Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Vol 2: National Development – Chapter 8: Unofficial dinner

Vol 2: National Development – Chapter 8: Unofficial dinner


Three days before we start trialing our first void reactor, right now, I am helping Dreamer and the Doctor duo to assemble the last mechanical pieces of the reactor before carving the last set of runes around the reactor. The external runes are there to fortify the room in case of a major mishap alongside the heavily reinforced walls. The reactor itself also has runes carved in its many components, they are there to help facilitate the connection to the void and help convert its ether to useable mana.

Runes are neat because it has such a high degree of useability, you can use them to enhance your weapon with increased accuracy or durability. Or you can use them as a language to communicate with a higher dimension. There are endless possibilities in runic science and we are working on further developing it to incorporate it more into our magitech. Thus far, runes are problematic to use because it's very hard to upscale or downscale the size of the runes to fit something like, let's say, a fan in a turbine engine or a ten-meter strip of battleship plating. It's possible but takes extreme precision on the part of the craftsmen to set up a runic array. Fortunately, even with the downsides, runes still help cut a lot of time in the production of delicate machinery or complex material. Way better than using just pure science to make and reinforce something and you only need minimal mana to recharge them for usage. If you combine a set of runes with a durable rune, you also don't need to worry much about maintaining the integrity of your runic formations. As I said, runic science is such a neat field of expertise to not further it. That's why I have Dreamer dedicated a portion of our resources to advance the field, searching for a way to simplify its production method so that we can incorporate it more in both the military and civilian sectors. Until that time though, we must make do with manual labor to produce the runes. Hence, the workers and builders in our industries must be treated well, they're too talented in their craft to lose them.

Anyway, enough about runes, it's time to build this baby up to shape. I thought as I directed Mobius's and Einstein's teams to add the finishing touch to the reactor's protective layer.


"...And done! Congratulations, you all! You have just built our first step to a brighter and cleaner future!" I said into the mic, broadcasting my voice to the scientists and engineers behind the protective glass. I watch with a smile as the people inside the reactor room erupts into cheers, their sound muted by the thick protection of the control room I'm in.

The reactor is now basically completed. We need only run the last few security tests for the protections we placed before the big day three days from now. But for now, I will let these men and women take a well-earned breather. It has been a hectic period for the people from the Mansion of Wisdom and Section Four.

Turning over to Ningyo, I pat her head for a job well done. "Good work back there, Ningyo! YOu helped us a lot with your precise instruction on which goes where." That was a sincere compliment since my sister had used her impressive computing ability to make sure nothing was misplaced. She was basically the director of the show.

I watch with a warm smile as Ningyo purrs at the attention I am giving her right now. This little girl is so easy to please.

"It's about time that I call it a day, do you want to follow me home or do you want to hang out with Einstein and Mobius?" I asked, knowing that Ningyo has been getting closer two the two older ladies. They are incapable of fighting against this bundle of cuteness and supreme intellect.

"Big sis! Sister Mobius have invited me and sister Einstein over to her house to play! She said that her assistant Klein will be making dinner tonight!" Ningyo said cheerily, she tilts her head at the end. "She also told me to invite you over if you just want to hang out with us."

"Umu, how about a different day then? This evening I must receive Rosa who has just arrived from Ustio." I replied, a bit remorseful that I can't join Ningyo for her fun time.

Thankfully, Ningyo doesn't seem to mind, having had a trip with me to the Imperator airbase earlier. "Don't worry, big sis! I'm pretty sure we will have more time in the future to play!"

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I chuckle, giving her head another pat before I head out from the control room. Taking off my lab coat and putting it on a hanger, I open the door to see Bryn already waiting for me.

I sport a grin as I see her.

"Well, this is a pleasant surprise. You had your work done early?"

Bryn nods with a small smile. Noticing my fatigue, Bryn holds her right elbow out so that I can cross my left arm over it, letting my head rest on her arm as we walk to the car.

"Thanks." I said. Though I won't show it in front of Ningyo, I am tired physically.

"You've worked hard. Fortunately, the upcoming trip with Rosa should be able to afford you some downtime." Bryn said in a soothing tone. "After that, I will see if Hel can help you relieve your fatigue. You're young, but overworking yourself isn't without repercussion."

