Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 6: Decision

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 6: Decision

Rolling over to the side to dodge a death ray, Natasha is barely able to bring up one of her guns, thus conjuring a barrier that blocks a deadly swipe from a scythe. The impacts propel her backward, her feet struggling to regain balance on the uneven terrain. One of the scythe-wielding Zombies, a Praetorian-class, seizes the chance and rushes in for the kill. Fortunately for Natasha, Kallen has done dealing with the non-revivable Archangels and Chariots and rushed in for a rescue.

With a mighty kick to the side of the Zombie, which it deftly blocks but is still being knocked back, Kallen has bought Natasha enough time to stabilize herself. Retaliating immediately by shooting out a hail of wind blades, mostly to disable rather than kill, Natasha almost screams in frustration when the Zombie just spins her scythe, nullifying most of the projectiles. At least, with Kallen here, she wouldn't have to dance around with Death much longer.

The battle has lasted for quite a while already with Kallen going out of her way to get rid of more than fifty non-humanoid Demons while Natasha volunteered herself to keep the 21 Zombies occupied. Of those 21, 20 are scythe-wielding Praetorians with impressive martial skills and physical ability. On their own, they may not amount to much but with 20? They were giving Natasha a run for her money before Kallen reunited with her.

Let's also not forget the leader of them, from what Natasha can gather, this Zombie is not much different than a Revenant in terms of physical outlook, her abilities though are a whole nother matter. Whenever a Praetorian is killed, the leader Zombie can just revive them without any noticeable deficiency. In an attrition battle, Natasha would be the final loser due to her not having endless stamina. Not to mention the fact that if she gets nick by that death ray of that leader Zombie or her flying coffins, she would be downed instantly. Natasha almost curses the Lord for making such a troublesome foe.

"Natasha, help me distract them while I go for the Lich!" Kallen asked Natasha while she braves a dozen scythes being swung her way.

"That has been my job since the very beginning, sister!" Natasha jokingly complained with a tired smirk. Still, calling that Zombie a Lich is very fitting, what's with her ability and the coffins.

Natasha then helps Kallen by targeting down the flanking Praetorians, keeping her feet mobile while she's at it. For each Praetorian that dares comes close to her sister, Natasha either bombards them with small-scale elemental magics or when those are on cool-down, uses her stabs and kicks to get them off Kallen's back. But of course, being a Crusader that is by no mean great in a chaotic battle like this, Natasha earns herself a few bloody nicks and close-calls, nearly losing her head when the Lich decides to surround her with coffins before firing another death ray at Natasha. "God, have I sinned for that girl to keep targetting me like this!? Kallen is the one engaging her in combat for crying out loud!"

Though Natasha keeps complaining under her breath, she would rather have all of them chase her than Kallen. 

Suddenly, a big explosion of dust and fire swept through the landscape, knocking back a few Praetorians before all eyes fall onto Kallen and the Lich. The latter is now sitting on the floor having taken too much damage from what could be a point-blank fireball. Kallen is not unscathed from the suicidal attack she pulled but she is the one holding her gun over the head of the Lich right now. It seems like Kallen could have ended everything then and there but instead. "Tell me... Just tell me everything." Kallen said with an exhausted tone, a trail of blood is flowing down from her forehead to the side of her left eye.

The Lich, for her part, looks a bit down before slowly turning her head towards the Spanish nun, surprisingly unharmed... Well, not being more hurt than before by the coffins from the Lich, having set them up as a barrier to protect the nun when the fireball exploded. The nun, now with half of her body turning deadly pale just like the Zombies, says with a snicker and a meaningful glance at the Lich.

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"Before I was... rudely interrupted by my sister..." The Lich looks away, embarrassed. "I was saying that... If you want to uncover the truth and... nothing but the truth about what the Sardegnian Army has... committed behind your back." The nun takes in a shaky breath as more of her skin turns paler, though it doesn't look uncomfortable from what Natasha can see. "It would do you good to investigate... the ones behind the bombing here... Only then can you discover more... about the dark side of this...war. I do wonder, however,... when the two of you learn more about this conflict... What would you do...? Stay, and fight... to change the corrupted system... from the inside. Or leave, spread your wings... and let the system burns to the ground..."

Kallen, for the most part, listens with even, albeit forceful, breath. Natasha tests the water by moving a bit closer to Kallen. When she sees that the Praetorians only glare but not doing much further than that, Natasha steps to the side of Kallen, standing near her to ward off any attempt from the Praetorians.

"Hey, sister, what's your game now?" Natasha asked with a tilt of her head. "I would kill to get out of here and find myself a hot bath, won't you agree?" She said ironically.

Surprisingly, Kallen lowers her arms before turning around. "We're done here." Kallen said in a bland tone.

"Wait, what!?" It's not just Natasha but even the Zombies are confused.

Kallen holsters her weapons while walking a few steps ahead of Natasha, prompting the latter to chase after her. Kallen suddenly turns her head around. 

