Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 12: Spaniard Freedom (Part 2)

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 12: Spaniard Freedom (Part 2)


"So let's go over our plan one last time." Said Raven-117, Blue Team's leader and going by the name John. On John's opened palm is a holographic display of the terrain surrounding the enemy camp. "Once we reach the base, we will first take out the enemy perimeter patrols and road checkpoints."

"After that," Jun added. "Kelly, and I will be setting up overwatch positions on the surrounding mountains. Lock down the entire AO together with Catherine and Linda up in the sky." The ladies in question nodded.

Carter then speaks up. "By that time, the rest of us, numbering five, will encircle the base, tightening the noose. With the help of our AWACS, they won't be able to send any word out via radio. That still leaves a potential risk, however..."

"Flares." Catherine interjected. "There exists a mortar pit to the Western side of the camp, and the flares they can send up will be visible to Sardegnians from Murcia. From what we know, officers also carry their own flare pistols."

A member of Blue Team, Raven-104 Frederic, grunts in acknowledgment. "So we divide and conquer then? Disable the mortars and knock out the officers first."

Catherine nods. "And while you're at it, kill the alarm system. It's best we don't go louder than it already is, thanks to a certain big guy." She pointed at Jorge, more specifically his unsuppressed HMG.

Patting his Etika, a name Jorge lovingly blessed his HMG with, Jorge jokingly says. "Ignore her, dear Etika, she is just jealous of your beauty."

Rolling her eyes, Catherine quips back. "And of his go to the deep end. Jokes aside, Jorge will be in reserve until his firepower is needed. Intel denoted that there are a few vehicles in the camp's motor pool, Jorge will make a good counter if a tank suddenly shows up."

"Until then," Emile smirked, twirling his kukri. "We go at it up close and personal, all the way till we can't."

Carter reminds. "Just don't forget. Our priority is to secure the prisoners. I would like for them to be unharmed during our scuffle, thank you very much."

Raven-058 Linda then asks. "What about the secondary HVT?"

"He's just that, secondary." John answered. "We should focus on the elimination of dangerous elements and securing the prisoners first. If anybody sees a good chance then either seize or kill him. While we're skulking about, make sure you transmit everything you see back to Overlord. I have a feeling what we will be seeing there won't be pretty."

"That's a reminder to keep yourself cool, all of you." Carter added.

"Roger." Said everyone.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Good, now if you'll excuse me, I have the unenviable task of conversing our plan of action with Overlord." John said before switching over to the command channel.


Props to the Sardegnians in charge of this remote corner of Spain, they may be lacking in other areas but they're able to keep up a proper security perimeter, at least. The checkpoints are well-lit and well-positioned on the road that leads up to the camp. In the treelines, groups of soldiers, ranging from a pair of sentries to a fireteam, scour the mountainous terrain with the help of handheld flashlights and oil lamps. The Sardegnians sure as Hell don't want unwanted eyes to approach the camp. That or they are afraid of a breakout. Either way, assaulting the place without drawing eyes would be hard, for a standard force that is. The Ravens are anything but standard.

Having cleared out most of the forest patrols and two checkpoints stealthily, the Ravens are making their way to take out the last patrol group, a Sardegnian fireteam. Guided by the eyes on the sky, courtesy of Catherine, Linda, and their AWACS, the Ravens soon surround the unknowing Sardegnians. Living true to their CQC expertise, Frederic and Emile slowly approach a pair of enemy soldiers that are trailing behind the other two. Then, they swiftly cover the mouths of the unsuspecting enemies before stabbing their respective commando dagger and kukri into the back of their heads. Silently, they pull the bodies back behind foliage, waiting for a chance to take out the last two.

After a minute of walking and bantering, one of the yet-to-be-killed turns around, flashing his light to look for his friends. "What the Hell? Capo? Francesco? Where are you guys?"

"They're probably going off on a tangent again, probably taking a piss and smoke in the process. Ignore them, they have their own light." The other said, annoyed. "As long as they make it back before shift change, I don't care what kind of hole they're banging in right now."

"Huh..." Responded the first one, before deciding. "You know what, you go back first. I should go and find these knuckleheads before they forgot why we're out here."

"You do you, I guess. Just shout, or better yet, fire your rifle if you need something." His partner said before going ahead, the light coming from his lamp soon fade behind trees and shrubbery. Unknown to them, this will be the last time they will ever see each other.

Now alone, the one staying behind slowly traverses the dark wood, searching for any sign of his teammates' activity as a strange chill creeps up his back. "C-Capo? Francesco?" He called out to his friends, suddenly very aware that he is now alone. "Where the fuck are you guys?!"

