Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 30-1: Seeing the Elephant (Part 1)

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 30-1: Seeing the Elephant (Part 1)



"Yeah?" A middle-aged man of Caucasian-American descent picked up the phone. Having just gotten back from a mountainous hunt, the man leans his rifle onto the wooden wall of his lodge.

A questioning voice from the other end responds. "Is this Colonel Jeremiah Sawyer?"

"Retired." The man emphasized the world before pulling out a wooden stool by the phone table to sit down. This call better be important for them to address him like that.

"Not anymore, Colonel." The man on the other end said. "You have been recalled to active duty. We need you in Europe."

"Heh... I was wondering when you people would call. What, you run out of jarheads?" Sawyer jested, knowing full well that something else is at play here for the Army to call him.

"The Sardegnians have proven to be... more resourceful than expected, Colonel." The caller answered. "The Sardegnians have made significant gains in Spain, and most of the Spanish Inquisition navy have been destroyed. There's also the matter of the Sardegnians committing war crimes. As such, we're allowed to intervene."

"Yeah, I heard." Instead of resourceful, it's more apt to say that Sardegnians are less scrupulous than expected. "So I guess you want me to go to Spain?"

"Affirmative, sir. You will command a volunteer battalion with the order to drive the Sardegnians out of Eastern Spain." The caller replied.

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Hearing that he will be given a battalion, Sawyer sneers, saying. "You do know why I was discharged, don't you?"

The caller responds in an unsure tone, mentally wondering why Sawyer asked that. "Well, all has been forgiven, Colonel."

"I didn't ask for your goddamn forgiveness! You people got us into this mess in the first place and now you're standing there with your pants down wondering what to do!" Sawyer said in a heated tone. Yeah right, the whole shitshow in Spain could have been prevented partly if had they listened to Sawyer's advice. "That's what you get for with a bunch of sycophant bureaucrats making all the decisions."

Not knowing what to say at the rant, the caller can only soldier on as he always does when making calls like this. "Do you accept the command, Colonel?"

Jeremiah Sawyer has a hate bone reserved for the politicians at home, but when it comes to those pizza inhalers? Yeah, let's say Sawyer can mow them for breakfast any day. "When do I leave?"


That call was made months ago, now, Colonel Sawyer is being driven into a command tent belonging to Shadow Company, a premier mercenary group or Private Military Company as they would like to call themselves. It's at the tent that the commanding elements of the upcoming push into a Spanish coastal town will gather around to discuss tactics and chain of command. Along the way, Sawyer's jeep is stopped suddenly when a military truck starts crossing an intersection ahead of them.

That truck has been carrying munitions for a nearby artillery pit, with the co-driver on that truck noticing Sawyer's car. The man then promptly salutes the Colonel despite their obvious difference in affiliations, with Sawyer belonging to the US Army and the man belonging to Shadow Company. Sawyer salutes back, no harm done in returning a harmless gesture of respect whenever he can. Having been working with these military contractors and the Spanish Inquisitions for a while, Sawyer has a newfound respect for their skills and tenacity. Truth be told, they're better than your G.I by miles. Sawyer's men surely can learn a few tricks from them, if the gritty battlefield here hasn't taught them that already.

With the truck's passing through, Sawyer takes the chance to look at the artillery pit it's heading to. There, a platoon of Wespe self-propelled artillery is beginning its fire mission. Pointing their muzzles upward, the 105mm guns on the Wespes start raining hellfire onto the targeted town, softening up the Sardegnian invaders before the assault. The rhythmic thumping of the artillery seems to reinvigorate the soldiers that are around on various tasks, prompting their cheerings at the sight of their Gods of the battlefield in action. Sawyer can sure as hell relate to that, artillery was and is still the king of a battlezone, granted you know how to employ them properly.

Three minutes later, Sawyer is driven to the command tent. He then promptly disembarked before sending the driver away for him to get lunch. Sawyer then heads inside the tent, pulling away the flap to see that those who were called are already here.

"Commander Graves, Major Wilson." Sawyer nods at the two of them, each representing their factions in the coalition.

The pair returns the gesture. "Colonel Sawyer."

Sawyer turns to a corner of the tent, seeing a new face. "Lieutenant Parker, I assume?"

Nodding, the Lieutenant performs a crisp salute. "Second Lieutenant Alec Parker, reporting for duty, sir!"

"At ease, Lieutenant." Sawyer salutes back. "You have been making a name for yourself in my battalion, always being on the field. It's good to have you here, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, Colonel." Parker replied.

"Gentlemen, I would like for Parker here to sit in with us, if that's fine with you all. His tactical acumen may very much be helpful." Sawyer suggested to the two men. Since this is a coalition, it's good to be good with the host.

Phillip Graves from Shadow Company shrugs, not minding the addition while Major Wilson of the Spanish Inquisition nods while lighting a cigarette. "Sure, the man earns my respect. He's a good one."

With the permission attained, Sawyer turns to the young Parker. "Come, Lieutenant, we might just make a fine officer out of you from here on out."

With the introduction out of the way, the four men put their heads in the game, analyzing the war map, and planning for the attack that is soon to commence.

