Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 292 Tower Of Avarice

"So, Greed would have to remain C rank, for now- is what you're saying?"

"…Yeah. I'm not the only one who looks through the guild records. Having someone become B rank a day after they registered is gonna draw attention from the Headquarters.

Even the direct C rank promotion is also definitely gonna make heads turn, but I'd have an easier time dealing with it."

"Is that how valued B-rank adventurers are?

I thought A and S ranks should be the ones to grab that much attention."

Alok's brow twitched upon hearing Evan's question, heaving a light sigh before finally replying.

"You do realise that anything A rank and above is Grandmaster level, right?"

Evan pondered on it for a moment, thinking about how Grandmasters were the highest level of battle power for most countries and nodded in affirmation.

"Makes sense."

It was then that the connection he had initiated was accepted by the other side, however, the other party remained silent even after answering.


The silence carried on for almost thirty seconds before Evan heaved a small sigh and spoke.

"If you were gonna be too lazy to speak, then why even answer in the first place? You could have given it to someone to do so for you.

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Or toss it to the old man."

[…his office…far away.]

"You have teleportation artifacts!"

[…forgot them at home.]

The young hero face palmed before replying.

"Okay. You at least have a memory gem or a recording stone near you, right? Just record what I'm about to say and get someone to send it to Gavin.

You can do that much, right?"

In response to his words, the person on the other end of the line, Kasteblum's Vice Chief Grand Magus, Joanna Ritz, gave a low hum in reply.

Evan then relayed the new information he gained the day before, along with changes to his initial request for help from Gavin, and new messages to send to the Church in Bonas city.

"You got all that?"



"Why the weird pause? don't tell me you forgot to hit the record button?"


Joanna replied with a slow, groggy voice, with Evan asking her to play his recording right back just to be sure she hadn't missed the button.

He then pleaded with her to deliver his message to Gavin before the end of the day and stated he was going to call again later to confirm, before cutting the connection and sighing for the nth time this morning.

"Anyway, back to what we were talking about."

Evan placed the guild card on the table as he spoke, activating his mystic eyes along with another skill and turning to Alok, before asking him a question and copying his skill at the same time.

When asked what he was doing by the slightly wary guild master, Evan internally cursed at Grandmasters' sharp senses while saying that he was using his 'Track Down' skill to mark his guild card.

Although he felt it was fishy, Alok sensed Evan's magic power move and glanced at his guild card just in time to see the golden magic power mark flash across the card.

With that evidence, he went with Evan's explanation, after confirming that nothing weird happened to him, that is.

He was blissfully unaware of the fact that a certain hero had taken his energy weapon projection-type skill.

The trio talked about a few more things and Evan ended up asking the Viscount for assistance in travel supplies and customs, after which he decided to take a walk in the city while speaking with Artemisia.

'If you're gonna send help, then now's the time, you know?'

[The goddess 'Artemisia' states that it should not be forgotten that she cannot directly send help.]

[The goddess 'Artemisia' says she would speak to the entity bearing the title of 'Pope of the Holy Kingdom' and have him send a message to the Head of the Church under her name in the Great Western Empire.]

'That sounds like a roundabout means to do something. Why not just tell the Head Priest directly?'

[The goddess 'Artemisia' says that informing the pope is for your sake, to make things easier for you in the event you decide to go to the Holy Kingdom.]

'Makes sense. If I'm already known by the Pope to have ties to the goddess then it'd make things easier for me.

Unless, the Pope happens to have other intentions.'

Evan remembered who the Pope of the Alpha Continent's Holy Kingdom was, but shook his head afterwards, deciding to deal with the current issue first.

'Tell Amelie about it too, cus I highly doubt that Joanna would remember to send the message to Bonas.

Also, inform the guys in the church about Amelie's movements too.'

[The goddess 'Artemisia' says you should have more faith in the half-elf mage, but goes on to state that she would inform her vessel of the change in plans.]

[The goddess 'Artemisia' also states that Amelie isn't her only vessel so the Pope is sure to understand.]

'I don't see how that works but okay.'

With that thought he opened the door of the adventurer's guild building, ignoring all the stares he was receiving and picked up a few quests that related to gathering materials in the Tower of Avarice.

'I can't come all this way and NOT enter this legendary Dungeon.

In the game, after Hobha was destroyed, the monsters in the tower grew stronger exponentially and it became one of the top 10 most difficult dungeons in the game.

If I recall properly, I was able to acquire one of my 'World Magic' spell catalysts here.'

[The goddess 'Artemisia' states that you should give up any thoughts of attempting to cast 'World Magic' at your current level.]

"Come on Artemisia, I know I act crazy sometimes, but I'm not suicidal."

Evan spoke out loud as he entered the dungeon, deciding to blitz through to the higher floors and fight the stronger monsters alone.

'Maybe I should enter a monster room?'

[And you say you're not suicidal?]

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