Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 10: Briefing

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 10: Briefing

"Marshal," Bryn, who is dressed in a white officer uniform, addressed Yuki while saluting. Prompting the other ONI officers in the underground operation center to follow suit  "You've arrived just in time."

Returning the salute, Yuki then says. "At ease, ladies and gentlemen. Give me a SITREP." Having said that, Yuki then turns to her side, taking a look at Agent wearing a custom-made maid dress. "Please get me a cup of coffee. I think I will be needing one very soon."

Lifting the hem of her maid skirt, Agent curtsies. "Yes, Master, do you have any preference?"

Showing a mischievous smile, Yuki answers. "Surprise me."

"As you wish, my Master." Swiftly, but silently, the maid steps away for the kitchen area, fully intending to fulfill her Master's request. The sight of the notorious Section Head of ONI Section One acting as a maid doesn't faze anybody's presence. They're either used to it or are true professionals, unabashed by the reality-breaking image.

With that out of the way, Yuki returns her attention to Bryn, offering an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I need that coffee right now. It has been a long day."

Smiling understandingly, Bryn lightly says. "I understand. Let's finish this smoothly so you can take a break."

Seeing Yuki returns a nod, Bryn then operates her handheld military tablet. Directly in front of where Yuki is sitting is a large viewing screen, divided into multiple smaller information panels. Nearer to them, however, is a long holotable where high-ranking members of the Belkan military are already situated, ready for the briefing. Bryn, then pulls up a holo-image, a three-dimension map of the airspace above the border of the Celtic Sea and the Bay of Biscay. From that, Yuki and the rest of the VIPs see a blue holographic representation of Belkan's 1st Carrier Strike Group. Bryn then zooms the imagery in closer, allowing them to see multiple Ospreys parked on the flight decks of the aircraft carrier Yggdrasil and the battlecarrier Mainz.

"Preparation for the first phase of the upcoming operation has been completed, Marshal. All the Ravens are cleared for op insert and the Ospreys are taking off as we speak." Having said that, the Ospreys aboard the carriers proceed to lift off from the deck, gaining altitude above 10000 meters thanks to special modification. "They will be escorted by two squadrons of Phantoms until the mission is over. As of now, the 1st Strike Group is still under the radar of any unwanted party. Our AWACS and submarines have helped steer the Strike Group away from any radar and sonar contact. The risk of the chosen flight path for the insertion group is rated to be minimal by one of our AWACS that is circling above Spain."

Yuki nods in acknowledgment. "And our timetable?"

"By 00:30, the Ravens will be performing a HALO jump above the designated drop zone. After that, the flight of Osprey will be refueled midair while waiting for the extraction signal. Once the Ravens touch the ground, they will be guided by their accompanying handlers and our AWACS to avoid Sardegnian patrols. It's expected that by 01:00 at the latest that the Ravens will encircle our target location."

Bryn then shows a detailed holo-image of the Ravens' landing zone, their predicted path toward the target, and a detailed layout of a military/prisoner camp that is unmarked on the Spanish map. It's a forestry mountainous area, making standard parachute operation difficult but for the Ravens, this will be a cakewalk.

"ROE when uninvited guests show up?" One of the VIPs asked, a beastwoman holding the rank of General in the Army.

"Neutralize if non-hostile. Lethal force is allowed if otherwise, General Belladonna." Bryn answered calmly.

"If they are forced to go loud, our chance in sweeping them away without notifying the world of our involvement in this?" Another person questioned, it was General Jurgen of the Reich Air Force. Being one of the parties that have and will be investing heavily in this operation, he is rightfully concerned.

"Currently, the teams that are on the way hold no discernible trait that will betray their country of origin. Even the handlers are picked with their disguise and concealment ability in mind. All of our aircraft and munitions are wiped clean of any ID markers. In the off-chance that one of our ground members or aircraft is downed, specialized incendiary charges are deployed to erase any trace of their existence in Spain. A time limit for the mission timer is also enforced to reduce the chance of being spotted by unwanted parties. They have until 03:00 to bag all mission objectives before exfiltrating the AO."

Hearing the explanation, General Jurgen rests his case. "I thank you for your clarification."

Bryn nods, then continues while looking at Grand Admiral Donitz. "Once the extraction flight has picked up the exfiltration group, they will then make a beeline back to the 1st Strike Group for a debrief. We are expecting that no contact will be able to lay its eyes on the Strike Group during the duration of the mission. However, if the Strike Group is spotted at sea, we are expecting the Rear Admiral in charge to react accordingly to our ROE." Bryn then turns to Yuki, finishing her speech. "That is all for now, Marshal."

