Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 9: Textbook Ambush

RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 9: Textbook Ambush

As the Sardegnian finally set foot into the frontline town proper, Kallen can't help but let her gaze lingers for a few seconds longer on a small church near the main road. High up on the bell tower, Kallen can spot the figure of a priest clasping his hands in prayer before performing the holy sign. The Spanish man then moves to a rope connecting to a set of copper bells before pulling it with strength, ringing a resounding chime across the entire town.

Knowing that it's now noon, Kallen removes her gaze from the priest, focusing on the road ahead of her as the convoy slowly makes its way further inside the town. What Kallen doesn't know is that once the bells are rung, the priest then crouches down on the bell tower before resurfacing with a metallic object in his hands. Also further ahead of the convoy, in a shadier warehouse of the town, a group of Spanish are making their final preparation.

"Abuela, are you ready?" Ask a Spanish resistance member, equipped with nothing but a Kar98k and a bandolier asked an old woman, wearing a thick black coat. Nodding with a surprising fitness for a woman past her 60s, the Abuela rearranges the content inside her coat before putting her hands on the handlebar of an old stroller. She is ready to do her part for the Spanish people.

Aside from the few clicking and clanking of rifle bolts and magazines being loaded into submachine guns, none other speak up a single word. The atmosphere is tense for the thing they all are about to do may just be their last, after all. Some still have lingering fears and regrets but ultimately, they accept their fate for the greater good of Spain. A couple of minutes later, they can hear the rumbling of engines in the distance. A newspaper delivery kid then runs past the warehouse, throwing a bundle of newspaper through one of its opened windows. Gazing at the rolled-up papers a few steps away, the leader of this resistance cell closes his eyes, muttering a short prayer to the Lord. Steeling his resolve, the man then lay a palm on the shoulder of the venerable Abuela.

"Abuela, we will be counting on you." Taking his hand off her, the leader then personally pushes open the doors for Abuela. Without further words, Abuela pushes the stroller outside, turning left and moving down the street in the direction of the approaching convoy.

Not just her, but the rest of the resistance cell in the warehouse also moves to a favorable position. They have long set up an ambush using the many buildings on the predicted path of the convoy, they need only wait for the signal from Abuela now.

Slowly, with the creaking noise from the old stroller wheels rolling atop cobblestones, Abuela comes to see the first vehicle in the convoy, an L3 tankette. The commander of the tankette who is turning out for a smoke, also lays his eyes on the old lady. Under the intense sunlight of high noon,  pedestrians are rare on this stretch of the road with little to no green cover. This is especially true when this town is occupied by Sardegna, the locals aren't very welcoming of their new lord, you see. To see an old woman pushing a baby stroller at this time of day is rare, but it's not a thing to worry about. Rather, the tankette commander knocks his fist atop the driver hatch a couple of times, signaling his driver to slow down. 

For what it's worth, the tankette commander doesn't want the old lady to be run over by his vehicle. Too much blood has been shed over this land, innocent blood at that. The tankette commander can't help but recall the few scenes of carnage and obscenity he came across before, a part of him has already given up on their so-called righteous cause because of those. To him, the only thing matter is to finish this war fast and get back home with his wife and kids. Unfortunately for this tanker, his wistful thoughts are not to be.

Abuela, having closened the distance with the L3 to a mere few meters, suddenly pushes the stroller down the road, sending it careening in the direction of the tankette. With her hand holding a thin cord that is attached to the stroller, Abuela then jumps to a side alley, tucking herself into cover.

The tankette commander, albeit absentminded early, is quick to react when the stroller is sent directly to the armored vehicle. He instantly shouts out a stop order to his driver. Much to his credit, the driver immediately steps on the brake, almost sending his own commander flying in the process. Yet, the stroller maintains its course due to inertia and slams directly into the front of the L3 before tipping over. With cold sweat on his face, the tankette commander hurriedly jumps out of the vehicle, praying to the lord that the kid inside is still fine. Such are his final thoughts and prayers before an explosion consumes both him and the tankette.

The stroller was an IED trap and they fell right for it. Abuela had detonated the mortar shells hidden inside the stroller, blasting away the leading L3 tankette and flipping it over. The shockwave also decimated the windows and porches of the nearby houses but did not manage to harm Abuela who hid nearby. Calmly, the old lady then reaches inside her pocket and pulls out a cigarette of her own before lighting it. She then takes a long drag of the good stuff while waiting for the rest of the resistance to act.