Graves starts first, scribbling additional symbols on the map. "Courtesy of our fine ladies with wings and guns, we have obtained the latest intel about the enemy force deployment. The coastal town has two MSRs acting as access points from the North, it's flanked by rocky terrain to the West and a wide open plain with some forestry areas to the East. The left MSR is in good condition with enough covers for a large force to insert, however, it's also the most defended with bunkers and trench lines, a single minefield is presented at the edge of the defense line. I've marked these defenses for artillery barrage, chiefly to take off the minefield and hopefully to flush a few of them out. The second MSR to the right, however, takes us into an open area with sporadic tree lines and sparse cover. We can't maneuver a large force there and even if we can, the enemy has the high-ground advantage while we're sitting ducks. Lastly, to put a damper on any attempt to get inside the town, the Sardegnians have set up a firebase in a vineyard, and fortified it to hell with machine guns, mortars, and an unidentified number of light ATs. Farther behind the firebase is a motor pool for their mechanized QRFs, mostly L3 tankettes and a few L5 light tanks armed with 37mm cannons for vehicular engagements. The standing garrison is anywhere from two companies to a battalion."

Graves stops to take a breather before saying. "So, thoughts, gentlemen?"

Major Wilson exhales a puff of smoke before humming. Graves raises an eyebrow, asking. "Something on your mind, Ryder?" Ryder is Wilson's nickname for those who get to know the Major well.

"Well," Ryder toned. "It's a classic of situation of being stuck between a rock and a hard place. A full-force assault on either side will be detrimental even if we have a larger force than what we currently have."

Graves nods, looking at Sawyer and Parker. "The upcoming battle will be your 5th Battalion's show, Colonel. The bulk of our force is elsewhere at the moment so we can only offer you tactical aids. Although your number should be higher than our enemy's, they still have the entrenching advantage nonetheless."

Sawyer nods at Parker. "You have anything to add, Lieutenant?" The other two officers look at Parker

"Sirs, if I may, we can try and do a two-pronged attack." Parker said, not wilting under the gazes. The Lieutenant then continues, knowing full well that their strength as a Battalion, no matter how irregular it may be, won't be sufficient for that move unless preparations are made. "We will raise a diversionary attack on the left MSR, forcing them to focus on that direction..."

"And then we'll flank them to the right, while the cavalry draws fire." Sawyer finished it for Parker. "It's a good idea, and we won't have to incur much loss if we play it right."

"Right," Major Wilson interjected. "But we do have a problem."

Graves nods, saying. "First is to keep up the ruse, we need a diversion force that is strong yet flexible enough to keep the Sardegnians occupied. Second is that the flanking group must be swift, as in very swift in their attack. While the enemy's attention is elsewhere, the second group must blitz their way in and take out the Sardegnians that are engaging the diversion force from behind. Timing for the second group is thus, essential."

Very soon, the men in the tent fall into another fervent discussion, Parker included. An hour later, their discussion is cut short by the opening of the tent, a man walks in before saluting Sawyer. "Captain Bannon, reporting for duty. Ready to kick ass and take names, sir!"

Despite the hyped tone this Captain is carrying himself, Sawyer isn't too happy with the man. "You're an hour late, Captain." Sawyer frowns, making his displeasure known.

The Captain, for his part, dares to act cheeky. "I'm sorry, sir." Bannon points his finger outside. "I got held up by this girl at the village and-"

"Your excuses don't interest me." Sawyer cut him off before introducing the newcomer to the rest. "This is Commander Graves from Shadow Company. And this is Major Wilson, our liaison from the Inquisition. Right here, is Lieutenant Parker."

Sawyer then looks at Captain Bannon. "Even if he's of a lower rank, you can stand to learn a thing or two from him, Captain. Charlie Company is waiting for you by the farm just outside the battalion HQ. Now get your ass over there, orders will be delivered to your company HQ. We're moving into an attack by tomorrow."

Bannon salutes. "Yes, sir!" Before heading off as fast as he barges in.

Seeing Sawyer look at the man's departing back with an exasperated shake of his head, Wilson comments. "Very eager. He'll be dead by tomorrow's dinner."

"We'll see... Though I won't shy away from commenting that these recruits they keep sending us are too green, too eager." Sawyer turns back to the table. "Now where were we... Right, Major, you've lost one of your officers?"

"Yes, a Second-Lieutenant of a mechanized platoon, much like Parker here. The poor lad stepped on mine to save a wayward kid. We don't have a replacement for him yet so the platoon is sitting in the rear." Major Wilson sighed before lighting up another cigarette, the previous one had long since burned out.

Hearing Wilson's answer, Sawyer gestures a hand to Parker. "Parker can handle that command."

Major Wilson immediately looks at Sawyer and then at Parker. "You want him to lead my men and women? That is unheard of... But it could work. Those that are here have fought side by side with Parker in a few nasty runs in."

"Parker has shown nothing but competence thus far. Given his track record, he can command the flanking group to gut that firebase they have." Sawyer suggested.

Graves whistles. "Now that will be a trial by fire if any. But I don't see any reason against giving him the command. Wilson?"

The Major shrugs. "That's fine by me. The more able troops we have out there the better. The Lieutenant will need to get to know his platoon after this though. Those guys are quite the hellions, but they will treat you right if you do the same."

Sawyer nods at the two officers. "Then we have made our decisions."

Seeing their unanimous agreement, Parker feels a sense of responsibility wells up in him, prompting him to salute. "Thank you, sirs! I won't let you down, sirs!"

All of them nod at Parker, with Graves saying. "Now, let's get to work."


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