Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Vol 2: National Development – Chapter 2: ONI

Vol 2: National Development – Chapter 2: ONI



In a nondescript four-story building, a clandestine meeting is taking place. Situating along the oval table is a gathering of familiar faces to Yuki, though the same can't be said for the others in the room.

As the clock struck 8 am sharp, Yuki proceeds with the meeting.

"Right now, a few of you must be wondering why we must be here, on such short notice," Yuki said. "It's a question that we will be answering in a short moment. I already know all of your biographies, but I don't think the others would be privy to them. For now, let's settle for a short introduction between us before we continue."

Yuki points at a tall woman with black hair tied up into two buns, her yellow eyes scan the people around the table with unnerving calm. While her beautiful yet cold facade deters anyone from approaching her. "Starting with you, just be at ease and don't bother with formality."

The black hair woman nods, maintaining a polite sitting posture while speaking with a voice melodious voice, though it carries a certain chill to it.

"Hello everyone, you may call me Agent. In a way, you can say that I used to work as a spy for Marshal Yuki."

Well, that explains her eery atmosphere and her decking in a full black suit. The others only tersely nod in response, not knowing how to react to that short introduction.

Taking the cue, Captain Quellec, sitting to Agent's right, speaks up. He opts for the standard officer wear today.

"Good morning, ladies. I'm Captain Quellec. I served under the Marshal during the campaign to Arash, now transferred to this new department. A fact that the Marshal will soon elaborate for us all."

On the other side of the table, the familiar green hair belonging to Doctor Mobius can be seen swaying. She reacted to the Captain's introduction with a question. "Quellec, weren't you the one in the parade?" To this, Captain Quellec briefly nods. 

Dr. Mobius then goes on to say something about the world being so small.

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The last figure to be sitting on Yuki's right side of the table is a short girl in a one-piece dress with black and white stripes. The girl shares a couple of traits similar to those of Agent, black hair and yellow eyes. The difference being her hair is freely flowing and there are two black metallic accessories being donned on her head. Aside from that, the girl has an alluring yet dangerous smile, one you can only see on unhinge people.

"I guess this is my turn then." Surprisingly enough, her voice sounds quite mature, unlike her height. "You can call me Dreamer, primarily in charge of R&D and making whatever stuff that the Marshal can think of, come true."

She then looks at where Dr. Mobius and her friend, Dr. Einstein, are sitting. "You may know me as one of the lead designers behind the stuff you read and saw a few days ago."

"It's my pleasure to meet such a brilliant mind, and one that's so young too." Dr. Einstein expressed her courtesy while Dr. Mobius just look at Dreamer with interest.

"Dreamer and Agent, what interesting names." The next person to speak up is a tall woman with splendid proportions, rivaling that of Mobius herself.

Having wine-colored long hair, fading into a light shade of purple at the end, complemented by her shining amber eyes, this lady looks to be a person of status. Yet, out of all the people in the room, she is dressed the simplest in only a brown two-piece dress and a black jacket. Her sunglasses were discarded on the table after she spoke up.

"I am Eden." Her lips carve the brightest smile on her masterfully sculpted face. "Not trying to brag but I'm known as the Heavenly Singer, trumping even Angels with my voice alone. Though, I'm glad that your reactions are subdued. I think being overexcited will ruin this atmosphere we're having."

Last but not least are Dr. Mobius and Dr. Einstein's introductions. Funnily enough, the former only elbow her friend, making Einstein sigh before speaking up in place of Mobius also.

"My name is Albertha Einstein and this green hair lady here is my close colleague, Dr. Mobius. We're both recently employed by the Marshal to help her improve and perfect pre-existing technologies and experimental ones. I'm majoring in machinery while Mobius's expertise is in biology. We both have great experience in the field of energy, also."

Others at the table nod, thus ending the five minutes introduction that Yuki has allocated.

"With that out of the way, we will talk about today's bread and butter." Operating a device on the table in front of her, Yuki uses it to check for any possible breaches in security. "Good, we're in private."

"In case you haven't noticed, this building is warded and guarded secretly than the Ninth Level of Hell, especially this room right now. As the subjects that will be discussed here now and in the future are the bottom parts of the iceberg. Many of which should never see the light of day, regardless of how absurd or dark they are."

Yuki takes a serious look at the people present with her one good eye, letting her words sink in. Seeing that nobody has an obvious reaction, she then continues.

"As you all should have known by now, the previous intelligence bureau we had was investigated and promptly dismantled. The major reasons were their ineptitude and treacherous stance against the Reich, causing unnecessary losses of lives during the ongoing war. Fortunately, the people responsible had been tried and executed for the highest degree of treason. And now, here we are."

Yuki scans the gazes of the people inside the room, they're smart so they must've known what she's been getting at. True to her expectation, a person speaks up, just not the one she has been expecting, however.

"War a fought with men, yet, intelligence is the key to victory." It's Eden, a singer. "With the old agency gone, you must be seeking to form a new one. One that is hopefully living up to its name, am I right, Marshal?"

Smiling at Eden's guess, Yuki nods with a hand under her chin. "Correct, unlike what one would think of you judging from your occupation, you're surprisingly perceptive."

Eden just returns a smile of her own and a wink as a finishing touch.

Yuki then moves on to say. "I'm not gonna mince my words, rather I will just lay it on the table directly. The people inside this room are screened for their talent, loyalty, and dedication to the betterment of the Reich. Such traits are what I am looking for right now to form a new intelligence service. One that's much more comprehensive than the last one."