With Abuela raising Hell, the priest that is standing on the bell tower of the church also deploys his grenade buster, aiming for the rearmost vehicle of the convoy which is another L3 tankette. He then pulls the trigger, creating a big thump as the anti-tank projectile travels a parabolic arc and lands squarely on the top of the tankette. This time, the tankette's upper half is obliterated with its fuel being set on fire, spilling flame everywhere. Seeing that his task is done, the priest then evacuates the bell tower and the church entirely. He carries his grenade buster and disappears into a tunnel hidden beneath the Holy Cross of the church.

Understandably, with both their lead and trailing vehicles being disabled, thus blocking their path forward and backward, the Sardegnian army descends into panic as they try to figure out what just happened. Kallen and the other Crusaders descend from their vehicles Kallen immediately tries to take control of the situation. The S-rank Crusaders instantly knows that this is an enemy attack, having seen her fair share of similar ambush tactic. Yet, Kallen doesn't have the chance to do much aside from having her Crusaders raise protective barriers when multiple civilians, armed with guns and grenades, appear from windows, balconies, and alleyways. Then, all Hell truly breaks loose.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A multitude of leads and grenades are poured down on the heads of the Sardegnian army members. Additionally, Molotov cocktails are dropped directly on the transport trucks, burning the occupants alive. Being surrounded on all sides and caught off-guard like this, the infantrymen that manage to dismount are cut down with impunity, even though these resistance members aren't carrying much in terms of heavy armament.

Abuela, after seeing that the battle is fully underway, drags another long breath of smoke before discarding her coat, thus revealing the Tommy Gun she has been carrying. Like the badass she is, Abuela then steps out of the alleyway, her Tommy Gun holding high, coming face to face with a young Sardegnian that has been diving for cover. Without much ado, Abuela gifts the young man a faceful of lead before turning to mow down a couple more with her .45 ACP goodies. Of course, the sight of an old lady spewing hot lead would have warranted immediate response if not for the fact that these Sardegnians are tucking their head down.

Abuela, however, doesn't risk it. The old lady fires expend all fifty rounds of her drum magazine before dashing for cover, but not before sending a grenade at a bunch of cowering Sardegnians, killing them in drove. With both an explosive entrance and getaway, Abuela has left behind her bloody trademark on this ambush. Soon after, Abuela's figure fades away into a nearby sewer, out of sight of the enemy infantries.

Kallen, knowing that staying out in the open like this is not a good idea, orders her Crusaders and the nearby soldiers to make a break for the buildings around them. Her plan is to bring the fight directly to the enemy, crushing the resistance with the better-equipped infantrymen and the much stronger physical ability of the Crusaders. Kallen is just about to have her sisters fire off a wave of spells to stun the opposition's firing positions when a wave of smoke grenades engulfs the entire convoy. Effectively blinds, Kallen can't help but clicks her tongue. To add insult to injury, Kallen hears the clicking and clanking of many more grenades being dropped. Pushing her barrier to the absolute limit, Kallen manages to protect her sisters from the incoming blasts. Because of this, none of her sisters are injured or worse yet, dead. The same can't be said for the army men, though. Many are now rolling on the ground, either groaning and bleeding to death or knocked unconscious and are still bleeding to death.

Fortunately or not, the Spanish resistance has already made their getaway when the smoke screen rolled out, leaving behind an explosive farewell to this group of Sardegnians. One that they can only swallow bitterly.

"... They've retreated." Kallen muttered she would be lying to the Lord if she said she wasn't feeling miffed about the situation.

"Shall we pursuit, sister?" A nearby Crusader asked, prompting Kallen to shake her head. "It's too late, they've gotten us good and should have been long gone by now. Even if we do give chase, we may run into another trap instead." Knowing that Kallen has a point, the Crusader backs down and doesn't press the issue. 

As the smoke cloud clears up, Kallen and her battle sisters perform a perimeter sweep for hostility. As expected, they come up with nothing but terrified civilians and spent cartridges. The Spanish Resistance didn't even receive a single casualty from the ambush they just sprung, at least not from what Kallen can see. It was a textbook ambush.

 On the other hand, not counting the dead vehicle crews, the Sardegnian Army incurred three dozen casualties from that short engagement. This will no doubt severely reduce their force projection in the area for the short term, Kallen can just see the troubles this will bring right now.

Calling off the search after fifteen fruitless minutes, Kallen tasks her sisters to head back to the ambush site. Those that know healing magics are also asked by Kallen to help the wounded. Very soon, another sort of activity is taking place at the ruined convoy, the post-battle clean-up kind. Knowing that a convoy was ambushed, a nearby platoon that is garrisoned in the town has also just arrived to help with the aftermath. A part of Kallen wants to question the Lieutenant in charge on why the Hell did he report that the area is secured, only for them to be attacked right under his nose. Yet, Kallen knows better than to throw shade at the moment. It should be done when the tension in the air has died down lest mistakes are made. Or at least that was what Kallen hoped for until she hear a feminine scream, follows soon after by a boy shouting. "Mama!"

