Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Vol 2: National Development – Special Chapter: Christmas Night

Vol 2: National Development – Special Chapter: Christmas Night


"...And done! Adverse weather testing has been completed! Powering down the turbine." Announced a female scientist as she operated a lever. Slowly, the muffled humming coming from the wind tunnels recedes.

Taking off my lab coat and handing it over to a nearby aide, I announce to everyone present. "Good work, people! With this new data, we're one step closer to re-innovate the aeronautic industry! Now let's pack up the scaled models and bring them back for inspection. After that, we can call it a day."

"Yes, Marshal!" Came the chorus of replies. 

I then watch as they move out and about, carrying the new aircraft model and checking the wind tunnels for any sign of breakage. Operating a wind tunnel is hella expensive so they have to be well-maintained after each and every single test. Though we won't have to worry about the electricity bill with the first void reactor hard at work. Amidst all of this, I am suddenly tapped on the shoulder. Turning around, I am greeted by Einstein as she says.

"Seems like you've finished up your business for the day." I nod at her words, sidestepping a trolley carrying the model of the Phantom jet.

"Looks to be that way, what's up?" I asked. Einstein rarely sought me out in person unless the matter required my personal touch.

I am thinking that Einstein may need some help setting up the newer computers when she says with a raised eyebrow. "Have you forgotten? Today is Christmas and with the evening party right around the corner, everyone is waiting for you."

"Oh..." That was all I can say before I realize the full meaning of Einstein's words. "Oh!"

I completely missed the fact that today is Christmas. Works have been piling up high near the end of the year and because of that, I've been pulling my weight to finish most of the important ones before 1936 arrives. Can't really let unfinished businesses affect the development of the country at the start of a new year, lest it bears stagnation which is not good.  With such a mindset, I've been putting celebrations on the back burner, until now.

Facepalming at my sheepish grin, Einstein groans.

"Damn it, Yuki, I should have known better than to believe in your one-track mind. Come, let's get you back so that the other can make you presentable. Anything that is better than wearing..." Einstein motions to my regular military attire. "This."

I pout, not willing to let her disregard the benefits of my uniform. "Hey! It's practical, formal, and overall comfortable to wear in all weather. Most important of all, it's cool!"

Einstein deadpans. "Seriously?"

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I double nod, only to be grabbed by the scruff of my neck as Einstein pulls me out of her car. "We really don't have time for your shenanigan, Yuki. The others have already prepared some clothes for you so like it or not, you will have to discard that uniform."

I protest, knowing the pain of playing dress-up with my family. "No! I don't wanna!"

"Why the hell are you acting like a kid right now?" Einstein asked incredulously.

Despite my best effort, I am still brought back to the Obsidian Castle. There, I have been, quite literally, chased by a Devil with a dress on each arm.

This is pain.


Funnily enough, Christmas, although an important event for the Biblical community of Earth, being the birth of Jesus Christ and all, is also a notable event in the teaching of the Yggdrasil Pantheon. Why you may ask?

Well, the part where Yahweh, who is known as the Primordial Goddess of Order and Chaos to the Yggdrasil Pantheon and the Biblical God for the Abrahamic Church of Earth, sent down an Emissary to save the world from its sins, is true. But that's where the similarity ends.

According to the Sardegnian Papacy, where the Biblical community holds the highest amount of influence, Jesus Christ is the son of God, born to Mother Mary to save humankind. Yet, it's not the truth, or at least, not the full truth. For the tale of Jesus Christ is but one of many tales in the teaching of the Yggdrasil Pantheon, and Jesus Christ is most definitely not the son of God, not when Yahweh never bears a child in the first place. In fact, during the tumultuous time of the Previous Era, before my eventual death, Yahweh wanted to reform the world through a much more peaceful method than let's say, unleashing Void into the Omniverse at large. She hoped that if the mortals were enlightened on the fact that they could strive to live a better life, one that's based on the fruit of their hard work and their morality, not just trudging along in the dark. They could learn to break free from the tyranny and whims of the Corrupted Gods. This, in turn, would force the Gods to change and be their better selves, if only to retain their followers. Hence, she sought to find suitable Emissaries to raise a movement against the Corrupted Gods.