Nodding, Yuki smiles at Bryn. "Thanks for keeping me in the loop, Bryn." Earning herself a nod from the Valkyrie in return. Yuki then turns to Dreamer, Einstein, and Mobius that are on the other side of the holotable. Of the four people that made the Raven Program possible, excluding Nicolae who is off to play with the rest of the family, all are presented here for a review of the Ravens' oversea operation. "So, what do you think of their chances to accomplish the missions with flying colors?"

Smirking, Mobius says proudly. "A hundred percent, of course! They are my, no... Our proudest creation yet! They will be able to accomplish all objectives with no losses, no hiccups!"

Dreamer chuckles when she sees the boasting Mobius. "Though I am not one for big words, I must agree with Mobius here on this one. They will perform splendidly and you will see that the investment we keep pouring into the program is not misplaced."

"Well, they better be, since each of them is worth a destroyer at sea!" Grand Admiral Donitz laughed, placing wry smiles on the faces of everyone.

Einstein can't stop her blue head from offering a rebuttal though. "To be fair, we are working on cost-saving measures without risking the effectiveness of our program. The first batch of Ravens has been an eye-opening experience and has allowed us to gain insight into how to better our methods of creating a Raven. We have high hope that, very soon, we will be able to create three Ravens with the cost of two. Meaning the surplus money will be used for you to have your little destroyer now, Admiral Donitz."

"Oof." For some reason, everyone can feel that the last sentence hit harder than it should. Admiral Donitz, in particular, deadpans. "Lassie, in my head, you should be the last person to offer such a biting response. Now I suddenly feel that our destroyers really aren't big enough because of you, damn it." Donitz then grasps his head, suddenly pondering about the size of his destroyers and the fleet they form.

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Einstein, however, is obvious the fact when the rest look at her with raised eyebrows. "What?"

Shaking their heads, they choose to either focus on the upcoming mission or talk about military-related matters. Agent then returns with a cart of coffee and mugs for everybody. The maid soon serves the table with warm, decaf coffee, with the option between milk and sugar for them to choose from. Bryn picks black with two spoons of sugar. Yuki, on her part, partakes in milk as per usual. The aromatic scent from the coffee instantly gives her a rush of energy for the task ahead. The others also make their choice with the rest of Yuki's love interest mimicking her in choosing milk. Cute, Yuki thought about them while Bryn is all mature.

"Thanks, Agent. The coffee did surprise me." Yuki complimented honestly, making Agent bow.

"It's my honor to serve you, Master."


Operation Spaniard Freedom

  • Time and Date: [REDACTED]
  • Location: [REDACTED]

Operation summary:

  • [REDACTED] Actual gave the green light for Operation Spaniard Freedom with Noble Team and Blue Team being the first to drop in. This is a black op meaning all teams must operate under the radar with discretion in mind. Failure to do so will mean that the teams will be disavowed.
  • The purpose of Spaniard Freedom is to support the Spanish Coalition in the dark in conjunction with the overt Shadow Company. The end goal of this operation is for Sardegna to be bogged down in a bitter battle with the Coalition. Forcing the Christian State to be locked in the Mediterranean.
  • Methods to ensure this is as follows, but not limited to Espionage, Targeted Killing, Direct Action, Unconventional Warfare, Raiding, Acquisition of High-value Target, Hostage Rescue,... It's expected that [REDACTED] Teams will be operating behind enemy lines with minimal communication and support.
  • [REDACTED] Teams will be periodically exchanged at random intervals.

Mission summary:

  • [REDACTED] identified a combination of a military and prisoner camp, Southwest of Murcia. The location is rural, hidden in a lush mountainous region with a singular access path for prisoner trucks. Patrols are expected to be Sardegnian Army foot mobiles in the wood with three stationary checkpoints along the road leading up to the camp. Minimal armored presence. No possibility of enemy air assets upon touchdown.
  • Op-insert via HALO. Air assets will be on standby for the extraction of mission objectives. Aerial recon is available. Fire Support is requestable only when FUBAR.
  • Find the location of Spanish hostages in the camp. Extract them via air evac.
  • Teams are to stay behind for further tasking against the occupation force of Sardegna once primary objectives are completed.
  • All Teams must LEAVE no trails. Maintain proper ROE at all times.

Primary objectives:

  1. Infiltrate the AO and scout the designated grid zone.
  2. Locate and extract all hostages.
  3. Leave no survivors.

Secondary objectives:

  1. Eliminate or capture HVT: [REDACTED] identified a Colonel, one Emmanuel Lucius, is on-site. Marked as responsible for the war crimes at the camp, the target is highly valuable to counter the Sardegnian war effort.
  2. Secure further evidence of war crimes at the camp.

End Briefing.

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