I smile lightly as I can feel the care in her tone. The rest of the trip, from the walk to the car ride, has been in pleasant silence after our short discussion. Bryn elects to let my mind rest rather than saying anything else. A notion that I am grateful for lest I risk a quick migraine.

By the time we pull to a stop at a small restaurant, one that I've picked as the rendezvous location with Rosa, I am feeling many times better than before. 

Erika steps out first to watch the surroundings while Lola skips on her feet to open the door for me and Bryn. Together, with my arm crossing Bryn's, we step down from the Mercedes before making our way inside the building.

A stray thought hit me as we were approaching the restaurant's entrant.  "Now that I think about it, this is like a date for the two of us. Well, a double date if you count Rosa and mary's pairing." I said with a small smile.

In the corner of my eye, I can see Bryn is now sporting a light blush as she responds. "I think you're right about that." As we step inside the restaurant's premises, we're hit by a well-lit interior and soothing music, the furniture is one that subtly provokes a hint of companionship and comfort. This place is geared toward dating and loving couples.

In a spacious corner of the building, I can spot Rosa and Mary, the former of which is now waving her hand toward us with a sunny smile. Bryn then takes me to their table with a calm gait, her previous embarrassment is now gone, replaced by a confident look. I chuckle internally, Bryn decided to be the Alpha on our date, I see. Not that I mind and I like it more this way.

"Heya! It's been a while, isn't it?" Rosa greeted us while Mary stands to give us a small bow. They both have a glass of white wine on the table. Rosa takes a cursory scan of me before turning over to Bryn, asking. "She has been overworking, again, isn't she?"

The question causes my partner to close her eyes and sigh, her answer making me pout. "Believe me, I and her mothers tried our very best to limit her workaholic attitude. Still to no avail, however. If we set up a curfew for her, she will just double her workload to make up for the time unable to work. She is stubborn like that."

"Hey! I am anything but stubborn!" I protested, which caused the three of them to look at me weirdly.

My defense quickly falters under their judgemental gaze so I hastily diverted their attention. "Come on, let's order something to eat. I'm starving!"

I take a seat, completely ignoring their pointed look as I focus on the menu I've just picked up. Seconds later, Rosa also sits down with a chuckle at my antic while Mary sympathetically says to Bryn. "You have it hard."

Bryn responds by saying. "You too."

The two have a short bonding moment as the aides for the two problematic princesses. This caused both of me and Rosa to wryly smile. With the short reunion out of the way, we all promptly take a seat before pondering over what to order.

Rosa asks a question as we all take a look at the menu. "I must admit, Belkan cuisine fascinated me for its many combinations. As the hosts here, what do you think we should have for dinner?"

Bryn and I share an understanding look before we turn to Rosa. Bryn speaks first before me.

"Well, believe it or not, fried potatoes are a must-try dish for when you're here. Usually, it's a dish that determines a Belkan restaurant's quality. Here, they serve the potatoes with bacon and onion, seasoned with salt and a variety of spices."

I add. "The restaurant here is well-known for its tantalizing aroma from its fried potatoes. You should try it out."

Rosa nods in understanding while Mary asks. "Does it go well with salad?"

I nod. "Personally, I think it goes very well with a haus salad to clean up the grease from the bacon."

"I see, since it's fried, the oil may interfere with the flavor of the entree." Mary turns to look at Rosa, seeing that her master returns a nod, she then says. "I think we have our starters."

Bryn and I nod. "Then let's move on to the main course and dessert."

Rosa speaks her opinion. "They said that when in Belka, one must not forget to try their burgers. I have never had one before as Royal Ustian cuisine sees it as a low-class food. Yet, now I am dying to try out the burgers that I've seen everybody eating day and night."

I sport a grin, seeing this as a chance to convert her taste bud to a burger fanatic like I am. "Then you're in luck, the beef patty serves in the burgers of this restaurant is to die for. It also comes packed with its own vegetables, hence, burgers are a very convenient food for working people like me. You can just enjoy it on the fly without any utensils whatsoever. We also pride ourselves in making our burgers big enough to fill a belly, unlike the American ones."

In response to my pitching, Rosa raises her hand. "Then I would be glad to have one right now."

"So four burgers, I see, now we only need a desert. My personal recommendation is fruit pudding for its texture and flavor. It will be a perfect dessert after eating the hotter starters and main course."

I raise my hand. "I seconded that."

Rosa and Mary nods their face lit up when Bryn suggested pudding so it's not surprising. A girl gotta love her sweet.