The first one was, undoubtedly, Jesus Christ. A gift from Yahweh to a faithful Mother, one that would go on to teach and spread the meaning of the word 'Love' and the meaning of sins across the Omniverse. His teaching would then go on to reinforce the following of Yahweh due to the promises it delivered. This lays the foundation for the eventual rebirth of the Omniverse in the hands of Void. 

The second Emissary was Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha. Born to a royal family but was enlightened by Yahweh on the suffering of the world. He then went on to journey the world and would go on to teach the people about Nirvana, freedom from ignorance, craving, rebirth, and suffering. Buddha's view on the life of every being was so illuminating that he even converted a few Corrupted Gods.

In many ways, the path of Jesus Christ and Buddha mirrors each other, both ultimately sought the peaceful coexistence of all races and classes without corruption. Yet, unlike Buddha, who was able to achieve ascension to reach a higher state of being, thus being able to continue to spread his teaching across the new Omniverse, Jesus Christ chose to sacrifice himself to absolve the sins of a great many beings. When he knew that the Primordial Goddesses agreed to reset the Omniverse, thus would no doubt cause countless souls to die. Jesus Christ, as the preacher of 'Love', decided to sacrifice himself to absolve the sins of many out of his love for life. Though he was crucified by the followers of the Corrupted Gods as a result, his selfless sacrifice allowed Yggdrasil's seed ship to house be filled with enough people to form what's now known as Belka. While those not fortunate enough to board the seed ship had been reincarnated by Yahweh, an act they would later identify as Isekaied. They would go on to become the foundation of many better universes. 

With such a noble sacrifice, Yahweh had the birth of Jesus immortalized into what would become Christmas today. An event of joy and hope for the entire Omniverse for it's only through his sacrifice that the Omniverse is a more... wonderful place for everyone.

Thinking up here, you can see that the Sardegnian Papacy omitted and falsified a lot of its teaching about Jesus Christ. Hell, they blatantly changed the image of Yahweh to suit their agenda, all the while imposing their doctrine or culling other religions. Funnily enough, even though we have literal Angels, and Gods on our side, with Yggdrasil being of the same rank as Yahweh, the Abrahamic Church still brands Belka as Hell's nation. They basically blamed every single evil and suffering in the world has been the handiwork of Belka. Why? It's not because my mama Lu being Lucifer is holding the reign of Belka, but it's because it suited their agenda to reacquire the lost power and prestige from when their Holy Kingdom was still a thing. They did succeed, somewhat, but the world is not stupid, not anymore. Regardless, they will be a thorn that has to be removed in the future, either by hook or by crook. Probably the former considering almost any person that's affiliated with the Vatican is a zealot through and through.

Anyway, I have been pulled off my short reverie when a Reichguard announces. "Princess Marshal Yukia Rosetta de Venusian and her retinue, have arrived!"

Taking one last glance at my attire, I let out a pleased smile. "Though it was tough, the dress sure complimented me well. They really pulled out all the stop, just for me."

Smiling fondly at the memory of the previously hectic morning I had, I step into the decorated hall with a Christmas motif. There, I receive many appraising gazes from not just the governing members of Belka but also foreign dignitaries. The event is big, after all, and we would be stupid not to use this chance to further improve Belka's standing in the international community.

As I head further inside, followed by Erika and Lola who are sporting tuxedoes of all things, I scan from the corner of my eyes for anyone of interest. Of course, the Reformists are here, getting very comfortable with their Belkan peers, and surprise surprise, the Long Dynasty's representative is also here. Understandably, they find themselves furthest away from the Japanese delegation with both sides eyeing each other warily.

