Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Vol 2: National Development – Chapter 17: Nobody expects anything

Vol 2: National Development – Chapter 17: Nobody expects anything


Pulling the control stick backward, Yuki forces her aircraft to go into a steep climb. Right when she reaches the half loop, Yuki applies the right rudder to yaw her aircraft and performs a side slip. At the top of the loop, her aircraft ends up inverted and pointing outside of the loop's vertical plane. At that point, Yuki applies a hard reverse rudder, while at the same time controlling the aircraft's right aileron to roll the aircraft in the opposite direction of the applied reverse rudder. After the resulting twisting motion, Yuki uses the elevator to pull the aircraft up, which brings it into a horizontal flight in the same direction as the loop began and right behind an aircraft of a similar design to her own.

"I've got you on my sight." Yuki announced over the radio with a hint of a smile.  Her words also mark the end of the mock test flight of the newer aircraft model made by Focke-Wulf.

"Well, I will be damn, Marshal. Where the hell did you learn to fly like that? Better yet, how come you haven't blacked out from pulling all those Gs?" Came the surprised tone of Rigel 1, Yuki's OPFOR pilot in the sudden combat maneuver test they did earlier.

Yuki chuckles, saying. "A lady has to have a few tricks up her sleeve. Come on, let's get these babies landed and have the technicians take a look over them. I have a feeling that we put these aircraft ways past the specification from all the maneuvers we did."

"Lead the way, Marshal." Came the reply from Rigel 1.

During the transition period from traditional propeller aircraft to jet-powered ones, Yuki and the Air Force caught on that there must be an aircraft that serves as a stop-gap until the whole air fleet can be modernized. While the improved Bf-109 that saw exported to China is more than capable against its contemporaries' designs, it proved to be extremely limited on anything other than air superiority, not suitable for Belka's new doctrines. So, General Jurgen suggested to Yuki they should hand out a new contract to relevant companies and have them develop the next era, and most probably the last, of piston-engine aircraft with the newest set of technologies.

Of all the companies that are able to manufacture aircraft in Belka, only four joined to compete in getting the contract. They are Heinkel, Focke-Wulf, Henschel & Son, and Gotha, with each offering their own design under these requirements:

  • The aircraft has to be a high-endurance, multirole, all-weather, and carrier-capable design. It must be able to maintain an uninterrupted presence over a contested battle zone for an extended period of time.
  • It must be able to carry at least 2500 kg of ordnance, both modern and future ones, while still capable of taking off from an aircraft carrier without assistance.
  • The design has to take into account the newer technologies and avionics that Belka has to offer. Meaning: Turboprop powered by mana, modern avionics, and newer ordnance...
  • Most important of all are the reliability and safety of the design.

Under these requirements and the fact that the budget for the program is aplenty, the four companies let loose and set out to design what would become their proudest achievements to date.

Heinkel would set out to put forth a bigger and more modernized version of the He 100. This failed the trial for having an unreliable turboprop that stalled when under high-G maneuver. The aircraft also failed for being an arse to maintain according to the engineering crew that's been working on it.

Henschel and Son came along with what could only be described as a flying tank with their twin-engine design. Though promising for being able to carry a lot of ordnance, it failed to make the cut for being too heavy and unable to operate on an aircraft carrier without having to reduce its payload by half, resulting in it only being able to bring 2000 kg of ordnance. That and the size of the aircraft is too large for the simulated hangar of the Yggdrasil-class carrier, even with its wings folded.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The design from Gotha was a surprise though. Since the company is licensed to produce Bf-110, they've opted to modernize the platform under the blessing of Emil Messerschmitt himself, and they did that by a lot. Gotha has pushed the boundary of what the Bf-110 is capable of and, to be honest with you, has created what's possibly the best twin-engine aircraft an Air Force would want. With updated engines, modern avionics, and the ability to carry almost five times its previous payload of only 700 kg, this thing is best classified as a new aircraft altogether. Best of all the older Bf-110 can be refurbished to the newest standard, dubbed Bf-110 H by the Gotha designers. Even the father of the 110 is impressed by the renovated design of the aircraft. Yet, this comes with a downside. The Bf-110 is now crammed with so much new technology that it has reached a dead end in its development cycle. Though it will be state-of-the-art for the next three to five years, it will be hopelessly outclassed by anything newer. Especially more so when the Jet era is right around the corner. The design also comes with a matching price tag for maintenance, being a twin-engine design, and is a multi-crew aircraft.

The Gotha designers knew this well, which was why they weren't aiming to get the contract per se. They're actually using this chance to make a testbed in hope that they will receive another kind of contract, one that involves modernizing the aging Bf-110 fleet for the export market. Yuki must admit it was a smart move by them, coming from a company that is still inexperienced in making combat aircraft.

Anyway, the last company to make an entry into this competition is Focke-Wulf. You should have guessed by now that Focke-Wulf is the clear winner here. It's why Yuki is flying in a mock battle using their aircraft, after all.

Focke-Wulf named their brainchild Fw 152 and boldly claimed to the Reich Marshal that, and this slime quote, "If there exists a better prop plane at the moment, the company will change its name to Puter."