Handing out separate folders to the people present, Yuki then says. "I've gathered that all of you are ready to do whatever it takes for what you believe in, and I respect that. Hence I offer you the first seats of power in this new agency. Read the file and ask me any questions you want, included inside are offers that you can't refuse."

They nod and pick up the documents. Yuki lets them peruse the papers for twenty minutes, during which she is seen scribbling something on a notebook. Finally, the first ones to let the files down are, obviously, Agent, Dreamer, and Quellec. To them, this is just a formality as they all agreed to take up positions in the new agency long ago.

Five minutes later, Eden and the rest lay down theirs. The first to pick a question is Einstein.

"It's written here that I and Mobius will both be offered the position of Vice Head of Section Four. Judging from the number, I assume that there are other Sections?"

Yuki nods, though she is still busy flying her pen on the white paper. "That's correct, and now I will explain."

Turning over a page in the notebook, Yuki then says.

"The number of Sections can be counted up to four, namely:

-Section One is the Internal Affairs department, charged with rooting out and eliminating illegal activities in territories claimed by the Belkan Reich. The true nature and activities of the division will be highly classified and unknown outside of the command hierarchy of the newly established intelligence agency. This Section will be headed by Agent herself.

-Section Two is the proper intelligence-gathering branch of the agency. It has a wide range of responsibilities ranging from field operation, force recon, asset insertion, SIGINT, HUMINT, VIP extraction, HVT assassination, and so on...  Section Two is also responsible for covering up all information on locations or subjects the agency wishes to keep hidden from the public eye. Right now, it will be entrusted in the capable hands of Captain Quellec.

-Section Three is the propaganda branch. Responsible for psychological operations, both internal and external of the Reich, they will be a crucial tool in controlling the flow of the war. Overtly, however, Section Three only deals with external communication and public morale. It handles communication to reduce the spread of rumors and information that would damage morale. While it also reinforces morale via means of war stories, combat footage, and de-classified tech demonstrations,... Covertly, however, the Section will be the propaganda war machine the Reich needs. By distributing false information, sowing dissidents, empowering a rebellion, or even bringing up false idols... The Section can weaken the enemy without Belka's direct military intervention. Using the popularity of the false idols, Section Three can even help Section Two enter a hostile country subtlely. The revere world-class idol, "The Brightest Star" Eden, is an integral figure for the Section to operate at full efficiency.

-Then, Section Four is the top-secret projects division that oversees the various groups responsible for creating new innovations through the use of advanced and experimental technologies. Section Four is also dedicated to the recovery, analyzing, and decoding, of data that Section Two is stuck with. Its latest results are the computer and Void Ether Reactor. This section will be headed by Dreamer for her crazy and innovative ideas. While the Vice Heads, primarily there to help perfect the technologies, will be Einstein and Mobius.

Finally, there's me. I am the one on top of the food chain, not even the Empresses hold any sway over this agency. You all report to and follow my order and mine alone. So please, make sure to notice the line between the sand.

Aside from that, there will be many other sub-sections but we will continue this train of discussion later. Anything else you need to ask?"

Having done saying the quite long explanation, Yuki is now tapping the butt of her pencil on the table. She raises an eyebrow when it's Eden that raises a hand up. "Well, shoot."

"Just how did you know what I wanted to offer that?" Eden said with a puzzled expression. Never has she shared her true dream with anyone, only saying the half-truth that she just loved singing. How does the Marshal guess what her true dream is?

Yuki shrugs. "I did an examination on your psyche... Well, I did that on everybody here. That's why I could figure out your true wish. For example, Mobius here wants to transcend the human body." Turning to look at the shocked green hair doctor, Yuki smirks. "Am I right?"

Mobius closes and opens her mouth a few times before sighing with her face down. "You're correct."

Yuki smiles, twirling the pencil expertly on her fingers. "See? Know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."

The room then falls into a short lull.

Einstein, seeing that everyone has accepted Yuki's answer to Eden, fixes her glasses. She is thankful that the Marshal didn't make her out as an example.

 "So we all have accepted the offer we can't refuse?" Einstein said, hoping to conclude the matter. The others nod in return.

Turning to Yuki, Einstein reports. "Reporting to you, Marshal. All Section Heads have assembled."

With a pleased smile on her face, Yuki answers. "Good! And before I forget..."

She leans up with both hands on the table, fingers interlinked.

"... Welcome to ONI, Office of National Intelligence!"


When the meeting has been adjourned, only Yuki stays behind with Agent and Dreamer. In absolute privacy, Agent has donned a maid dress and is now serving Yuki and Dreamer some tea.

Dreamer, after taking a small sip of the aromatic liquid, asks. "You think they will be of use?"

Yuki slowly leans back, eyes closed before saying. "They will be, not right now but will be in the short future. Besides, who else will I use when you all are responsible for keeping the world sane."

Dreamer chuckles in response. "Section Zero, comprised solely of Einherjar, your ultimate weapon, Master, is now relegated all across the world, protecting it from the shadow. It's ironic as we're quite the opposite in the past."

Yuki can only wryly smile at that, reminiscing about her life as Time, Death, and Destruction. Noticing the exhausted look on Yuki, Agent proceeds to massage her Master. Her skill in the art allows Yuki to drift into a short but peaceful sleep. During this, the two Einherjar dutifully stay by their Master's side, right until Yuki wakes up and they have to leave for their duty.


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