Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Vol 2: National Development – Epilogue: 31st of May

RM Vol 2: National Development – Epilogue: 31st of May

"So, what happens next?" Elysia asked with a curious tone. She, alongside my family, was clearly impressed with the tale of one Admiral Matias Torres.

Unwilling to leave the expectant faces hanging, more because of Ningyo and little Mei directing puppy eyes at me, I then tell them the aftermath of the naval battle.

On a side note, it's not just Elysia and my mothers here at this moment, there are also Bryn, Nicolae, Einstein, and Mobius. Ningyo is sitting alongside her new best friend hailing from the political maneuver we made with the Long Dynasty, Mei. To their side will be Rosa and Mary, her maid who are both sharing a couch. And last but not least are Erika and Lola, my personal bodyguards. The only missing person here is Yggdra who is busy setting up a surprise, according to her words.

Everybody, family, and friends of the family that is, gathered tonight to celebrate an occasion that was blown out of proportion, the 31st of May, my birthday.

"After both sides have lost their flagships, the conflict between them also ceased for the day. Sardegna was forced to regroup and perform a search and rescue operation for their sailors, ignoring the ones from the sinking Spanish vessels. This delayed their invasion plan for a surprising two whole days until they were reinforced by vessels from the Papacy's Romulus fleet. During that time, civilian vessels from the Spanish side also scoured the area to pick up the Inquisitor seamen that survived the battle while what was left of the Inquisition Navy made for friendly a Belkan port. Amidst the confusion, our submarines also snuck in to rescue members of the battleship Tanager, including the unconscious Hero of Comberth Harbor, Matias Torres himself. Right now, the man is receiving medical care in Belka.

As for the Sardegnian Invasion fleet, they had taken Comberth Harbor, or what's left of it anyway. The Inquisition employed scorched earth tactics on the harbor, ruining much of it before pulling out. Sardegna can only use the harbor at full capacity when it has done rebuilding the place. It will no doubt be a costly process though. Aside from that, small skirmishes have already occurred around the vicinity of Comberth Harbor. It's expected that the conflict will escalate into a full-blown war in another month. A period of time that the Inquisition and I can use to further pull Sardegna into a sinkhole." I ended the story-telling there, earning a reverent look from Ningyo and clapping from Mei, who has opened up a lot during her years in Belka.

"Sister is so cool! I like it when your plans and efforts come to fruition!" Ningyo excitedly exclaimed while being hugged in the bosom of my mom, Hel. Coincidentally, I am being held by mama Lu while little Mei is sitting on the lap of Mobius, who has taken a shine on her for the former's brilliant mind. Mei offers me her own compliment while blushing due to her proximity to Mobius' assets, don't worry little Mei, I can understand that pain. "Sister Ningyo is right, sister Yuki is just built differently! For a plan to stretch across countries to go off without a hitch is a wonderful achievement. Though I think the plan couldn't be such a great success if it weren't for the Admiral."

"That's right, isn't it?" Ningyo added. "The Spanish Admiral fought so heroically."

With me being one of the ones reviewing the recorded footage of the battle, even I was impressed.

"What I said was the dumb-downed version of the story. You really can't believe the battle he conducted unless you saw it for yourself. I'm tempted to offer him a seat in our Reichsmarine outright but that can way till we formally induct Spain into our alliance."

I then suddenly feel a pat on my head. Diverting my gaze upward, I come to view the draconic amber orbs belonging to mama Lu. She speaks up with a small smile before pulling me closer into her bosom. It's warm and comfortable but I can feel a sense of defeat welling up inside me when I'm pressed between mama's breasts. "Now, now... It's okay to retell the tale of a heroic last stand but it's another thing when you intrude upon working territory on this fine evening. Let's enjoy your birthday in all of its spirit, Yuki."

Nodding while scratching my cheek after I realized my mistake, I then see Bryn shakes her head. Folding her arms, Bryn interjects in an as-expected tone. "Leave it to Yuki to turn her birthday into a work discussion. I dread the possibility that none of us were presented to put a stop to your workaholic tendency. Einstein and Mobius can't be trusted with that responsibility, that's for sure."

Suddenly coming under fire, Mobius protests in an indignant tone. "In my defense, Yuki is my boss and what kind of subordinate am I if I do not uphold myself to the same standards as the boss?"

"Are you sure it's not because Yuki giving you so much allowance that you completely disregard everything else?" Unexpectedly for Mobius, it's Einstein that tore off her righteous facade.

Sporting a look of betrayal while looking at the straight-face Einstein, Mobius then raises a finger at the blue-haired Doctor. "You of all people don't have the right to say that to me, considering that you're a complete pushover whenever Yuki drags you into her pace."

