Reincarnated as a Son of the Sword Saint and the Sage

Chapter 128 128: Battle Rages


An unimaginable torrent of energy is being condensed beneath the compacted earth, forcing the silver to step back a hundred meters from the Sinkhole.

She had acknowledged that power before—the power that caused destruction and the demise of everything. That is why, the moment she sensed that power just now, she immediately backed out.

As the fox ran, a loud explosion echoed from the horizon. She stopped her paws, looked back, and saw a pillar of light illuminated from the Sinkhole she cast.

The explosion wasn't as large as before, probably around a few kilotons. Unlike the first one, an all-range attack, the nuke this time was directed upright, obliterating the layers of thick obstacles that the fox had laid out before.

Once the annihilating lights of the Atomic Age faded, the black dragon thunderously flew and came out of its grave.

"HA HA HA HA!" The dragon laughed and soared, then hovered itself in the air.

The dragon glared at the fox, and it did the same with the fox. The fox inspected the dragon and noticed it had been completely healed and had regained its full strength.

Seeing the bouncing state of the dragon, the silver fox flashed a smile. Not a smile of despair but a smile of success. The fox has fulfilled her objective.

The reason for her combined attack before was not to defeat the dragon but to force it to use one of its cards—the once-a-day full restoration ability of the black dragon's Immortal unique skill.

That ability of the Immortal unique skill allows the dragon to totally restore and repair anything that had been lost. The physical body, the magical reservoir, and the spiritual body.

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However, the dragon can use it once every twenty-four hours. The dragon will resort to using it in a pinch. The first and last time the dragon used this ability was about a month ago, when it fought an existence greatly superior to its own.

Being back in its prime state, the black dragon has been emitting its overwhelming presence as the apex predator of the forest. Its presence alone has put any weak creatures into submission or even death.

But that doesn't work for the Celestial Fox, who is around Level two thousand and a monarch of her kind herself. The area itself has been set up to become a fighting ground for the two legendary beings.

The fox knew from the beginning that she was no match for the Ancient Dragon of Darkness. Its level was way too superior compared to herself.

Raphael already knew that the dragon could restore itself once it felt drained. That was why, before the dragon arrived, Raphael gave that information to the fox and planned to inflict damage and drain the mana of the dragon as much as they could.

But the dragon is basically immortal and superior to them in terms of raw power. The longer the fight goes, the more the disadvantage would turn over to them.

It was a saving grace that the dragon had depleted its magic by releasing a devastating World Magic spell. The nuke greatly weakened the dragon's body to the point that it was easily disabled by the fox.

The fox managed to push the dragon to use its limited abilities in the end. Raphael was not here yet since he was busy with something. While waiting for his return, the fox had to keep the dragon occupied and buy as much time as she could.


After the dragon declared that, an ominous and sinister black aura enveloped the whole body of the black dragon. The fox was alerted by her sensors to avoid getting in contact with it as much as possible.

The fox quickly cloaked herself in the white light of the Light Magic Level 10 Holy Light to counter the dragon's soul-cursing Dark Magic Level 10 Malignant Darkness.

From its hovering position, the black dragon dived itself fast towards the silver fox. Once the dragon reached her, she immediately coiled a bushy tail of hers around each of the dragon's limbs. The impact of the dragon's dive pushed the fox several meters.

Both of the spells that they cast on themselves are reacting with each other as they collide. Due to the attributes clad in their bodies, they literally embodied the battle of evil and justice.

The fox set her four paws firmly on the ground as she was being dragged by the dragon's force. Her tails released smoke as they maintained their contact with the dragon body.

Using her remaining six tails, the fox stretched them at her back and entwined them together into one. The fox again activated her Soul Scathe before thrusting her swirling combined tails towards the dragon's chest at incredible speed.


The swirling, unified tails resistantly drilled and pierced the tough Elder Dragon Scales of the black dragon and penetrated through its back, crushing its heart in the process.


The dragon opened its mouth and released a sonic blast called the Dragon Blast. The invisible blast hit the full body of the fox, knocking her back several meters.

Once the tails were pulled out of its chest, the Immortal unique skill passively patched the hole in the dragon's chest. The hole is quite big and deep; there are organs being destroyed, and regenerating them all took several seconds.

As the dragon is recovering itself, five large and thick metal chains have started to sprout from the ground. In a heartbeat, the chains quickly sprang up and bound the healing dragon.

The first chain wrapped around the dragon's left hind leg and vined up to its torso. The second took the other leg and climbed all the way around its neck.

The third chain coiled around its chest and locked up its front limbs. After the first three chains restrained the dragon, they tightened their grips and stabbed their pointed tips into the dragon's healing chest.


Then, the fourth and fifth chains sprang from the sides and pushed the dragon downwards, successfully pinning a massive monster on the ground with the Compound Magic Level 6 Binding Chains.

If used by a normal human mage, it would only conjure normal iron chains. But being cast by a Level 2000 mystical being could manifest gigantic, thick chains as durable as orichalcum.

Once the fox had efficaciously managed to incapacitate the dragon, she invoked her next move. A relatively small World Magic spell.

She stiffened her paws on the earth and erected all her bushy tails in a fan. Then she channeled a large portion of her mana onto the ground for the big spell she was about to invoke.

The next thing the dragon knew was that the earth was shaking. A few seconds later, the ground suddenly rose up. With the dragon at the center, two massive plates of earth quickly and bizarrely closed up like a book.

The dragon has stuck under the earth once again. This time, two gigantic plates have collided to sandwich the dragon between them.

World Magic Level 4 Tectonic Flip is a powerful spell that was supposed to turn an entire tectonic plate of a continent over. The more the power is applied, the greater the area of the plate to flip like pancakes.

Since the fox consumed an amount of mana earlier and doesn't have much mana in her, the Tectonic Flip she cast only created a pair of five hundred meters of quarter-sphere landmass, forming a kilometer-wide dome of earth.

In spite of her efforts, the black dragon is trying to get out of its grave. But the fox has been anticipating the dragon's struggle. She has already cast her follow up attack beforehand.

The dome makes a small crack, which then extends and is scattered throughout the dome. Bright lights came out of the cracks, and the dome exploded a beat later.

After the debris was blasted out and scattered around the area, the figure of the dragon unfolded, glowing like a sun. Around the dragon are scorched earth and molten rocks and minerals that were melted by its Smelting Heat spell.

Once the dragon finally escaped, the dragon sensed that the fox had stepped back a few kilometers. Then suddenly, for an uncertain reason, something huge hit the spot where the dragon was standing.


After that, a very powerful shockwave blasted out from the spot and took down the standing trees around. So devastating that the overpressure reached a few kilometers away.

Cold mist and fog enveloped the area after the disastrous impact. Once they dissipated, a large crater of misty, cold water unveiled itself.

The fox approached the misty lake and witnessed the product of her World Magic spell, Comet. She had to conserve her mana so the effects of her Comet weren't as destructive as its full potential.

In the middle of the lake, the figure of the dragon surfaced, crushed by a large frozen object, around two hundred meters wide, and crippled like a slapped mosquito.

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