Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 16: Aftereffects

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 16: Aftereffects

With the successful extraction of the female prisoners, ONI soon takes control of the situation and deposits them in a black site. It's there that ONI starts a round of treatments, helping the new arrivals to recover from their injuries and traumatic experiences. The few that are quick enough to recover, are handed over to an information acquisition team. Thanks to them and the intelligence extracted from the prisoners' camp ONI has compiled a list of incriminating evidence. Yuki soon has it forwarded to Shadow Company in Spain. Using them as a proxy, she publishes everything she has for the whole world to see.

Understandably, the photographic and recorded evidence of what happened in Spain caught the world by storm. Public outrage about the hypocritical actions the Sardegnian Army has undertaken in Spain is at an all-time high. The effects of this are almost immediate, coming from the major superpowers of the world.

The USA, having been under duress due to a wave of racial discrimination instigated by Sardegna, capitalizes on this chance to denounce the Papal State with everything they have. This put out the wind blowing the racially discriminatory sail and when coupled with intensive propaganda and bribery, American citizens soon make a 180 degrees turn with their attitude. It has taken a bit of work but America has put down the fire in a matter of weeks. And with that, the capitalist regime can now focus on expanding its influence and enjoying the benefit it brings. Almost immediately after they've secured their home turf, the USA kickstarts a campaign of sanctions against Sardegna with enough just causes to make the Sardegnian ambassadors flee in shame. Not stopping there, America intensifies its material support for Spain. This ensures that while the US is still at peace on paper, the factories are put under wartime production and creating more job offers for its populace. A win-win situation for the capitalists and the people. Rumor has it that President Roosevelt is contemplating forming a volunteer division of mixed racial traits to be sent to Spain. Partly for a publicity stunt for his upcoming election, partly to foster a camaraderie spirit among the American citizens. The last wave of racial hate was annoying to deal with so Mr. Roosevelt wants it gone for good. It's totally not because he is being petty with Sardegna.

On another interesting note. Once the racial hate has died down, the USA formally extends the most esteem of invitation for the Belkan idols Eden and Elysia. 

Following the footstep of the giant that is America, the neighboring superpowers of Sardegna start their own campaign against the Papacy. Being the one closest to Spain, Ustio, Loyalist and Reformist alike, cuts their ties with Sardegna. They go as far as alerting the garrisons in their African colonies in the advent of possible Sardegnian foul plays. Playing by the rulebook about war crimes, Ustio deploys her own embargoes on Sardegna. However, Ustio merely stops there as they're still in the middle of their civil war.

Erusea, on the other hand, goes much further than that. In a move that shocks everyone but Belka, Eruesea starts a recruitment drive. Under their own propaganda program, young men sign up to fight against the false Papal State. While women join the industrial districts to support the kingdom with materials, Belka knows that these young men and weapons will not be pointed at Sardegna. Rather, Belka will have to face these young soldiers in the near future. Still, Erusea does follow the playbook and enforce sanctions on Sardegna. However, Erusea does this by deploying her Royal Navy. A troubling move considering that they can also use the Navy to limit the movement area of the Reichsmarine. The Royal Navy is also tasked with hindering Belkan merchantmen in secret. Inspection, as they would call it. Erusea may even use the Royal Navy to turn on Belka once the war in Ustio is back in full swing.

This, however, matters not for Belka. Having employed herself with the most advanced navy in the world, Belka can easily circumvent the Royal Navy. Unless Belka wants it to happen, the Royal Navy will return to the dockyard, utterly fruitless in their endeavors.

Speaking of Belka, she has exerted her influence on the world stage, once again. Now openly denouncing Sardegna, and thus creating an irreconcilable hatred between each other. In a move that is no different than splurging money, the Reich Marshal of Belka has signed an express order, allowing for the official endorsement of the Spanish Coalition. Very soon, the first major shipment of army-grade firearms, supplies, and even medics, and healers, will reach the Spanish shore. Regardless of their identity, be it foreign mercenary, Ustian, or Erusean, the Belkan Volunteer Triage Corp will help them recover all the same. This publicity move earns a lot of brownies points from the worldwide spectators for the Marshal and Belka. Going even further, Belka will be offering unconditional support for victims of war crimes committed by Sardegna. Subtly, the common populace has viewed Belka to be dissimilar to the propaganda they have consumed. They have grown to be more noble and knightly in the eye of the masses.

All of this happened in the span of less than a month, Sardegna suddenly finds herself on the back foot. Due to the blockade of the Erusean Royal Navy, Sardegna also lost her trade routes with her African Colonies. The successive economic sanctions have placed a noticeable burden on the Sardegnian economy. Right now, they're struggling just to resupply their Army in Spain. Nonetheless, they only punish the war criminals in names and enforce bypassable laws to placate the world. Despite the protest of the superpowers, Pope Mussolini still stubbornly hold onto the notion of a successful war with Spain. To do that, the Pope needs the veterans in Spain to function normally, somewhat. And because of his ambition for an Empire of God, Mussolini invests heavily in the Spanish situation, once more. 