I then watch as the pair ignore everything else and dive into a sudden quarrel, not out of spite, but out of playfulness between best friends mind you. Unfortunately, little Mei is caught in the crossfire, and seeing her directing a 'help me' look, I then open up my arms, welcoming the girl to hop over to me. "So bold, Yuki, never peg you to be wanting a threesome."

I almost choke on my spit when mama Lu said it only for me to hear. And because little Mei is now sitting to my right, playing with Ningyo and mommy Hel, I can't even retort about mama Lu's choice of words. After directing a look signifying 'I'll get you back for this', I then watch the ongoing quarrel between blue and green with a small grin on my face, one that is mirrored by both Elysia and Nicolae when we all share a look while Bryn is having just about enough with the doctors. From the corner of my eyes, I can see Erika is just about to intervene but Lola pulls her back onto her seat with an amused smile. While this happens, mommy Hel is performing some cool magic tricks for Ningyo and Mei, earning the rapt attention of the impressionable girls. Funnily enough, Rosa and Mary are also entranced by mommy's performance, having never seen magic in such a relaxed setting.

After my inspection, a feeling of contentment and happiness can't help but soar in me. Yeah, this is it, this is what I've been fighting for. Family. All those time planning and working are spent to preserve the smile of this weird family of mine. So no matter how they advise me not to, I think I will be overworking a lot more in the future to protect my dearests.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

While I am renewing my conviction, Yggdra finally blinks into existence, her hands carrying a tray that is holding a big tiramisu cake with cutely decorate words and candles. After placing down the cake, Yggdra then moves to pat my head before high-fiving mama Lu before, with a snap of her fingers, lighting up the eighteen candles with a gentle flame.

Under the expectant gazes of everyone, I can't help but smile before making my own wish. "I wish their smiles and happiness can last forever and that I can bask in their care and love." Before blowing out the candles in one go.

After a short cheer from everyone, much singing and bantering ensue while we all enjoy the delectable cake baked by Yggdra. I don't know what time is it when, all of a sudden, mama Lu says with a finger under her chin. "Now that she is 18 and well-endowed, who will be claiming her first then?" She said absentmindedly but the question also caused others to be in a trance.

All of a sudden, my danger sense keeps sending me alerts as Yggdra suddenly teleports next to me and places her hands on my shoulders.

"Yoink!" And then I disappeared.


The sudden development stunned everyone, Lu, in particular, is opening and closing her hands like she still can't believe that Yuki just got kidnapped right under her nose, literally. "Did she just yoink Yuki?" Her shocked face must be evident for Nicolae is seen struggling to contain herself as she witnessed the others being one-upped by Yggdra.

"Yes, yes she did just yoink Yuki." Nicolae said with her palm covering her mouth. "Pfft- Hahaha! N-Not good! I can't stand it! Hahaha! Your faces are so worth it to be here!"

As Nicolae is rolling on the floor laughing out loud and down for the count, the others that are emotionally attached to Yuki jump to their feet, collectively shouting. "YGGDRA!" Much to the dismay of Ningyo and Mei that are covering their ears, obviously confused as to what is going on. On the side, Erika is shaking her head while Lola is also following Nicolae's steps and is seen laughing her ass off.

It's Elysia that brings the situation under control by asking. "Follow me! We will be raiding Yggdra's house and reattain Yuki, sisters!" And thus Yuki's harem charges forward, willingly braving the hellish natural corridors of Yggdrasil to reclaim what's theirs. Or so it would seem...

Yeah, this birthday party is confusing to even write about.


Blinking into existence, above what can only be described as a grand, and I mean GRAND, and fluffiest bed ever made, Yuki and Yggdra plop down onto maroon-colored bedding. After reorganizing her thoughts, Yuki bursts out into a fit of giggles as she can vividly imagine the confused looks on everyone's faces.

Yggdra did mount a surprise attack and kidnapped her right under their watch, after all. The stake was also very high, considering that Yuki is now legal and her first time is up for grabs. Yggdra was just that fast in standing up, grasping Yuki's shoulders, refusing to elaborate, and then blinking them high up into her abode.

Seeing that Yuki is laughing without a care in the world, Yggdra also let out a smile of her own before pulling Yuki closer.

"You know, for just a girl that's younger than us by a multitude of ages, you're one sinful girl for attracting such a fine group of talented maidens, obvious to the fact that you already have a devoted lover by your side." Yggdra said in a teasing tone, her sapphire eyes twinkly in mischievousness as she lightly bobbed Yuki's nose.