Quickly turning around, Kallen comes to see a group of battered soldiers, their faces flush due to adrenaline and anger, dragging a Spanish mother by her hair out of her house and onto the ground. With a teary face, her son is clawing and biting at the hands of his mother's captors. What shock Kallen the most, however, is the fact that the nearby soldiers aren't moving to stop the tragedy that is about to take place. Rather, they're even cheering the group.

"*Whistle* Nice catch!"

"Hey! Once you guys are done 'interrogating' her, why don't you let us have a go, heh?"

Were it before Kallen is deployed to Spain, she may have been unable to notice the underlying meaning of these men. Yet, with the forbidden knowledge she has right now, Kallen is infuriated that these men are breaking the Laws of the Lord right in front of her eyes. Noticing Kallen's souring mood, a Crusader steps forth and lay a hand on her shoulder. "Sister Kallen, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Don't you see that the woman is being mistreated?" Kallen almost spat the last sentence out in spite.

The Crusader's reply stuns Kallen, however. "Isn't that normal, sister? While their handling may be roughed, they do have full authority on interrogating these heretics." The Crusader then shrugs. "It's best if we leave the lowly tasks to them."

It's at this moment that Kallen, once again, is reminded that aside from herself and Natasha, the rest of the Crusaders are still blinded by the supposed just cause that the Papal State has been spouting. Scanning the Crusaders that follow her into this mess, Kallen only sees disinterest and disdain on their faces. For a fraction of a second, Kallen is immensely disappointed in her sisters, the ones that she has been painstakingly looked out for to be good servants to the Lord. They're supposed to be compassionate and caring to the lessers, not... detached like this. Just what has changed without Kallen's knowing.

Not having a chance to finish her train of thought, Kallen's attention is grabbed by a pained scream from the struggling kid. He has been swatted away in anger by a Corporal due to his incessant struggle. "I've had enough of you, brat!"

"You should have just been the useless kid you are and let your mom go with us!" The Corporal then moves to kick the kid in his ribs. "That way, your mom would have been feeling all good and you won't be in pain now."  Before the Corporal could have brought his foot down with another sickening smirk, Kallen dashes forth.

Swiping away at the Corporal's feet, making him fall onto the floor, Kallen then pulls out her pistol and points it at his face. The Corporal's just about to curse when Kallen shouts. "That's enough from you all!"

"We're not here to terrorize the populace!" By now, the commotion has attracted meandering eyes from the locals with varying expressions. "If you seek to commit any more atrocity other than what had just been done, then you will have to walk through me! Do I make myself clear!?"

Stunned by the intensity of Kallen's aura, the surrounding doesn't know how to react until Kallen prompts them for another time. "What are you waiting for?! Release that lady!"

"Y-Yes, milady!" The group of soldiers stepped back, letting the lady scamper away to her crying son. 

After taking a look to make sure the pair is ok, Kallen turns to the Corporal at her feet, cold sweats marred his face. "And you! If I see you perform any further act that is unbefitting of a man, I will punish you myself! Capiche?"

"Y-Yes ma'am!" The Corporal nodded, cowering at the murderous gaze that Kallen was sporting.

"Now scram!" Kallen chased the Corporal away with his tail tucked between his legs. She then continues. "From now on, the handling of interrogation and treatment of prisoners will be supervised by us Crusaders! Any attempt of undermining our authority will be met with swift judgment, deliver at our behest! Now back to your stations, soldiers!"

Putting her foot down, Kallen forces these soldiers to act like one, begrudgingly. However, they're civilized enforcers of God's Will, she will not allow them to cause more harm than they already had under her watch. With a stern gaze, Kallen lets the infantrymen finish up the clean-up. True to her words, Kallen also tasks the Crusaders to oversee the information-gathering aspect, having them make sure that nothing unscrupulous is committed in their presence.

Of course, the Crusaders, albeit feeling that the task is beneath them, still carry it out with their whole being. After all, it's what Kallen sets out to do with a strong conviction.

Kallen can only hope that by doing this, she can improve the muddied situation she has found herself in. 

"Natasha, whatever you're doing, I hope you can put an end to this debacle for I have no idea where to start." Kallen grimaced. "They're not treating the Spanish people as human. Even our sisters are viewing them as something lesser."

Given time, perhaps Kallen and Natasha could have figured something out. Unfortunately, time is what they both don't have. A car is quick to pull up near Kallen's position, stepping off is a Private that rushes over, reporting.

"Milady! The Spanish Coalition has launched a counterattack on all fronts! We're requiring your assistance immediately!"

She really can't take a break, huh?


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