With that said, I soon reach my family, each sporting their own beautiful attire. 

"So you've made it, after all." Elysia said with a smirk, knowing full well that she had fun dressing me up like a doll with mama.

I roll my eye, yet, my lips can't help but curve up. "Yeah, gotta say you look great, in fact, everyone here is making me feel lacking in comparison." 

My compliment has earned me smiles from everyone with the only exception being Yggdra who is, understandably, not present. She will disrupt the atmosphere with her being the subject of worship, after all. Fortunately, she will be joining us in private later on, can't have her feeling left out.

Anyway, mama and mom are now wearing their regalias, only this time with overcoats that serve to increase their imperial aura, not just protection against the cold. And of course, with her impressive stature, when mom pulls me to her to give me a look over, I can safely say that none of her curves are left unattended with her clothing. Goes to say mama will be even more bewitching with her devilish dress, especially for those lacking in mental strength. 

"You're looking gorgeous, Yuki." Mommy Hel gave me an approving smile, seeing that everything is in order.

Mama laughs slightly, proud that her daughter is growing into such a fine lady. "Of course, she has to be! We spent ages setting up this dress for her!" She then says a bit smaller only for us to hear. "Yggdra sure knows how to pick, huh."

Bryn, on the other hand, is wearing a modest white gown with a split skirt, and just like mama and mom, she also has an overcoat with a red inner but white outer layer. Though she is wearing her dress reservedly, it doesn't hide away the sculpted figure of an ice-cold beauty. Still, she is showing a small smile at the mention of Yggdra picking me clothes.

"It's a given considering the woman, in a way, is Yuki's stalker. If her words are to go by then she has been peeping on Yuki ever since she was a kid, nonstop at that, I may add." Her out-of-character jab at Yggdra caused us to chuckle. Yet, it also goes to say that my family members are getting along well.

Elysia adds. "It's understandable though. Yuki is irresistible and I can't wait till she grows up more nicely."

Elysia then goes around me in her white gown decorated with purple and gold lining that complimented her pink hair. She let her hair flows freely on this occasion and it's now reaching pash her midriff. With an appraising look, the pink elf nods many times. "Yup, can't wait till she develops her assets more." 

I deadpan at Elysia while the girl licks her lips. Shaking my head, I am about to say something when Ningyo comes next to me, wearing a dress of the same design as me. "Sister, we're both alike!"

Chuckling at her innocent joy, I carefully pat her head, saying. "That's right! We're sisters, after all, and sisters can't be too different. Now then, Ningyo, you like the atmosphere here?"

"Un~!" My adopted sister nods and her golden eyes scan the food tables. "The music is cheery and the sweet is delicious! Sister, with Christmas being an annual thing, we will have more opportunities to have fun like this in the future, right?"

Nodding with a warm smile, I answer. "That's right, you can experience this festivity every year and I promise that each year will be a different but fun experience." From the corner of my eye, I can see a fidgeted girl standing over at the Chinese delegation. "Ningyo, I think there's a girl over there who wants to have a bit of fun yet she is too shy to do so.  Why don't you head over there and introduce her to our cuisine, and while you're at it, make yourself a friend."

"Ok sister!" My sister replied before she skipped over to Mei, daughter of Consort Ling. It takes no time at all for Ningyo to swoop Mei into her rhythm and pull the latter everywhere. We all watch their interaction with smiles while the Chinese delegation gives us grateful nods. Much to the chagrin of the Japanese.

"I hope we aren't late." Said the familiar Einstein who is pulling Mobius and Nicolae along. The reason is Mobius is protesting about attending a useless party and Nicolae is being distracted by everything she deems fascinating in this hall. The last thing Einstein needs is a Shoggoth climbing and remodeling the Christmas tree in the middle of the room.

I snicker at their action, not forgetting to admire the view while at it also. Unknowingly, mama is also doing the same, even if she's secretly being pinched by both mom and Bryn. Elysia, well, is being Elysia I guess? The woman is also not hiding her intention in checking the brainiacs out.

