Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Vol 2: National Development – Chapter 14: The shooting range (part 2)

Vol 2: National Development – Chapter 14: The shooting range (part 2)

Location: Undisclosed shooting range at Berlin outskirt.

From early morning to noon, this Belkan shooting range has seen a marked increase in activity. This range from strenuous physical actions like running, rock climbing, marching drill... All the way to delicate operations like accuracy testing of the new weapons and their field stripping. Such activities have been going on for days now and they have provided much-needed field data to the researchers and arms makers of the now-dubbed Next Generation Military Weapons Program. NGMW, to put it short.

For the first two weeks, a lot of the testing has been centering on small arms and infantry equipment with a limited test run on mana jet engines and tank engines. The latter has been an eye-opening experience for many of the scientists from the Mansion of Wisdom and ONI. The trial, limited as it may be without a fully constructed vehicle, has allowed the brainiacs of Belka to gleam into the operations of the, quite literally, infinite potential of the new magitech devices. Thanks to it, the white coats have been making suggestions and improvements left, right, and center to help populate the invention to all sorts of fields, not just the military or heavy industries. And once these mad geniuses come in contact with Nicolae the Shoggoth, things kinda blew up, literally. Nicolae has given them pointers on a whim when she was experimenting with Mobius. However, said whim has inspired another Doctor, majoring in metallurgy and runic science, to figure out a way to simplify the rune-making process. 

The Doctor in question figured, carving runes has always been done by hand because the carver must be the one to infuse mana into the runes while cutting away at the surface of the thing he or she works on. The fact that the carver must calculate the amount of mana they input also adds to the difficulty of the process. A few attempts have been made to reduce the workload for the carvers but most have stopped at just improving the handheld tools. Hence, rune carving is a tough and high-paying craft that few dare to pursue. So, this Doctor decided to mechanize the process, or at least tried to. He theorized that, with the advent of programmable computers, he can hook a pre-programmed one up to a machine and set it to cut away at a... let's say a metal panel and have it create a runic formation or any formation, to be honest. However, there's a glaring issue, the machine, on its own, doesn't have the mana to make the runic carving into a runic formation. It's the one and the only thing that has cut short any previous attempts before him. That is until he pulled the Uno reverse card and introduce this into the mix, liquid mana. Thanks to the void reactor providing a surplus of mana, gaseous, liquid, and solid alike, he has requisitioned a not-so-small portion of liquid mana to test his theory. 

By blasting out liquid mana using a tiny nozzle at an extremely fast speed, effectively making it the first liquid jet cutter in history, he can use it to either cut a thick block of metal in or when fine-tuned, to carve a runic formation with extreme precision and speed, without any human errors thanks to the built-in computer in the machine. Note that it's the runic formation that was mentioned, not runic carving. That's right! Because liquid mana is used, the runic carving can automatically absorb the liquid mana without human inputs, effectively making the process completely automated. Well, somewhat as the operator of the machine will have to code in the calculations for the jet cutter to work but you get the point. 

Unfortunately for him, he's kinda in sickbay for now as the machine he described... Well, it worked splendidly, in fact. It's just that the runic formation he let the machine carve was of the... Kaboomy kind, let's leave it at that. Still, if you ignore the kinks that will be ironed out in the near future, the mad Doctor has pushed Belka a giant leap to the future.

Anyway, you're not here to read a slime typing out the words for this story. Oh, no you aren't! 


In a corner of the spacious shooting range, there lies a difficult obstacle terrain. Putting themselves through their pace in the obstacle course is Major Morrick and his company of Panzer Grenadiers, fully kitted out in their Flecktarn gears. On their hands and back are various NGMW program weapons, namely Einstein's battle rifle, the G1 itself, the G2/MP-9 submachine gun variant, the G3 machine gun variant, and the G4 marksman variant. 

Other auxiliaries include the S-12G shotgun, the MG-35 GPMG, the new USP automatic pistol chambered in 9x25mm, the Panzerfaust, and the now-dubbed MSG multi-caliber sniper rifle platform. On a side note, the MSG has three variants: the MSG-8 for 8mm Mauser, the MSG-14.5 chambered in the 14.5x114mm, or the MSG-20 which is using the big fuck-all 20x110mm round on infantry combatants. Depending the on the task at hand, a unit can outfit an MSG to fit any possible battle demands whether it's long-range assassination, asset removal, mobility kill, or ordnance disposal... In theory, one can handstand shooting the MSG in its 20mm configuration and walk away unscathed... if you're a non-human, that is.

