Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 30-5: Seeing the Elephant (Part 5)

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 30-5: Seeing the Elephant (Part 5)


"This is bullshit!" Private Julia screamed while ducking her head down low inside the troop compartment of their 251 half-track. It's not just her, but the entire squad, san the one manning the MG-34, don't dare to poke their heads out. After all, they are dashing as they've just robbed a bank, right through densely packed Sardegnian defensive lines and MG nests. As such, the Sardegnians pull no punch, rather, they open fire with everything they have, rifles, SMGs, and even pistols...

It's not an exaggeration when they say that they are driving under a hailstorm of bullets. The only saving grace for Parker's platoon is that their given route allows them to bypass most AT threats, and the fact that they're going so fast that the Sardegnian AT crews and tanks can't keep up with them. Hell, the only reason why they can go this fast is because the Panzer IIIs ditched their mine flails before setting out. Without the additional weight on the front, the Panzer IIIs can reach a surprising top speed of 55 km/h. This top speed, when combined with the fast-firing 75mm short-barrel guns and good armor, makes for a surprisingly effective battering ram. From what Parker can hear from the platoon radio, the Panzer IIIs have run over a noticeable number of Sardegnian soldiers on their way to the town's harbor.

Yeah, Parker would hate to be the one who has to clean up the tanks once everything is said and done.

That said, there were a few close calls here and there. You can't expect five armored vehicles to punch a hole in the enemy line without near-death experiences after all. Parker himself almost lost his head, even with his steel helmet for protection, due to a Sardegnian garrison armed with an MG. If not for the action of Shadow Company's Witches, having sniped the machine gunner and quite literally lit the house on fire when they swooped down, MG would have had a great line of sight to shoot out the troop compartment of their half-tracks. Parker would have never imagined himself saying this a few months ago but it's damn nice to have magic on their side.

Oh, how time has changed...

Regardless of his inner musing, Parker must bring out his A-game, the time has come and if they do this right, civilian casualty will be minimized... Parker has no idea why the Sardegnians are relocating the civies, Hell he doesn't think Command would have known either. Though whatever the reason is, Parker doubts the Spanish are doing this willingly.

His attention is nonetheless pulled by the co-driver of the half-track turning around. "30 seconds!"

Parker nods at the man before turning to his squad. "Alright, we're nearly there. Expect knife fighting and civilians in the crossfire. Keep your gun steady and your aim straight!"

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"Yes, sir!" The squad echoed their affirmation.

Sooner than they expected, the convoy stops and nearly instantly, they're beset by the sounds of fighting. Surprisingly enough, the incoming fire they receive is minimal, enabling them to either pop up and fire at the Sardegnians or dismount and take up positions around the armored convoy. Once Parker has his bearing straight, he is shocked to see that the Witches are already in the fray, attacking what's left of the Sardegnian forces at the dock while two vessels are already steaming out of the harbor. By the side, huddling at a nearby brick warehouse and protected by a team of Witches, are a large group of civilians. They must be the leftovers, numbering near the hundred, while many of the friends and families must have boarded the two vessels that got away.

"Damn it!" Parker cursed while setting his sight on a group Sardegnians trying to run away while spraying at them with SMGs. The Lieutenant punishes their action with prejudice, gunning three of them down while forcing the rest behind hard cover. Their protection doesn't last long as after a Panzer III confirms that there are no civies around them, the tank delivers a high explosive right in their midst. Parker doesn't need to check twice to see they are now bits and pieces with the terrain. 

Since the Witches have attacked by the air with their magical abilities, Parker's platoon which is acting as reinforcement wastes only a short time to mob up the rest.

"Spread out! Secure the area of 500 meters! I want not a single Sardegnian still standing in that radius in 10 minutes!" Parker barked his order, letting his foot mobiles fan out kicking down doors and flushing out potential hiding spots. "Vehicle crews, I want a perimeter around that brick warehouse. From the look of it, it's the only place large enough to hold the civies inside. Rum, Julia, you two are with me."

"Right behind you, boss." Julia said while cradling her Kar98k at a ready position, still maintaining her alert of the surrounding area. She and Rum fall into formation around Parker, with Rum asking.

"So we're going to meet the Witches? This is the first time I've ever seen them up close. Most of the time I can only admire them from below as they zip around in the sky."

Parker glances at him. "Better be on your best behavior then. Don't want their impression of us to be a moody one."

Julia and Rum smirk but otherwise make an effort to be on their best decorums, and so is Parker. Parker admits that he is a bit nervous due to his upbringing in the States, even though he has fought alongside these women, and knows that the bad propaganda that had been running around them a while back is false. The situation is a bit similar to how he first meets a colored man, but Parker guesses that much like the African descendants that he has come to be acquaintances and friends with, he should be able to get along with the Witches just fine as long as he respects their boundaries and keep an open mind.

