Reincarnated as a Son of the Sword Saint and the Sage

Chapter 170 Nightmare


Demonic Whip Asmodeus

Grade: Legendary

Description: One of the legendary 「Seven Demonic Weapon」 series that recognizes its owner. The core of the cord was made out of a modified, flexible, and stretchable tentacle of a Creatrix and coated with extremely durable Verdantine, while the handle was made of the same metal. The owner can manipulate the whip at the user's will. It inflicts damage, but the target feels pleasure instead of pain. Can only be obtained from the reward chest after defeating a high difficulty dungeon boss.

Effect: Subjugation - allows the user to forcefully put a target into servitude (the effectiveness varies with the target's will).

Indestructible - this weapon cannot be destroyed unless it is of mythical grade.

Owner: None


What the hell? What kind of BDSM tool was this weapon?! This whip was basically what a sadist would be dreaming to get a hand of.

The name of the weapon was Asmodeus, the demon of lust, and its effects fit very well with its name.

The materials used for this whip were novel to my vocabulary, but I could guess that the verdantine was of the same grade as the metal of Mother's rapier, Lavandine, which was verified by Akashvani.

(So what is a Creatrix, by the way?)

<Creatrix is an amorphous and androgynous monster and is the zenith evolution of all the slime races when one reaches Level 1500.>

Hm. Creatix was peak of the slimes, huh? The Abyss Slime already was horrifying and a Creatrix would be definitely much more frightening than that. Creatrix was pretty interesting, let's ask Akashvani more about it later.

"Well, this weapon is really of a legendary grade. Moreover, this whip is a weapon of the Demonic Series, the same as both of yours."

"Yeah, Raphael." Mom agreed. "I, too, was shocked when I learned it was in the same series as ours."

"But the effects of this whip are downright dangerous and terrifying."

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Holding the verdant handle of the whip, I moderately lashed the whip and hit the left calf of Mother with its tip to give it a try.

"Ouch! It hurts, Raphael!"

"Sorry, Mother. I am just trying its functionality, but it seems to be ineffective without a right wielder."

"Well, your Mom did that to me a very long time ago." Mother then stroked the back of her head awkwardly. "But your Mom seemed to be enjoying it, so I let my butt be hit until she was satisfied, and we never did it once again."


Then I shifted my gaze to Mom and found her smiling, possibly proud of what she did, and said, "I was just relieving the stress that your Mother had given me at that time."

(Did they have a BDSM play before?) I thought inwardly and then coiled around the whip.

"Sigh. Aside from its masochistic effect, the Subjugation ability of the whip was scary on a large scale. The Nightmare might have used it to take control of those countless will-less monsters."

"She must be." Mom nodded.

"Mom, can I keep this?"

"Not a problem."

"Thank you." Then I threw the whip into my Inventory.

Now that the matter of the legendary weapon has been settled, let us move on to the real topic.

"Okay, Mom. You can start now."

"Hm." Mom nodded and then raised her arms at chest level. "I will be putting her here..."

As soon as Mom said that, a seven foot wide black oval shaped disk was conjured on the floor. As Mom slowly raised her hands up, the disk raised up as well.

As the disk was slowly elevating, the body of the Nightmare started to show up. When the body had been completely gotten out of its timeless (literally) and cold grave for years, Mom dispersed her Item Box and the corpse of the Nightmare unfolded before our eyes.

"So this is how she looks." I muttered as I stared at the corpse in front of us.

"I had cast a preservation magic spell that stopped the blessing before putting her into my subspace, so I am quite surprised to see that the magic is still active up to now."

"Well, it is because you are a great sorceress, Mom."

Because of Mom's magic and Item Box, the corpse was perfectly preserved and in pristine condition, if you ignore the stab wound and blood on her chest.

The lifeless body lying on the floor was owned by a bombshell sleeping beauty with silky Venetian red hair. Her skin was snow white, that was not because she was dead; it was her natural tone.

She seemed to be physically in her mid twenties and remarkably busty under her revealing outfit. Her non-human traits did not fall behind either, and they did not diminish a bit of her naturally attractive beauty.

Curling forward out of her temples were a pair of black ram horns. The most notable and conspicuous were the pair of black feathered wings that sprouted out of the back of her hips. And in her lying position, those were folded around her hips as if they were the lower part of a lovely black gown.

The whip-like tail of her prior race, succubus, had gone. It probably disappeared during evolution in exchange for the wings.

Aside from her head-turning looks, there were some things about her that caught my attention.

Her body was kept inside an Item Box, a subspace where time does not flow, so her body was visibly free of decay and decomposition. The condition of her body was preserved way better than in a fridge.

Also, being inside an isolated dimension prevented a certain part of her from escaping—her soul. Therefore, the condition of her body was suitable for this particular magic.

"Hey, Mom." I folded my arms, glanced at Mom, and asked. "Are you aware that she could be resurrected?"

"Yes, Raphael." Mom replied. "But we decided not to revive her since it was too risky."

"Hm, I understand. Reviving her would definitely be too perilous, for her body and for the surroundings as well."

Resurrecting the dead requires a lot of consideration before execution. The resurrection of this Nightmare had things that needed to be thought about deeply and thoroughly.

The body must be fresh and should be in as good a condition as possible, which was fulfilled. But there was one problem that made my mothers decide against reviving the Nightmare, her soul was pierced by Mother's divine technique and was damaged.

Resurrecting a body with a damaged soul would have undetermined consequences, such as temporary or permanent loss of memories, skills, or even Levels.

But according to Akashvani, damaged souls would naturally heal over time and would not be affected by the passage of artificially created time. And after being sealed inside a subspace for seventeen years, I think her soul should be fully restored now.

Even though the physical and spiritual bodies were ready for resurrection, there were still problems afterwards.

After her revival, the Nightmare might throw tantrums that could possibly hurt us and destroy the surroundings. But I already had remedies for those.

"Let's give it a try, mothers."

"But are you sure it would be fine?"

"Of course, Mother. If a secured place and restrictions are all we need, I can provide those as easily as one two three."

"Well," Mom said, walking toward my body and then wrapping her arm around my right. "If that is what Raphael says, we can assure that."

"Indeed." Mother then grabbed my left arm and locked it with her right. "But what is Raphael going to do once she is successfully revived?"

"..." I silently stared at the corpse, thinking about something.

"Raphael?" Noticing my silence, Mom asked. "You are not thinking about something indecent, aren't you?"

"...Interrogation." I plainly uttered. "I will be conducting an interrogation on her, mothers."

"Really?" Mom gave me a doubtful look.


"Sigh." Mother let out a sigh. "Well, whatever. There are mysteries that are shrouding the world, so she might have known a thing or two about it."

"Right. So let me keep her body for a while."

After I carefully stored the body of the Nightmare, we walked out of the room and left the basement with our arms locked together.



Mom, Mother, and I had discussed what to do with the Nightmare's corpse, which was why we were currently in our garden before anything else.

"Mom, Mother, I want you to remember that I am always loving all of you." Standing under the shades of the gazebo, I uttered those words in front of my two mothers.

"No need to remind us, Raphael." Mother kissed my left cheek. "I will always love you, no matter what."

"Same thing here," Mom then kissed the other side. "Mommy will always love you."

"Thank you, mothers." I then embraced both of them as my response and pressed their milkers on my body as well.

"Okay." After a moment of cuddling, I let go of my arms and turned around and cast a Portal in front of us. "Mom, Mother, are you ready to meet them?"

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