All of the weapons that Morrick and his company have equipped with are of synthetic and machined parts variants. They have to thank the Mother Goddess for this because they absolutely loathe the heavy wooden stocks and janky, flimsy cheap steel parts. Those variants were too cumbersome and way less reliable when you had to run through mud and cliff. Often times when they were done running the tortured course, they were too tired to hold up the heavier wooden furniture rifles or the weapon refused to work right with broken ironsight, jammed charging handle, or broken internal. And if they did work well, the feeling of dumping almost a thousand rounds in less than ten minutes, while holding a wooden or steel handguard, wasn't the greatest. 

Morrick sure did remember the experience well, kitted in the new EOD suit, shooting a flaming G1 with its steel handguard melting as the barrel spatting out flames. It was a weird but fascinating experience, though. Anyway, lo and behold, just like what Bryn predicted, the higher-cost manufacturing methods for the guns prevailed and the sleek and black-looking guns are what they're holding onto right now.

Still, while they sure are lighter and more reliable, to the point of being more accurate than the lesser variants, even though they're from the same blueprints. Morrick and his company still feel very short of breath right now. After all, he has been running his men and women with combat-condition gear, meaning they're carrying more than 60kg each through a long and arduous course. It's not just his company but also the others, if not all members of the 404th are now at the range, putting the new equipment through field trials.

Jumping over a rotting log that somehow made its way into the middle of the muddy road, Major Morrick almost face-planted if not for his trained reflex. He's at the forefront of his company, right alongside Sergeant Jirou who is sporting a mild fatigue expression also. The Oni has taken it upon himself to carry additional equipment for the company, keeping the run fair in this non-combat scenario while making sure the unit has more supplies in heated battles. Stealing a glance over his back, Morrick tells in a quick second that the company is running on willpower alone.

Sure as hell reminds him of boot camp, just a bit heavier on the shoulders that's all. Still, this can be a great opportunity to solidify the company's morale and camaraderie. So, with a renewed conviction, Major Morrick sings a song that has been widely circulated among units of the 404th. Mainly because this song, while made by the famous singer Eden, is rumored to be inspired by the Reich Marshal herself.

-One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two! 

Morrick sang the first verse before turning to Sergeant Jirou. The Oni has a stupid face at first, but changes when Morrick sings the verse again.

-One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It's at this moment that Jirou and a few others behind him understand that Morrick is singing the song knowns as Division XXth. Their faces light up in excitement as Muller turns around, running backward at a slower pace while singing the next verses.

-Keep up the pace, don’t let yourselves lose the count for a second.

Morrick then holds up his G1.

-Remember which end the bullets come out of, and the other, less important, lessons.

As Major Morrick turns around after making sure the men and women behind him can his singing, Sergeant Jirou chimes in with a giant smirk on his face while jumping over a loose rock.

-I said I’d follow you through anything, Hell or highwater, which is convenient now that most days spent beside you are just... Hell. 

Well, in a way Jirou is not wrong but Morrick still gives him a middle finger, knowing it's directed at him and their obstacle-running moment.

Another Grenadier sings with a wide smile, patting the left shoulder of a radio man next to him.

-Others call it “survival skills” but I know now it’s just up to luck.

The radio man, if you can remember, was the same one that has been directing the Belkan destroyer, Vauquelin, to shell Arash. The experience he lived through at that time can't be expressed truer than this next verse he's about to sing.

-Our squad’s somewhere between a pending cluster bomb, and a clusterfuck.

Following up on his words, a female Corporal sings as she watches one of her comrades stumble on the ground, biting a few mouthfuls of mud. 

-“For еvery one that falls

Another ten rise up to take their place.”

The Corporal chuckles as she quickly helps her teammate up. The said teammate then spitefully sing as he was done spatting out the dirt and grime.

-That’s a beautiful sentiment, as long as you aren’t the corpse they replace!

Though he acted angrily, the soldier then sports a toothy grin as he continues the march.

-Who am I to stand in the way of morale? Observe, my smiling face! I’m told that through my faith, I won’t die...

I’ll leave a testament, just in case!

Riding up on the high of the last verse, the entire company joins in for a chorus.

-Don’t lie, we’ll be dead and gone before you know it. So when I die, shift the numbers up once more. Replace me!

By this time, they have arrived at their destination after completing the last lap for the day. Their singing is heard by the others that are there, including Yuki and her cohorts. With a smile on her face, Yuki watches as the other 404ths join the singing with salutes and smiles directed toward Morrick and his company. As Morrick's ragtag company comes to a stop near a shoothouse,  Sergeant Jirou plops his Panzerfaust downs at a corner before patting Morrick on the back with a big grin.