Well, the claim wasn't made without basis, the Fw 152 was a joy to fly and quite possibly the most trusty propeller aircraft to ever exist now and in the future. Made from the ground up with the potential for future revisions, the Fw 152, Skyraider, is the final answer to end the era of piston fighters.

Powered by a ridiculous 3700 hp turboprop, the Skyraider has a maximum speed of 760 km/h, a range of 2200 km, a service ceiling of 15100 m, and a rate of climb of 20m/s. It's armed with four 20mm autocannons with 800 rounds in total or three 30mm autocannons (one being a motor cannon) with 600 rounds in total. In addition to its guns, the Skyraider can carry and take off unassisted from an aircraft carrier with a payload of 3600 kg, mounted under 15 external hardpoints. If that isn't enough bomb to level an entire village, Yuki doesn't know what will. A bonus will be that the aircraft also have an ejection system, a first for a prop plane.

True, the aircraft will be hella more expensive than, let's say a Bf-109, but it's a given considering the missions it has to fulfill. Not to mention the fact that the projected cost of procuring and maintaining three Skyraider equals two Harriers or one Phantom. So in the near future, you will be seeing a lot more Skyraiders than jets. Yuki has a feeling the Skyraider will still be relevant fifty years into the future, just because it's so cheap to run. Granted, it won't be as effective against near-pear threats.

Back to the task at hand which is landing the wild girl that is the Skyraider. Wild because, and let's be honest here, if an aircraft equipped with a 3700 hp engine is not wild then what is?

Thanks to it being midday and there's little to no cloud, the visibility is great for them to land. Yuki slowly eases up the throttle of the aircraft till she reaches a speed that can deploy landing flaps and gears. Once all is said and done, she gently brings the girl down for a soft touch down, smooth as silk. Rigel 1 follows soon after for a similar textbook landing before they both pull to a stop near the service hangars. There, a small crowd is already formed upon their arrival, among them is the stony-face Bryn.

Spotting her from inside the cockpit, Yuki is tempted to kick the throttle to full and take flight again for she dreads the earful she will be receiving. In the end, she chooses not to and accepts the upcoming session with dignity. Stepping off with the help of a technician, Yuki removes her flight helmet before moving toward Bryn who is crossing her arms while lightly tapping her foot. Along the way, Yuki is greeted by Rigel 1.

"Marshal! Once again, nice flying back there." The Ace pilot said with a big smile. The man has blond hair, black eyes, and a well-kept beard, he bears the rank of Captain and is commanding the Rigel squadron.

"Captain Milosz Sulejmani," Yuki greeted him back. "You also flew wonderfully. As expected of Belka's most famous Ace."

Stopping for a bit, Yuki says. "You know if only you've taken up the offer from the Top Gun Academy. Goddess knows we will need people like you to lead those hot-blooded pilots."

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Captain Sulejmani says. "I am and will never be a proper instructor, not when I only feel at home, soaring with a selected few. That job is best suited for people that are more... grounded."

Shrugging but nonetheless accepting the Captain's choice, Yuki moves on to ask. "So, how are you liking the plane?"

"The Skyraider? Well, Focke-Wulf isn't all barks but no bites, that's for sure. They delivered what they promised and I can't wait to truly put her through her paces." The Captain turns to his Skyraider painted in dark blue. "She is truly deserving to be the last huzzah of a generation of aircraft."

Seeing the melancholic expression on the Ace approaching his late thirties, Yuki goes to end the conversation by saying.

"With such a promising prospect, we will no doubt place a large order for the aircraft. Perhaps with it, someone may go and contest the title of the Strongest Ace with you."

This brings forth a confident smirk from the Captain. "I would like to see them try."

Yuki then bid the Captain goodbye before heading over to Bryn. Unsurprisingly, the first thing the latter does is pinch Yuki's elastic cheek.

"Aiya~! Pain! Pain!" Yuki protested before Bryn let off her fingers.

The Valkyrie says, not very impressed by Yuki's action. "So, who's the unlucky bastard that got roped by you and let you take off with an experimental aircraft no less?"

Smiling cutely at the pointed question, Yuki tilts her head and says. "Tehe~?"

"... I'm not paid well enough for this shit." Bryn facepalmed. "You're lucky that something just came up and required your attention, otherwise you won't be hearing the last of this from me and Hel."

Hurriedly changing the topic to what Bryn said, Yuki asks. "Oh, oh! What's it that needs my personal touch?"

Rushing over to hug Bryn's arm, Yuki goes to say. "We can talk in the car!"

Sighing at her lover, Bryn leads them back to Yuki's motorcade. Once there, Sergeant Erika, patiently guarding Yuki as always, opens the door of their Mercedes. Inside the vehicle, Bryn fills in Yuki with the latest development.

"A group of foreign dignitaries has arrived, hailing from the Republic of Portugal of all things. They're here to talk about trading and arms deals."

"And I guess there's a caveat somewhere, hence you're bringing it to me?" Yuki asked as she leaned on Bryn. The latter makes Yuki comfortable by slightly adjusting her posture.

