Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich

Volume 2, Prologue: Gathering of money-grubbers

Volume 2, Prologue: Gathering of money-grubbers



"Citizens of Belka, this is your Daily Morning Channel, broadcasting from the breathtaking City of Berlin! Today, we have a special announcement to be made by the Belkan Ministry of Internal Affairs. Over to you, Sir Ozma!"


The usual jovial voice of the channel's broadcaster comes out from the radio. Though this time, it's not the usual news and weather reports, but an official announcement from the government itself.


"Thank you, young lady! Now, onto the topic at hand." An old but spirited voice replaced the younger one. "At many of you would have known and prepared for this eventual day, the Months of Demons have arrived! Aye, the trying time has befallen the world, once again! Lady, have you and your family prepared enough necessities?"


The Lady from before says positively. "Yes! With prior experience from the last round, our family is now well-stocked in terms of food, water, fuel, and medical supplies. Thankfully, despite the increase in demand for these products, the market prices for them remain low. This has allowed citizens from all walks of life to remain afloat despite the impending danger. Sir Ozma, can you explain how the Reich was able to keep the pricing of goods this low? From what I've gathered, most other countries have inflation in price."


Sir Ozma answers with a well-prepared explanation. "Aye, that I can. It's all because of proper planning and management of resources. Unlike other countries, Belka is sitting upon a plethora of natural and exotic resources. This removes the need of importing goods from overseas and with the recent political climate, even that will be near impossible. What I'm saying here is that Belka is self-sufficient from the rest of the world. By using magics and blessings, we can ensure the healthiness of our crops or conjure rainwater. Mining is made simpler thanks to earth magics. While our heavy industries have never been safer with the dwarves overseeing them. Though they tend to be quite bombastic in their works but overall, they're one funny group of people once you get to know them. Of course, we have also maintained strict discipline in protecting the environment. This ensures the quality of life of our people, lessening the chance of them catching a disease and thus, improving productivity. On the off chance that they have to visit a hospital, treatment is kept at a low-cost thanks to healing magics. All of these combined have ensured that every single one of our citizens has access to the things they need, at a moment's notice."


"I see, thank you for your explanation, Sir Ozma. It's truly a blessing to be a citizen of the Reich." 


"We're blessed to be living under the boons provided by the Mother Goddess. Regardless, I must remind every citizen to be careful. Demons and zombies are a crystalization of baleful mana, meaning they can appear anywhere with a high concentration of mana in the atmosphere. However, they tend to not appear in areas with high population density, namely: villages, towns, and cities... due to the high volume of life mana. Still, Demons and zombies can spawn in the surrounding area such places, lying in ambush for under-equipped travelers. The military, police, and adventurers are there to keep these beings in check. But they can't be everywhere at the same time, so citizens must exercise caution when going outside. If you come across either a demon or a zombie, report to the nearest authority figure, station, or camp. Let the experts deal with them for I need not say the bad end for those losing their lives to the demons. Becoming a zombie is not a way to go."


With the announcement out of the way, the Daily Morning Channel returns to its usual contents, only with Sir Ozma as a special guest. I told Erika to turn off the radio, opting to have some peace for the rest of the drive.


Right now, I and Ningyo are being driven to a gathering of Belka's most brilliant minds. My goal today is to disseminate my plans, thus dividing my workload among them. In five years, with their help, I want Belka to be a nation that is unbeatable in economic, technological, and military prowess. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Though we are having an edge over the entire world right now, mostly due to our abundant strategic resources and knowledge of the higher levels of technology. We are awfully inept at making use of them, thus wasting a whole lot of potential. For almost none of our love-living races are scientists or researchers at heart, the task mostly falls on the younger human race. While races like dwarves and goblins are more invested in crafting what they're sent with. True, there are some oddballs here and there like Lola but not enough to change an entire nation. In terms of RPG, it's like you have higher Intelligence yet no Wisdom to use it. The chief reason why this is the case is that all, and I mean ALL Gods and Goddesses that held divinity over Wisdom and Knowledge were killed. The Previous Era's stupid power holders hunted them all down in fear of them throwing a revolt. With no one governing Wisdom and Knowledge, our scientists have to fumble their way in their research.


I, however, hope to change that. 


"We're here, Yuki," Erika said as she pulls the car to a stop. "let me get the door for you."


Nodding at her, I let her do her things while I try to wake up Ningyo. My little sis is leaning on my shoulder, peacefully asleep since she had woken up quite early in the morning.


Poking her cheek a few times with a smile on my face, Ningyo groggily wakes up. 


"Sister, are we there yet?"


I chuckle at her choice of words. "Silly, we're already here. Now let's get yourself presentable."


I help tidy up Ningyo before Erika finishes up her security check. With the all greens given, Erika opens the door just in time for me to done fixing Ningyo's bed hairs.


"Let's go, today is an important day!" I said with a smile, one that Ningyo also returns.


"Let's ace it!" I laugh at that strange conviction of hers. Not sure where she even learned that expression.