-Just smile! What are we without humor in horror? It’s worth it! Failure, glory, life, and living!

With a smile of his own, Morrick does a fist bump with Jirou as he joins the others in singing the chorus.

-All of your guns, all of your calls...The bad ones most of all! They define you, they’re the lowest standard we can strive to!

Though it came off like a diss at their teammates, they all take it in good fun.

-Your faults, your tact, inordinate amounts of flak! In all the carnage, there’s no one I’d rather stand beside!

Surprisingly, Yuki also steps forth, standing next to her subordinates as also sings loudly alongside those that fought under and with her in the frontline. Seeing that, Bryn can only shake her head exasperatedly while Einstein and the just-arrived Dreamer, both have a small smile as they watch the sudden gathering. 

-Every day lived, another semi-successful run-and-gun. 

What can they say, just another day alive on the battlefield is another day to cherish your life and those that have fallen around you. Well, that's unless you have a penchant for the alternative that is dying.

-But with friends like these maybe dying’s not the worst of outcomes?

When that verse is sung, the scene of a few Grenadiers chasing each other about in mock anger like kids can be seen. The gathering watched on with boisterous laughs as even Yuki joined in with her merry voice. Though it can be said that their action is unbefitting of military discipline, one must understand that the 404th isn't your regular military unit. No, they're a special force directly under Yuki, her bodyguards, and her brothers and sisters that have fought a war side by side together with her from the muddy trenches to the burning Arash. They're one big family.

Which is why Yuki sings.

-If given the choice again, I’d gladly partake of these death games.

Major Morrick follows after.

-The only true mistake is not to play! And also friendly fire!

In the last verse, he turns to give a friendly smack on Jirou's shoulder. Then, each of the officers around started chiming in.

-Keep up the pace, think on your feet

-Work around the flaws in plans and,

-While we’re breathing, count our blessings,

-Savor calm, this shit gets messy!

The last part is sung by Yuki, earning not a small amount of chuckles because she sang one of the cruder lines in the song. Morrick carries on with it, not willing to miss the beat though. He sings while looking back at his company with a proud smile on his face.

-Though their stupidity makes me want to cry

I guess there’s some who have it worse than I.

In response to him taking up that line, his soldiers retort with fake anger and sadness.

-It’s not insubordination and it’s not having your back, but trusting your calls is like waiting for a heart attack!

-You were wrong, when “It can’t be that bad!” was what you said.

Having sung that, the officers can only smile wryly as it was alluded to their time commanding the battlefield. Each and every decision they make, undoubtedly, affect their subordinates the hardest, after all. And surely, there's always a price to be had whenever one has to make a choice.

Thankfully, the song is meant to be a snarky sarcastic song, one that's sung between a closed-knit unit like th4 404th. With that in mind and big grins on their face, everyone that's affiliated with the 404th Ironblood Division joins the impromptu, open-air concert for the last section of the song.

-Don’t stop! If life catches up, we’ll surely meet our deaths!

-No rhyme or reason, are you sure we aren’t Chaos?

-Our laughter keeps the dread from out of earshot!

Then, the song dies down to a calmer tone as the majority of them, with the exception that is Yuki, chant the marching number one-two.

-One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two.

While Yuki herself stands taller with her back straight, softly singing.

-Keep the count of the soldier’s song,

-One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two.

-As everything that can goes wrong.

-One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two.

-Though our path isn’t always right,

-One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two.

-There’s not a thing we can’t overcome with spite!

Having sung the final verse, Yuki performs a snappy salute to her Division, prompting them to do the exact same thing. The atmosphere of the shooting range dies down as the people present, though still excited inside, take on a sterner attitude as they remind themselves of the trials and bloodshed it takes to get to this point. They each reaffirm their conviction and with it, their belief that the sacrifice they make now will be for the greater future of everything they stand for.

Unknown to most of them at that moment, the whole session has been recorded in colored and high-definition magic tools with sound support. This particular moment will not just be used as a great propaganda tool for the mass but also as an important historical reference for future academic studies. For now, though, they will fall back to the regular schedule at hand.

Yuki steps back, pointing at the shoothouse, which is supersized to a shoottown.

"Now with that morale booster out of the way. I think you have a few OPFOR in there to tackle." Yuki said to Morrick with a small smile.

The Major nods, holding his rifle up before with a grin, he slaps the charging handle down, letting it cycles a non-lethal round with a sounding smack.

"Bloody Seven company, make 'em pray!" He said, right before kicking down the door to a shoothouse, one that's but a part of many that are made up of this simulated enemy town. They have done the forced marching, now it's time for some forceful clearing.

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