Though he shouted, not a single living soul responded. It's at this moment that a bad premonition washes over the man. "I swear to the Lord if this is another prank from you guys...!" In the middle of cursing out, the soldier feels a tap on his shoulder, making him jump in fright. "F-Fuck you, motherfuckers!"

"Just you wait until I stab my bayonet in your buttho-" Still thinking that it was his teammates playing a prank, the man turns around with a huff, only to pale in fright when a towering skull peered down at him.

Grinning wickedly behind his helmet, Emile mouths the word. "Boo."

"H-Hii-!" Before the man can scream out, his face without a shade of blood, Emile rams his kukri through the poor sod's skull, eviscerating any semblance of life from the last patrolman.

Pulling out his knife before cleansing the brain matters and blood with water magic, Emile lets the body falls to the floor as the rest of the Ravens approach him. "You could have let the poor lad die a... less impactful death." Jorge chided the skull-face of the group.

Emile chuckles sadistically in response. "Now, where's the fun in that?" Sheathing his kukri, Emile comes to see that most of the Ravens are here. "You guys done with your business?"

Carter is the one that answers, a bit pointedly. "The last checkpoint is down for the count while Fred here took out the second to last enemy ages ago while you were stalking yours." Emile shrugs nonchalantly at this. Shaking his head, Carter continues while walking away. "Let's double time to the camp, Jun and Kat already have a good eye on the enemy. It seems like they're throwing a party quite late in the night, and haven't caught on to our scent yet."

Whistling, Emile comments while picking up his pace. "Then they must love the smell of badassery coming their way!" Being the point man, Emile soon runs ahead of the formation.

John, being Carter's fellow team leader, turns to the man with a look. "Is he always like that?"

Sighing, Carter replies. "You have no idea, John. Though the man is dependable than what he tends to express."


At the heart of this midnight mission, the unmarked prisoner-of-war camp is bristling with activity. Cheering, catcalling, and lecherous peals of laughter, accompanied by the unsavory actions of the men here, serve to bring distaste to the Belkans that lay eyes on the site.

Halfway across Europe and in the underground command bunker, Yuki can't help but frown while resting her head on a fist. For the Marshal, it's not the scene of men and women being blown to bits and pieces that cause her discomfort. Rather, it's the sight of mature women, pretty ladies, and cute girls of all ages being showcased as mere toys, servants, naked in front of the elements, and afraid under the perverted gazes of men. If it weren't for the combined effort of Bryn, Einstein, Mobius, Agent, and Dreamer, Yuki would have cut loose and ruined the holotable in spite.

It's not just Yuki that is struggling to contain her wrath, however. In fact, even experienced people like General Belladonna and Jurgen, Admiral Donitz, and the cold-blooded ONI agents, scrunched up their brows in disgust. The sight of a defenseless child being groped and manhandled by the worst of men has gone against any semblance of laws and morals. Just this singular footage alone is more than enough to make sure Sardegna will burn. But then again, it's not the time for that just yet.

Emile, being the one to have the darkest of past in the Raven program, is barely able to contain his impulse to rush in and cause carnage. For a moment, the memories of his family's decapacitated head resurface at the forefront of his mind. Knowing that he won't be able to stop himself if his kukri can't taste the blood of the enemies in front of them, Emile bypasses Carter and goes straight to command.

"Overlord, this is Noble Four, permission to engage." His voice was laced with the deadliest of intent.

Being the one to have been keeping a close eye on this Noble Four, Yuki knows better than to stop him. "Noble Four this is Actual, standby for another minute. Noble Two and Blue Four are taking care of the mortar pit and the base's generator as we speak. Once the light is down, you have free rein to shed blood. Friendly reminder, keep your eyes on the prize."

"This is AWACS Sky Eye, on-board analysis confirms that not all prisoners are out and about. There could be more being held in the prison and the private quarters of the camp." Said an operator aboard the Airborne Warning and Control System Osprey.

"Overlord, copy. We have verified that intel to be true. Ground team, engage with lethal force but watch out for collateral damage."

"This is Noble One, received."

"This is Blue One, roger."

Due to the bird-eye view provided by the AWACS, Yuki can see that Noble Two and Blue Four have successfully disabled the mortars and electrical generators. Because of their actions, the debauchery at the camp has been brought to a screeching halt as everything is plunged into darkness, saved for a few fluctuating oil lamps.

"This is Noble Three and Blue Three, got eyes on the camp."

"Noble Two and Blue Four, we're able to provide support anywhere you need."

"This is Blue One and Two, we're in position to the North of the prison area."

"This is Noble Five, posting up at the main gate. Will be knocking on the front door whenever you need me."

"Noble One and Four here, we've set up for an assault."

At the end of the roll call, Carter then reports. "This Noble One to Actual, we're in place. Awaiting your order."