With a few more steps, Parker and his cohorts appear before a pair of Witches. Apparently, the leading figure of these Witches has dispatched the others to help organize the civilians, leaving only one to accompany her in the meeting with Parker. 

Parker then salutes them. "First Lieutenant Parker, Fifth Battalion, Bravo Platoon. Thank you for softening up the Sardegnians for us, Miss..."

The Witch in front of Parker smiles kindly, her blue wings fold magically back into her body. Parker can't help but notice her pointed ears and short blue hair when she salutes him back. "Staff Sergeant Langley, 6th Force Recon Section, Shadow Company. And this is my second-in-command, Sergeant Solace."

"Sergeants," Parker nods at them gratefully. "Once again, thank you for helping us in getting these men and women out of trouble. Without your help, it would have been much more costly for everyone involved." Rum and Julia offer their own versions of gratitude too, being Spanish themselves.

Langley shares a smile with her aide. "Well, aren't you a polite one? But we don't have much time."

Langley then gestures at Parker to follow her while leaving Solace behind to work with his platoon. Moments later, they step inside the brick building that Parker thought was a warehouse of sorts. Langley then says. "Preliminary headcount gives us a number just shy of 100 healthy civilians, a majority of which are females and children. Unfortunately, the runaway vessels had carried the able-bodied men out to the open sea before we could stop them. Quite frankly, we don't have enough firepower in the first place if those two destroyers decided to stay behind and fight. There's no doubt that the Sardegnians will soon organize a counterattack to retake the harbor, if not for receiving reinforcement then it's for running away when they can't hold the town. I suggest placing the civies here, inside this drydock. The walls and roof are thick enough to stop small arms fire and the slipway can hold them while we garrison the windows and entryways."

Parker looks at Rum and Julia, seeing them either shrug or nod at him. Parker then scans the surroundings and remembers the landmarks around the zone. Finally, he says. "How many Witches do you have and how capable?"

Langley replies. "16 of us, counting me, divided into two squads with me and my second leading one each. Quite frankly, each of us is equal to an enemy fireteam in CQC, but if we're able to put a distance between them and us? We can dominate enemy foot mobiles as long as they don't prioritize us. There's only so much room you can hide in the air, you know. Our offensive abilities can be more devastating than a grenade if need be and we can create protective shielding when things get too hot. Otherwise, a few of us can modify the terrain, helping to even the playing field in any way we can. But we can't keep pulling on our abilities constantly, there's a limit to what we can do before we are unable to pick up our weapons. Other than the things listed, we can also aid in calling in fire support, we pride ourselves in never directing a miss-call."

Parker nods, highly impressed at what he has heard. "While I would like a demonstration now, perhaps I can only see them on the battlefield. Currently, my platoon has two infantry-support Panzer IIIs and two MG-equipped half-tracks with moderate supplies packed in case we need to rearm. Other than that, I have 36 able men and women, three squad MG-34s, and three Grenade Busters alongside the standard K bullets for our sharpshooters. And while the building seems like it can take a beating, I don't think it's wise for me to garrison every gun I have in it. I've come across what seems like a service depot just down the street. It's similar in height to this drydock and situated at a dead end that has a nice field of fire, covering most of the way inside the harbor. Its blindspots can be protected by the ones garrisoned here, in the drydock."

Langley raises an eyebrow, surprised that Parker can come up with that without taking his time scanning the terrain. Having been up in the air to survey the harbor, Langley knows that Parker has picked a prime location to form a defensive location. "Alright, that is a good enough plan due to our time constraint. How do you wish to divide our force?"

Parker shakes his head. "I can only direct mine. I won't shy away from admitting that I have no idea how to order your Witches, even though I'm a Lieutenant. You're the one that knows what's best for you girls so I will leave them to you. My only request is for you to send a liaison with me to help coordinate fire support."

Langley chuckles, her impression of Parker raises a notch. "I like your style, LT. Alright, I will have one of my girls accompanying your platoon."

"Thank you." Parker nodded. "Because the first resistance they will encounter will be none other than this drydock here. I will be stationing the majority of my foot mobiles and armored vehicles here. While a single half-track and squad will be setting up shop at the service depot. The service depot will act as a good base of fire to thin down the herd and cut down flankers while we hold down the fort. Additionally, I would like for some of your members to help us set up fighting positions around the drydock. That and barricading the entrances from breaching attempts."

Langley nods. "Shouldn't be an issue. My girls and I will set up a couple of tank emplacements and defensive fighting positions outside. However, we should leave a fallback route if the ones outside need it. I can have a Witch seal it up right after it's used. Other than that, most of my girls and I will be taking elevated positions above the area or in the air. We will engage them from multiple angles to cause chaos. If it's too hot or you start calling the big guns, we will join your platoon on the ground. High Command indicates that it will be at least a couple of hours before Charlie Company can start their push further into town so we'll be here for a while."

Parker nods, saying. "Then let's get to work. Sergeant Rum, I will leave you to pick the suitable personnel for the service depot. I want that area lock-down tight."


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