Having heard Yggdra putting it that way, even Yuki can't help but be a bit ashamed. "I'm truly sorry, you know? I know that you've been patiently waiting for me all this while. I have no excuse for plucking flowers left, right, and center while ignoring your feelings."

Yggdra chuckles at the honesty of her little treasure. "Now you're sounding just like the unenlightened mortals, even if you're being honest, which I very much appreciated." She then moves on to pat Yuki's soft hair. "It's completely fine, Yuki. In case you forget, we are not mortals and are unbounded by their morality. We're entitled to pursue whichever fancy our interests and none have the right to berate us for that. Well, none but ourselves but you get the idea. Did you forget that I approved of them being worthy figures to stand alongside your journey?"

Having no other words to say at this, Yuki just chuckles before turning over to hug Yggdra. Taking a few deep breaths of her refreshing natural aroma, Yuki finally has enough courage to mutter. "Thanks again, Yggdra, your approval means a lot."

Yggdra just squeeze Yuki a bit tighter, being so huggable and all, while saying. "You know, even Viola, our mother-turned-daughter, has a harem of her own, one that treats each member well like a loving family. So I wonder just who is the trend starter here, hum?"

"Eh... Now that's a million dollars question, basically the chicken and the egg question." Yuki couldn't help but ponder seriously at that.

They both then fell into a comfortable silence before both start gazing into each other's eyes. After a few seconds of holding their gazes, they then burst out into giggles.

"Seriously, why are we having that discussion?" Yuki said amidst her laughter, leading Yggdra to say. "I truly don't know, it just feels right to have that talk at the moment."

"Yeah... How is Viola? Will she be joining us in the future?" Yuki asked, a wistful look appearing on her face. "I miss the time when she used to run around the house with Ophis chasing her."

"Viola is perfectly fine and happy, Yuki. And I think you already that she has picked up the knack of being a bartender, just like her mother a long time ago. It's just that her bartending job now tends to involve solving some troubles... violently." Yggdra informed with a small smile.

Yuki chuckles. "Yeah, as expected of our daughter! I trust that she has been kicking ass and changing lives while she's at it?"

Nodding, Yggdra replies. "Plenty, you have no idea how many souls she changed for the better during her bartending tenure. As for whether she will be joining us, the answer will be yes. But as you would have known, Time is relative so it's unknown when will Viola open a rift to visit us."

"That's fine, I can, no, we can wait. I think our family will be quite shocked when she does pop in for a hello."

It's now Yggdra's turn to chuckle. "That will be an understatement."

They then proceed to catch up with each other for a bit more before Yuki asks the golden question with an embarrassed look. "So... Will we be doing that tonight? It has been quite a while and I think the others will be bursting the door any moment now."

Instead of replying, Yggdra leans in to claim a deep kiss on Yuki's lips. An exchange of bodily fluid ensues for a couple of minutes before Yggdra starts pulling out, leaving behind a blushing mesh that is Yuki. Grinning at this little spoon of hers, Yggdra comments.

"Really, in one moment you're can be such a casanova but the next, after being pressed by a subject of your love, you can be such a sloppy mess, much a kin to Viola. Like mother like daughter, I suppose."

Lightly pinching Yggdra's cheek to no avail, Yuki pouts with a red face. "Don't tease me! Us being like that is in our nature already! How the hell are we supposed to change that!" She is soon silenced by a pat on the head from Yggdra, however.

"There, there. Don't get too worked up will you? You're so cute that I may be unable to contain me from eating you up."

Rolling her eye, Yuki says. "I... guess there won't be a, you know, that tonight."

"As much as I like to do it, it doesn't feel like the right moment. It isn't romantic enough." Yuki can feel the hidden desire behind Yggdra's words, heck, she herself is also wanting this Goddess in front of her. But as Yggdra said, the atmosphere isn't correct if they want to advance to the next step.

"So... A date?" Yuki tentatively asked, a bit of expectation seeped into her voice, one that was easily noticed by Yggdra.

Letting out a smile, Yggdra nods before pulling off the eyepatch covering Yuki's divine construct, her clockwork eye. Gently kissing that eye, Yggdra replies. "A date it is, for each of us. I think it will be best for the family to take a vacation once troubles have settled down."

Hearing this, Yuki can't help herself from giving out a big smile. "That's a promise then!" She said that right at the moment when the door leading to their bedroom was kicked down.

Turning around to look at the indignant look from the rest of the family, Yuki and Yggdra can't stop themselves from laughing at their miserable state, clearly distraught from Yggdra's corridors of trolling. Her Goddess lover can be such a Devil sometimes.