Regardless, after spending more than enough time with this family of mine, the geniuses are used to their antics. 

"You guys aren't late, even though I can see that you've been making efforts in dressing up for the occasion." I then say. "They suit you well."

Einstein is wearing a stringless sapphire blue dress, matching her hair while Mobius is, surprisingly, sporting a black and white dress that leaves her back exposed. A bold design choice from her but a welcome one as her hourglass body leaves many wanting.

Nicolae though is wearing her trademark purple dress with a v-cut. The mature Shoggoth doesn't take much effort to maintain her beauty but I doubt she would prioritize it over being inventive. Even now, we can feel her desire to just cut loose and make this occasion even grander than it's now.

I said that because per the plan, Berlin will be having a nighttime light show that will be broadcasted to the rest of the country. I dread the feeling when Nicolae would be the one to be in charge of the celebration. Nevertheless, the light show will be some time away, the night is still young, after all.

As we have all gathered, we spend time chatting and mingling either with ourselves or our close colleagues. Due to the nature of the celebration being a light-hearted one, heavy topics aren't being discussed openly but you can hear some insinuating stuff here and there in the gathering of diplomats. Many did also try and get close to us for a get-along chat, their attention mostly fall on me and my mothers. We adeptly maneuver around people like this, of course, it's good to get along with each other and it's great to be on guard with the people that have an agenda. Either way, Section One will be keeping an eye on everybody for many of them are persons of interest that may help Belka in the long term.

Amidst the meet-and-greet, the super idol Eden takes to the stage. Wearing a wine-colored dress, the lady performs many songs that are synonymous with Christmas. And yes, we also broadcast the concert via all media, can't leave an opportunity like this to waste. Her heavenly voice has no doubt enchanted many people, funny because it's her own hard work that gets her here, not by any sort of blessing. Once the concert is over, she comes to join Elysia for a discussion, to which both sides seem to click and are very favorable to each other. It's great to see Elysia makes a new friend.

As for me, after a while, I suddenly come face to face with a hunk of a man, a good one, mind you. With a welcoming smile on my face, I greet the older man.

"Saint Nicholas Cage, as expected, it will be weird not to see you on this occasion." 

Wearing a bright red suit and sporting majestic white hair and a long white beard, the old man that has been munching on some biscuits turns around in surprise. "Hohoho! Princess Yukia, Merry Christmas to you!"

I nod. "A Merry Christmas to you too, Mr. Santa."

That's right, it's Santa Claus! Bearer of gifts for the good and charcoal for the naughty. 

"Thank you, Princess. I must say that the mood for this Christmas has been many times better than the last. I can't wait to see how it will improve after a few more years under your leadership." Santa commented with a jovial laugh, his belly shaking up and down yet don't let it fool you. He packs a set of muscles beneath that thick winter clothing that makes bodybuilders looks like a kid.

"You flatter me, Mr. Santa." I shake my head, not willing to accept a compliment from the personification of goodwill. "With you being here, I guess it's almost time for you to go deliver presents across the globe."

Santa crosses his trunks for arms, nodding powerfully. "That's right! This year, the good kids outnumbered the bad by a lot. I have high hope that the next generation will be bright and shine! With any bit of luck, Belka will have a much brighter future if you play your cards right." Santa advised patiently.

I take the advice seriously, knowing that the wisdom of the old man in front of me is not to be taken lightly. "I'm grateful for your information, Mr. Santa. Now then, knowing that you will have to prepare for the upcoming Christmas delivery, I will leave you to it. Have a Merry Christmas, Mr. Santa."

"You too, Princess!" Santa nodded, patting my shoulder before fading into specks of golden light. 

I show a light smile, knowing that this is another year that the good kids will receive small but meaningful gifts from Santa himself. 

"Santa Claus is coming to town~!" It's funny how the band is playing that song, very fitting.

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