Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Vol 2: National Development – Chapter 19: Paramilitary

Vol 2: National Development – Chapter 19: Paramilitary

After a well-earned rest, Yuki wakes up in the loving embrace of her family members, namely Yggdra, Lu, Hel, Bryn, Ningyo, and even Elysia. She is pleasantly surprised to find that after blacking out yesterday, her family opted to end their work early, just so that they could take care of her. It makes Yuki's little heart flutters when bathed in their love.

Regardless, there's much work to be done today, even though Yuki really wants to kick back and relax for a day or two. The circumstance over Spain needs her immediate attention. So, gently, Yuki calls her lovers awake before they proceed to perform their morning routine, and have a nice breakfast, before heading out. Elysia, much to her regret, has to part ways with Yuki, she has to return to Eden's side as they are still preparing for their oversea tour. Ningyo, on the other hand, skips away to Einstein, Mobius, and Nicolae after making Yuki perfectly fine. Yggdra, as usual, returns to the World Tree and oversees the world. This leaves only Bryn, Lu, and Hel accompanying Yuki to meet with the Spanish Inquisition, at 9 am in the morning. In the throne room, the relevant people are already present.

After a Reichsguard announced their entry, Hel and Lu move to their respective throne while Yuki sit on another, smaller one, situated to the left of Hel's. While Bryn stands behind Yuki, ready to do anything the latter asks of her at a moment's notice. Standing in front of the thrones at the lower steps are members of the Inquisition and a few Belkan decision-makers.

"We gather here today to discuss a potential treaty with the leadership of the Spanish Inquisition. For the Inquisition, you can present your case on the benefits we can gain by signing a treaty with you. As for the Belkan Minister and Generals, you have all been briefed and you are here to provide your analysis of the situation at hand. What we will hear will determine whether we have a treaty or not and to what extent will we support you when we sign the treaty." Hel addressed the people present, receiving nods from everyone.

Though yesterday's meeting between the Spanish and Yuki ended on a positive note, nothing was cemented. Hence, Lord Camati must now step forth and negotiate.

"Your Majesties and Marshal, allow me to make my case." Lord Ricardo stepped forward and bowed. "For so long, Spain has been put under the oppressive clutch of the Sardegnian Papacy. Though we both share the same religious root, our open-mindedness in accepting change and sound wisdom has always put us at odds with the Papacy. Thus, in their zealotry, Sardegna has deemed that sowing chaos in Spain, causing the nation to collapse before finally, annexing us once and for all, is a wise move. Yet, they go about it by inhumane means and that is to artificially increase the population of Demons roaming Spain. This has caused widespread disruption and the deaths of hundreds of thousands! We have been stretched too thin without a proper standing military and now, with the advent of possible artificial supersoldiers, we have found ourselves very lacking. It's as such that we are here to seek aid from the Belkan Reich, a nation that has been showing us nothing but goodwill so far. Even if you won't help us, we will still be rescinding our allegiance to the Papacy, I will not let our people suffer under the yolk of a lunatic Pope."

Nodding at his words, Hel asks while Lu leans back with a hand under her chin. "What do you have to offer?"

"Allow me to be blunt, your Majesties." Hel frowns at this but Lu waves him to go on with a smirk while Yuki and Bryn both have pondering expressions.

Nonetheless, with Lu's explicit permission, Lord Ricardo carries on. 

"From what I can infer, your Alliance with the Ustian Reformists is to gain entry to the Ustian colonies that are Africa and Indochina once Princess Rosa Bonaparte is to elevate herself as the Ustian Queen. Yet, even with the Ustian Loyalists defeated, the Sardegnian Papacy will no doubt interfere with your access to the colonies for they are too greedy for their own good. In the contest for the colonies, especially Africa, Spain serves as a strategic location for it's through it, goods can be transported cheaply and quickly. Whoever controls Spain will control Africa."

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Stopping for a bit, Lord Camati then continues.

"Spain is willing to act as a tribunary state to the Belkan Reich in exchange for protection and economical aid. Should the treaty come to pass, Spain will see to it that it will fulfill any request from the Belkan Reich, as long as it's reasonable and doesn't go against the will of the people."

Lord Camati's statement earns raised eyebrows from the people present. It's no different than exchanging one overlord for another and he should be smart enough to know that even if he wasn't offering all that much, the Belkan Reich will still send aid anyway because Spain is too important to lose. So why placed an offer that will make them lose their independence while also providing the other party with too many benefits?

Sensing that there's a trap somewhere, Hel frown while Lu has an appraising look on her face. Yuki interjects before anyone can say anything, however. "You're looking to ride on the coattail of the Reich's future achievements, aren't you."

"As expected of the Marshal, nothing can escape your notice. Yes, I am not ashamed to admit that was my intention. In my line of work, I've come to be able to read between the lines. Your recent advancements are no doubt just the tip of the iceberg. Sooner or later, Belkan and Ustio will become major players in the region, dwarfing even the colossus that is Erusea and the Rusviet Union. Knowing that Spain, albeit a trade hub, is small and lacks genuine talents to make the country truly great even if we can protect our independence. It's better if we can serve under the Reich that can propel us to a brighter future, even if it's just for the former's convenience." Lord Camati explained, his explanation didn't come out as a shock to his Spanish retinue.

It seems like the former truly has the trust of his subordinates, even if he is selling out their country. 

Yuki nods, thinking to herself how much this will impact future developments while Lu smirked at the Lord Inquisitor. "You're awfully trusting in our capability. Aren't you afraid that we will stumble and cause your downfall along with us?"

