the Dolls. So instead of refuting, Gentiane decides to take responsibility by turning to team FN. "I am sorry! I have failed as your commander for not taking care of you properly!" Gentiane apologized sincerely. "I give you my words that I will be bringing this matter up to Boss Kryuger himself. For a long while we have displayed utter incompetency in handling our own side of the deal. And I hope you can give the company a chance to make amends to all of you."

Seeing Gentiane bows in apology, Echelon 1 is flustered and tries to stop her. But ultimately, they have to accept it so that Gentiane can straighten herself out. They won't lie, they feel grateful that both Morgan and Gentiane have taken a step further to promote what they themselves haven't thought of. Directing thankful gazes at Morgan, the T-Dolls sure thank their lucky stars for giving them this awesome new friend.

Morgan smiles, seeing that a pressing matter for the future has been resolved. "Good to see that this world has people like Gentiane to keep it running. You have no idea how disappointed I was when the humans of this Earth decided to kill half of the world in their petter struggle."

Hearing Morgan's jab at WW3, the residents of Earth can only chuckle wryly, unable to refute her words.

"Moving on." Morgan shrugs. "Now that we confirmed that you all have souls, I must give my compliment to whoever makes the basis for your Neural Clouds. This is literally a digital way to represent how a soul. Whoever they are, they have touched on the domain of Gods, even if it's just baby steps."

Though they all are impressed at the sudden high praise coming from Morgan, Aris is the one to say. "Is it even possible for one to even touch upon that domain? Our time here is short but there's no evidence thus far about them even being able to use magic."

Morgan raises two fingers up, mouthing. "There are two possibilities, one is that they aren't even human in the first place. The second, but I believe this is to be the most probable, is that they're an existent that rivals even geniuses. In fact, I will say that they will be able to outsmart our Einstein as they have created T-Dolls with souls. In a way, they're the mother figure of a whole synthetic race!"

Morgan turns to look at Gentiane with a passionate gaze, a burning will know more is presented in her eye but Gentiane helplessly smiles. "Don't look at me. I only know that Neural Cloud hailed from a subsidiary division of IOP, the makers of the Dolls. Other than that, I have no idea about the identities of the maker."

Morgan can only sigh at this. "Then let's leave this talk for another time then. Though I will like to take a look at other Neural Clouds if you girls are fine with it. Partly to check the state of your Neural Clouds, and partly to see if I can further minimize degradation. And to be honest, I will like to learn more about you all. There's no telling when knowledge about your making will be useful down the line."

Representing everyone, SCAR-L lightly smiles, responding. "We will be glad to answer your curiosity, Morgan."

Nodding thankfully, Morgan then adds. "And to be honest, I am curious about Sangvis Ferri's Dolls also. I do know that they're different OS altogether but do they have souls like you girls?"

At that question, the T-Dolls fall into ponder. They admit that they are curious about their current adversaries. SCAR-SC replies. "Though there are attempts at figuring learning more about the currently rogue SF, most have ended in failures with the successful ones coming up with nothing of use. So it's hard to say whether you can learn anything from them but you've proven yourself to be an expert at analyzing our Neural Cloud so..." SCAR-SC then turns to Gentianew. "Maybe?"

As all eyes fall onto her, Gentiane can't help but sigh once more. "Fine... I will see what I can do. Perhaps Kalina hasn't disposed of everything just yet."

Morgan directs a thumb-up at Gentiane in gratefulness, earning an exasperated huff from the base commander. Gentiane has a feeling that her normalcy will be subverted at this rate... Wait for a second, it already was subverted when Morgan confirmed that T-Dolls have souls.

Meh. All the more reason to treat them right, Gentiane thought to herself, very willing to be the commander that her charges can trust.

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