The moment he did so, however, a fire is lit under his ass. All of a sudden, a press conference is called in the Sardegnian-held territory, by none other than the leader of the Crusaders herself.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Murmurs fill the room where the war reporters are gathered. Ignoring the uncomfortable glares from the female Crusaders, these men and women with cameras and notebooks discuss vehemently daily matters.

"Damn, can't believe we miss such a big scoop! The camp that has been plastered all over the news? It was right under our noses! How come we never notice the obvious breadcrumbs!?" One of the famous reporters on the battlefield exclaimed to his co-workers. "Better yet, how come Shadow Company snuck this far in and raided the place for everything it had?"

"They're miracle makers, I will give them that." A female reporter with a scar beneath her chin responded. "They've gone in unnoticed and extracted unseen. A smooth operation like that is unheard of in the conventional military world. Much less that came from a mercenary company at that."

A bespectacled old man, smoking a pipe reminds them. "You must've forgotten then. Shadow Company is not a mere mercenary company. Time and time again, they have touted themselves as a Private Military Contractor. Get it, Military? It means that all of them received formal military training or are ex-military personnel. Hailing from a country that is Belka, it will be no surprise if they have a damn prestigious line-up. Even their equipment is military-grade, not just mere surplus which is unheard of in the mercenary world."

"Long story short," Another man chimed in." They're just as effective as a proper standing army of a nation. Heck, if you go with a conspiracy theory, Shadow Company is probably just the Belkan Army in disguise." Though the man said it jokingly, he has no idea what he said was basically the truth. Nonetheless, they all nod along as they're reporters, finding it to be a reasonable guess.

"Shadow Company asides, what do you think will be announced today?" The woman with the scar asked.

"Who knows, clarifying about their war crimes?" The famous reporter gave a reply.

"That would be a bit too far-fetched, don't you think?" The old reporter asked back.

"Yeah, the Crusaders have been doubled up as a police force whenever they can. I highly doubt they will condone such an act. It's more than likely that the Army went behind their back to perform their dirty deeds." The man said his conjecture.

"But what if the Pope ordered them, you know, to ignore the situation?" The female reporter asked back.

They all fall into deep thought until the famous reporter speaks up. "Whatever the case, we will soon know the reason why the Crusaders call for this conference."

Opting to just sit by and wait, the reporters bide their time till the promised hour.


Standing backstage, Kallen fiddles with the stack of documents. She breathes deeply once again for she is about to make a major decision. One that may as well be selfish for her battle sisters. Kallen knows she shouldn't be deciding this on her own. Yet, she really doesn't want her sisters to be dragged into this muddied water. They, for all of their battle prowess, can't handle the political battlefield. Hence, Kallen will brave everything, alone, for her sisters, for the innocent souls...

Suddenly, a pair of delicate arms hug her from behind. "Sister... Kallen, are you sure about this? Doing this will make you a sinner in the eyes of the Papal State." And there won't be any telling what will happen to you, Natasha left that unsaid.

Instead of answering, Kallen slowly raises a hand, resting her fingers on the arms that are hugging her. Though it's comfortable, Kallen leaves that out of her speech. "You know, I somewhat envy you, Natasha. You have always been one to do whatever you want and at your own pace."

Kallen then chuckles before turning around, pulling Natasha into a warm hug. "It's easy to notice the obvious intention you have for me." Natasha blushes at this while trying to fumble a response. Kallen beats her to it though. "Still, that is what I also like about you. Once you have set on something, for example, me, you will not stop until you get it."

Laying a kiss on Natasha's forehead, Kallen then rests her chin on the latter's soft dark hair. "I won't lie to you. I am not repulsed by your desire or your feelings. As a matter of fact, I am giddy for this is the first time I've ever felt truly wanted by someone in a romantic way. Though I won't be able to answer your feeling, just yet. I may be able to in the future."

Pulling away, Kallen gazes Natasha in the eyes. "That is as long as you put your effort into courting me." She ended it with a bright smile.

Being empowered by Kallen's acceptance of her subtle advance, Natasha strongly nods. "Just you wait, Kallen. I will do whatever it takes to get to you. Mark my words you will fall for me, just as I did for you."

Kallen giggles. "Then I guess you will have to work hard, my dear."

Turning around, Kallen says. "It's time. Natasha, do help me maintain order. And thank you for giving me this chance."

Nodding before fading into the dark, Natasha leaves her parting words. "You can count on me, Kallen. Perhaps a date after this will be a suitable payment for my service?"

"Going at it fast, huh? Can't say I dislike it. Sure, I will give you the chance." Kallen smiled before stepping onto the stage.

Bathing in the curious gazes of many reporters, Kallen takes a deep breath before announcing.

"Here, on my hands, is the compiled evidence of war crimes committed by the Sardegnian Army ever since this conflict. I have come here to present you all with such and to make an official announcement."

"From this point onward, the Crusaders will be pulling out of this war! We will not stoop so low to serve the beasts that harm the innocents. From now onward, without my explicit other stating otherwise, the Crusaders will act as a full-time police force, enforcing international laws on their own terms. We will not serve a side in this pointless war. No, we serve only the Will of the Lord and the innocents. God is with us!"

At first, there is muted silence. Five seconds later, the conference room explodes into a combination of flashing lights and relentless questioning directed at Kallen. After a long wait, the S-rank Crusader has made her choice.

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