We then pass on our order to a waitress who bows before leaving for the kitchen. Till the food arrive, we four engage ourselves in a light discussion ranging from everyday happenstances to what hobbies we have.

The latter part has me teased for my hobbies of working for the betterment of my loved ones. Again, I only work normally, how come it's a bad thing in their eyes?!

We switch our discussion topic to our food when the first dish arrives. As promised, the fried potatoes of this family-owned restaurant are amazing. Potatoes that were fried to a golden standard and the glistening bacon didn't fail to capture our eyes. Its aroma also further attracts our attention, so much so that's almost a waste to just eat the dish outright. Luckily, the salad comes mere seconds later so we can start digging into the tantalizing food.

"Oh wow~ this is so good!" Rosa commented after her first bite of the potato. 

Bryn adds. "As I said, if this first dish is this good, then wait till the rest arrive."

Mary can't help but nod in agreement, her fork is accompanied by salad as she eats. "I must research more on this cuisine later. I must admit the chefs here are capable experts for they blow away my taste buds in the first bite. That was a compliment, of course."

I chuckle. "I know right? I used to frequent this place when I was still studying at the Academy. In fact, I know the owners of this fine establishment well enough to ask them to share a few tidbits of their cookings for you, if you like it."

Mary nods, taking up on my offer as Rosa can't stop her fork from moving. "I can't wait for that, your highness."

We then eat and talk in a lighthearted atmosphere, enjoying a moment of peace in our busy lives. As time goes on, Rosa and mary are increasingly taken by the taste of our cuisine. I and Bryn can't help but show proud smiles at their growing interest. Want to get a girl's heart, get her stomach or something along that line, they said.

The arrival of the hamburgers seals the deal for Rosa and Mary though. It's funny to see them clumsily holding up a hamburger, only to have a bite and moan at the sauciest and bombastic taste they have ever had in their entire lives. Bryn and I chuckle as we witness what could possibly be a foodgasm, judging from the words from an age long gone. It takes them no time at all to finish the plate-sized hamburgers and I swear they almost let out a tear when they realize that it's gone. Thankfully, the puddings successfully prevent them from breaking down as a kid got robbed of her candy.

"My goodness! The texture of this pudding is sublime while the taste is truly fresh and aromatic. It melts into your mouth while the fruits leave behind a pleasant sour aftertaste. Such a pudding beats even the ones served by our greatest chefs!" Mary excitedly said what was on everyone's mind at the time.

During dessert, Bryn suddenly offers me a spoon of her gooseberry pudding, prompting Rosa to do the same with her cherry pudding. If there was only Bryn's offering, I would have taken up the offer without hesitation but now there's Rosa... Suddenly facing a predicament of not knowing who to eat first, either way, will be a death sentence from the other, I can only turn to Mary, asking for the maid's help. At first, the maid opted to watch on with a curious glint and a small smile on her face. She falters when I put on my puppy eyes, however, and scoops up a portion of her strawberry pudding before handing it over to me. Pretty sure I didn't ask for that kind of help though!

But screw it, I need a way out and Mary seems to be the lesser of two evils, what's with Bryn being my lover and Rosa getting damn near to that point. Hence, my mouth picks Mary's spoon as its destination. Chewing the strawberries and pudding together, I am surprised by the sweet aftertaste it gives me. I stifle my chuckle when Rosa and Bryn, of all people, pout, and glare at Mary. In response, the maid just shrugs, saying.

"You girls should really work on your dating skill, like seriously, sharing a spoon with the person you're interested in? That's such yesterday's strategy. At least pick a suitable atmosphere where there are only two of you, gosh!"

Finally, I can't help it anymore and almost stumble down laughing as Bryn and Rosa blush in embarrassment, holding their faces after being called out by Mary the maid. I give Mary a thumbs up for her timely save while the maid rolls her eyes with a hint of a smile on her lips.

Regardless of the earlier fiasco, we agree that the dinner was fun and fulfilling for all of us. Having needed that downtime, every one of us treasures the time we spent on the dinner, knowing that the next few days will be filled with work for the parties presented. Calling it a night, we promise to hang out unofficially like this on a later date, preferably with more of our friends and family involve. In a way, this serves as a way to foster the relationship between the two regimes but let's be honest here...

We all are just girls wanting to have some fun.

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