Reincarnated As A Plant Life

Chapter 23 Neighborly Hostility


The sound emanated from close by, followed by the faint rhythmic tip-tapping of tiny feet, ~I thought Alpha instructed the leaflings not to go past these shrubs,~ Lucius thought to himself, before fleeing behind the nearest shrub he could find, erasing his presence entirely.

"I don't understand why we have to watch them. They're easy prey, I say we just rush in right now and eat them all."

"I don't think 𝘏𝘌 would be too happy with that. You remember what happened to the others after they disobeyed 𝘏𝘐𝘔 right?"

"I don't like 𝘏𝘐𝘔, he just sprouted a month ago and already he acts like an elder."

Lucius could discern that there were two distinct voices. However, though he could understand what they were saying, it was sort of hard for him to fully process it as they seemed to be speaking a different dialect from the one used by the leaflings.

"Say what you will. But the feasting has been good since 𝘏𝘌 began leading, and though 𝘏𝘐𝘚 ways seem foreign and new, they have worked. 𝘏𝘌 has brought us prosperity beyond that of any other elder," the other voice replied.

Lucius peaked past the spaces in between the shrubs to get a look at the outsiders. From what he could make out, they seemed to be hostile. Right now he was wondering whether to take them out and interrogate them or avoid interaction altogether.

~𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮𝘴?~ Lucius thought in surprise once he saw the two entities come into vision. They were about the size of an apple, at least a centimeter or so shorter than him but with the same depth. They had brown torsos and a red cap for a head, reminding him of the poisonous red-cap mushrooms back on Earth.

But what separated them from the latter, were their hands and feet, and the rows of sharp projections crowded within their maws.

"Huh? What's this? Was this here yesterday?" one of them asked as they stared at the pillars that Lucius had planted.

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"I don't think so, it looks like something was digging here not too long ago," the other replied as it felt the moist earth.

"Perhaps it was one of the six-legged-ones?" its partner responded, suddenly more aware of its surroundings.

"Impossible, we haven't seen their markings on the ground. Besides, they dig into the ground for dwelling, never have I seen them build such structures before."

After inspecting the pillars, the two entities began searching the surrounding area. However, due to Lucius's green skin, he blended almost perfectly into the surrounding forest, making him nearly impossible to find unless he moved.

"Should we destroy it?" one of the shroom-beings asked as they met back at the pillars.

"No, 𝘏𝘌 said not to leave any evidence of our presence. We will leave it here and report back. Now grab a leaf and cover our markings, I'll make sure there are no threats nearby," its partner replied, before going back towards the direction they had come.

The remaining shroom-being took a leaf and began sweeping all their tracks off the ground, leaving it in a near identical state to before they had arrived. After a few minutes, the two had disappeared back into the forest, all trace of them having been there completely erased.

~This isn't good,~ Lucius thought, finally allowing himself to breathe once he was sure that the threat had passed.

~Covering up their tracks, reporting to seniors, having the mind to keep watch for one another, they're like a unit, more sentient than I would've ever thought,~ he thought to himself, before slowly heading back towards the main camp. He had no mind to continue building the watchtower right now.

~We're alive only because someone in their group is being cautious, I'm not sure whether to be grateful or scared at the sentiment.~


"Ah, Captain you'r-"

"Alpha call everyone in the camp. We're going to start a photosynthesis session..." Lucius interrupted, taking a moment to think "and its compulsory for everyone," he finished off.

"But I thought we had to test for side-effects first," Alpha replied, though he still called over a few of his men to spread the word.

"If there are any side effects, I'll deal with them, but right now it's an order. Anyone who doesn't want to join is free to do so, however, they should be made aware that they will be forced to leave the camp," Lucius continued, his eyes faraway in thought.

~They're too organised, I had assumed that all the other creatures here would've been as clueless as the leaflings, but it seems I was mistaken. If the leaflings don't evolve soon, they'll be easy pickings,~ he thought to himself.

"Isn't that a bit harsh, Lucy?" Ghost said from behind him, having overheard what he told Alpha.

"I'm not forcing anyone to take part in the exercises, however at least this much is necessary. I ca- we can't afford to have anyone skip out on this," he replied. ~Though I have a feeling not even this much will be enough.~

"Ahh, Lighted One, I heard everyone will be taking part in this session. I do look forward to this," Pagan said excitedly, taking a seat beside Lucius before the other leaflings had even begun to group up.

Lucius briefly explained what they were about to do, and though most of the leaflings present were still confused about the details, they complied with Lucius's orders.

After several minutes everyone had taken a seat, forming a circle around the camp. Each leafling had its tip touching an adjacent leafling, all of them forming a sort of chain starting out from Lucius.

"Okay, Pagan, push the orb up when you're ready. Check if you can do the same, Alpha, though don't be too distressed if you can't, just focus on absorption," Lucius said, turning to look at Alpha and Pagan who were sitting to his left and right respectively. They nodded in response before closing their eyes.

"Okay, photosynthesis," Lucius whispered, closing his eyes as well, before focusing on the orb within his core. After a moment he felt its familiar pulse, and another moment later he could feel an outside presence extending its reach towards it, pushing it upwards. It seemed Alpha was incapable of reaching out to it, as Lucius could only discern a single presence.

The orb slowly lifted till it ascended out of his body and a warm blanket covered his entire being.

[Shared photosynthesis]

[Absorbing 270 Helios per second]

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