"Actual to all elements," With her voice laced with cold fury, Yuki gave the words. "No mercy."


With the sudden befall of darkness, the party is cut short as the officers give the order to restore the lighting system. Begrudgingly, the soldiers disperse as they maroon in the dark to light up their flashlights and lamps, a group detaches to move to the generators as the others stay to clean up the party. The officers, on the other hand, either lead the dispirited and scared women back to their bunks or shove them back to the prison area. Goes unknown to them all is the fact that the guards, posted on the surrounding towers of the camp, are killed silently with well-placed shots to the heads. These kills are the handiworks Catherine, Kelly, and Linda with their suppressed G1SDs and SG-8mm.

With the enemy overwatch taken care of by their flying Ravens, members of Blue Team and Noble Team jump over the razor-wired fence as they swiftly clear through the camp, corner by corner, building by building. Everywhere they go, blood and death are left in their wake, killed either by bloodied stab or a suppressed shot to the head. 

Having found themselves approaching the officers' quarter, Carter motions for Emile to stop before telling him to take an ambush position. Without a sound, Emile crouched running into a shadow of a nearby building, kukri and USP-SOCOM in his hands. On his part, Carter hoists himself on an empty and unlit balcony with clothes hanging on a dryer, the owner of which is lying in a pool of blood near him. Training his rifle down the road where a group of officers is approaching with a pair of hostages, Carter runs a facial check and scores a mark.

"This is Noble One, positive ID on Colonel Emmanuel Lucius. Second from my left and is crossing his arm over a hostage, confirm?"

"This is Noble Two, confirm the target is the Colonel."

"This is Blue Four, that's the HVT."

"This is Overlord Actual, the HVT is danger-close to the primary objective, proceed at your behest with caution." Yuki interjected.

"Good copy, Actual." Carter looks down at the sight of his rifle, the helmet he wears allows him the ease to acquire the target thanks to a smart-link system with the gun. "Noble One to Noble Two and Blue Four, I need a sync shot on the Colonel's group. I have a clear shot on the left-most target."

"Noble Two here, aiming at the rightmost guy."

"This is Blue Four, clear shot on the second from the right guy."

"This is Noble Four, boss, leave the Colonel and the pair flanking him to me." Counting the Colonel, there are six enemies and Emile volunteers to take out three of them.

"Good copy, Noble Four. This Noble One, taking the shot in 5... 4... 3... 2... Firing!" With a single pull of the trigger, Carter sends a subsonic hollow point 8mm bullet with a ballistic tip at the head of an unsuspecting Sardegnian officer. At the same time, Catherine and Linda also fire at their own targets. All three bullets hit true and completely blow away the heads of the officers.

As the headless bodies crumple to the ground, spraying fountains of blood everywhere, Emile springs into action from behind the Colonel and two other officers that are standing stock still in their drunken stupor. Quickly, Emile opens fire two times with his USP, killing the non-HVTs by shooting their heads in the back before holstering his pistol. Then, he closes the distance and uses his kukri to cut the arm tendons of the Colonel, but not before clamping the bastard's mouth shut. The sight of exploding heads and a bonafide Grim Reaper should have been a cause for the hostages to scream bloody murder but thankfully, they don't. Of the three hostages, two are knocked out by Catherine who has flown down to secure them while one other already has her spirit broken, long ago. The girl just standing there, motionlessly as her body was bathed in fresh blood.

The sight of a child, barely 15 years in age give or take a couple due to her malnourishment, yet was broken into an unfeeling doll caused Emile to bite back his words: 'Hello ladies~!'

Instead, with a renewed fury, Emile kicks the leg of the Colonel, forcing him onto his knees with his arms flinging aimlessly and powerlessly. Peering down at him with his skull visor, Emile chuckles with sadistic humor as he carves a bloody line on the forehead of the frightened Sardegnian. Oh, he would have loved it to torture this lesser dog for the crimes he committed but Emile knows, there is a fate worse than death awaiting him in Belka. So, Emile knocks the living daylight out of this Emmanuel Lucius. ONI will be having a field day with him later.

Carter and Catherine saw his act of cruelty but ultimately move on to secure the hostages. As a matter of fact, everyone in the bunker back at Belka saw it, they're both impressed and glad that the hot-blooded Raven has such good a restrain on his impulse. 

Emile moves to the kid, the girl sure has the short end of the straw. In a surprising act of kindness, Emile puts the girl to sleep with a spell before carrying her body inside a clean officer's bedroom. Laying the naked and bloodied girl on the bed before covering her with a blanket, Emile makes sure to lock the door and marks it before walking out. The Noble Four then come to see his teammates giving him a weird look. He doesn't know it but those over at Belka are also surprised because of his action.

"What?" Asked Emile grumbly.

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