Standing at the precipe of what would later be dubbed the Mansion of Wisdom, the servants push open the grand entrance to welcome us in.


"It's show time."




I sit down at the chair for the main host of the event. Looking further down the long table across me, I can see many young and old faces. Aside from the rare expectant look on a few of them, most have an expression that they would rather get back to work. Can't blame them for they're paid to do the job while I commandeered their time.


Clapping my hands together to get their attention, I calmly say. "I will keep this brief, the upcoming talk will be treated as a top-secret one. Meaning, any and all information discussed in this room will be on a need-to-know basis. You're smart so I don't have to explain what will happen if you have a loose mouth. Those that are getting cold feet, please get out or you will be wasting everybody's time."


My words successfully grab the interest of a few of them, even if a few remain unimpressed. Regardless, none stand up and leave the room. I nod before turning over to Ningyo.


"Help me distribute the files to all of them." My sister nods before skipping around the large table with a couple of servants. In their hands are well-organized folders that contain some crucial info on what I'm about to say next.


I smile warmly when a few of the hard-headed scientists fail to contain a smile when they receive the folder from Ningyo. My sister is too cute wearing a white one-piece dress with a black jacket, after all. I quirk an eyebrow when I see a mature, green hair, female scientist having an inner struggle. The woman apparently wants to pat Ningyo or something. 


I harrumph, pulling their eyes away from either the folder or Ningyo.


"The files in your hand are divided into two color codes: black is for your eyes only while Yellow can be discussed inside this mansion." I wave my hands around the whole mansion. "By not taking my offer, thus leaving the room, this mansion will be your new workplace, regardless of whether you wanted it or not."


A few are about to stand up in protest but I stop them by putting up a hand. "Let me finish! Your personal stuff will be moved here and placed in your designated quarter. Your salary will be double and your funding is provided by my own pocket! All that I ask is for you to cooperate and focus on developing the stuff that I want, under my instruction."


The green hair woman from before speaks up, waving her files around lazily. "How does that different from before then?"


Ignoring her rudeness, I say. "Dr. Mobius, the difference here is that I will be providing you with detailed plans and instructions, gone are the days you have nowhere to look at to further your research. And if you want more funding, you need only convince me to grant you some. For I, quite literally, has infinite resources for I am the Reich Marshal!"


I stop, pointing at the files marked in black in her hands. "Take a look at the black files before you speak anything. In fact, I think you all should take a peek but do keep it discreet."


Dr. Mobius looks at me suspiciously before her hands pull up the files I designated. The others follow suit, taking care not to have any of them revealed more than necessary. At first, they're skeptical but after a few minutes in, they turn frantic. Their eyes crazily dart around the pages, their hands furiously scribbling on their notebooks, calculating the prospect shown on the pages. It's only tens of minutes later, during which I spend time playing with Ningyo, that Dr. Mobius and the rest wake up from their studious attitude.


A bit embarrassed by their earlier display, a woman with light blue hair and purple eyes expresses her apology. "Please excuse us for our lack of decorum, Marshal. We were, quite literally, entranced by the information in the black files." She fixes her glass and pulls away a strand of red hair on her forehead before saying with a curious look. "The files are, quite literally, God sent. Just the first page alone has provided us with so many answers to many of our problems. How is it that you can acquire such information, Marshal?"


I smirk while waving my hand dismissively. "I'm afraid that is classified, Dr. Einstein." I stop before adding. "You would have to gain my trust for me to explain. For now, I assume that you all have no qualms about working under me?"


Mobius represents every scientist and researcher in the room with her answer, her pale green eyes have a maddening glint behind them. "Do you still have to ask, Marshal? Even though we're genius, we have been muddling through unknown water for so long. A few of us have even given up on achieving anything of note in our lifetime. Yet, you opened our eyes, pointing us toward the correct path in our research. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance and we will be worse than a monkey not to take it up!"


Mobius stall her words before adding with a smirk. "That and the promise of additional funding are too good to pass up.


The other nods in agreement, they have stupid grins on their face as they complain about the lack of funds, good-naturedly. I just laugh along with them for I know that scientists and researchers put a lot of fixation on money. Only Dr. Einstein facepalms at her colleagues' antic, though even she is tempted by the money on the table.


"Fine! If cash and gold bars are what you need then as long as you deliver me good results, I will flood your department with funds! I promise you that for I have more than enough money in my coffer." 


Asides from Dr. Einstein and Ningyo, the others have dollars in their eyes after my guarantee. Looking at them, Ningyo can't help but be put off by their heated gaze. "Sister, they are dangerous and greedy."


My little sister innocently said that while stepping forward to shield me from their gazes. Her action instantly causes a majority of them to deflate, none want to be hated by a cute girl, after all.


I just chuckle while patting Ningyo's hair. "It's fine, they're just too excited. Now, let's continue to talk about our research direction, shall we? I want to address the Civilian sector first."


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