"It's not much, coming from the ignorant me, but I offer you all my apologies and thanks. Apology for whatever sins we've committed on Spanish soil. Thank you, for your willingness to help show me that there is more I need to learn." Kallen stopped for a moment after saying her lines. For the first time ever, Natasha can see that Kallen is unsure, lost on how to proceed. "I... You... You all should go, and hide. As long as you stay away from any settlements, causing no harm on any side in these conflicts, you will be able to live relatively peaceful lives." 

Ok... Now, this is way over the top for Natasha to not ask. "Are you sure about this, sister? They were trying to kill us mere moments ago. Heck, they nearly got the nun over there!" Natasha punctuates her point by pointing at the nun that is slowly being zombified.

"I... I'm good!" The nun interjected with a small laugh, clearly treating her experience of almost being killed by her Zombie sister as an interesting one.

"That's not the point here you dolt!" Natasha snarked back. "Arrggh! What the hell is wrong with today!? It's supposed to be a vacation, damn it!"

With Natasha raging without actually meaning any harm, having holstered her guns just like Kallen, the surrounding Praetorians share a look with each other before dispelling their scythes all so. An awkward stalemate between the Livings and the Deads soon follows as both sides are reassessing the situation. Shockingly, they both decide to take a leap of faith.

"Natasha, as you can see, they're smart enough to know what to do and not to do." Kallen then glances at the nun. "And I have a feeling that the nun can keep them in check."

Scratching her head while heaving a sigh, Natasha relents. "Fine, fine! It's your call, sister. Even though you're not an operative like me, you're awfully more perceptive than I am on delicate matters like this. I will trust your judgment, and by extension, trust them to stay in line. In fact..." Natasha then fumbles around her pocket, pulling out her map and a marker pen, and circling a location on the map. Much to Kallen's pleasant surprise, Natasha then throws it at the foot of the Lich. "Marked on that map is a safe house, well, safe cave system with enough necessities to be exact. Unless you go around murdering, which I still think you just might, not a single soul will be wandering near it for the duration of this war. It's a good place as any for you all to stay there."

Much to Natasha's surprise, Kallen wraps her arms around the former from behind. "Thank you, Natasha. They all deserve that much at least." Natasha blushes at the most beautiful smile she has ever seen.

"You're... shockingly soft-hearted despite your words, Lady Natasha." The nun said, lacking the discomfort she used to have earlier. "I thank you on behalf of them, and I assure you we won't be falling into the habits of other Demons."

Rolling her eyes, good-naturedly this time, Natasha replies after faking a cough. "You better! I will be checking on you all regularly so don't go around committing sin!"

The Lich soon goes to the nun, on foot, while crouching down to inspect the health, and the transformation process, of the latter.

"We will go check on you." Kallen interjected. "Though we had gone off on the wrong footing, I do hope we can start anew. I sincerely wish that I can confide in you all about matters that tangled my heart." Kallen's complexion turns a shade brighter after this. Natasha can finally sigh in relief, not wanting to see a moody Kallen any time soon.

The nun, with almost all of her body turning white, gives Kallen an affirmative nod. "We will be waiting for you at the cave Lady Natasha mentioned. Since you've decided to place your trust in us, we will be doing the same for you. And may the Lord above guides you on your journey for answers."

Kallen smiles at this, though Natasha can see that the Lich is rolling her eyes behind the blindfold, shooing them away from the graveyard. Kallen then giggles, pulling Natasha by the arms and back to their truck. Boarding it, the pair of Crusaders start a slow drive back to Murcia with many things running inside their mindscapes.

"You know, the others may not condone us for our action earlier, nor will they on the actions we are about to undertake." Natasha said to an absentminded Kallen.

Being pulled out of her thoughts, Kallen replies. "Aside from the Lord, nobody needs to know."

Natasha quirks an eyebrow at this, directing Kallen a side glance. "That's not very Kallen-like."

Shaking her head, Kallen answers with a smile. "No, it isn't. We can just say that we were forced to engage a group of stray Demons, which isn't far from the truth. As for what we've learned back there, it's best that we keep it between us and them. I am inclined to trust them, after what I've learned on the battlefield, but we need to verify the veracity of those claims first."

"Leave that to me then. There used to be words floating around on the Spanish front that Sardegna has been bombing civilian targets, one of them was probably the site we fought earlier too. Though our records stated otherwise. I never bother to learn much more on that but now is a good time as any." Natasha offered her expertise.

Kallen nods, grateful to have Natasha as her subordinate and sister. "I will leave it in your capable hand then. Just do be discreet and be safe."

Laughing, Natasha replies. "I highly doubt me, spying on a few persons, is more than what happened earlier, sister." She then quiets down, asking. "Say, what should we do if the claims are proven true? Do we leave, or stay?"

Pondering with a finger under her chin, an action that Natasha must admit that it's cute, Kallen then shockingly says a thing that almost caused Natasha to crash into a stray goat. "Both. Both is good."

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