Reincarnated as a Divine Tree

Chapter 132: Set off

Chapter 132: Set off

Before, his father had instructed him to store the pelts and other materials from the fierce beasts, likely anticipating today’s situation.

According to Oliver’s description, these items should be able to fetch some Jade Coins.

Additionally, the excess Blood Rice from the clan could also be sold for Jade Coins.

Although Blood Rice doesn’t have the same effects as the Bodhi Fruit sold in shops, its abundance should ensure it sells well.

The next day, many people of the clan gathered in the open space outside the family grounds.

Nearby, several small, simple two-wheeled carts were lined up. These were usually used by the clan for loading and unloading goods, extremely lightweight, but today they were filled with various items like fierce beast pelts and tusks, as well as two carts full of Blood Rice.

These items were just a small portion of the clan’s stock, with only about two hundred pounds of Blood Rice. Before confirming that the Blood Rice could sell for a good price, the clan had to act cautiously.

Moreover, the Blood Rice was also a test to see how the Four Great Families of Yong’an City would react.

This mission was quite severe. After discussing with his father and other clan elders, Ethan Chen dispatched ten clan members.

Among them were three in the Blood Condensation Realm and six in the Body Tempering Realm, with Elijah Chen leading the journey.

These individuals were all known for their steady personalities within the clan.

As for the last person, it was James Chen, a house servant.

At this moment, James Chen was wearing the clan’s custom-made attire, standing confidently at the end of the crowd, with a hint of joy on his face.

A month ago, thanks to the clan’s body tempering techniques and the flesh and blood of fierce beasts, he had transformed from an ordinary person into a clan warrior.

Although he was only in the early stages of Body Tempering and, due to his age, other clan members said it would be difficult for him to enter the Blood Condensation Realm, James Chen was still very satisfied.

Now, he had even gained the favor of the Clan Chief, allowing him to participate in this outing, a privilege many clan members envied.

Seeing the curiosity and envy in the eyes of the surrounding clan members, James Chen felt even happier but remained cautious.

After all, now that he held a “high position,” many house servants were watching him, and he couldn’t afford to make mistakes.

“Is everyone ready?”

Ethan Chen looked at the eager and spirited clan members before him and asked.

In fact, he had originally wanted to send more people to avoid any accidents, preferably including Oliver Chen, an Innate Realm warrior.

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But after discussing with his father, they decided that the clan was going to sell goods, not to fight.

Moreover, with the Sacred Tree’s manifestation and the summoning of the light screen, even if something unexpected happened, the clan could quickly send reinforcements, which made Ethan Chen abandon his previous idea.

Besides, having an Innate Realm warrior enter the city could easily cause a stir, which would be counterproductive.

“Clan Chief, everything is ready.”

Elijah Chen nodded solemnly.

As the leader of this journey, he bore a heavy responsibility. Although he was old and experienced, he had never left the Disordered Burial Mountain, only seeing the outside world through the light screen, which was very different from personally going there.

Seeing the tension in Elijah Chen’s heart, Ethan Chen smiled and said:

“Elijah, this trip is just to broaden the clan’s horizons and understand the situation in the city. If things don’t go well, as long as everyone returns safely, that’s enough.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Good, it’s getting late, and the journey is tough. You should set off early.”

After checking the clan members’ conditions and their provisions, the group of ten pushed the carts and left the clan in a grand procession.

Behind them, many clan members looked on with envy. They were the younger generation, and of course, they also wanted to see the prosperous Yong’an City that Oliver Chen had described.

But they understood that this was a significant mission, not a sightseeing trip.

According to the clan elders, if this trip went smoothly, they would also have a great chance to go to the city in the future, which made them even more eager, silently praying to the Sacred Tree for the clan members’ safe journey.

After seeing the clan members off, Ethan Chen finally looked away.

As he glanced around at the many clan members, his heart suddenly skipped a beat. He quickly scanned the crowd, seemingly looking for two familiar figures.

But after looking around twice, he still didn’t see the people he was looking for.

This made Ethan Chen think to himself:

“Damn it! Those two rascals!”

“Lucas, are we really doing this? What if the Clan Chief and my parents find out?”

On a newly opened path in the dense forest, Lucas Chen and Alexander Chen were slowly walking with their backpacks.

But at this moment, Alexander Chen looked worried.

The previous times were fine since they were still within the clan grounds, but this time, they had actually ventured outside the clan. If his parents found out, even with Mason Chen’s good temper, he would probably get a beating.

“Alexander, don’t worry. It’s not far. We’re just going out to broaden our horizons. Don’t you want to see Yong’an City?”

“Besides, isn’t my father up ahead? If things go wrong, we can just join them.”

“I’ll take the beating alone if it comes to that!”

Hearing this, Alexander Chen shook his head:

“No, I’ll take it too!”

“Good brother, it’s a deal!”

Putting their worries aside, the two stopped overthinking and slowly followed behind the clan’s group.

Although it was risky, Lucas Chen had a sense of proportion. The outside world was not as safe as the Disordered Burial Mountain. In his dreams, he had already pestered his grandfather to tell him some travel tips, so there would be no problems this time.

Besides, he deliberately stayed behind the clan’s group to avoid encountering danger along the way.

“Clan Chief, the Spirit-Tailed Chicken that went missing a few months ago has returned!”

Seeing the excited clan member before him, Ethan Chen was slightly taken aback.

He remembered that a Spirit-Tailed Chicken had gone missing two months ago. At the time, he hadn’t paid much attention, but he didn’t expect it to return.

This Spirit-Tailed Chicken, which had been noticed by the Sacred Tree, must have something extraordinary about it.

After thinking for a moment, Ethan Chen said:

“Let it roam freely for now, no need to worry about it.”

“Yes, Clan Chief.”

In the Ancestral Hall, Noah Ji watched as the returned Spirit-Tailed Chicken strutted around the clan grounds.

Compared to a few months ago, the Spirit-Tailed Chicken had undergone many changes.

Its size had doubled, but it seemed to have had a tough time outside, looking somewhat thin.

Perhaps that was the main reason it had returned.

Now, the Spirit-Tailed Chicken’s condition had improved significantly, and it looked more spirited.

Especially after returning to the clan and finding that it wasn’t locked in the chicken coop, it seemed even more pleased, with its large red comb standing tall.

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