"That's right, they've come to talk about heavy armaments. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Portugal has a big enough pocket to do that." Bryn pointed out the obvious.

Yuki chuckles. "No, they don't. Which means this is an obvious cover for something, one that the opposite party wanted us to notice."

Bryn nods, also of the same mind. "Do you have any idea who they are and what they're here for?"

Yuki relaxes her body, closing her eye while tapping on the armrest with her fingers. "I have a guess as to who and why but it's better if we see what they have to say for ourselves."

"Alright, per usual I have them waiting at the base. They won't be able to do anything by being there." Bryn added to which Yuki hummed in acknowledgment.

Bryn notices that Yuki wants to take a short break so she orders Erika to drive slower and go on a detour while she watches over the young Marshal. Kissing Yuki on her hair, Bryn pats the girl to sleep as they take a thirty minutes trip around the city.


Yuki now refreshes and lively thanks to Bryn's impromptu decision, comes into the meeting room where the so-called Portuguese are waiting.

"My apology, gentlemen, sudden matters keep springing up left, right, and center and causing me to lose not a small amount of time before getting here." She addressed the men in suits with a friendly smile, followed behind by Bryn and a few aides.

A grizzled man, approaching his late fifties and wearing a white tux, stands up and bows. "It's our honor to receive you, Marshal. We didn't have to wait long and the service here has been very hospitable to us." His retinue also performs a similar curtsy as the aides go around to replace the drinks and snacks.

"Good to hear that." Yuki nodded before she and Bryn took a seat at the head of the table. "Please, be my guest."

With her permission, the man in white and his group, dressed in black, also take a seat by the table.

Yuki goes on to break the ice by saying. "Color me surprised when I heard that the Portuguese are here, and to discuss heavy weapons no less. This is why I dare say that you aren't from the Republic, heck you aren't even sharing the same regime. I have an idea as to who you really are but I will let you enlighten me on that."

Nodding nonplussed at Yuki's direct way of saying fess up now and don't waste our time. The man in the white tux proceeds to pull out a red cross from his coat pocket and place it on the table. The action is also mimicked by the African men dressed in black. And to the people in the room that can recognize the crosses, are shocked to see the men dressed in tux here.

Yuki, seeing the crosses have a wide grin on her face as she leans back, saying.

"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. True to your fame, your weapons are surprise, fear, ruthless efficiency, and most important of all, devotion to the cause."

Standing up after Yuki's speech, the man in white performs a Belkan curtsy before reintroducing himself.

"It would seem our reputation preceded us. Allow me to introduce ourselves, I'm Lord Inquisitor Ricardo Camati and those behind me are the few Inquisitors I can entrust my life to. Their leader is Carl Johnson."

The African man with a shaved head nods, saying. "You can call me CJ, Marshal." Receiving a nod from Yuki in return.

Yuki then goes on to say. "Though we have some dealings with Spain before, I don't think it will warrant an entry like this to Belkan soil. Something must be serious if you went here incognito with such a small guard retinue."

"It is as you said, Marshal." Lord Camati acknowledged it before surprising everyone by bowing toward Yuki. "Spain needs your help!"

The sudden act stunned everyone into silence. After a few seconds, having put her brain into overdrive to figure out the cause to warrant such a Lord Inquisitor to bow to a foreign power, Yuki leans back with a palm on her temple. The Marshal knows what about the shitstorm that has been brewing in Spain, her agents are tracking it step by step, but it's not supposed to be bad enough for the Lord Inquisitor to bow. This means that there is something missing in their intel, something that could be a game changer or worse, a game setter.

"This is not supposed to happen any time soon, damn it..." Yuki cursed under her breath, earning herself a concerned look from Bryn.

Massaging her temple, Yuki leans forward and says with a voice that leaves no room for negotiation. "Tell me everything."

Seeing the cold seriousness in the Marshal's eye, Lord Camati secretly admired the spirit the young Marshal exuded before going on to lay out everything he has prepared.

Once done, Bryn and the others are surprised to see that Yuki suddenly stands up, and with a single empowered punch, obliterates the table into splinters. Thankfully, they only receive minor scratches and while they're shocked, they elected to remain silent. The reason is Yuki is exuding such a tyrannical aura, her face is chillingly passive as she seems to stare off into the unknown. The oppression she is bringing out onto everyone is only alleviated when Bryn musters enough courage to place a palm on Yuki's back. This seems to bring the latter back to Earth as she turns around and gives Bryn a grateful nod, her face now returning to its normal expressive behavior.

Turning to address the Inquisitors who are regaining their wits, Yuki says. "Apology for the unsightly display. You must understand that the information you gave me is very, very frowned upon here."

Lord Camati nods, accepting Yuki's apology. "I understand, Marshal, I am much the same when I heard this news. Now then, should we continue with our discussion?" Befitting of a veteran, the Lord Inquisitor remains calm and collected as they all return to their seats.

"Gladly, we have much to discuss." Yuki said with a small smile as she signaled the aides for a replacement for the table.

Whatever is going on in Spain, and by extension Sardegna, Yuki must get to the bottom of it.

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