Nonplussed, Lord Camati responds. "It beats being the pawn of the Papacy. If we die, we die as free men and women!"

Laughing out loud at his conviction, Lu praises the Spanish man. "Well said! You embodied the spirit of Spain very well!"

She goes on to say. "Let's just end this facade already, we all know that Belka will help Spain regardless of the offer the latter put forth. Though I do admit that having Spain presenting itself as a tribunary state was unexpected."

Sighing at the fact that Lu, once again, burns through the formal procedure because she is lazy, Hel turns to address Yuki. 

"Marshal, what's your opinion?"

Yuki crosses her arms, looking at Lord Camati before saying.

"As the Lord Inquisitor said after we're done with Ustio, we will be branching out for the colonies and later on, the entire world. However, if Spain is taken over by Sardegna, Ustio and Belka won't be able to access the colonies. Hence, it's now imperative that Spain is under friendly control. To ensure that will be the case, we must deploy not just material but also military aid, just enough to stabilize Spain and preferably without kicking a hornet nest. If Sardegna is spooked and proceeded to blatantly invade Spain, we can't help them in the time since the Months of Demon is still ongoing and we are too far away to intervene. For that reason only, we can't deploy our regular military."

This caused everybody to have a pondering expression. Yuki is right, the clandestine trip made by the Spanish Inquisition here was to evade the Sardegnians' notice. If they got wind of this, there's no telling how they will react. The same goes for sending over a Reich's army, it will be seen as an act of war on their end.

"This means we must make this a paramilitary operation." Yuki added.

To which Hel questions. "Paramilitary?"

"That's right, a paramilitary is an organization whose structure, tactics, training, subculture, and, often, function are similar to those of a professional military, but is not part of a country's official or legitimate armed forces. An example will be ONI and its operative branches or the Adventurers' Guild with their international work in dealing with Demons or simply, mercenary." Yuki explained. Her words allowed General Belladonna, who has been silent thus far, to infer what Yuki wanted.

"I see, that is a brilliant idea, Marshal." The cat-eared female General then says with a mischievous tone. "It would be a shame for the Sardegnians if an adventurous mercenary company intervenes in Spain."

With a similar smirk on her face, Yuki piggybacks on the words of General Belladonna. "Said company is, somehow, very experienced in the ways of battle also, they're clearly ex-military."

Somehow, Lord Camati also feels the need to chime in, saying with a grin. "And since they're paid by Spain, they will be accompanied by veteran Inquisitors who are also adept at dealing with Demons and know the lay of the land."

"Together, they will comb Spain and free it from the terrors that befall it. Yet, because they're unaffiliated with any country on paper, Sardegna can only suck it up." Lu ended it with a big smile.

As the four leading figures of the two factions share a dangerous laugh, Hel and Bryn can only shake their heads at the sight. Hel even goes on to ask Bryn this. 

"I'm not watching a bunch of children, aren't I?"

The Valkyrie can only sport a wry smile at this. At least both side seems to be very amiable when they plan their course of action.

Moving past the formation of the new mercenary group to be deployed in Spain, both sides then discuss the matter of supplying the Inquisition with additional hardware and supplies for humanitarian purposes. This proves to be a faster talk than before as Belka can just send over the surplus stuff they now have in abundance, just like what they have been doing to the Ustian Reformists and the Long Dynasty. Only this time, it's for little to no cost as Spain will become a tribunary state for Belka. 

Then comes the talk about when and how to send the mercenary group over.

"The Spanish Inquisition will be sending over our own ships to ferry the mercenaries. It will raise some eyebrows if a mercenary company has access to sea-faring vessels." Lord Camati offered. "Though not many in terms of ships, the Spanish Navy does have veterans manning up-to-date vessels. If there's one thing Sardegna doesn't skim upon then it is the navy, they need us to have a strong enough navy to contest the Strait of Gibraltar. Now this will come to bite them back in the rear."

"That simplifies the process, they can even help transport the war material. But can your navy be trusted?" Yuki questioned.

"We can safely entrust the task into their hands. Admiral Matias Torres is a Spanish hero and is loyal to the Spanish people instead of the Papacy. The same can be said to the men under his command for they're vetted to serve the people, not the overlord that is Sardegna."

"Matias Torres? If I recall correctly, he, as a gunnery officer, managed to score the longest kill on a moving target while under a storm." Yuki commented, impressed by the report she read on the man.

"That's right, Marshal. He is now an Admiral now after he repelled the Erusean navy multiple times in recent skirmishes."

"Talented people like that are hard to come by." Yuki has the feeling that the Spanish Admiral and their Belkan Admiral will get along just fine if they meet.

After the short conversation, Yuki turns to the Belkan Minister Hartmann who is standing in the corner with a bunch of notes.

"Minister Hartmann, I will entrust you with the formation of the new mercenary company and the requisite funding they and the Spanish will require." Turning over to General Belladonna. "General, you will be scouting for potential recruits and leadership for the mercenary company, though they will be placed under the supervision of ONI."

They both nod before Minister Hartmann asks.

"Marshal, what should we name this new company?" 

This cause a pondering expression to appear on Yuki's face, suddenly remembering something, Yuki asks General Belladonna this.

"General, you have that guy who is named Phillip Graves working under you right?"

"Uh... Right, there's a Colonel under me with that name. In fact, I was thinking of putting the guy in charge of the new group." General Belladonna answered, not fully understanding why Yuki asked that.

As if laughing at a joke that only she understands, Yuki goes on to answer Minister Hartmann's question.

"Let's call it Shadow Company." Yuki said with a grin.

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