Deep into the night, when everybody is asleep, Yggdra slips off the bed after kissing Yuki before heading out to the veranda. Gazing up at the vivid constellations in the sky, Yggdra finds herself appreciating their twinkles for a short moment before saying. "Still can't sleep?" Turning around, Yggdra sees herself gazing into purple eyes of Nicolae.

Nicolae, on her part, fixes her purple bed gown before joining the Mother Goddess. "Well, I never need sleep though I do enjoy the feeling. So, troubles keeping you awake?"

"More like she is waiting for someone." A new voice interjected from behind them.

Glancing back, Nicolae and Yggdra see a princess-like young girl with platinum blonde hair and a white dress walking up to them. The girl's ruby red eyes then scan Yggdra and Nicolae for a few moments, an envious expression appears on her face while doing that. "Seriously, just why are you people so well-endowed!? Just what have you been feeding on!?"

Instead of answering that question, Yggdra quips back. "Never thought I will hear that from the Will of Earth herself. Regardless, a fine night to you, Alaya."

Nicolae gives the girl, Alaya, a cursory scan before saying. "I see, you're still growing." Patting the Will of Earth's shoulder, Nicolae says with a straight face. "Give them time."

Looking at Nicolae like she's just killed off the entire human race, Alaya says. "... You know what, I'm starting to regret being here."

Chuckling, Yggdra responds. "Now, now. It's just some harmless bantering. Besides, it's your idea to meet me out here."

Nicolae then perks up at this. "Oh! Oh! Is it possible that we will be having an affair with Alaya here?"

Yggdra straight up bursts out giggling while Alaya glares at the Shoggoth, clearly displeased with the insinuation.

"None of that sort, no.' Yggdra intervened Alaya decided to blow her top. "Alaya is here to discuss the matter that has been slipping past our Einherjar."

"I see, I see. Sorry about the misunderstanding." Nicolae nodded repeatedly.

Seeing the nonchalant Nicolae, Alaya decides to just ignore the Shoggoth for now. "Knowing that being here any longer will cost me my sanity, I will cut to the chase. They have stepped up their games and countless lives will be lost if they won't be stopped soon. So you better have the plan to cleanse them up otherwise a continental disaster will be the least of your concern. I won't be pulling punches when I decide to retaliate."

"We do have the plan it's just that the Einherjar are still struggling to determine the location of the shadowy group behind Sardegna's supersoldier program. So far, we have determined that they're in a pocket dimension, one that has its entrance teleporting all over Sardegna to cover their tracks. Though I think that my dear Yuki has an idea on how to put a stop to their running. Am I right, Nicolae?"

"Yup! Though it will take some time, we will be getting the first batch of devices known as Reality Anchors. Once activated, they will do more than just lock down the spatial coordinate of that pocket dimension." The Shoggoth eagerly replied, having had hands on their making.

Alaya, though relieved to hear that, is still unsure about the future. "I have no doubt that they will be dealt with then, it's just that by the time they're removed, who knows how much blood will have to be shed for their misguided ambition."

"If I recall correctly, you did tip us that they have former Belkans under their payrolls, right?" Nicolae asked Alaya, earning a nod from the Will of Earth.

"I see, I wonder whether it's willingly or unwillingly though."

"If it's the former, they will find that not even Gods can escape punishment for breaking the pact between a Primordial Goddess and a Will of the Planet. Though if it's the latter..." Alaya let the words hang. Even she is having a hard time deciding on what to do if the latter is to be true, no matter how small the chance is.

It's Yggdra that speaks up after a short silence befalls them. "We will cross that bridge later, after all, it still doesn't change the fact that you will still retaliate with the Counter Force against the breach of Contract. I just hope that you won't be targeting Yuki and her associates personally as promised." Yggdra narrowed her eyes after saying this.

Understanding that she has to give a good answer lest she faces the Mother Goddess' wrath, Alaya promptly waves her hand, saying. "Don't worry too much, I know that it's stupid to harm the sole ticket that can elevate me further than being just a Will of Earth. When Yuki and her influence reach the Stars, so too will mine. You have my word that although my warning for the entire World will be a big one, it's not something Yuki can't stop with her available assets."

It's Nicolae that adds in. "Not to forget that since I'm an Outer Goddess, a Shoggoth, I can also intervene without breaking the Pact if needed."

Having received their assurance, Yggdra nods, pleased. Alaya however, has a twitching eyebrow when Nicolae interjected like that.

"You know, I'm still helluva pissed when an Outer Goddess just invaded this Universe out of nowhere. And I'm peeved because there's literally nothing I can do about her. She is literally outside the System!"

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